readMSData2 <- function(files,
pdata = NULL,
verbose = isMSnbaseVerbose(),
smoothed. = NA) {
.Defunct(new = "readMSData")
readOnDiskMSData <- function(files, pdata, msLevel., verbose,
centroided., smoothed.) {
## Creating environment with Spectra objects
assaydata <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
filenams <- filenums <- c()
fullhd2 <- fullhdorder <- c()
fullhdordercounter <- 1
.instrumentInfo <- list()
## List eventual limitations
if (isCdfFile(files)) {
message("Polarity can not be extracted from netCDF files, please set ",
"manually the polarity with the 'polarity' method.")
## Idea:
## o initialize a featureData-data.frame,
featureDataList <- list()
## o for each file, extract header info and put that into featureData
for (f in files) {
filen <- match(f, files)
filenums <- c(filenums, filen)
filenams <- c(filenams, f)
## issue #214: define backend based on file format.
msdata <- .openMSfile(f)
.instrumentInfo <- c(.instrumentInfo, list(instrumentInfo(msdata)))
fullhd <- mzR::header(msdata)
spidx <- seq_len(nrow(fullhd))
if (verbose)
message("Reading ", length(spidx), " spectra from file ",
## Don't read the individual spectra, just define the names of
## the spectra.
fullhdorder <- c(fullhdorder,
## Extract all Spectrum info from the header and put it into the featureData
fdData <- fullhd[spidx, , drop = FALSE]
## rename totIonCurrent and peaksCount, as detailed in
names(fdData) <- sub("peaksCount", "originalPeaksCount", names(fdData))
## Add also:
## o fileIdx -> links to fileNames property
## o spIdx -> the index of the spectrum in the file.
fdData <- cbind(fileIdx = rep(filen, nrow(fdData)),
spIdx = spidx,
smoothed = rep(as.logical(smoothed.), nrow(fdData)),
fdData, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (isCdfFile(f)) {
## Add the polarity columns if missing in netCDF
if (!any(colnames(fdData) == "polarity"))
fdData <- cbind(fdData, polarity = rep(as.integer(NA),
## Order the fdData by acquisitionNum to force use of acquisitionNum
## as unique ID for the spectrum (issue #103). That way we can use
## the spIdx (is the index of the spectrum within the file) for
## subsetting and extracting.
if (!all(sort(fdData$acquisitionNum) == fdData$acquisitionNum))
warning(paste("Unexpected acquisition number order detected.",
"Please contact the maintainers or open an issue",
sep = "\n")) ## see issue #160
fdData <- fdData[order(fdData$acquisitionNum), ]
featureDataList <- c(featureDataList, list(fdData))
## Fix for #151; would be nice if we could remove that at some point.
## new in version 1.9.8
lockEnvironment(assaydata, bindings = TRUE)
.cacheEnv <- setCacheEnv(list("assaydata" = assaydata,
"hd" = NULL),
level = 0,
lock = TRUE)
## Create 'MSnProcess' object
process <- new("MSnProcess",
processing = paste0("Data loaded [", date(), "]"),
files = files,
smoothed = NA)
## Create 'fdata' and 'pdata' objects
if (is.null(pdata)) {
.pd <- data.frame(sampleNames = basename(files))
rownames(.pd) <- .pd$sampleNames
pdata <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
data = .pd)
## If we've got a featureDataList, use it
if (length(featureDataList) > 0) {
fdata <-, featureDataList)
fdata <- cbind(fdata, spectrum = 1:nrow(fdata),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## Setting rownames on the data.frame not on the AnnotatedDataFrame;
## did get strange errors otherwise.
rownames(fdata) <- fullhdorder
## Re-order them
fdata <- fdata[base::sort(fullhdorder), ]
fdata <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = fdata)
## Re-order the features.
## fdata <- fdata[ls(assaydata), ]
} else fdata <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame")
## expriment data slot
if (length(.instrumentInfo) > 1) {
cmp <- length(unique(sapply(.instrumentInfo, "[[", 1)))
if (cmp > 1 & verbose)
message("According to the instrument information in the files,\n",
"the data has been acquired on different instruments!")
for (nm in names(.instrumentInfo[[1]]))
.instrumentInfo[[1]][[nm]] <- sapply(.instrumentInfo, "[[", nm)
expdata <- new("MIAPE",
instrumentManufacturer = .instrumentInfo[[1]]$manufacturer,
instrumentModel = .instrumentInfo[[1]]$model,
ionSource = .instrumentInfo[[1]]$ionisation,
analyser = as.character(.instrumentInfo[[1]]$analyzer),
detectorType = .instrumentInfo[[1]]$detector)
## Create ProcessingStep if needed.
## Create the OnDiskMSnExp object.
res <- new("OnDiskMSnExp",
assayData = assaydata,
phenoData = pdata,
featureData = fdata,
processingData = process,
experimentData = expdata,
.cache = .cacheEnv)
if (!is.null(msLevel.)) {
msLevel. <- as.integer(msLevel.)
res <- filterMsLevel(res, msLevel.)
if (any(! {
if (length(centroided.) == 1) {
centroided(res) <- centroided.
} else {
for (i in seq_along(centroided.))
centroided(res, msLevel. = i) <- centroided.[i]
## isCdfFile
## Just guessing whether the file is a CDF file based on its ending.
isCdfFile <- function(x) {
fileEnds <- c("cdf", "nc")
## check for endings and and ending followed by a . (e.g. cdf.gz)
patts <- paste0("\\.", fileEnds, "($|\\.)")
res <- sapply(patts, function(z) {
grep(z, x, = TRUE)
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