##' @title Ontology Terms
##' @aliases olsTerm olsTerms olsTerms,character olsTerms,olsOntology
##' @aliases termLinks termLinks,olsTerm
##' @aliases children parents ancestors descendants
##' @aliases termSynonym termSynonym,olsTerm termSynonym,olsTerms
##' @aliases isObsolete isObsolete,olsTerm isObsolete,olsTerms
##' @aliases isRoot isRoot,olsTerm isRoot,olsTerms
##' @aliases termLabel termLabel,olsTerm termLabel,olsTerms
##' @aliases termId termId,olsTerm termId,olsTerms
##' @aliases termPrefix termPrefix,olsTerm termPrefix,olsTerms
##' @aliases termDesc termDesc,olsTerm termDesc,olsTerms
##' @aliases termOntology termOntology,olsTerm termOntology,olsTerms
##' @aliases termNamespace termNamespace,olsTerm termNamespace,olsTerms
##' @description
##' The `olsTerm` class describes an ontology term. A set of terms are
##' instantiated as a `olsTerms` class.
##' @section Contructors:
##' Objects can be created using the `olsTerm()` and `olsTerms()`
##' constructers. The latter is used with an object of class
##' `olsOntology` or a `character` describing a valid ontology prefix
##' to download and instantiate all terms of an ontology of
##' interest. The former takes an `olsOntology` object (or an ontology
##' prefix) and a term identifer to instantiate that specific term.
##' For any given `olsTerm` object, the `children`, `parents`,
##' `ancestors` and `descendants` terms can be generated with the
##' `children()`, `parents()`, `ancestor()` and `descendants()`
##' function. `olsTerms` instances can be subset with `[` and `[[` and
##' iterated over with `lapply`.
##' @section Accessors:
##' - `isObsolete(object = "olsTerm")` returns a `TRUE` if the term is
##' obsolete, `FALSE` otherwise. Also works on `olsTerms` instances.
##' - `isRoot(object = "olsTerm")` returns a `TRUE` if the term is a root
##' term, `FALSE` otherwise. Also works on `olsTerms` instances.
##' - `termDesc(object = "olsTerm")` returns a `character` with the
##' term's description. Also works on `olsTerms` instances.
##' - `termId(object = "olsTerm")` returns a `character` with the term's
##' identifier. Also works on `olsTerms` instances.
##' - `termLabel(object = "olsTerm")` returns a `character` with the
##' term's label. Also works on `olsTerms` instances.
##' - `termNamespace(object = "olsTerm")` returns a `character` with the
##' term's namespace. Also works on `olsTerms` instances.
##' - `termOntology(object = "olsTerm")` returns a `character` with the
##' term's ontology (where it was retrieved from). Also works on
##' `olsTerms` instances.
##' - `termPrefix(object = "olsTerm")` returns a `character` with the
##' term's (ontology) prefix (where it was retrieved from). Also
##' works on `olsTerms` instances.
##' - `termSynonym(object = "olsTerm")` returns a `character` with the
##' term's synpnym(s). Also works on `olsTerms` instances.
##' - `termLinks(object = "olsTerm")` returns a named `character` with
##' hyperlink to/from the term.
##' @section Related terms:
##' - `children(object = "olsTerm")` returns a new `olsTerms` instance with
##' the `object`'s children or `NULL` if there are no children.
##' - `parents(object = "olsTerm")` returns a new `olsTerms` instance with
##' the `object`'s parents or `NULL` if there are no parents.
##' - `ancestors(object = "olsTerm")` returns a new `olsTerms` instance with
##' the `object`'s ancestors or `NULL` if there are no ancestors.
##' - `descendants(object = "olsTerm")` returns a new `olsTerms` instance
##' with the `object`'s descendants or `NULL` if there are no
##' descendants.
##' @section Coercion:
##' - `as(x, "data.fram")` coerces a `olsTerm` or `olsTerms` instance into a
##' `data.frame` of length 1 (for the former) or length `length(x)`
##' for the latter. The result will contain the following columns:
##' id, label, description of the term(s), their ontology, whether
##' they are obsolete, have children or are root node, the first
##' synonym only, their iri and whether they are defining the
##' ontology. Any missing value will be reported as `NA`.
##' @references
##' - OLS3 API (the OLS4 API should function identically to the OLS3):
##' <http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/ols3help>
##' - REST API for OLS: <https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/swagger-ui/index.html>
##' @name olsTerms
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @examples
##' ## Alzheimer's Disease Ontology (ADO)
##' (adoterms <- olsTerms('ado'))
##' ## Focus on squamous epithelium
##' (trm <- adoterms[["UBERON:0006914"]])
##' ## Accessors
##' termLabel(trm)
##' head(termLabel(adoterms))
##' termId(trm)
##' termDesc(trm)
##' termOntology(trm)
##' termNamespace(trm)
##' termSynonym(trm) ## none
##' ## Related terms
##' children(trm)
##' descendants(trm) ## includes child
##' parents(trm)
##' ancestors(trm) ## includes parent
##' ## A single term from an ontology
##' olsTerm("ado", "ADO:0000090")
## A single term
.olsTerm <- setClass("olsTerm",
slots = c(iri = "character",
lang = "character",
description = "NullOrList",
synonyms = "NullOrList",
annotation = "NullOrList",
label = "character",
ontology_name = "character",
ontology_prefix = "character",
ontology_iri = "character",
is_obsolete = "logical",
term_replaced_by = "NullOrChar",
is_defining_ontology = "logical",
has_children = "logical",
is_root = "logical",
short_form = "NullOrChar",
obo_id = "NullOrChar",
in_subset = "NullOrList",
obo_definition_citation = "NullOrList",
obo_xref = "NullOrList",
obo_synonym = "NullOrList",
is_preferred_root = "NullOrLogical",
links = "list"))
## A list of terms
.olsTerms <- setClass("olsTerms", slots = c(x = "list"))
## Constructors
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
##' @param object generally an instance of class `olsTerms` or `olsTerm`. In
##' some cases, an ontology identifier is applicable.
##' @param pagesize `numeric(1)`, converted to an integer, defining
##' the response page size. Default is 1000.
##' @param obsolete `NULL` or `logical(1)` defining whether obsolete
##' terms (`TRUE`), current terms (`FALSE`) or all (`NULL`,
##' default) should be returned.
setMethod("olsTerms", "character", ## ontologyId
function(object, pagesize = 1000, obsolete = NULL)
makeOlsTerms(object, pagesize, obsolete))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("olsTerms", "olsOntology",
function(object, pagesize = 1000, obsolete = NULL)
makeOlsTerms(object, pagesize, obsolete))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
##' @param id `character(1)` with the term's identifier.
setMethod("olsTerm", "character",
function(object, id) olsTerm(olsOntology(object), id))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("olsTerm", "olsOntology",
function(object, id) {
## See https://github.com/EBISPOT/ols4/issues/621
url <- paste0(
loc <- object@config$fileLocation
if (grepl("ebi.ac.uk", loc)) {
uri <- sub("/[a-zA-z]+\\.owl$", "", loc)
else if (grepl("purl.obolibrary.org", loc)) {
uri <- "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo"
} else stop("Unknown fileLocation")
uri <- paste0(uri, "/", sub(":", "_", id))
uri <- gsub("%", "%25", URLencode(uri, TRUE))
url <- paste0(url, uri)
request(url) |>
req_perform() |>
resp_body_json() |>
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
children <- function(object) {
stopifnot(inherits(object, "olsTerm"))
if (!object@has_children)
url <- termLinks(object)[["children"]]
ans <- lapply(ols_requests(url, "terms"),
names(ans) <- sapply(ans, termId)
.olsTerms(x = ans)
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
parents <- function(object) {
stopifnot(inherits(object, "olsTerm"))
if (object@is_root)
url <- termLinks(object)[["parents"]]
ans <- lapply(ols_requests(url, "terms"),
names(ans) <- sapply(ans, termId)
.olsTerms(x = ans)
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
ancestors <- function(object) {
stopifnot(inherits(object, "olsTerm"))
if (object@is_root)
url <- termLinks(object)[["ancestors"]]
ans <- lapply(ols_requests(url, "terms"),
names(ans) <- sapply(ans, termId)
.olsTerms(x = ans)
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
descendants <- function(object) {
stopifnot(inherits(object, "olsTerm"))
if (!object@has_children)
url <- termLinks(object)[["descendants"]]
ans <- lapply(ols_requests(url, "terms"),
names(ans) <- sapply(ans, termId)
.olsTerms(x = ans)
## show methods
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("show", "olsTerm",
function(object) {
ids <- .termId(object)
cat("A olsTerm from the", termPrefix(object), "ontology:", ids, "\n")
cat(" Label: ", termLabel(object),"\n ", sep = "")
desc <- termDesc(object)
if (is.null(desc)) cat("No description\n")
else for (i in seq_along(desc))
cat(strwrap(desc[[i]]), sep = "\n ")
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("show", "olsTerms",
function(object) {
cat("Object of class 'olsTerms' with", length(object), "entries\n")
onts <- unique(termPrefix(object))
if (length(onts) == 1)
cat(" From the", onts, "ontology\n")
else if (length(onts) < 6)
cat(" From the", paste(onts, collapse = ", "), "ontologies\n")
else cat(" From ", length(onts), "ontologies\n")
n <- length(object)
if (n > 4)
cat(" ", paste(head(termId(object), n=2), collapse = ", "),
paste(tail(termId(object), n=2), collapse = ", "), "\n")
cat(paste(termId(object)[1:n], collapse = ", "), "\n")
## Accessors
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("termSynonym", "olsTerm",
function(object) unlist(object@synonyms))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("termSynonym", "olsTerms",
function(object) lapply(object@x, termSynonym))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("isObsolete", "olsTerm",
function(object) object@is_obsolete)
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("isObsolete", "olsTerms",
function(object) sapply(object@x, isObsolete))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("isRoot", "olsTerm",
function(object) object@is_root)
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("isRoot", "olsTerms",
function(object) sapply(object@x, isRoot))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("termLabel", "olsTerm",
function(object) object@label)
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("termLabel", "olsTerms",
function(object) sapply(object@x, termLabel))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("termId", "olsTerm",
function(object) .termId(object))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("termId", "olsTerms",
function(object) sapply(object@x, .termId))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("termLinks", "olsTerm",
function(object) {
links <- unlist(object@links)
names(links) <- sub("\\.href", "", names(links))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("termPrefix", "olsTerm",
function(object) object@ontology_prefix)
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("termPrefix", "olsTerms",
function(object) sapply(object@x, termPrefix))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("termDesc", "olsTerm",
function(object) unlist(object@description))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("termDesc", "olsTerms",
function(object) sapply(object@x, termDesc))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("termOntology", "olsTerm",
function(object) unlist(object@ontology_name))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("termOntology", "olsTerms",
function(object) sapply(object@x, termOntology))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("termNamespace", "olsTerm",
function(object) unlist(object@annotation$has_obo_namespace))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("termNamespace", "olsTerms",
function(object) sapply(object@x, termNamespace))
## Data manipulation
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("length", "olsTerms", function(x) length(x@x))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("unique", "olsTerms", function(x) x[!duplicated(names(x@x))])
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
##' @param x a `olsTerms` object.
##' @param i index of elecements to subset.
##' @param j ignored.
##' @param drop ignored.
setMethod("[", "olsTerms",
function(x, i, j="missing", drop="missing")
.olsTerms(x = x@x[i]))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("[[", "olsTerms",
function(x, i, j="missing", drop="missing") x@x[[i]])
##' @export
##' @param X `olsTerms` object.
##' @param FUN a `function` to be applied to each `olsTerm` element of
##' `X`.
##' @param ... additional arguments passed to `FUN`.
##' @rdname olsTerms
setMethod("lapply", "olsTerms",
function(X, FUN, ...) lapply(X@x, FUN, ...))
## ##' @export
## setMethod("all.equal", c("olsTerm", "olsTerm"),
## function(target, current) {
## msg <- Biobase::validMsg(NULL, NULL)
## snms <- slotNames("olsTerm")
## for (i in snms[-grep("links", snms)]) {
## eq <- all.equal(slot(target, i), slot(current, i))
## if (is.character(eq)) {
## eq <- paste0("Slot '", i, "': ", eq)
## msg <- Biobase:::validMsg(msg, eq)
## }
## }
## lt <- slot(target, "links")
## lc <- slot(current, "links")
## ot <- order(names(lt))
## oc <- order(names(lc))
## msg <- Biobase:::validMsg(msg, all.equal(lt[ot], lc[oc]))
## if (is.null(msg)) return(TRUE)
## else msg
## })
## setMethod("all.equal", c("olsTerms", "olsTerms"),
## function(target, current) {
## msg <- Biobase::validMsg(NULL, NULL)
## if (length(target) != length(current)) {
## msg <- Biobase::validMsg(msg, "2 olsTerms are of different lengths")
## } else {
## tg <- target@x
## ct <- current@x
## if (any(sort(names(tg)) != sort(names(ct)))) {
## msg <- Biobase::validMsg(msg, "olsTerm ids don't match")
## } else {
## ot <- order(names(tg))
## oc <- order(names(ct))
## tg <- tg[ot]
## ct <- ct[oc]
## for (i in seq_along(tg)) {
## eq <- all.equal(tg[[i]], ct[[i]])
## if (is.character(eq)) {
## eq <- paste0("olsTerm id '", names(tg)[i], "': ", eq)
## msg <- Biobase:::validMsg(msg, eq)
## }
## }
## }
## }
## if (is.null(msg)) return(TRUE)
## else msg
## })
##' @export
setAs("olsTerm", "data.frame",
id = fix_null(termId(from)),
label = fix_null(termLabel(from)),
description = fix_null(termDesc(from)),
ontology = fix_null(termOntology(from)),
is_obsolete = fix_null(isObsolete(from)),
has_children = fix_null(from@has_children),
is_root = fix_null(isRoot(from)),
first_synonym = fix_null(termSynonym(from)),
iri = fix_null(from@iri),
is_defining_ontology = fix_null(from@is_defining_ontology),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
as.olsTerm.data.frame <- function(x)
as(x, "data.frame")
##' @export
setAs("olsTerms", "data.frame",
function(from) do.call(rbind, lapply(from, as, "data.frame")))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsTerms
as.olsTerms.data.frame <- function(x)
as(x, "data.frame")
## helper functions
makeOlsTerms <- function(oid, pagesize, obsolete) {
ont <- olsOntology(oid)
url <- paste0(olsLinks(ont)[["terms"]], "?")
if (!is.null(obsolete))
url <- paste0(url, "obsoletes=",
ifelse(obsolete, "true", "false"))
url <- paste0(url, "&size=", as.integer(pagesize))
ans <- lapply(ols_requests(url, "terms"),
names(ans) <- sapply(ans, termId)
.olsTerms(x = ans)
termFromJson <- function(x) {
.olsTerm(iri = x[["iri"]],
lang = x[["lang"]],
description = x[["description"]],
synonyms = x[["synonyms"]],
annotation = x[["annotation"]],
label = x[["label"]],
ontology_name = x[["ontology_name"]],
ontology_prefix = x[["ontology_prefix"]],
ontology_iri = x[["ontology_iri"]],
is_obsolete = x[["is_obsolete"]],
term_replaced_by = x[["term_replaced_by"]],
is_defining_ontology = x[["is_defining_ontology"]],
has_children = x[["has_children"]],
is_root = x[["is_root"]],
short_form = x[["short_form"]],
obo_id = x[["obo_id"]],
in_subset = x[["in_subset"]],
obo_definition_citation = x[["obo_definition_citation"]],
obo_xref = x[["obo_xref"]],
obo_synonym = x[["obo_synonym"]],
is_preferred_root = x[["is_preferred_root"]],
links = x[["_links"]])
fix_null <- function(x) {
if (is.null(x)) return(NA)
if (is.list(x)) return(x[[1]])
.termId <- function(x) x@obo_id
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