#' Single sample gene set score by a weighted average of the genes in geneset
#' Weights for the genes in `x` are calculated by the percent of which
#' they contribute to the principal component indicated by `eigengene`.
#' You will generally want the rows of the gene x sample matrix ``x` to
#' be z-transformed. If it is not already, ensure that `center` and
#' `scale` are set to `TRUE`.
#' When uncenter and/or unscale are `FALSE`, it means that the scores
#' should be applied on the centered or scaled values, respectively.
#' @section Normalization:
#' Scores can be normalized against a set of control genes. This results in
#' negative and postiive sample scores. Positive scores are ones where the
#' specific geneset score is higher than the aggregate control-geneset score.
#' Genes used for the control set can either be randomly sampled from the
#' rows of the `all.x` expression matrix (when `normalize = TRUE`), or
#' explicitly specified by a row-identifier character vectore passed to the
#' `normalize` parameter. In both cases, the code prefers to select a
#' random-control geneset to be of equal size as `nrow(x)`. If that's not
#' possible, we use as many genes as we can get.
#' Note that normalization requires an expression matrix to be passed into
#' the `all.x` parameter, whose columns match 1:1 to the columns in `x`.
#' Calling [scoreSingleSamples()] with `method = "ewm", normalize = TRUE`
#' handles this transparently.
#' This idea to implement this method of normalizatition was inspired from
#' the `ctrl.score` normalization found in Seurat's `AddModuleScore()` function.
#' @md
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats weighted.mean
#' @inheritParams gsdScore
#' @seealso scoreSingleSamples
#' @param eigengene the PC used to extract the gene weights from
#' @param weights a user can pass in a prespecified set of waits using a named
#' numeric vector. The names must be a superset of `rownames(x)`. If
#' this is `NULL`, we calculate the "eigenweights".
#' @param normalize If `TRUE`, each score is normalized to a randomly
#' selected geneset score. The size of the randomly selected geneset is
#' the same as the corresponding geneset. This only works with the "ewm"
#' method when unscale and uncenter are `TRUE`. By default, this is
#' set to `FALSE`, and normalization does not happen. Instead of
#' passing in `TRUE`, the user can pass in a vector of gene names
#' (identifiers) to be considered for random geneset creation. If no
#' genes are provided, then all genes in `y` are fair game.
#' @param all.x if the user is trying to normalize these scores, an expression
#' matrix that has superset of the control genes needs to be provided, where
#' the columns of `all.x` must correspond to this in `x`.
#' @return A list of useful transformation information. The caller is likely
#' most interested in the `$score` vector, but other bits related to
#' the SVD/PCA decomposition are included for the ride.
#' @examples
#' vm <- exampleExpressionSet(do.voom=TRUE)
#' gdb <- conform(exampleGeneSetDb(), vm)
#' features <- featureIds(gdb, 'c2', 'BURTON_ADIPOGENESIS_PEAK_AT_2HR',
#' value='x.idx')
#' ewm <- eigenWeightedMean(vm[features,])
#' scores <- ewm$score
#' ## Use scoreSingleSamples to facilitate scoring of all gene sets
#' scores.all <- scoreSingleSamples(gdb, vm, 'ewm')
#' s2 <- with(subset(scores.all, name == 'BURTON_ADIPOGENESIS_PEAK_AT_2HR'),
#' setNames(score, sample_id))
#' all.equal(s2, scores)
eigenWeightedMean <- function(x, eigengene=1L, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE,
uncenter=center, unscale=scale, retx=FALSE,
weights=NULL, normalize = FALSE, all.x = NULL,
..., .drop.sd = 1e-4) {
x <- as_matrix(x)
do.norm <- isTRUE(normalize) || (is.character(normalize) && length(normalize))
if (is.numeric(weights)) {
if (length(weights) == 1) {
weights <- setNames(rep(weights, nrow(x)), rownames(x))
stopifnot(all(rownames(x) %in% names(weights)))
res <- list(weights=weights[rownames(x)])
} else {
pc <- paste0('PC', eigengene)
res <- gsdScore(x, eigengene, center, scale, uncenter=uncenter,
unscale=unscale, retx=FALSE, ..., .drop.sd = .drop.sd)
res[['weights']] <- setNames(res$factor.contrib[[pc]], rownames(x))
if (!uncenter || !unscale) {
xx <- t(scale(t(x), center=!uncenter, scale=!unscale))
} else {
xx <- x
res[['score']] <- apply(xx, 2, weighted.mean, res[['weights']])
if (do.norm) {
all.x <- try(as_matrix(all.x), silent = TRUE)
if (!is.matrix(all.x)) {
stop("`all.x` needs to be an expression matrix to normalize scores")
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(colnames(x), colnames(all.x)))) {
stop("Must have 1:1 match for columns between `x` and `all.x`")
if (!(uncenter && unscale)) {
warning("Normalization only works when uncenter & unscale are TRUE, ",
"skipping normalization ...")
} else {
if (!is.character(normalize)) {
normalize <- rownames(all.x)
normalize <- intersect(normalize, rownames(all.x))
if (length(normalize) < nrow(x)) {
warning(length(normalize) - nrow(x), " too few genes in all.x to use ",
"for normalization: only using ", length(normalize), " genes")
} else {
normalize <- sample(normalize, nrow(x))
norm.x <- all.x[normalize,,drop = FALSE]
norm.x <- colMeans(norm.x)
res[["score"]] <- res[["score"]] - norm.x
corr <- cor(t(x), method = "spearman")
csign <- rowSums(sign(corr))
res[["corr"]] <- corr
res[["feature_info"]] <- data.frame(
feature_id = names(res[["weights"]]),
weight = unname(res[["weights"]]),
corrsign = csign[names(res[["weights"]])])
#' Calculate single sample geneset score by average z-score method
#' @export
#' @param x gene x sample matrix with rows already subsetted to the ones you
#' care about.
#' @param summary sqrt or mean
#' @param trim calculate trimmed mean?
#' @param ... pass through arguments
#' @return A list of stats related to the zscore. You care mostly about
#' `$score`.
#' @examples
#' vm <- exampleExpressionSet(do.voom=TRUE)
#' gdb <- conform(exampleGeneSetDb(), vm)
#' features <- featureIds(gdb, 'c2', 'BURTON_ADIPOGENESIS_PEAK_AT_2HR',
#' value='x.idx')
#' zscores <- zScore(vm[features,])
#' ## Use scoreSingleSamples to facilitate scoring of all gene sets
#' scores.all <- scoreSingleSamples(gdb, vm, 'zscore', summary = "mean")
#' s2 <- with(subset(scores.all, name == 'BURTON_ADIPOGENESIS_PEAK_AT_2HR'),
#' setNames(score, sample_id))
#' all.equal(s2, zscores$score)
zScore <- function(x, summary = c('mean', 'sqrt'), trim = 0, ...) {
x <- as_matrix(x)
summary <- match.arg(summary)
score.fn <- if (summary == 'mean') {
function(vals) mean(vals, trim=trim, na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
function(vals) {
keep <- !is.na(vals)
sum(vals[keep]) / sqrt(sum(keep))
xs <- t(scale(t(x)))
scores <- apply(xs, 2L, score.fn)
out <- list(
score=setNames(as.vector(scores), colnames(x)),
#' Single sample geneset score using SVD based eigengene value per sample.
#' @description
#' This method was developed by Jason Hackney and first introduced in the
#' following paper [doi:10.1038/ng.3520](https://doi.org/10.1038/ng.3520).
#' It produces a single sample gene set score in values that are in
#' "expression space," the innards of which mimic something quite similar
#' to an eigengene based score.
#' To easily use this method to score a number of gene setes across an
#' experiment, you'll want to have the [scoreSingleSamples()] method
#' drive this function via specifying `"svd"` as one of the
#' `methods`.
#' @details
#' The difference between this method vs the eigengene score is that the SVD is
#' used to calculate the eigengene. The vector of eigengenes (one score per
#' sample) is then multiplied through by the SVD's left matrix. This produces a
#' matrix which we then take the colSums of to get back to a single sample
#' score for the geneset.
#' Why do all of that? You get data that is back "in expression space" and we
#' also run around the problem of sign of the eigenvector. The scores you get
#' are very similar to average zscores of the genes per sample, where the
#' average is weighted by the degree to which each gene contributes to the
#' principal component chosen by `eigengene`, as implemented in the
#' [eigenWeightedMean()] function.
#' *The core functionality provided here is taken from the soon to be
#' released GSDecon package by Jason Hackney*
#' @export
#' @importFrom irlba svdr
#' @param x An expression matrix of genes x samples. When using this to score
#' geneset activity, you want to reduce the rows of \code{x} to be only the
#' genes from the given gene set.
#' @param eigengene the "eigengene" you want to get the score for. only accepts
#' a single value for now.
#' @param center,scale center and/or scale data before scoring?
#' @param uncenter,unscale uncenter and unscale the data data on the way out?
#' Defaults to the respective values of \code{center} and \code{scale}
#' @param retx Works the same as `retx` from \code{\link[stats]{prcomp}}. If
#' \code{TRUE}, will return a \code{ret$pca$x} matrix that has the rotated
#' variables.
#' @param ... these aren't used in here
#' @param .use_irlba when `TRUE`, used [irlba::svdr()] instead of [base::svd()].
#' Default: `FALSE`.
#' @param .drop.sd When zero-sd (non varying) features are scaled, their values
#' are `NaN`. When the Features with rowSds < this threshold (default 1e-4) are
#' identified, and their scaled values are set to 0.
#' @return A list of useful transformation information. The caller is likely
#' most interested in the \code{$score} vector, but other bits related to
#' the SVD/PCA decomposition are included for the ride.
#' @examples
#' vm <- exampleExpressionSet(do.voom=TRUE)
#' gdb <- conform(exampleGeneSetDb(), vm)
#' features <- featureIds(gdb, "c2", "BURTON_ADIPOGENESIS_PEAK_AT_2HR")
#' scores <- gsdScore(vm[features,])$score
#' ## Use scoreSingleSamples to facilitate scoring of all gene sets
#' scores.all <- scoreSingleSamples(gdb, vm, 'gsd')
#' s2 <- with(subset(scores.all, name == 'BURTON_ADIPOGENESIS_PEAK_AT_2HR'),
#' setNames(score, sample_id))
#' all.equal(s2, scores)
gsdScore <- function(x, eigengene = 1L, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE,
uncenter = center, unscale = scale, retx = FALSE, ...,
.use_irlba = FALSE, .drop.sd = 1e-4) {
eigengene <- as.integer(eigengene)
stopifnot(!is.na(eigengene) && length(eigengene) == 1L)
x <- as_matrix(x)
xs <- t(scale(t(x), center=center, scale=scale))
# 0sd rows (genes) will deliver NaN's in the scaled matrix. This issue is
# handled when we call scoreSingleSamples by removing 0sd rows, but when
# this method is called directly, it will throw an error. In this case, we
# will set the scaled values to 0.
isnan <- is.nan(xs)
if (scale && any(isnan)) {
# Just making sure that the NaN entires are coming from rows with 0sd genes
sds <- DelayedMatrixStats::rowSds(x)
sd0 <- sds < .drop.sd
sd0.idx <- which(sd0)
if (length(sd0.idx)) {
warning("Found NaN's in scaled matrix, replacing scaled values for ",
"the ", length(sd0.idx), " features with 0-sd",
immediate. = TRUE)
xs[sd0.idx,] <- 0
more.nan <- is.nan(xs)
if (any(more.nan)) {
stop("NaN features are found unrealted to 0-sd ... intervene, please")
# I tested adding a small amount of random noise to the features with
# 0-sd, figuring that their contributions to the score will be
# downweighted to zero and have minimal impact, but setting the scaled
# values to 0 and testing seemed to perform slightly better
} else {
stop("NaN's found in scaled matrix for reasons unrelated to the ",
"existence of 0-sd features")
} else if (any(isnan) || any(is.na(xs))) {
stop("NaN's or NAs found in expression matrix without scaling")
if (.use_irlba) {
s <- svdr(xs, k = min(eigengene, nrow(x), ncol(x)))
} else {
s <- svd(xs)
newD <- s$d
newD[-eigengene] <- 0
if (length(s$d) == 1L) {
s$D <- matrix(s$d, nrow = 1L, ncol = 1L)
} else {
s$D <- diag(newD)
egene <- s$u %*% s$D %*% t(s$v)
# The data was centered externally and passed in the uncentering vector
if (isFALSE(center) && is.numeric(uncenter)) {
if (length(uncenter) < nrow(x)) stop("Illegal uncenter vector, too short")
if (!is.null(names(uncenter))) {
cnt <- uncenter[rownames(x)]
} else {
cnt <- uncenter
if (any(is.na(cnt)) || length(cnt) != nrow(egene)) {
stop("Illegal uncenter vector")
uncenter <- TRUE
} else {
cnt <- attr(xs, "scaled:center")
if (isFALSE(scale) && is.numeric(unscale)) {
if (length(unscale) < nrow(x)) stop("Illegal uncenter vector, too short")
if (!is.null(names(unscale))) {
scl <- unscale[rownames(x)]
} else {
scl <- unscale
if (any(is.na(scl)) || length(scl) != nrow(egene)) {
stop("Illegal unscale vector")
unscale <- TRUE
} else {
scl <- attr(xs, "scaled:scale")
if (!is.null(scl) && isTRUE(unscale)) {
egene <- sweep(egene, 1, FUN = "*", scl)
if (!is.null(cnt) && isTRUE(uncenter)) {
egene <- sweep(egene, 1, FUN = "+", cnt)
score <- colMeans(egene)
names(score) <- colnames(x)
# Reconstruct some PCA output here just because we've already done the heavy
# lifting calculations
pca.d <- s$d / sqrt(max(1L, nrow(x) - 1L))
pca.v <- s$v
dimnames(pca.v) <- list(colnames(x), paste0('PC', seq_len(ncol(s$v))))
# Make this look ilke the output of `prcomp`
# s$v is the matrix with the eigenvectors. these entries should be correlated
# to our svd scores.
xproj <- xs %*% s$v
# Show something like the percent contribution of each gene to the PCs
# This code was inspired from the biplot function, where the vectors of
# a PCA biplot are drawn as a function of the projected data (ie. pca$x)
axproj <- abs(xproj)
ctrb <- sweep(axproj, 2, colSums(axproj), '/')
colnames(ctrb) <- paste0('PC', seq(ncol(ctrb)))
rn <- if (!is.null(rownames(ctrb))) {
} else {
paste0('r', seq_len(nrow(ctrb)))
ctrb <- cbind(
data.frame(feature_id=rn, stringsAsFactors=FALSE),
pca <- list(sdev=pca.d, rotation=pca.v,
center = if (is.null(cnt)) 0 else cnt,
scale = if (is.null(scl)) 1 else scl,
x=if (retx) xproj else NULL,
percentVar=pca.d^2 / sum(pca.d^2))
class(pca) <- 'prcomp'
list(score = score, egene = egene, svd = s, pca = pca, factor.contrib = ctrb)
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