#' @include hidden_aliases.R
#' @rdname MsBackend
#' @export MsBackendMzR
MsBackendMzR <- function() {
if (!requireNamespace("mzR", quietly = TRUE))
stop("The use of 'MsBackendMzR' requires package 'mzR'. Please ",
"install with 'BiocInstaller::install(\"mzR\")'")
#' Read the header for each spectrum from the MS file `x`
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @importFrom MsCoreUtils vapply1l
#' @return `DataFrame` with the header.
#' @noRd
.mzR_header <- function(x = character()) {
if (length(x) != 1)
stop("'x' should have length 1")
requireNamespace("mzR", quietly = TRUE)
msd <- mzR::openMSfile(x)
hdr <- mzR::header(msd)
colnames(hdr)[colnames(hdr) == "seqNum"] <- "scanIndex"
colnames(hdr)[colnames(hdr) == "precursorScanNum"] <- "precScanNum"
colnames(hdr)[colnames(hdr) == "precursorMZ"] <- "precursorMz"
colnames(hdr)[colnames(hdr) == "retentionTime"] <- "rtime"
colnames(hdr)[colnames(hdr) == "isolationWindowTargetMZ"] <-
hdr$isolationWindowLowerMz <- hdr$isolationWindowTargetMz -
hdr$isolationWindowUpperMz <- hdr$isolationWindowTargetMz +
hdr$isolationWindowUpperOffset <- NULL
hdr$isolationWindowLowerOffset <- NULL
## Remove core spectra variables that contain only `NA`
S4Vectors::DataFrame(hdr[, !(vapply1l(hdr, function(z) all(is.na(z))) &
colnames(hdr) %in%
#' Read peaks from a single mzML file.
#' @param x `character(1)` with the file to read from.
#' @param scanIndex (required) indices of spectra from which the data should be
#' retrieved.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @return list of `matrix`
#' @noRd
.mzR_peaks <- function(x = character(), scanIndex = integer()) {
if (length(x) != 1)
stop("'x' should have length 1")
msd <- mzR::openMSfile(x)
## hd_spectra <- mzR::header(msd, max(scanIndex))
pks <- mzR::peaks(msd, scanIndex)
if (is.matrix(pks))
pks <- list(pks)
lapply(pks, function(z) {
colnames(z) <- c("mz", "intensity")
#' @importFrom IRanges NumericList
#' @description
#' Helper to build the spectraData `DataFrame` for `MsBackendMzR` backend.
#' @noRd
.spectra_data_mzR <- function(x, columns = spectraVariables(x)) {
cn <- colnames(x@spectraData)
if(!nrow(x@spectraData)) {
res <- lapply(
c("mz", "intensity"))], do.call,
args = list())
res <- DataFrame(res)
res$mz <- NumericList(compress = FALSE)
res$intensity <- NumericList(compress = FALSE)
return(res[, columns, drop = FALSE])
not_found <- setdiff(columns, c(cn, names(.SPECTRA_DATA_COLUMNS)))
if (length(not_found))
stop("Column(s) ", paste(not_found, collapse = ", "),
" not available")
sp_cols <- columns[columns %in% cn]
res <- x@spectraData[, sp_cols, drop = FALSE]
any_mz <- any(columns == "mz")
any_int <- any(columns == "intensity")
if (any_mz || any_int) {
pks <- peaksData(x)
if (any_mz)
res$mz <- NumericList(lapply(pks, "[", , 1), compress = FALSE)
if (any_int)
res$intensity <- NumericList(lapply(pks, "[", , 2),
compress = FALSE)
other_cols <- setdiff(columns, c(sp_cols, "mz", "intensity"))
if (length(other_cols)) {
other_res <- lapply(other_cols, .get_column, x = x@spectraData)
names(other_res) <- other_cols
res <- cbind(res, as(other_res, "DataFrame"))
res[, columns, drop = FALSE]
#' Function to write the MS data (for a single file/sample) to an mzML/mzXML
#' file.
#' @param x `Spectra` object with the data
#' @param file `character(1)` with the (full) output file name.
#' @param format `character(1)` with the format.
#' @param copy `logical(1)` whether general file information should be copied
#' from the original MS file. Note this only works on `Spectra` with a
#' `MsBackendMzR` backend as it assumes `dataStorage` contains the original
#' MS data file.
#' @noRd
#' @author Johannes Rainer
.write_ms_data_mzR <- function(x, file, format = c("mzML", "mzXML"),
software_processing = NULL, copy = FALSE) {
match.arg(tolower(format), c("mzml", "mzxml"))
message("Writing file ", basename(file), "...", appendLF = FALSE)
file <- path.expand(file)
if (copy && length(unique(dataOrigin(x))) == 1) {
original_file <- as.character(dataOrigin(x))[1]
if (!file.exists(original_file)) {
warning("Original data file not found, setting 'copy = FALSE'.",
call. = FALSE)
copy <- FALSE
} else copy <- FALSE
hdr <- as.data.frame(spectraData(x))
pks <- as(x, "list")
updated_values <- t(vapply(pks, function(z) {
if (!nrow(z))
return(c(peaksCount = 0, totIonCurrent = 0,
basePeakMZ = NA_real_, basePeakIntensity = NA_real_,
lowMZ = NA_real_, highMZ = NA_real_))
z <- unname(z)
max_peak <- which.max(z[, 2L])[1L]
npk <- nrow(z)
c(peaksCount = npk,
totIonCurrent = sum(z[, 2L], na.rm = TRUE),
basePeakMZ = z[max_peak, 1L],
basePeakIntensity = z[max_peak, 2L],
lowMZ = z[1L, 1L],
highMZ = z[npk, 1L])
}, numeric(6)))
hdr$peaksCount <- updated_values[, "peaksCount"]
hdr$totIonCurrent <- updated_values[, "totIonCurrent"]
hdr$basePeakMZ <- updated_values[, "basePeakMZ"]
hdr$basePeakIntensity <- updated_values[, "basePeakIntensity"]
hdr$lowMZ <- updated_values[, "lowMZ"]
hdr$highMZ <- updated_values[, "highMZ"]
if (all(c("isolationWindowTargetMz", "isolationWindowLowerMz") %in%
colnames(hdr))) {
hdr$isolationWindowLowerOffset <- hdr$isolationWindowTargetMz -
hdr$isolationWindowLowerMz <- NULL
if (all(c("isolationWindowTargetMz", "isolationWindowUpperMz") %in%
colnames(hdr))) {
hdr$isolationWindowUpperOffset <- hdr$isolationWindowUpperMz -
hdr$isolationWindowUpperMz <- NULL
colnames(hdr)[colnames(hdr) == "rtime"] <- "retentionTime"
colnames(hdr)[colnames(hdr) == "scanIndex"] <- "seqNum"
colnames(hdr)[colnames(hdr) == "precursorMz"] <- "precursorMZ"
colnames(hdr)[colnames(hdr) == "isolationWindowTargetMz"] <-
req_cols <- c(acquisitionNum = "numeric",
msLevel = "integer",
polarity = "integer",
retentionTime = "numeric",
collisionEnergy = "numeric",
ionisationEnergy = "numeric",
precursorScanNum = "numeric",
precursorMZ = "numeric",
precursorCharge = "numeric",
precursorIntensity = "numeric",
mergedScan = "numeric",
mergedResultScanNum = "numeric",
mergedResultStartScanNum = "numeric",
mergedResultEndScanNum = "numeric",
injectionTime = "numeric",
filterString = "character",
centroided = "logical",
ionMobilityDriftTime = "numeric",
isolationWindowTargetMZ = "numeric",
isolationWindowLowerOffset = "numeric",
isolationWindowUpperOffset = "numeric",
scanWindowLowerLimit = "numeric",
scanWindowUpperLimit = "numeric"
miss_cols <- req_cols[!(names(req_cols) %in% colnames(hdr))]
if (length(miss_cols)) {
nas <- rep(NA, nrow(hdr))
miss_hdr <- do.call(cbind.data.frame,
lapply(miss_cols, function(z) {
as(nas, z)
hdr <- cbind(hdr, miss_hdr)
if (any(is.na(hdr$acquisitionNum)))
hdr$acquisitionNum <- seq_len(nrow(hdr))
## seqNum has to be from 1...nrow
hdr$seqNum <- seq_len(nrow(hdr))
soft_proc <- .guess_software_processing(x)
if (copy)
mzR::copyWriteMSData(object = pks, file = file, header = hdr,
original_file = original_file, outformat = format,
software_processing = soft_proc)
mzR::writeMSData(object = pks, file = file, header = hdr,
outformat = format, software_processing = soft_proc)
#' @description Determine data processing steps based on the `@processing`.
#' @param x `Spectra`.
#' @return `list` with the software processing(s).
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @noRd
.guess_software_processing <- function(x) {
res <- vapply(x@processing, .pattern_to_cv, character(1))
list(c("Spectra", as.character(packageVersion("Spectra")),
"MS:-1", res[!is.na(res)]))
#' @description `.pattern_to_cv` performs a mapping of pattern to PSI-MS terms.
#' @details The mapping bases on a manually curated list of pattern-CV-term
#' pairs.
#' @param pattern `character(1)` with the pattern for which a CV term should be
#' returned.
#' @param ifnotfound value to be returned if none of the cv terms
#' matches the pattern.
#' @param return `character` with the PSI-MS term or the value of `ifnotfound`
#' if it was not found. Note that the length of the character can be > 1 if
#' multiple terms match.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.pattern_to_cv <- function(pattern, ifnotfound = NA_character_) {
## character vector mapping pattern to PSI-MS term.
filter = "MS:1001486",
normali = "MS:1001484",
calibration = "MS:1001485",
pick = "MS:1000035",
centroid = "MS:1000035",
smooth = "MS:1000592",
baseline = "MS:1000593",
alignment = "MS:1000745"
## Note: we are matching each names(.PATTERN.TO.CV) to `pattern`, not the
## other way round. So we can provide a string describing the processing
## step and return the best matching CV terms.
matches <- vapply(names(.PATTERN.TO.CV), FUN = function(z) {
any(grepl(pattern = z, x = pattern, ignore.case = TRUE))
}, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
if (any(matches))
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