## Creates a GRanges object that mimics (with more annotations) the GRanges
## object returned from .buildRange,TranscriptDb. The big exception is that
## non-coding exons are annotated as such.
## Also if an anno.source.key is provided, we try to annotated each range with
## gene symbol (and entrez.id -- although that's essentially already there).
if (interactive()) {
## The dependency on data.table is to ensure that this function is as zippy
## as I can make it.
flattenGenome <- function(x, anno.source.key='UCSC Table') {
stopifnot(inherits(x, 'TranscriptDb'))
genome <- unname(genome(seqinfo(x))[1L])
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Protein coding transcripts
utr5s <- fiveUTRsByTranscript(x)
u5 <- unname(unlist(utr5s))
values(u5)$transcript <- rep(names(utr5s), elementLengths(utr5s))
values(u5)$exon.anno <- "utr5"
cdss <- cdsBy(x, "tx")
cs <- unname(unlist(cdss))
values(cs)$transcript <- rep(names(cdss), elementLengths(cdss))
values(cs)$exon.anno <- "cds"
utr3s <- threeUTRsByTranscript(x)
u3 <- unname(unlist(utr3s))
values(u3)$transcript <- rep(names(utr3s), elementLengths(utr3s))
values(u3)$exon.anno <- "utr3"
cols <- c("seqnames", "start", "end", "strand", "transcript", "exon.anno")
et <- rbind(as.data.frame(u5, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[, cols],
as.data.frame(cs, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[, cols],
as.data.frame(u3, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[, cols])
et <- defactor(et)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## non-coding transcripts
all.tx <- exonsBy(x, 'tx')
rest.tx <- all.tx[!names(all.tx) %in% et$transcript]
rest.gr <- unname(unlist(rest.tx))
values(rest.gr)$transcript <- rep(names(rest.tx), elementLengths(rest.tx))
values(rest.gr)$exon.anno <- 'ncRNA'
rest <- defactor(as.data.frame(rest.gr)[, cols])
et <- rbind(et, rest)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Add expected columns
g2t <- transcriptsBy(x, "gene")
gids <- rep(names(g2t), elementLengths(g2t))
g2t <- defactor(transform(as.data.frame(unname(unlist(g2t))), gene_id=gids))
xref <- match(et$transcript, g2t$tx_id)
et$symbol <- g2t$tx_name[xref]
et$gene <- g2t$gene_id[xref]
## Rig up our own exon_id. Gviz puts this in the "exon" column
## Using data.table to make the next two steps as fast as I know how
et <- data.table(et, key=c('seqnames', 'strand', 'start', 'end'))
uexons <- unique(et)
uexons$exon <- 1:nrow(uexons)
uexons <- uexons[, c(key(uexons), 'exon'), with=FALSE]
et <- uexons[et]
## calculate exon_rank and put it in $exon.
## Rank of exons is increasing from 5' -> 3'
## Note that the xx[, yy := zz] syntax is specific to data.table
## and updates the data.table in place (really quick)
setkeyv(et, c('transcript', 'strand', 'start'))
et[, rank := if (strand[1] == '+') 1L:.N else .N:1L, by=transcript]
features <- c(cds='protein_coding', utr3='utr', utr5='utr', ncRNA='ncRNA')
et$feature <- features[et$exon.anno]
et$density <- 1
et$id <- et$exon
## Add gene column (entrez.id) and gene_symbol via addGeneInfo
if (is.character(anno.source.key)) {
anno.source.key <- tolower(anno.source.key)
md <- transform(metadata(x), name=tolower(name))
anno.source <- md[md$name == anno.source.key, 'value']
if (length(anno.source) == 1L) {
uber <- addGeneInfo(et, 'symbol', anno.source, genome)
if (nrow(uber) != nrow(et)) {
warning("Inconsistent number of rows in 'uber' table", immediate.=TRUE)
et <- uber
if (all(c('symbol', 'gene.symbol') %in% names(et))) {
et$tx_id <- et$symbol
et$symbol <- ifelse(is.na(et$gene.symbol), et$tx_id, et$gene.symbol)
setkeyv(et, c('transcript', 'start'))
ans <- with(et, GRanges(seqnames, IRanges(start, end), strand))
rm.cols <- c('seqnames', 'strand', 'start', 'end', 'width')
df.cols <- setdiff(names(et), rm.cols)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## do.call(DataFrame, as.list(et)) is super slow, so I'm currently stitching
## this together manually (and I'm surprised it's so much faster this way).
meta <- DataFrame(transcript=et$transcript, exon=et$exon, rank=et$rank,
symbol=et$symbol, gene=et$gene, id=et$id,
feature=et$feature, density=et$density)
for (mc in df.cols) {
if (!mc %in% names(meta)) {
meta[[mc]] <- et[[mc]]
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
values(ans) <- meta
## Add TranscriptDb seqinfo to the result for posterity
if (!all(seqlevels(ans) %in% seqlevels(x))) {
warning("seqlevels of result look suspicious", immediate.=TRUE)
} else {
si <- seqinfo(x)[seqlevels(x)[seqlevels(x) %in% seqlevels(ans)]]
new2old <- match(seqlevels(si), seqlevels(ans))
seqinfo(ans, new2old) <- si
## as.data.frame(GRanges) converts strings to factors :-/
defactor <- function(x) {
for (col in names(x)) {
if (is.factor(x[[col]])) x[[col]] <- as.character(x[[col]])
##' Wrapper function to add more meta columns to the range cache
##' query.col is set to 'symbol' because Gviz is using the symbol column
##' to store refseq IDs -- this assumption probably needs to be fixed.
##' @param x Assumed to be a data.table
##' @param key.col The column that holds the transcript id to use as query
##' against the org.*.db
##' @param genome The genome accession number
##' @param anno.source refGene? knownGene? This tells us
##' what to query in the org.*.db package.
addGeneInfo <- function(x, key.col='symbol', anno.source='refGene',
genome='hg19') {
if (!key.col %in% names(x)) {
warning("query.col '", key.col, "' not in `x`", immediate.=TRUE)
db.key.col <- annoSource2DbKeyCol(anno.source)
if (is.null(db.key.col)) {
warning("Unknown column to query org.*.db by ", db.key.col, immediate.=TRUE)
org.db <- genome2orgDb(genome)
if (is.null(org.db)) {
warning("Unsupported genome <--> org.db mapping for genome: ", genome,
if (!require(org.db, character.only=TRUE)) {
warning(org.db, " library not installed, skipping ...", immediate.=TRUE)
keys <- unique(as.character(x[[key.col]]))
keys <- keys[!is.na(keys)]
db <- get(org.db)
db.cols <- orgGeneInfoColumns(org.db)
if (is.null(db.cols)) {
warning("Undefined return columns for ", org.db, immediate.=TRUE)
if (!all(db.cols %in% cols(db))) {
warning("Unexpected query column names for ", org.db, immediate.=TRUE)
## TODO: Poke the BioC folks w/ an easy test case to show big differences
## in speed between the very nice `select` interface vs. hand weaving
## the results I need.
## Sadly the `select` stuff is super slow
## info <- select(db, keys, db.cols, db.key.col)
## info <- info[!duplicated(info[[db.key.col]]),,drop=FALSE]
## names(info) <- c(key.col, names(db.cols))
info <- fetchDbInfo(org.db, db.key.col, keys)
if (is.null(info)) {
warning("Fetching addition gene info unexpectedly failed", immediate.=TRUE)
names(info)[1] <- key.col
m <- merge(x, info, by=key.col, all.x=TRUE)
new.cols <- setdiff(names(m), names(x))
m[, c(names(x), new.cols), with=FALSE]
## get entrez ids and symbols
## database is already loaded
fetchDbInfo <- function(org.db, db.key.col, keys) {
bn <- gsub("\\.db", "", org.db)
## entrez
if (db.key.col == "UCSCKG") {
map.name <- paste0(bn, db.key.col)
entrez.map <- revmap(get(map.name))
} else {
if (!db.key.col %in% c("REFSEQ", "ENSEMBL")) {
entrez.map <- get(paste0(bn, db.key.col, "2EG"))
entrez.ids <- mget(keys, entrez.map, ifnotfound=NA)
entrez.ids <- sapply(entrez.ids, '[[', 1L)
entrez.ids <- entrez.ids[!is.na(entrez.ids)]
ans <- data.frame(key=names(entrez.ids),
ans <- subset(ans, !duplicated(key))
## symbols (yeast should be SGD, but ugh -- forget this for now)
symbol.map <- tryCatch(get(paste0(bn, "SYMBOL")), error=function(e) NULL)
if (!is.null(symbol.map)) {
symbols <- mget(entrez.ids, symbol.map, ifnotfound=NA)
ans$gene.symbol <- sapply(symbols, '[[', 1L)
genome2orgDb <- function(genome) {
org.dbs <- list(hg19="org.Hs.eg.db",
mm9="org.Mm.eg.db", mm10="org.Mm.eg.db",
annoSource2DbKeyCol <- function(anno.source) {
a2k <- list(knownGene="UCSCKG", refGene="REFSEQ")
orgGeneInfoColumns <- function(org.db) {
cols <- list(org.Hs.eg.db=c(entrez.id="ENTREZID", gene.symbol="SYMBOL"),
org.Mm.eg.db=c(entrez.id="ENTREZID", gene.symbol="SYMBOL"),
org.Dm.eg.db=c(entrez.id="ENTREZID", gene.symbol="SYMBOL"),
org.Sc.sgd.db=c(entrez.id="ENTREZID", gene.symbol="SGD"))
## `keys` is the character() of ids to use as the keys for the query
## `db.key.col` is the name of the column that `keys` are in, eg.
## 'REFSEQ', 'UCSCKG', etc.
getGeneInfo.org.Hs.eg.db <- function(keys, db.key.col="REFSEQ") {
org.db <- get("org.Hs.eg.db")
info <- select(org.db, , c("ENTREZID", "SYMBOL"), query.id)
names(info) <- c(query.col, 'entrez.id', 'gene.symbol')
getGeneInfo.org.Dm.eg.db <- function(x) {
getGeneInfo.org.Mm.eg.db <- function(x) {
org.db <- get("org.Mm.eg.db")
info <- select(org.db, , c("ENTREZID", "SYMBOL"), query.id)
names(info) <- c(query.col, 'entrez.id', 'gene.symbol')
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