## get correct variant Position, Variant_Type, Ref allele and Alt allele
getVarFeature <- function(vcfPos, ref, alt, csqalt) {
vcfPos <- as.numeric(vcfPos)
# first decide which alt is correct
if (alt != csqalt){
# if > one alt in exists, select one based on selected transcript (CSQ_info)
# varscan: the alt field can have A/G,
# mutect and muse: the alt field may have A,G
if (str_detect(alt, ",") | str_detect(alt, "/")){
alts <- str_split(alt, "[,/]")[[1]]
# handle special case: REF: C. Alt: T,CCAT. csqalt: CCAT
if (csqalt %in% alts) {
if (nchar(csqalt) == 1 & nchar(ref) == 1) { alt <- csqalt
ref <- remove1ststring(ref)
alt <- remove1ststring(csqalt)}
# for a SNP, DNP, TNP or ONP, just select the first alt as final alt
if (nchar(ref) == nchar(alts[1])) {
if (csqalt %in% alts) {alt <- csqalt}else{alt <- alts[1]}
alts <- unlist(lapply(alts, remove1ststring))
ref <- remove1ststring(ref)
# if the alt in transcript can be found in alts, return it
# otherwise, return the first alt in alts
if (csqalt %in% alts) { alt <- csqalt } else {alt <- alts[1]} }
}else if (nchar(ref) != nchar(alt)){
# remove the same prefix of ref and alt
ref <- remove1ststring(ref)
alt <- remove1ststring(alt) }
# SNV. If ref and alt have the same length and there is no -
if (nchar(ref) == nchar(alt) & !("-" %in% c(ref, alt))){
if (nchar(ref) == 1) {
return(list(vcfPos, vcfPos, 'SNP', ref, alt, TRUE))
} else if (nchar(ref) == 2) {
return(list(vcfPos, vcfPos + 1, 'DNP', ref, alt, TRUE))
} else if (nchar(ref) == 3) {
return(list(vcfPos, vcfPos + 2, 'TNP', ref, alt, TRUE))
} else {
return(list(vcfPos, vcfPos + nchar(ref) - 1, 'ONP', ref, alt, TRUE))}
} else if (ref == "-" & alt != "-"){
start_pos <- vcfPos + 1
return(list(start_pos, start_pos + 1, "INS", ref, alt,
(nchar(alt)) %% 3 == 0))
}else if (alt == "-" & ref != "-"){
start_pos <- vcfPos + 1
return(list(start_pos, start_pos + nchar(ref) - 1, "DEL", ref, alt,
(nchar(ref)) %% 3 == 0))
# if the first bp is still the same, remove the first character
}else if (substring(ref, 1, 1) == substring(alt, 1, 1)){
ref <- remove1ststring(ref)
alt <- remove1ststring(alt)
return(list(vcfPos + 2, vcfPos + 2, "INS", ref, alt,
(nchar(alt)) %% 3 == 0))
# INS, handle cases: Ref: C. Alt: AC. csqalt: CAC
}else if (nchar(alt) > nchar(ref)){
start_pos <- vcfPos + 1
ref <- "-"
alt <- substring(alt, 1, 1)
return(list(start_pos, start_pos + 1, "INS", ref, alt,
(nchar(alt)) %% 3 == 0))
mes <- paste0("Ref: ", ref, ". Alt: ", alt, ". csqalt: ", csqalt)
# remove the first string
remove1ststring <- function(chars) {
# move the 1st character
remain_char <- substring(chars, 2, nchar(chars))
# return - if no characters remain
if (remain_char == "") {
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