##' @title The PXDataset to find and download proteomics data
##' @aliases class:PXDataset PXDataset1 pxfiles,PXDataset-method
##' pxget,PXDataset-method pxid,PXDataset-method
##' pxref,PXDataset-method pxtax,PXDataset-method
##' pxurl,PXDataset-method show,PXDataset-method
##' @name PXDataset1
##' @description
##' The `rpx` package provides the infrastructure to access, store and
##' retrieve information for ProteomeXchange (PX) data sets. This can
##' be achieved with `PXDataset` objects can be created with the
##' `PXDataset()` constructor that takes the unique ProteomeXchange
##' project identifier as input.
##' The `PXDataset` class is replaced by `PXDataset2` and is now
##' deprecated. It will be defunct in the next release.
##' @details
##' Since version 1.99.1, `rpx` uses the Bioconductor `BiocFileCache`
##' package to automatically cache all downloaded ProteomeXchange
##' files. When a file is downloaded for the first time, it is added
##' to the cache. When already available, the file path to the cached
##' file is directly returned. The central `rpx` package chache,
##' object of class `BiocFileCache`, is returned by
##' [rpxCache()]. Users can also provide their own cache object
##' instead of using the default central cache to `pxget()`.
##' Since 2.1.1, `PXDataset` instances are also cached using the same
##' mechanism as project files. Each `PXDataset` instance also stored
##' the project file names, the reference, taxonomy of the sample and
##' the project URL (see slot `cache`) instead of accessing these
##' every time they are needed to reduce remote access and reliance on
##' a stable internet connection. As for files, the default cache is
##' as returned by [rpxCache()], but users can pass their own
##' `BiocFileCache` objects.
##' For more details on how to manage the cache (for example if some
##' files need to be deleted), please refer to the `BiocFileCache`
##' package vignette and documentation. See also [rpxCache()] for
##' additional details.
##' @slot id `character(1)` containing the dataset's unique
##' ProteomeXchange identifier, as used to create the object.
##' @slot formatVersion `character(1)` storing the version of the
##' ProteomeXchange schema. Schema versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 are
##' supported (see
##' [https://code.google.com/p/proteomexchange/source/browse/schema/](https://code.google.com/p/proteomexchange/source/browse/schema/)).
##' @slot cache `list()` storing the available files (element
##' `pxfiles`), the reference associated with the data set
##' (`pxref`), the taxonomy of the sample (`pxtax`) and the
##' datasets' ProteomeXchange URL (`pxurl`). These are returned by
##' the respective accessors. It also stores the path to the cache
##' it is stored in (element `cachepath`).
##' @slot Data `XMLNode` storing the ProteomeXchange description as
##' XML node tree.
##' @section Accessors:
##' - `pxfiles(object)` returns the project file names.
##' - `pxget(object, list, cache)`: if the file(s) in `list` have
##' never been requested, `pxget()` downloads the files from the
##' ProteomeXchange repository, caches them in `cache` and returns
##' their path. If the files have previously been downloaded and
##' are available in `cache`, their path is directly returned.
##' If `list` is missing, the file to be downloaded can be selected
##' from a menu. If `list = "all"`, all files are downloaded. The
##' file names, as returned by `pxfiles()` can also be
##' used. Alternatively, a `logical` or `numeric` index can be
##' used.
##' The argument `cache` can be passed to define the path to the
##' cache. The default cache is the packages' default as returned
##' by `rpxCache()`.
##' - `pxtax(object)`: returns the taxonomic name of `object`.
##' - `pxurl(object)`: returns the base url on the ProteomeXchange
##' server where the project files reside.
##' - `pxCacheInfo(object, cache): prints and invisibly returns
##' `object`'s caching information from `cache` (default is
##' `rpxCache()`). The return value is a named vector of length two
##' containing the resourne identifier and the cache location.
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @references Vizcaino J.A. et al. 'ProteomeXchange: globally co-ordinated
##' proteomics data submission and dissemination', Nature Biotechnology 2014,
##' 32, 223 -- 226, doi:10.1038/nbt.2839.
##' Source repository for the ProteomeXchange project:
##' https://code.google.com/p/proteomexchange/
## Wrong ftp URL in xml of data, as documented in issue #5
rpx_env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
rpx_env$rpx_fix_issue_5 <- TRUE
apply_fix_issue_5 <- function(x = TRUE)
rpx_env$rpx_fix_issue_5 <- x
##' @importFrom methods new
.PXDataset <- setClass("PXDataset",
slots = list(
## attributes
id = "character",
formatVersion = "character",
## Cache
cache = "list",
## Nodes
Data = "xml_document"))
##' @importFrom methods show
##' @exportMethod show
setMethod("show", "PXDataset",
function(object) {
cat("Object of class \"", class(object), "\"\n", sep = "")
fls <- pxfiles(object)
fls <- paste0("'", fls, "'")
n <- length(fls)
cat(" Id:", object@id, "with ")
cat(n, "files\n ")
cat(" ")
if (n < 3) {
cat(paste(fls, collapse = ", "), "\n")
} else {
cat("[1]", paste(fls[1], collapse = ", "))
cat(" ... ")
cat("[", n, "] ", paste(fls[n], collapse = ", "),
"\n", sep = "")
cat(" Use 'pxfiles(.)' to see all files.\n")
.Deprecated("the PXDataset2 class", old = NULL)
##' @param object An instance of class `PXDataset`, as created by
##' `PXDataset()`.
##' @rdname PXDataset1
##' @exportMethod pxid
setMethod("pxid", "PXDataset", function(object) object@id)
##' @rdname PXDataset1
##' @exportMethod pxurl
setMethod("pxurl", "PXDataset",
function(object) {
if (is.null(object@cache$pxurl)) {
p <- "//cvParam[@accession = 'PRIDE:0000411']"
url <- xml_attr(xml_find_all(object@Data, p), "value")
if (!.valid_ftp_url(url)) {
url <- sub("ac\\.uk/", "ac\\.uk/pride/data/archive/", url)
if (!.valid_ftp_url(url)) {
p <- "//cvParam[@accession = 'MS:1002852']"
url <- xml_attr(xml_find_all(object@Data, p), "value")
if (!.valid_ftp_url(url)) {
stop("No URL detected: please open an issue at https://github.com/lgatto/rpx/issues")
names(url) <- NULL
object@cache$pxurl <- url
##' @rdname PXDataset1
##' @exportMethod pxtax
setMethod("pxtax", "PXDataset",
function(object) {
if (is.null(object@cache$pxtax)) {
p <- "//cvParam[@accession = 'MS:1001469']"
tax <- xml_attr(xml_find_all(object@Data, p), "value")
names(tax) <- NULL
object@cache$pxtax <- tax
##' @rdname PXDataset1
##' @exportMethod pxref
setMethod("pxref", "PXDataset",
function(object) {
if (is.null(object@cache$pxref)) {
p <- "//cvParam[@accession = 'PRIDE:0000400']"
q <- "//cvParam[@accession = 'PRIDE:0000432']"
ref <- xml_attr(xml_find_all(object@Data, p), "value")
pendingref <- xml_attr(xml_find_all(object@Data, q), "value")
object@cache$pxref <- c(ref, pendingref)
##' @rdname PXDataset1
##' @importFrom RCurl getURL
##' @exportMethod pxfiles
setMethod("pxfiles", "PXDataset",
function(object) {
if (is.null(object@cache$pxfiles)) {
ftpdir <- paste0(pxurl(object), "/")
ans <- strsplit(getURL(ftpdir, dirlistonly = TRUE), "\n")[[1]]
if (Sys.info()['sysname'] == "Windows")
ans <- sub("\r$", "", ans)
## Don't display the 'generated' directory (contains files
## generated by ProteomeXchange).
object@cache$pxfiles <- ans[!grepl("generated", ans)]
##' @rdname PXDataset1
##' @param list `character()`, `numeric()` or `logical()` defining the
##' project files to be downloaded. This list of files can
##' retrieved with `pxfiles()`.
##' @param cache Object of class `BiocFileCache`. Default is to use
##' the central `rpx` cache returned by `rpxCache()`, but users
##' can use their own cache. See [rpxCache()] for details.
##' @importFrom utils menu
##' @exportMethod pxget
setMethod("pxget", "PXDataset",
function(object, list, cache = rpxCache()) {
fls <- pxfiles(object)
url <- pxurl(object)
if (missing(list))
list <- menu(fls, FALSE, paste0("Files for ", object@id))
if (length(list) == 1 && list == "all") {
toget <- fls
} else {
if (is.character(list)) {
toget <- fls[fls %in% list]
} else toget <- fls[list]
if (length(toget) < 1)
stop("No files to download.")
toget <- urls <- gsub(" ", "\ ", paste0(url, "/", toget))
for (i in seq_along(urls)) {
toget[i] <- pxget1(urls[i], cache)
##' @rdname PXDataset1
##' @exportMethod pxCacheInfo
setMethod("pxCacheInfo", "PXDataset",
function(object, cache = rpxCache()) {
rid <- ridFromCache1(object)
if (is.na(rid)) msg <- "No caching information found."
else msg <- paste0("Resource ID ", rid, " in cache in ", object@cache$cachepath, ".")
invisible(c(rid = rid, cachepath = object@cache$cachepath))
## ns10 <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/proteomexchange/proteomecentral/master/lib/schemas/proteomeXchange-1.0.xsd"
## ns11 <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/proteomexchange/proteomecentral/master/lib/schemas/proteomeXchange-1.1.0.xsd"
## ns12 <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/proteomexchange/proteomecentral/master/lib/schemas/proteomeXchange-1.2.0.xsd"
## ns13 <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/proteomexchange/proteomecentral/master/lib/schemas/proteomeXchange-1.3.0.xsd"
##' @name PXDataset1
##' @param id `character(1)` containing a valid ProteomeXchange
##' identifier.
##' @import xml2
##' @importFrom methods validObject
##' @export
##' @return The `PXDataset()` constructor returns a cached `PXDataset`
##' object. It thus also modifies the cache used to projet
##' caching, as defined by the `cache` argument.
PXDataset1 <- function(id, cache = rpxCache()) {
## Check if that PX id is already available in BiocFileCache
rpxId <- paste0(".rpx", id)
rpath <- bfcquery(cache, rpxId, "rname", exact = TRUE)$rpath
if (!length(rpath)) {
## Query PX identifier
message("Querying ProteomeXchange for ", id, " ...", appendLF = FALSE)
url <- paste0(
id, "&outputMode=XML&test=no")
x <- readLines(url)
if (length(grep("ERROR", x)) > 0) {
x <- x[grep("message=", x)]
x <- sub("message=", "", x)
x <- x[x != ""]
v <- sub("\".+$", "", sub("^.+formatVersion=\"", "", x[2]))
x <- read_xml(url)
.formatVersion <- xml_attr(x, "formatVersion")
.id <- xml_attr(x, "id")
if (length(.id) != 1)
stop("Got ", length(.id), " identifiers: ",
paste(.id, collapse = ", "), ".")
if (id != .id)
warning("Identifier '", id, "' not found. Retrieved '",
.id, "' instead.")
if (v != .formatVersion)
warning("Format version does not match. Got '",
.formatVersion, "' instead of '", v, "'.")
## Create PX object
ans <- .PXDataset(id = .id,
formatVersion = .formatVersion,
Data = x)
message(" done")
## Populate object data
message("Retrieving project data ", appendLF = FALSE)
ans@cache <- list(pxurl = { message(".", appendLF = FALSE); pxurl(ans) },
pxref = { message(".", appendLF = FALSE); pxref(ans) },
pxfiles = { message(".", appendLF = FALSE); pxfiles(ans) },
pxtax = { message(".", appendLF = FALSE); pxtax(ans) },
cachepath = { message(".", appendLF = FALSE); bfccache(cache) })
message(" done")
## Add the object to cache
savepath <- bfcnew(cache, rpxId, ext=".rds")
saveRDS(ans, savepath)
## Retrieve from cache and return
message("Loading ", id, " from cache.")
px <- readRDS(rpath)
if (!inherits(px, "PXDataset") | !methods::validObject(px))
stop("Project ", id, " isn't a valid PXDataset object.\n",
" Please delete it from cache and regenerate it.\n",
" See ?rpxCached() for details.")
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