# Contains functions for performing PathNet Contextual Analysis
# do.contextual.analysis
# Main function for performing contextual analysis
# Arguments
# DirectEvidence - direct evidence data
# Adjacency - Adjacency matrix
# gene_ID - gene IDs
# pathway - pathway data
# pathwayNames - name of pathways
# n_perm - number of permutations to run
# use_sig_pathways - whether to use significant pathway analysis
# ea.results - enrichment analysis results
# Returns contextual association between pathways and pathway overlaps
# list(conn_p_value, overlap)
# conn_p_value - matrix of contextual p values
# overlap - pathway overlap matrix
do.contextual.analysis <- function(DirectEvidence, Adjacency, gene_ID, pathway, pathwayNames, n_perm, use_sig_pathways, ea.results=NULL) {
# Setup initial variables
Adjacency <- Adjacency[rownames(Adjacency) %in% gene_ID,rownames(Adjacency) %in% gene_ID]
observe <- rep(FALSE, nrow(Adjacency))
names(observe) <- rownames(Adjacency)
diag(Adjacency) <- 0
path_genes_all <- unique(c(pathway[,1], pathway[,2]))
# Setup the pathway names we want to use
pathwayNames_significant <- construct.significant.pathways(use_sig_pathways, pathwayNames, ea.results)
message("Number of significant pathways to use for contextual analysis:", length(pathwayNames_significant))
Conn_p_value <- array(1, dim <- c(length(pathwayNames_significant), length(pathwayNames_significant)))
overlap <- array(1, dim <- c(length(pathwayNames_significant), length(pathwayNames_significant)))
# If we have pathways we can process
if (length(pathwayNames_significant) > 1)
# Main contextual processing loop
for (i in 1:length(pathwayNames_significant))
message(paste("Performing contextual analysis of",pathwayNames_significant[i],"pathway"))
# Determine common path for current pathway
common_path_results <- determine.common.path(pathwayNames_significant[i],
pathway, DirectEvidence,
Adjacency, gene_ID)
path_genes1 <- common_path_results$path_genes1
path_genes_common1 <- common_path_results$path_genes_common1
DirectEvidence_path_common1 <- common_path_results$DirectEvidence_path_common1
# Mail loop to calculate contextual intersection and overlaps
for (j in 1:length(pathwayNames_significant))
ind2 <- pathway[,3] == pathwayNames_significant[j]
path_genes2 <- unique(c(pathway[ind2,1],pathway[ind2,2]))
path_genes2 <- path_genes2[path_genes2 != "0"]
path_genes_common2 <- path_genes2
# find intersections
if (is.null(path_genes_common2) == FALSE)
path_genes_common2 <- intersect(path_genes_common2, as.matrix(rownames(Adjacency)))
if (is.null(path_genes_common2) == FALSE)
path_genes_common2 <- intersect(path_genes_common2,gene_ID)
# Determine whether to use this path
use.path.results <- determine.use.path(path_genes_common1, path_genes_common2, Adjacency)
Adjacency_path <- use.path.results$Adjacency_path
if (use.path.results$use_this_path == 1)
degree_Adjacency <- rowSums(Adjacency_path)
DirectEvidence_path_common2 <- sapply(path_genes_common2, function(p) { DirectEvidence[gene_ID %in% p] })
Conn <- DirectEvidence_path_common1 %*% Adjacency_path
Conn <- Conn %*% DirectEvidence_path_common2
Conn_rand <- sapply(1:n_perm, function(i) {
DirectEvidence_path_rand1 <- sample(DirectEvidence, length(DirectEvidence_path_common1), replace = FALSE)
DirectEvidence_path_rand2 <- sample(DirectEvidence, length(DirectEvidence_path_common2), replace = FALSE)
temp <- DirectEvidence_path_rand1 %*% Adjacency_path
temp <- temp %*% DirectEvidence_path_rand2
temp <- rep(0,n_perm)
Conn <- rep(Conn,n_perm)
temp[Conn_rand >= Conn] <- 1
Conn_p_value[i,j] <- sum(temp) / n_perm
# Construct overlap
overlap[i,j] <- phyper(q = length(intersect(path_genes1,path_genes2))-1,
m = length(path_genes1),
n = length(path_genes_all) - length(path_genes1),
k = length(path_genes2), lower.tail = FALSE)
else {
warning("Number of significance pathways is less than two")
# Construct results and return contextual association
# between pathways and pathway overlaps
diag(Conn_p_value) <- 0
diag(overlap) <- 0
rownames(Conn_p_value) <- pathwayNames_significant
colnames(Conn_p_value) <- pathwayNames_significant
rownames(overlap) <- pathwayNames_significant
colnames(overlap) <- pathwayNames_significant
list(conn_p_value=Conn_p_value, overlap=overlap)
# Determines which pathways to use for contextual analysis
# Arguments
# use_sig_pathways - whether to only use significant pathways
# pathwayNames - names of pathways
# ea.results - Enrichment Analysis results containing correct p values for significance
construct.significant.pathways <- function(use_sig_pathways, pathwayNames, ea.results) {
if (use_sig_pathways == TRUE)
rankwise <- ea.results$rankwise
path_pVal_p.Comb_corrected_Bon <- ea.results$result$p_PathNet_FWER
pathwayNames_rankwise <- pathwayNames[rankwise]
ind <- path_pVal_p.Comb_corrected_Bon[rankwise] <= 0.05
pathwayNames_significant <- pathwayNames_rankwise[ind]
# Just sort pathways
pathwayNames_significant <- sort(pathwayNames)
# Determines common pathway during analysis
determine.common.path <- function(pathwayName, pathway, DirectEvidence, Adjacency, gene_ID) {
ind1 <- pathway[,3] == pathwayName
path_genes1 <- unique(c(pathway[ind1,1],pathway[ind1,2]))
path_genes1 <- path_genes1[path_genes1 != "0"]
path_genes_common1 <- path_genes1
DirectEvidence_path_common1 = NULL
if (is.null(path_genes_common1) == FALSE)
path_genes_common1 <- intersect(path_genes_common1, as.matrix(rownames(Adjacency)))
if (is.null(path_genes_common1) == FALSE)
path_genes_common1 <- intersect(path_genes_common1, gene_ID)
if (length(path_genes_common1) > 1)
DirectEvidence_path_common1 <- sapply(path_genes_common1, function(p) { DirectEvidence[gene_ID %in% p] })
# Determines whether to use the specified path, constructs correspoding adjacency path
determine.use.path <- function(path_genes_common1, path_genes_common2, Adjacency) {
use_this_path <- 0
Adjacency_path <- NULL
if (is.null(path_genes_common1) == FALSE && is.null(path_genes_common2) == FALSE &&
length(path_genes_common1) > 1 && length(path_genes_common2) > 1) {
Adjacency_path <- Adjacency[as.matrix(rownames(Adjacency)) %in% path_genes_common1,
as.matrix(rownames(Adjacency)) %in% path_genes_common2]
use_this_path <- 1
list(use_this_path=use_this_path, Adjacency_path=Adjacency_path)
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