quantify_MSnExp <- function(object, method,
reporters, strict,
verbose) { ## ignored
if (any(centroided(object)) & method == "trapezoidation")
warning("You are quantifying using 'trapezoidation' on centroided data!",
immediate. = TRUE)
spectraList <- spectra(object)
## Quantification -- creating exprs for assayData slot
peakData <- bplapply(spectraList, quantify, method, reporters, strict,
.exprs <- do.call(rbind, lapply(peakData, "[[", "peakQuant"))
rownames(.exprs) <- sub(".peakQuant", "", rownames(.exprs))
## Time consuming - consider removing or caching
if (qual) {
qlist <- lapply(peakData, "[[", "curveStats")
.qual <- do.call(rbind, qlist)
rownames(.qual) <- sub(".curveStats", "", rownames(.qual))
} else {
.qual <- data.frame()
## Updating MSnprocess slot
object@processingData@processing <- c(object@processingData@processing,
ifelse(strict, " (strict) ", " "),
"quantification by ", method,
": ", date(), sep=""))
## Creating new featureData slot or creating one
fd <- header(object) ## Time consuming - consider caching
if (nrow(fData(object)) > 0) {
if (nrow(fData(object)) == length(object)) {
fd <- combine(fData(object), fd)
} else {
warning("Unexpected number of features in featureData slot. Dropping it.")
## featureData rows must be reordered to match assayData rows
.featureData <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
data = fd[rownames(.exprs), ])
## Creating new phenoData slot or creating one
.phenoData <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
data = data.frame(mz = reporters@mz,
reporters = reporters@name,
row.names = reporters@reporterNames))
if (nrow(pData(object)) > 0) {
if (nrow(pData(object)) == length(reporters)) {
.phenoData <- combine(phenoData(object), .phenoData)
} else {
## Here, something more clever should be done, like replicating
## old phenoData variables length(reporters) times
if (verbose)
message("Original MSnExp and new MSnSet have different number of samples in phenoData. Dropping original.")
if (verbose)
message("Creating 'MSnSet' object")
msnset <- new("MSnSet",
qual = data.frame(.qual),
exprs = .exprs,
experimentData = experimentData(object),
phenoData = .phenoData,
featureData = .featureData,
processingData = processingData(object),
annotation = "No annotation")
## Updating protocol slot
if (nrow(protocolData(object)) > 0) {
if (nrow(protocolData(object)) == length(reporters)) {
msnset@protocolData <- protocolData(object)
} else {
warning("protocolData does not match with reporters. Dropping it.")
## Returning shiny MSnSet object
if (validObject(msnset))
## quantifies highest peaks pk in regions [pks - wd, pks + wd] in
## spectra spi in file f using max of peak (irrespective if spectrum
## is centroided or profile mode)
fastquant_max <- function(f, pk, spi, wd = 0.5) {
ramp <- .openMSfile(f)
pks <- peaks(ramp, spi)
if (length(spi) == 1)
pks <- list(pks)
mzs <- res <- matrix(NA_real_,
ncol = length(pk),
nrow = length(pks))
for (i in seq_along(pks)) {
for (ii in seq_along(pk)) {
k <- abs(pks[[i]][, 1L] - pk[ii]) <= wd
if (any(k)) {
j <- which.max(pks[[i]][k, 2])
res[i, ii] <- pks[[i]][k, , drop = FALSE][j, 2]
mzs[i, ii] <- pks[[i]][k, , drop = FALSE][j, 1]
list(exprs = res,
mzs = mzs)
## fastquant_max_1 <- function(f, pk, spi, wd = 0.5) {
## ramp <- openMSfile(f)
## on.exit(close(ramp))
## pks <- peaks(ramp, spi)
## if (length(spi) == 1)
## pks <- list(pks)
## res <- matrix(NA_real_,
## ncol = length(pk),
## nrow = length(pks))
## for (i in seq_along(pks)) {
## for (ii in seq_along(pk)) {
## k <- pks[[i]][, 1] >= pk[ii] - wd & pks[[i]][, 1] <= pk[ii] + wd
## if (any(k)) {
## res[i, ii] <- max(pks[[i]][k, 2])
## }
## }
## }
## res
## }
quantify_OnDiskMSnExp_max <- function(object, reporters,
if (missing(reporters) | !inherits(reporters, "ReporterIons"))
stop("Valid reporters required.")
if (missing(wd)) wd <- width(reporters)
fDataPerFile <- split(fData(object), f = fData(object)$fileIdx)
if (missing(BPPARAM)) BPPARAM <- bpparam()
res <- bplapply(fDataPerFile,
FUN = function(fdf)
f = fileNames(object)[fdf$fileIdx[1]],
pk = mz(reporters),
spi = fdf$spIdx,
## quantitation data
e <- do.call(rbind, lapply(res, "[[", "exprs"))
colnames(e) <- reporterNames(reporters)
rownames(e) <- unlist(lapply(fDataPerFile, rownames),
use.names = FALSE)
e <- e[featureNames(object), ]
## MZ at max (for reporter accuracy QC)
mzs <- do.call(rbind, lapply(res, "[[", "mzs"))
colnames(mzs) <- reporterNames(reporters)
rownames(mzs) <- unlist(lapply(fDataPerFile, rownames),
use.names = FALSE)
mzs <- mzs[featureNames(object), ]
.phenoData <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
data = data.frame(mz = mz(reporters),
reporters = names(reporters),
row.names = reporterNames(reporters)))
## This actually fails if the number of files (rows) in the MSnExp
## matches the number of reporter ions in the MSnSet, as it tried
## to combine an NAnnotatedDataFrame (now deprecated) and a
## AnnotatedDataFrame.
## if (nrow(pData(object)) > 0) {
## if (nrow(pData(object)) == length(reporters)) {
## .phenoData <- combine(phenoData(object), .phenoData)
## } else {
## ## Here, something more clever should be done, like replicating
## ## old phenoData variables length(reporters) times
## msg <- paste(strwrap(paste0("Original MSnExp and new MSnSet have ",
## "different number of samples in ",
## "phenoData. Dropping original.")),
## collapse = "\n")
## message(msg)
## }
## }
ans <- new("MSnSet",
exprs = e,
featureData = featureData(object),
phenoData = .phenoData,
processingData = processingData(object))
fData(ans)$reporterMzs <- mzs
ans <- logging(ans, paste0("Fast ", names(reporters),
" quantitation by max"))
if (validObject(ans)) ans
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