# Note: I won't implement limma::goana since they do not accept their own
# universe (but limma::kegga does!). The methodology in goseq is
# equivalent except for minor detail when low number of DE genes
# (cf ?goana)
#' @include validateInputs.R
validate.x.goseq <- validate.X
validate.inputs.goseq <- function(x, design, contrast, feature.bias,
xmeta. = NULL, ...) {
if (!is.data.frame(xmeta.)) {
default <- .validate.inputs.full.design(x, design, contrast)
if (length(default)) {
## Ensure that caller provides a named feature.bias vector
errs <- list()
if (missing(feature.bias)) {
errs <- paste('feature.bias vector is required, use "ora"',
'if you do not have one')
if (!is.numeric(feature.bias)) {
errs <- 'feature.bias must be a numeric vector'
if (!all(rownames(x) %in% names(feature.bias))) {
errs <- c(errs, 'some rownames(x) not in names(feature.bias)')
#' Performs goseq analysis significance of gene set membership.
#' Genes are selected for testing against each geneset by virture of them
#' passing a maximum FDR and minimum log fold change as perscribed by the
#' `min.logFC` and `max.padj` parameters, respectfully.
#' Note that we are intentionally adding a hyperG.selected column by reference
#' so that this information is kicked back to the caller multiGSEA function
#' and included in downstream reporting.
#' **This function is not meant to be called directly.** It should only be
#' called internally within [multiGSEA()].
#' @param gsd The \code{\link{GeneSetDb}} for analysis
#' @param x The expression object
#' @param design Experimental design
#' @param contrast The contrast to test
#' @param feature.bias a named vector as long as \code{nrow(x)} that has the
#' "bias" information for the features/genes tested (ie. vector of gene
#' lengths). \code{names(feature.bias)} should equal \code{rownames(x)}.
#' The caller MUST provide this. The goseq package provides a
#' \code{\link[goseq]{getlength}} function which facilitates getting default
#' values for these if you do not have the correct values used in your
#' analysis. If there is no way for you to get this information, then use
#' ora with no `feature.bias` vector.
#' @param method The method to use to calculate the unbiased category
#' enrichment scores
#' @param repcnt Number of random samples to be calculated when random sampling
#' is used. Ignored unless \code{method="Sampling"}.
#' @param use_genes_without_cat A boolean to indicate whether genes without a
#' categorie should still be used. For example, a large number of gene may
#' have no GO term annotated. If this option is set to FALSE, those genes
#' will be ignored in the calculation of p-values (default behaviour). If
#' this option is set to TRUE, then these genes will count towards the total
#' number of genes outside the category being tested.
#' @param direction Same as direction in \code{GOstats}
#' @param plot.fit To plot (or not) the bias in selected genes vs.
#' \code{feature.bias}.
#' @param logFC The logFC data.table from \code{calculateIndividualLogFC}
#' @param ... arguments to pass down into \code{calculateIndividualLogFC}
#' @return A data.table of goseq results. The "pval" column here refers to
#' pval.over, for simplicity in other places. If \code{split.updown=TRUE},
#' a list of data.table's are returned named 'goseq', 'goseq.up', and
#' 'goseq.down' which are the results of running goseq three independent
#' times.
do.goseq <- function(gsd, x, design, contrast=ncol(design),
goseq.method = "Wallenius",
repcnt=2000, use_genes_without_cat=TRUE,
direction=c('over', 'under'),
plot.fit=FALSE, use.treat=FALSE,
feature.min.logFC=if (use.treat) log2(1.25) else 1,
feature.max.padj=0.10, logFC=NULL, ...) {
# .Deprecated("multiGSEA(..., methods = 'enrich')")
stopifnot(is.conformed(gsd, x))
direction <- match.arg(direction)
# stop("testing graceful method failure in multiGSEA call")
if (is.null(logFC)) {
treat.lfc <- if (use.treat) feature.min.logFC else NULL
logFC <- calculateIndividualLogFC(x, design, contrast, treat.lfc=treat.lfc,
..., as.dt=TRUE)
if (use.treat) {
logFC[, significant := padj <= feature.max.padj]
is.logFC.like(logFC, x, as.error=TRUE)
logFC <- setDT(copy(logFC))
if (!is.logical(logFC$significant)) {
logFC[, significant := {
padj <= feature.max.padj & abs(logFC) >= feature.min.logFC
do <- c('all', if (split.updown) c('up', 'down') else NULL)
if (any(c("up", "down") %in% do)) {
if (!is.character(logFC[["direction"]])) {
logFC[["direction"]] <- ifelse(logFC[["logFC"]] > 0, "up", "down")
out <- sapply(do, function(dge.dir) {
drawn <- switch(
all = logFC[significant == TRUE]$feature_id,
up = logFC[significant == TRUE & direction == "up"]$feature_id,
down = logFC[significant == TRUE & direction == "down"]$feature_id)
res <- suppressWarnings({
multiGSEA::goseq(gsd, drawn, rownames(x), feature.bias, goseq.method,
repcnt, use_genes_without_cat, plot.fit=plot.fit,
do.conform=FALSE, as.dt=FALSE, .pipelined=TRUE)
}, simplify=FALSE)
if (length(out) == 1L) {
out <- out[[1L]]
} else {
setattr(out, 'mgunlist', TRUE)
#' Perform goseq Enrichment tests across a GeneSetDb.
#' Note that we do not import things from goseq directly, and only load
#' it if this function is fired. I can't figure out a way to selectively
#' import functions from the goseq package without it having to load its
#' dependencies, which take a long time -- and I don't want loading multiGSEA
#' to take a long time. So, the goseq package has moved to Suggests and then
#' is loaded within this function when necessary.
#' @export
#' @param gsd The `GeneSetDb` object to run tests against
#' @param selected The ids of the selected features
#' @param universe The ids of the universe
#' @param feature.bias a named vector as long as `nrow(x)` that has the
#' "bias" information for the features/genes tested (ie. vector of gene
#' lengths). \code{names(feature.bias)} should equal \code{rownames(x)}.
#' If this is not provided, all feature lengths are set to 1 (no bias).
#' The goseq package provides a \code{\link[goseq]{getlength}} function which
#' facilitates getting default values for these if you do not have the
#' correct values used in your analysis.
#' @param method The method to use to calculate the unbiased category
#' enrichment scores
#' @param repcnt Number of random samples to be calculated when random sampling
#' is used. Ignored unless \code{method="Sampling"}.
#' @param use_genes_without_cat A boolean to indicate whether genes without a
#' categorie should still be used. For example, a large number of gene may
#' have no GO term annotated. If this option is set to FALSE, those genes
#' will be ignored in the calculation of p-values (default behaviour). If
#' this option is set to TRUE, then these genes will count towards the total
#' number of genes outside the category being tested.
#' @param do.conform By default \code{TRUE}: does some gymnastics to conform
#' the \code{gsd} to the \code{universe} vector. This should neber be set
#' to \code{FALSE}, but this parameter is here so that when this function
#' is called from the \code{\link{multiGSEA}} codepath, we do not have to
#' reconform the \code{GeneSetDb} object, because it has already been done.
#' @param active.only If \code{TRUE}, only "active" genesets are used
#' @param value The feature_id types to extract from \code{gsd}
#' @param .pipelined If this is being external to a multiGSEA pipeline, then
#' some additional cleanup of columns name output will be done. Otherwise
#' the column renaming and post processing is left to the do.goseq caller
#' (Default: \code{FALSE}).
#' @return A \code{data.table} of results, similar to goseq output. The output
#' from \code{\link[goseq]{nullp}} is added to the outgoing data.table as
#' an attribue named \code{"pwf"}.
#' @references
#' Young, M. D., Wakefield, M. J., Smyth, G. K., Oshlack, A. (2010).
#' Gene ontology analysis for RNA-seq: accounting for selection bias.
#' *Genome Biology* 11, R14. http://genomebiology.com/2010/11/2/R14
goseq <- function(gsd, selected, universe, feature.bias,
method=c("Wallenius", "Sampling", "Hypergeometric"),
repcnt=2000, use_genes_without_cat=TRUE,
plot.fit=FALSE, do.conform=TRUE, as.dt=FALSE,
.pipelined=FALSE) {
gseq <- tryCatch(loadNamespace("goseq"), error=function(e) NULL)
if (is.null(goseq)) {
stop("You must install the goseq package to enable this functionality")
stopifnot(is(gsd, 'GeneSetDb'))
selected <- unique(selected)
universe <- unique(universe)
method <- match.arg(method)
stopifnot(all(selected %in% universe))
stopifnot(is.numeric(feature.bias) && all(universe %in% names(feature.bias)))
feature.bias <- feature.bias[universe]
## This needs to be conformed to work
if (!is.conformed(gsd) || !do.conform) {
gsd <- conform(gsd, universe)
stopifnot(is.conformed(gsd, universe))
# silence R CMD check NOTEs
category <- padj_over <- pval_over <- padj_under <- pval_under <- NULL
gs <- geneSets(gsd, active.only=TRUE, as.dt=TRUE)
gs[, category := encode_gskey(gs)]
g2c <- as.data.frame(gsd, active.only=TRUE, value='x.id')
g2c <- transform(g2c, category=encode_gskey(g2c))
g2c <- g2c[, c('category', 'feature_id')]
selected <- intersect(selected, universe)
de.genes <- setNames(integer(length(universe)), universe)
de.genes[selected] <- 1L
pwf <- gseq$nullp(de.genes, bias.data=feature.bias, plot.fit=plot.fit)
res <- gseq$goseq(pwf, gene2cat=g2c, method=method, repcnt=repcnt,
## resort output to match gs ordering
res <- res[match(gs$category, res$category),,drop=FALSE]
res <- if (as.dt) setDT(res) else setDF(res)
setattr(res, 'pwf', pwf)
setattr(res, 'rawresult', TRUE)
mgres.goseq <- function(res, gsd, ...) {
if (!isTRUE(attr(res, 'rawresult'))) return(res)
stopifnot(is.data.frame(res), is(gsd, "GeneSetDb"))
gs <- geneSets(gsd, active.only=TRUE, as.dt=TRUE)
category <- NULL ## silence "no visible binding" note
gs[, category := encode_gskey(gs)]
xref <- match(gs$category, res$category)
if (any(is.na(xref))) {
stop("The conformed GeneSetDb used in analysis is not this one")
res <- res[xref,,drop=FALSE]
out <- gs[, list(collection, name, n, n.drawn=res$numDEInCat)]
rcols <- setdiff(names(res), c('category', 'numInCat', 'numDEInCat'))
for (rcol in rcols) {
out[, (rcol) := res[[rcol]]]
setnames(out, c('over_represented_pvalue', 'under_represented_pvalue'),
c('pval', 'pval.under'))
padj.under <- pval.under <- NULL # silence R CMD check NOTEs
out[, padj := p.adjust(pval, 'BH')]
out[, padj.under := p.adjust(pval.under, 'BH')]
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