##' @title Controlled Vocabulary
##' @name CVParam
##' @aliases CVParam
##' @aliases charIsCVParam cvCharToCVPar as.character.CVParam
##' @description
##' `CVParam` objects instantiate controlled vocabulary entries.
##' @section Methods:
##' - `charIsCVParam(x)` checks if `x`, a character of the form
##' `"[ONTO, ACCESSION, NAME, VALUE]"`, is a valid (possibly
##' user-defined) `CVParam`. `"ONTO"` is the ontology label
##' (prefix), `"ACCESSION"` is the term accession number, `"NAME"`
##' is the term's name and `"VALUE"` is the value. Note that only
##' the syntax validity is verified, not the semantics. See example
##' below.
##' - `coerce(from = "CVParam", to = "character")` coerces `CVParam`
##' `from` to a `character` of the following form: `[label,
##' accession, name, value]`. `as.character` is also defined.
##' - `coerce(from = "character", to = "CVParam")` coerces `character`
##' `from` to a `CVParam`. `as.CVParam` is also defined. If a
##' `label` is absent, the `character` is converted to a User param,
##' else, the `label` and `accession` are used to query the Ontology
##' Lookup Service (see [OlsSearch()]). If a `name` is provided and
##' does not match the retrieved name, a warning is thrown.
##' This function is vectorised; if the `from` character is of
##' length greater than 1, then a list of `CVParam` is returned. The
##' queries to the OLS are processed one-by-one, though.
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @examples
##' ## User param
##' CVParam(name = "A user param", value = "the value")
##' ## CVParam ESI from PSI's Mass Spectrometry ontology
##' olsTerm("GO", "GO:0035145")
##' (eej <- CVParam(label = "GO", accession = "GO:0035145"))
##' class(eej)
##' ## From a CVParam object to a character
##' cv <- as(eej, "character")
##' cv ## note the quotes
##' ## From a character object to a CVParam
##' as(cv, "CVParam")
##' as("[GO, GO:0035145, , ]", "CVParam") ## no name
##' as("[GO, GO:0035145, exon-exon junction complex, ]", "CVParam")
##' as(c(cv, cv), "CVParam") ## more than 1 character
##' x <- c("[MS, MS:1000073, , ]", ## valid CV param
##' "[, , Hello, world]", ## valid User param
##' "[this, one is, not, valid]", ## not valid
##' "[ , , , ]") ## not valid
##' stopifnot(charIsCVParam(x) == c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))
##' ## A list of expected valid and non-valid entries
##' rols:::validCVchars
##' rols:::notvalidCVchars
## A param is [CV label, accession, name|synonym, value]
.CVParam <- setClass("CVParam",
slots = c(
label = "character",
accession = "character",
name = "character",
value = "character",
user = "logical"),
prototype = prototype(user = FALSE))
## When fixed, set automatic validity back
validCVParam <- function(object) {
msg <- validMsg(NULL, NULL)
if (object@user) {
if (!all(c(object@label, object@accession) == ""))
msg <- "Label and accession must be empty in UserParams."
} else {
x <- c(object@label, object@accession,
object@name, object@value) == ""
if (!all(x)) {
## FIXME - why call Term here? Is this needed?
._term <- olsTerm(object@label, object@accession)
._label <- termLabel(._term)
._synonyms <- termSynonym(._term)
if (!(object@name %in% c(._label, ._synonyms)))
msg <- paste0("CVParam accession and name/synomyms do not match. Got [",
paste(c(._label, ._synonyms), collapse = ", "),
"], expected '", object@name, "'.")
if (is.null(msg)) TRUE else msg
## trim leading and trailing whitespace
trim <- function (x) gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x)
##' @param label `character(1)` with the ontology label. If missing, a
##' user-defined parameter is created.
##' @param name `character(1)` with the name of the `CVParam` to be
##' constructed. This argument can be omitted if `accession` is
##' used and `label` is not missing.
##' @param accession `character(1)` with the accession of the
##' `CVParam` to be constructed. This argument can be omitted if
##' `name` is used. Ignored for user-defined instances.
##' @param value `character(1)` with the value of the `CVParam` o be
##' constructed. This argument is optional.
##' @param exact `logical(1)` defining whether the query to retrieve
##' the `accession` (when `name` is used) should be an exact
##' match.
##' @export
##' @rdname CVParam
CVParam <- function(label,
exact = TRUE) {
if (missing(label)) {
## a User param
ans <- new("CVParam", name = name, user = TRUE)
} else {
## a CV param
if (missing(name) & missing(accession)) {
stop("You need to provide at least one of 'name' or 'accession'")
} else if (missing(name)) {
name <- termLabel(olsTerm(label, accession))
} else { ## missing(accession)
resp <- OlsSearch(q = name, ontology = label, exact = exact)
if (resp@numFound != 1)
stop("Found more than one matching term: ",
paste(resp@response$obo_id, collapse = ", "))
olsRows(resp) <- 1 ## only 1 response
resp <- olsSearch(resp)
accession <- resp@response$obo_id
ans <- new("CVParam", label = label, name = name,
accession = accession)
if (!missing(value))
ans@value <- value
if (validObject(ans))
setAs("CVParam", "character",
function(from, to = "character") {
ans <- paste0("[",
from@label, ", ",
from@accession, ", ",
from@name, ", ",
from@value, "]")
##' @export
as.character.CVParam <- function(x, ...) as(x, "character")
##' @export
##' @param object `CVParam` object.
##' @rdname CVParam
function(object) {
cat(as(object, "character"), "\n")
##' @export
##' @rdname CVParam
##' @param x `CVParam` to be repeated.
##' @param times `numeric(1)` defining the number of repetitions.
setMethod("rep", "CVParam",
function(x, times) {
l <- vector("list", length = times)
for (i in 1:times)
l[[i]] <- x
##' @export
cvCharToCVPar <- function(from) {
stopifnot(length(from) == 1)
if (!charIsCVParam(from))
stop(paste("Your input character should be",
"'[MS, MS:1000073, ESI, ]'.",
"See ?CVParam for details."))
## from <- substr(from, 2, nchar(from)-1)
## from <- trim(strsplit(from, ",")[[1]])
from <- .split_cvparam(from)
## Assuming correct order here!
## 1: "label", 2: "accession", 3: "name", 4: "value"
from <- sapply(from, trim, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
if (from[1] == "") { ## label is missing -> user param
cv <- CVParam(name = from[3], value = from[4])
} else { ## CV para
cv <- CVParam(label = from[1], accession = from[2])
if (from[3] != "" && cv@name != from[3])
warning("The CV names did not match:\n ",
"Yours: '", from[3], "' - OLS: '", cv@name, "'.")
setAs("character", "CVParam",
function(from, to = "CVParam") {
ans <- lapply(from, cvCharToCVPar)
if (length(ans) == 1)
ans <- ans[[1]]
.charIsCVParam <- function(x) {
x <- x[1]
x <- .split_cvparam(x)
if (all(x == "")) return(FALSE)
if (length(x) != 4) return(FALSE)
## CV param: 1 and 2 are present
if (x[1] != "") {
## FIXME - no ontologies() anymore - maybe add rolsEnv again?
## if (x[2] == "" | !x[1] %in% ontologies()[, 1]) return(FALSE)
## Using a simple (simplistic) pattern instead
if (x[2] == "" | !grepl("[A-Za-z]", x[1])) return(FALSE)
acc <- strsplit(x[2], ":")[[1]]
if (length(acc) != 2) return(FALSE)
if (acc[1] != x[1]) return(FALSE)
} else {
if (x[2] != "") return(FALSE)
## User param: 3 and 4 are present
if (x[4] != "" & x[3] == "") return(FALSE)
if (x[3] != "" & x[4] == "") return(FALSE)
.split_cvparam <- function(x) {
x <- strsplit(x, ",")[[1]]
## Order:
## 1. label (ontology)
## 2. accession
## 3. name (can contain commas!)
## 4. value
if (length(x) > 4) {
x[3] <- paste(x[3:(length(x) - 1)], collapse = ",")
x[4] <- x[length(x)]
x <- x[1:4]
trim(gsub("\\[|\\]", "", x))
##' @export
charIsCVParam <- function(object)
sapply(object, .charIsCVParam)
notvalidCVchars <- c("[ , , , ]", "[, , , ]",
"[ , , ,]", "[,,,]",
"[AB, MS:123 , , ]", "[, MS:123 , , ]",
"[MS, AB:123, , ]",
"[, , foo, ]", "[, , , bar]",
"[foo, , , ]", "[, bar, , ]",
"[, foo, bar, ]",
"[MS, , , bar]", "[MS, , foo, ]")
validCVchars <- c("[MS, MS:123 , , ]", "[, , foo, bar]",
"[MS, MS:123, foo, bar]", ## this one is questionable
"[MS, MS:123, , foo]", ## this one is questionable
"[MS, MS:123, foo, ]")
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