##' @title olsOntologies
##' @aliases olsOntologies olsOntology
##' @aliases olsLinks olsLinks,olsOntology
##' @aliases olsConfig olsConfig,olsOntology
##' @aliases olsVersion olsVersion,character olsVersion,olsOntology olsVersion,olsOntologies
##' @aliases olsLoaded olsLoaded,character olsLoaded,olsOntology olsLoaded,olsOntologies
##' @aliases olsUpdated olsUpdated,character olsUpdated,olsOntology olsUpdated,olsOntologies
##' @aliases olsStatus olsStatus,character olsStatus,olsOntology olsStatus,olsOntologies
##' @aliases olsPrefix olsPrefix,character olsPrefix,olsOntology olsPrefix,olsOntologies
##' @aliases olsDesc olsDesc,character olsDesc,olsOntology olsDesc,olsOntologies
##' @aliases olsTitle olsTitle,character olsTitle,olsOntology olsTitle,olsOntologies
##' @aliases olsNamespace olsNamespace,character olsNamespace,olsOntology olsNamespace,olsOntologies
##' @aliases ontologyUrl ontologyUrl,character ontologyUrl,olsOntology
##' @aliases as.data.frame.olsOntologies
##' @description
##' The rols package provides an interface to PRIDE's Ontology Lookup
##' Servive (OLS) and can be used to query one or multiple ontologies,
##' stored as `olsOntology` and `olsOntologies` instances, and
##' containing various information as provided by OLS.
##' @details
##' Ontologies are referred to by their namespace, which is lower
##' case: the Gene Onology is "go", the Mass spectrometry ontology is
##' "ms", etc. The ontologies also have prefixes, which are upper
##' case: the Gene Onology prefix "GO", the Mass spectrometry ontology
##' prefix "MS". One exception to this rule is the Drosophila
##' Phenotype Ontology, whose namespace and prefix are "dpo" and
##' "FBcv" respectively (there might be more). This is particularly
##' confusing as the FlyBase Controlled Vocabulary has "fbcv" and
##' "FBcv" as namespace and prefix respectively.
##' When using a character to initialise an ontology or query a term,
##' "fbcv" (this is case insensitive) will refer to the the FlyBase
##' Controlled Vocabulary. The the Drosophila Phenotype Ontology will
##' have to be referred as "dpo" (also case insensitive).
##' @section Constructors:
##' Objects can be created in multiple ways. The [olsOntologies()]
##' function will initialise all available ontolgies as an
##' `olsOntologies` object, while a call to [olsOntology()] with an
##' ontology namespace or prefix as argument will initialise the
##' ontology of interest as an `olsOntology` instance.
##' `Ontolgies` instances can be subset with `[` and `[[` (using their
##' namespace, see Details) and iterated over with
##' `lapply`. `Ontolgies` can be converted into a simple `data.frame`
##' containing the ontology prefixes, namespaces and titles using
##' `as(., "data.frame")`. `olsOntologies` can also be coerced to
##' lists of `olsOntology` ojects with `as(., "list")`.
##' @section Accessors:
##' - `olsDesc(object = "olsOntology")` returns the description of an
##' ontology. Also works for `olsOntologies` objects and a `character`
##' describing an ontology namespace or prefix (see Details).
##' - `olsPrefix(object = "olsOntology")` retruns the prefix of an
##' ontology. Also works for `olsOntologies` objects and a `character`
##' describing an ontology namespace or prefix (see Details).
##' - `olsVersion(object = "olsOntology")` returns the version of the
##' ontology. Also works with an a `character` defining an ontology
##' namespace or prefix (see Details) or an object of class
##' `olsOntologies`, in which case it returns a list of versions.
##' - `olsLoaded(object = "olsOntology")` returns the loading date of the
##' ontology. Also works with a `character` containing the ontology
##' namespace or prefix (see Details) or an object of class
##' `olsOntologies`.
##' - `olsUpdated(object = "olsOntology")` returns the update date of the
##' ontology. Also works with a `character` containing the ontology
##' namespace or prefix (see Details) or an object of class
##' `olsOntologies`.
##' - `olsStatus(object = "olsOntology")` returns the status of the
##' ontology. Also works with a `character` containing the ontology
##' namespace or prefix (see Details) or an object of class
##' `olsOntologies`.
##' - `olsTitle(object = "olsOntology")` returns the title of an
##' ontology. Also works with a `character` containing the ontology
##' namespace or prefix (see Details) or an object of class
##' `olsOntologies`.
##' - `olsNamespace(object = "olsOntology")` returns the namespace of an
##' ontology. Also works with a `character` containing the ontology
##' namespace or prefix (see Details) or an object of class
##' `olsOntologies`.
##' - `olsLinks(object = "olsOntology")` returns a named `character` with
##' hyperlink to the ontology itself, and other associated concepts
##' such as its terms.
##' - `olsConfig(object = "olsOntology")` returns a list of additional
##' unstructured, partly redundant information about the ontology.
##' - `ontologyUrl(object = "olsOntology") return the hyperlink to the
##' ontology itself. It can also be used with a `character` defining
##' the namespace or prefix of an ontology, in which case it is
##' created from the base OLS API URL.
##' @section Ontology terms:
##' Once an ontology has been created an an `olsOntology` instance, all
##' its terms can be requested using the `Terms()` constructor. See
##' [Terms()] for details.
##' @references
##' - OLS3 API (the OLS4 API should function identically to the OLS3):
##' <http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/ols3help>
##' - REST API for OLS: <https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/swagger-ui/index.html>
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @name olsOntologies
##' @examples
##' #############################
##' ## All ontologies
##' (onts <- olsOntologies())
##' #############################
##' ## Alzheimer's Disease Ontology (ADO)
##' ## 1. From the ontologies object
##' (ado1 <- onts[['ado']])
##' ## 2. Create from its namespace
##' (ado2 <- olsOntology('ado')) ## also works with ADO
##' all.equal(ado1, ado2)
##' olsVersion(ado1)
##' olsPrefix(ado1)
##' olsNamespace(ado1)
##' olsTitle(ado1)
##' olsDesc(ado1)
##' olsLinks(ado1)
##' str(olsConfig(ado1))
## A single ontology
.olsOntology <- setClass("olsOntology",
slots = c(
languages = "list",
lang = "character",
ontologyId = "character",
loaded = "NullOrChar",
updated = "NullOrChar",
status = "NullOrChar",
message = "NullOrChar",
version = "NullOrChar",
numberOfTerms = "integer",
numberOfProperties = "integer",
numberOfIndividuals = "integer",
config = "list",
links = "list"
## A list of Ontology instances
.olsOntologies <- setClass("olsOntologies", slots = c(x = "list"))
## Constructors
##' @export
##' @param object an instance of class `olsOntologies` or `olsOntology`. For
##' some functions, a ontology identifier is applicable.
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsOntologies", "missing",
function(object) makeOlsOntologies())
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsOntology", "character",
function(object) {
## make urls from ontologyId
url <- ontologyUrl(object)
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsOntology", "olsOntology",
function(object) object)
## show methods
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("show", "olsOntology",
function(object) {
cat("olsOntology: ", olsTitle(object),
" (", olsNamespace(object) , ")", sep = "")
cat(" ", strwrap(olsDesc(object)), sep = "\n ")
cat(" Loaded:", olsLoaded(object),
"Updated:", olsUpdated(object),
"Version:", olsVersion(object), "\n")
cat(" ", object@numberOfTerms, "terms ",
object@numberOfProperties, "properties ",
object@numberOfIndividuals, "individuals\n")
##' @export
##' @importFrom utils head tail
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("show", "olsOntologies",
function(object) {
cat("Object of class 'olsOntologies' with",
length(object), "entries\n")
if (length(object) > 4)
cat(" ", paste(head(olsPrefix(object), n=2),
collapse = ", "),
paste(tail(olsPrefix(object), n=2),
collapse = ", "), "\n")
collapse = ", "), "\n")
## Accessors
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsVersion", "character",
function(object) olsVersion(olsOntology(object)))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsVersion", "olsOntology",
function(object) object@config$version)
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsVersion", "olsOntologies",
function(object) sapply(object@x, olsVersion))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsLoaded", "character",
function(object) olsLoaded(olsOntology(object)))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsLoaded", "olsOntology",
function(object) substr(object@loaded, 1, 10))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsLoaded", "olsOntologies",
function(object) sapply(object@x, olsLoaded))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsLinks", "olsOntology",
function(object) {
links <- unlist(object@links)
names(links) <- sub("\\.href", "", names(links))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsConfig", "olsOntology",
function(object) object@config)
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsUpdated", "character",
function(object) olsUpdated(olsOntology(object)))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsUpdated", "olsOntology",
function(object) substr(object@updated, 1, 10))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsUpdated", "olsOntologies",
function(object) sapply(object@x, olsUpdated))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsPrefix", "character",
function(object) olsPrefix(olsOntology(object)))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsPrefix", "olsOntology",
function(object) object@config$preferredPrefix)
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsPrefix", "olsOntologies",
function(object) sapply(object@x, olsPrefix))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsDesc", "character",
function(object) olsDesc(olsOntology(object)))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsDesc", "olsOntology",
function(object) object@config$description)
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsDesc", "olsOntologies",
function(object) sapply(object@x, olsDesc))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsTitle", "character",
function(object) olsTitle(olsOntology(object)))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsTitle", "olsOntology",
function(object) object@config$title)
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsTitle", "olsOntologies",
function(object) sapply(object@x, olsTitle))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsStatus", "character",
function(object) olsStatus(olsOntology(object)))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsStatus", "olsOntology",
function(object) object@status)
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsStatus", "olsOntologies",
function(object) sapply(object@x, olsStatus))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsNamespace", "character",
function(object) olsNamespace(olsOntology(object)))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsNamespace", "olsOntology",
function(object) object@config$namespace)
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("olsNamespace", "olsOntologies",
function(object) sapply(object@x, olsNamespace))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("ontologyUrl", "character",
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("ontologyUrl", "olsOntology",
function(object) olsLinks(object)[["self"]])
## Data manipulation
##' @export
##' @param X `olsOntologies` object.
##' @param FUN a `function` to be applied to each `olsOntology` element
##' of `X`.
##' @param ... additional arguments passed to `FUN`.
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("lapply", "olsOntologies",
function(X, FUN, ...) lapply(X@x, FUN, ...))
##' @export
##' @param x an `olsOntologies` object.
##' @param i index of elecements to subset.
##' @param j ignored.
##' @param drop ignored.
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("[", "olsOntologies",
function(x, i, j="missing", drop="missing")
new("olsOntologies", x = x@x[i]))
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("[[", "olsOntologies",
function(x, i, j="missing", drop="missing") {
if (is.numeric(i)) {
i <- as.integer(i)
if (is.character(i)) {
nms <- olsNamespace(x)
k <- which(nms %in% i)
if (!length(k))
stop("Ontology not found.")
if (length(k) > 1)
stop("Ontology not unique.")
stop("'i' must be a character or a numeric.")
##' @export
##' @rdname olsOntologies
setMethod("length", "olsOntologies", function(x) length(x@x))
## This will not always be the correct URI (see for example
## Orphaned/ORBO and https://github.com/EBISPOT/OLS/issues/35)
## setMethod("ontologyUri", "missing",
## function(encode = TRUE) {
## uri <- "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/"
## if (encode)
## uri <- gsub("%", "%25", URLencode(uri, TRUE))
## uri
## })
## setMethod("ontologyUri", "Ontology",
## function(object, encode = TRUE, withPrefix = FALSE) {
## uri <- object@config$baseUris
## if (is.null(uri) | length(uri) == 0)
## return(ontologyUri())
## if (length(uri) > 1) {
## msg <- paste0("More than one URI available:\n ",
## paste(unlist(uri), collapse = ", "), "\n ",
## "Choosing the first one.\n")
## warning(msg)
## }
## uri <- uri[[1]][1]
## if (!withPrefix)
## uri <- sub("/[A-Za-z]+_$", "/", uri)
## if (encode)
## uri <- gsub("%", "%25", URLencode(uri, TRUE))
## uri
## })
## Coercion
##' @import methods
##' @export
setAs("olsOntologies", "data.frame",
function(from) as.data.frame.olsOntologies(from))
##' @export
as.data.frame.olsOntologies <- function(x, row.names = NULL,
optional = FALSE, ...) {
.as_vector <- function(x) {
if (is.list(x))
x <- sapply(x, paste, collapse = "; ")
pre <- .as_vector(olsPrefix(x))
nms <- .as_vector(olsNamespace(x))
ttl <- .as_vector(olsTitle(x))
data.frame(Prefix = pre,
Namespace = nms,
Title = ttl)
##' @export
setAs("olsOntologies", "list", function(from) from@x)
## ## Ontologies aren't names anymore (for now)
## setMethod("all.equal", c("Ontologies", "Ontologies"),
## function(target, current) {
## msg <- Biobase::validMsg(NULL, NULL)
## if (length(target) != length(current)) {
## msg <- Biobase::validMsg(msg, "The 2 Ontologies are of different lengths")
## } else {
## tg <- target@x
## ct <- current@x
## if (any(sort(names(tg)) != sort(names(ct)))) {
## msg <- validMsg(msg, "Ontology names don't match")
## } else {
## ## reorder before comparing Ontolgy objects one
## ## by one
## tg <- tg[order(names(tg))]
## ct <- ct[order(names(ct))]
## for (i in seq_along(tg)) {
## eq <- all.equal(tg[[i]], ct[[i]])
## if (is.character(eq)) {
## eq <- paste0("Ontology '", names(tg)[i], "': ", eq)
## msg <- validMsg(msg, eq)
## }
## }
## }
## }
## if (is.null(msg)) return(TRUE)
## else msg
## })
##' @importFrom Biobase validMsg
## ##' @export
## setMethod("all.equal", c("Ontology", "Ontology"),
## function(target, current) {
## msg <- Biobase::validMsg(NULL, NULL)
## sn <- slotNames("Ontology")
## sn0 <- sn[sn != "config"]
## for (i in sn0) {
## eq <- all.equal(slot(current, i), slot(target, i))
## if (is.character(eq))
## msg <- validMsg(msg, paste0(i, ": ", eq))
## }
## c1 <- slot(current, "config")
## c2 <- slot(target, "config")
## c1 <- c1[order(names(c1))]
## c2 <- c2[order(names(c2))]
## msg <- Biobase::validMsg(msg, all.equal(c1, c2))
## if (is.null(msg)) TRUE else msg
## })
## Helper functions
makeOlsOntologies <- function() {
url <- "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/api/ontologies/"
.olsOntologies(x = lapply(ols_requests(url, "ontologies"),
makeOlsOntology <- function(url) {
request(url) |>
req_perform() |>
resp_body_json() |>
ontologyFromJson <- function(x) {
.olsOntology(languages = x[["languages"]],
lang = x[["lang"]],
ontologyId = x[["ontologyId"]],
loaded = x[["loaded"]],
updated = x[["updated"]],
status = x[["status"]],
message = x[["message"]],
version = x[["version"]],
numberOfTerms = x[["numberOfTerms"]],
numberOfProperties = x[["numberOfProperties"]],
numberOfIndividuals = x[["numberOfIndividuals"]],
config = x[["config"]],
links = x[["_links"]])
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