#' Visualize gene level behavior of genes within a geneset across a contrast.
#' @description
#' It is informative to look at the individual log fold changes of the genes
#' within a gene set to explore the degree to which they (1) are coherent with
#' respect to each other; and (2) see how the compare to the background
#' distribution of log fold changes of the entire transcriptome.
#' You can visualize this behavior via a `type = "density"` plot, or a
#' `type = "boxplot". It is also common to plot either the individual
#' log fold changes `value = "logFC"` or t-statistics `value = "t"`.
#' @rdname iplot
#' @export
#' @importFrom ggplot2 theme_bw
#' @param x A [MultiGSEAResult()] object
#' @param y the name of the gene set collection
#' @param j the name of the gene set name
#' @param value A string indicating the column name for the value of the
#' gene-level metadata to plot. Default is `"logFC"`. Anoter often used choice
#' might also be `"t"`, to plot t-statistics (if they're in the result). But
#' this can be any numeric column found in the data.frame returned by
#' `geneSet(x, y, j)`. If this is a named string (vector), then the value in
#' `names(value)` will be used on the axis when plotted.
#' @param type plot the distributions as a `"density"` plot or `"boxplot"`.
#' @param tools the tools to display in the rbokeh plot
#' @param main A title to display. If not specified, the gene set name
#' will be used, otherwise you can pass in a custom title, or `NULL`
#' will disable the title altogether.
#' @param with.legend Draws a legend to map point color to meaning. There are
#' three levels a point (gene level statistic) can be color as, "notsig",
#' "psig", and "sig". "notsig" implies that the FDR >= 10%, "psig" means that
#' FDR <= 10%, but the logFC is "unremarkable" (< 1), and "sig" means
#' that both the FDR <= 10% and the logFC >= 1
#' @return the ploty plot ojbect
#' @examples
#' mgr <- exampleMultiGSEAResult()
#' iplot(mgr, "c2", "BURTON_ADIPOGENESIS_PEAK_AT_2HR", c("t-statistic" = "t"),
#' type = "density")
#' iplot(mgr, "c2", "BURTON_ADIPOGENESIS_PEAK_AT_2HR", c("t-statistic" = "t"),
#' type = "gsea")
iplot <- function(x, y, j, value = "logFC",
type=c("density", "gsea", "boxplot"),
tools=c('wheel_zoom', 'box_select', 'reset', 'save'),
main=NULL, with.legend=TRUE,
shiny_source='mggenes', width=NULL, height=NULL,
ggtheme=theme_bw(), trim=0.005, ...) {
if (FALSE) {
x <- xmg; y <- 'H'; j <- 'HALLMARK_E2F_TARGETS'; value <- 'logFC';
main <- NULL; type <- 'boxplot'; with.legend <- TRUE
stopifnot(is(x, 'MultiGSEAResult'))
type <- match.arg(type)
lfc <- copy(logFC(x, as.dt = TRUE)[, group := "bg"])
match.arg(value, colnames(lfc))
if (missing(main)) {
main <- sprintf("%s (%s)", j, y)
if (type == "gsea") {
gset <- geneSet(x, collection = y, name = j)
return(iplot.gsea.plot(lfc, gset, rank_by = value, title = main, ...))
# silence R CMD check NOTEs
val <- NULL
dat <- local({
lfc[, val := lfc[[value]]]
gs.stats <- copy(geneSet(x, y, j, as.dt=TRUE))[, group := 'geneset']
gs.stats[, val := gs.stats[[value]]]
kcols <- intersect(names(gs.stats), names(lfc))
out <- rbind(lfc[, kcols, with=FALSE], gs.stats[, kcols, with=FALSE])
out[, significant := {
tmp <- ifelse(significant, 'sig', 'notsig')
ifelse(padj < 0.10 & tmp == 'notsig', 'psig', tmp)
if (type == 'density') {
out <- iplot.density.plotly(x, y, j, value, main, dat=dat,
with.legend=with.legend, tools=tools,
ggtheme=ggtheme, trim=trim, ...)
} else if (type == 'boxplot') {
out <- iplot.boxplot.plotly(x, y, j, value, main, dat=dat,
with.legend=with.legend, tools=tools,
width=width, height=height, ggtheme=ggtheme,
trim=trim, ...)
} else if (type == 'volcano') {
## plotly ======================================================================
#' Reimplementation of fgsea::plotEnrichment so we can add more interactive
#' bits, and also to highlight genes on the leading edge, and what not.
#' Lots of code here is copied from fgsea
#' @noRd
iplot.gsea.plot <- function(lfc, geneset, rank_by, title, gseaParam = 1,
ticksSize = 0.2, ..., .plot_default = FALSE,
.plot_static = FALSE) {
if (!requireNamespace("fgsea")) stop("'fgsea' package required")
# Setup params so we can just copy and paste fgsea::plotEnrichment code
pathway <- geneset[["feature_id"]]
stats <- setNames(lfc[[rank_by]], lfc[["feature_id"]])
if (.plot_default) {
return(fgsea::plotEnrichment(pathway, stats, gseaParam, ticksSize))
# fgsea::plotEnrichment ......................................................
rnk <- rank(-stats)
ord <- order(rnk)
statsAdj <- stats[ord]
statsAdj <- sign(statsAdj) * (abs(statsAdj) ^ gseaParam)
statsAdj <- statsAdj / max(abs(statsAdj))
pathway <- unname(as.vector(na.omit(match(pathway, names(statsAdj)))))
pathway <- sort(pathway)
gseaRes <- fgsea::calcGseaStat(statsAdj, selectedStats = pathway,
returnAllExtremes = TRUE)
bottoms <- gseaRes$bottoms
tops <- gseaRes$tops
n <- length(statsAdj)
xs <- as.vector(rbind(pathway - 1, pathway))
ys <- as.vector(rbind(bottoms, tops))
toPlot <- data.frame(x=c(0, xs, n + 1), y=c(0, ys, 0))
diff <- (max(tops) - min(bottoms)) / 8
# Getting rid of NOTEs
x <- y <- NULL
# Creates a data.frame to use for the line segments drawn for each # :custom
# feature. This allows us to add useful hover information. # :custom
features <- data.frame( # :custom
x = pathway, # :custom
y = -diff / 2, # :custom
xend = pathway, # :custom
yend = diff / 2, # :custom
feature_id = names(statsAdj)[pathway]) # :custom
add.labels <- c("feature_id", "statistic", "statistic_adj") # :custom
xref <- match(features[["feature_id"]], geneset[["feature_id"]]) # :custom
features[["statistic"]] <- geneset[[rank_by]][xref] # :custom
features[["statistic_adj"]] <- unname(statsAdj)[pathway] # :custom
label <- intersect(c("symbol", "name"), colnames(geneset)) # :custom
if (length(label)) { # :custom
features[["name"]] <- geneset[[label[1L]]][xref] # :custom
add.labels <- c("name", add.labels) # :custom
add.xtra <- c("logFC", "t", "pval", "padj")
for (add.me in intersect(add.xtra, colnames(geneset))) {
features[[add.me]] <- geneset[[add.me]]
add.labels <- c(add.labels, add.me)
stat.cols <- c("x", "y", "xend", "yend") # :custom
for (cname in setdiff(colnames(features), stat.cols)) { # :custom
if (is.numeric(features[[cname]])) { # :custom
features[[cname]] <- sprintf("%0.3f", features[[cname]]) # :custom
} else {
features[[cname]] <- as.character(features[[cname]]) # :custom
features[["label"]] <- sapply(1:nrow(features), function(i) { # :custom
f <- features[i, add.labels] # :custom
paste(names(f), ":", unname(f[1,]), collapse = "<br>") # :custom
if (is.null(names(rank_by))) { # :custom
xlabel <- sprintf("rank\n(by: %s)", rank_by) # :custom
} else {
xlabel <- sprintf("rank\n(by: %s)", names(rank_by)) # :custom
g <- ggplot2::ggplot(toPlot, ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=y)) +
ggplot2::geom_point(color = "green", size = 0.1) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = max(tops), colour = "red",
linetype = "dashed") +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = min(bottoms), colour = "red",
linetype = "dashed") +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "black") +
ggplot2::geom_line(color = "green") + theme_bw() +
# ggplot2::geom_segment(
# data = data.frame(x = pathway, label = ),
# mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = -diff / 2, xend = x, yend = diff / 2),
# size = ticksSize) +
ggplot2::geom_segment( # :custom
data = features, # :custom
mapping = ggplot2::aes( # :custom
x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend, text = label), # :custom
size = ticksSize) # :custom
}) +
panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
x = xlabel,
y = "enrichment score",
title = title)
if (!.plot_static) {
g <- plotly::ggplotly(g, tooltip = "label") %>%
layout(dragmode="select") %>%
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom plotly add_markers add_lines config layout plot_ly
iplot.density.plotly <- function(x, y, j, value, main, dat, with.legend=TRUE,
with.points=TRUE, shiny_source='mggenes',
legend.pos=c('inside', 'outside'),
height=NULL, width=NULL, trim=0.02,
square=TRUE, ...) {
stopifnot(is(x, 'MultiGSEAResult'))
legend.pos <- match.arg(legend.pos)
gs.dat <- subset(dat, group == 'geneset') %>% setDF
cols <- c('bg'='black', 'geneset'='red',
'notsig'='grey', 'psig'='lightblue', 'sig'='darkblue')
if (value == 't') {
gs.dat$y <- 0.0015 + runif(nrow(gs.dat), 0, 0.004)
jitter <- 0.005
} else {
## gs.dat$y <- c('notsig'=0.1, 'psig'=0.2, 'sig'=0.3)[gs.dat$significant]
gs.dat$y <- 0.005 + runif(nrow(gs.dat), 0, 0.040)
jitter <- 0.05
if (is.null(names(value))) {
label <- if (value == "t") "t-statistic" else value
} else {
label <- names(value)
bg <- subset(dat, group == 'bg')
bgd <- density(bg$val)
gsd <- density(gs.dat$val)
lmeta <- list(width=3)
if (is.numeric(trim) && trim != 0) {
xrange <- quantile(dat$val, c(trim, 1 - trim))
xrange[1] <- min(xrange[1], min(gs.dat$val), min(gsd$x))
xrange[2] <- max(xrange[1], max(gs.dat$val), max(gsd$x))
} else {
xrange <- range(dat$val)
if (square) {
extreme <- max(abs(xrange))
xrange <- c(-extreme, extreme)
p <- plot_ly(source=shiny_source, width=width, height=height) %>%
add_lines(x=bgd$x, y=bgd$y, name='All Genes', hoverinfo='none', line=lmeta) %>%
add_lines(x=gsd$x, y=gsd$y, name='Geneset', hoverinfo='none', line=lmeta) %>%
layout(xaxis=list(title=label, range=xrange),
showlegend = with.legend, title=main, dragmode="select")
if ('symbol' %in% names(gs.dat) && with.points) {
p <- add_markers(p, x=~val, y=~y, key=~feature_id, data=gs.dat, name="Genes",
text=~paste0('Symbol: ', symbol, '<br>',
'logFC: ', sprintf('%.3f', logFC), '<br>',
'FDR: ', sprintf('%.3f', padj)))
} else if (with.points) {
p <- add_markers(p, x=~val, y=~y, key=~feature_id, data=gs.dat, name="Genes",
text=~paste0('feature_id: ', feature_id, '<br>',
'logFC: ', logFC, '<br>',
'FDR: ', padj))
if (legend.pos == 'inside') {
p <- layout(p, legend=list(x=0.75, y=1))
config(p, displaylogo=FALSE)
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom plotly config ggplotly layout plotly_build
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes geom_boxplot geom_jitter ggplot
iplot.boxplot.plotly <- function(x, y, j, value, main, dat, with.legend=TRUE,
with.points=TRUE, shiny_source='mggenes',
height=NULL, width=NULL, ggtheme=theme_bw(),
trim=0.02, ...) {
is.gs <- dat[['group']] == 'geneset'
gs <- subset(dat, is.gs) %>% setDF
bg <- subset(dat, !is.gs) %>% setDF
n.gs <- sum(is.gs)
if (is.null(names(value))) {
label <- if (value == "t") "t-statistic" else value
} else {
label <- names(value)
# silence R CMD check NOTEs
val <- symbol <- NULL
gg <- ggplot(bg, aes(group, val)) +
geom_boxplot(data=bg) +
geom_boxplot(outlier.shape=NA, data=gs)
if ('symbol' %in% names(bg) && with.points) {
gg <- gg +
text=paste0('Symbol: ', symbol, '<br>',
'logFC: ', sprintf('%.3f', logFC), '<br>',
'FDR: ', sprintf('%.3f', padj))),
data=gs, width=0.2)
} else if (with.points) {
gg <- gg +
text=paste(paste0('feature_id: ', feature_id, '<br>',
'logFC: ', logFC, '<br>',
'FDR: ', padj))),
data=gs, width=0.2)
if (is(ggtheme, 'theme')) {
gg <- gg + ggtheme
## ggplotly keeps suggesting to use the github/ggplot2
p <- suppressMessages({
ggplotly(gg, width = width, height = height, tooltip = "text")
p <- layout(p, yaxis = list(title=label),
dragmode = "select", showlegend = with.legend)
p <- plotly_build(p)
p$x$source <- shiny_source
## Hacks to hide hover events on boxplots and remove outliers
## https://plot.ly/ggplot2/box-plots/#outliers
p$x$data[[1]]$hoverinfo <- 'none'
p$x$data[[1]]$marker <- list(opacity=0)
p$x$data[[2]]$hoverinfo <- 'none'
p$x$data[[2]]$marker <- list(opacity=0)
config(p, displaylogo = FALSE)
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.