#' @title Representation of chromatographic MS data
#' @aliases compareChromatograms transformIntensity
#' @name Chromatogram-class
#' @description The `Chromatogram` class is designed to store
#' chromatographic MS data, i.e. pairs of retention time and intensity
#' values. Instances of the class can be created with the
#' `Chromatogram` constructor function but in most cases the dedicated
#' methods for [OnDiskMSnExp-class] and
#' [MSnExp-class] objects extracting chromatograms should be
#' used instead (i.e. the [chromatogram()] method).
#' @details The `mz`, `filterMz`, `precursorMz` and
#' `productMz` are stored as a `numeric(2)` representing a range
#' even if the chromatogram was generated for only a single ion (i.e. a
#' single mz value). Using ranges for `mz` values allow this class to
#' be used also for e.g. total ion chromatograms or base peak chromatograms.
#' The slots `precursorMz` and `productMz` allow to represent SRM
#' (single reaction monitoring) and MRM (multiple SRM) chromatograms. As
#' example, a `Chromatogram` for a SRM transition 273 -> 153 will have
#' a `@precursorMz = c(273, 273)` and a
#' `@productMz = c(153, 153)`.
#' @param ALIGNFUN for `compareChromatograms`: function to align chromatogram
#' `x` against chromatogram `y`. Defaults to `alignRt`.
#' @param ALIGNFUNARGS `list` of parameters to be passed to `ALIGNFUN`.
#' @param aggregationFun for `Chromatogram`: `character` string specifying
#' the function that was used to aggregate intensity values for the same
#' retention time across the mz range. Supported are `"sum"` (total ion
#' chromatogram), `"max"` (base peak chromatogram), `"min"` and `"mean"`.
#' @param all for `clean`: `logical(1)` whether all 0 intensities should be
#' removed. Defaults to `all = FALSE`. See [clean()] for details.
#' @param binSize for `bin`: `numeric(1)` with the size of the bins
#' (in seconds). Defaults to `binSize = 0.5`.
#' @param breaks for `bin`: `numeric` defining the bins. Usually not
#' required as the function calculates the bins automatically based on
#' `binSize`.
#' @param col for `plot`: the color to be used for plotting.
#' @param filter for `mz`: `logical(1)` defining whether the m/z range to filter
#' the originating object (e.g. `MSnExp` object) should be returned or the
#' m/z range of the actual data. Defaults to `filter = FALSE`.
#' @param filterMz for `Chromatogram`: `numeric(2)` representing the mz value
#' range (min, max) that was used to filter the original object on m/z
#' dimension. If not applicable use `filterMz = c(0, 0)`.
#' @param fromFile for `Chromatogram`: `integer(1)` the index of the file within
#' the `OnDiskMSnExp` or `MSnExp` from which the chromatogram was extracted.
#' @param fun for `bin`: function to be used to aggregate the intensity
#' values falling within each bin. Defaults to `fun = max`.
#' @param FUN for `compareChromatograms`: function to calculate a similarity
#' score on the intensity values of the compared and aligned chromatograms.
#' Defaults to `FUN = cor`. For `transformIntensity`: function to transform
#' chromatograms' intensity values. Defaults to `FUN = identity`.
#' @param FUNARGS for `compareChromatograms`: `list` with additional parameters
#' for `FUN`. Defaults to `FUNARGS = list(use = "pairwise.complete.obs")`.
#' @param intensity for `Chromatogram`: `numeric` with the intensity values
#' (length has to be equal to the length of `rtime`). For `filterIntensity`:
#' `numeric(1)` or `function` to use to filter intensities. See description
#' for details.
#' @param lty for `plot`: the line type. See help page of `plot` in
#' the `graphics` package for details.
#' @param main for `plot`: the plot title. If not provided the mz range
#' will be used as plot title.
#' @param method `character(1)`. For `normalise`: defining whether each
#' chromatogram should be normalized to its maximum signal
#' (`method = "max"`) or total signal (`method = "sum"`).
#' For `alignRt`: aligning approach that should be used (see description).
#' Defaults to `method = "closest"`.
#' @param msLevel for `Chromatogram`: `integer(1)` with the MS level from
#' which the chromatogram was extracted.
#' @param mz for `Chromatogram`: `numeric(2)` representing the mz value range
#' (min, max) on which the chromatogram was created. This is supposed to
#' contain the *real* range of mz values in contrast to `filterMz`.
#' If not applicable use `mzrange = c(0, 0)`.
#' @param na.rm for `clean`: if all `NA` intensities should be removed before
#' cleaning the `Chromatogram`. Defaults to `clean = FALSE`.
#' @param object `Chromatogram` object.
#' @param precursorMz for `Chromatogram`: `numeric(2)` for SRM/MRM transitions.
#' Represents the mz of the precursor ion. See details for more information.
#' @param productMz for `Chromatogram`: `numeric(2)` for SRM/MRM transitions.
#' Represents the mz of the product. See details for more information.
#' @param rt for `filterRt`: `numeric(2)` defining the lower and upper retention
#' time to which the `Chromatogram` should be subsetted.
#' @param rtime for `Chromatogram`: `numeric` with the retention times (length
#' has to be equal to the length of `intensity`).
#' @param type for `plot`: the type of plot. See help page of `plot` in
#' the `graphics` package for details.
#' @param x `Chromatogram` object.
#' @param xlab for `plot`: the x-axis label.
#' @param y for `alignRt`: `Chromatogram` against which `x` should be aligned
#' against.
#' @param ylab for `plot`: the y-axis label.
#' @param ... for `plot`: additional arguments to be passed to the
#' base `plot` function. For `filterIntensity`: additional parameters passed
#' along to the function provided with `intensity`.
#' For `compareChromatograms`: ignored
#' @section Object creation:
#' `Chromatogram` objects can be extracted from an `MSnExp` or `OnDiskMSnExp`
#' object with the `chromatogram()` function.
#' Alternatively, the constructor function `Chromatogram` can be used, which
#' takes arguments `rtime`, `intensity`, `mz`, `filterMz`, `precursorMz`,
#' `productMz`, `fromFile`, `aggregationFun` and `msLevel`.
#' @section Data access and coercion:
#' - `aggregationFun`: gets the aggregation function used to create the
#' `Chromatogram`.
#' - `as.data.frame`: returns a `data.frame` with columns `"rtime"` and
#' `"intensity"`.
#' - `fromFile`: returns an `integer(1)` with the index of the originating file.
#' - `intensity`: returns the intensities from the `Chromatogram`.
#' - `isEmpty`: returns `TRUE` if the chromatogram is empty or has only `NA`
#' intensities.
#' - `length`: returns the length (i.e. number of data points) of the
#' `Chromatogram`.
#' - `msLevel`: returns an `integer(1)` with the MS level of the chromatogram.
#' - `mz`: get the m/z (range) from the `Chromatogram`. The function returns
#' a `numeric(2)` with the lower and upper boundaries. Parameter `filter`
#' allows to specify whether the m/z range used to filter the originating
#' object should be returned or the m/z range of the actual data.
#' - `precursorMz`: get the m/z of the precursor ion. The function returns a
#' `numeric(2)` with the lower and upper boundary.
#' - `productMz`: get the m/z of the producto chromatogram/ion. The function
#' returns a `numeric(2)` with the lower and upper m/z value.
#' - `rtime`: returns the retention times from the `Chromatogram`.
#' @section Data subsetting and filtering:
#' - `filterRt`: filter/subset the `Chromatogram` to the specified retention
#' time range (defined with parameter `rt`).
#' - `filterIntensity`: filter a [Chromatogram()] object removing data
#' points with intensities below a user provided threshold. If `intensity`
#' is a `numeric` value, the returned chromatogram will only contain data
#' points with intensities > `intensity`. In addition it is possible to
#' provide a function to perform the filtering.
#' This function is expected to take the input `Chromatogram` (`object`) and
#' to return a logical vector with the same length then there are data points
#' in `object` with `TRUE` for data points that should be kept and `FALSE`
#' for data points that should be removed. See examples below.
#' @section Data processing and manipulation:
#' - `alignRt`: Aligns chromatogram `x` against chromatogram `y`. The resulting
#' chromatogram has the same length (number of data points) than `y` and the
#' same retention times thus allowing to perform any pair-wise comparisons
#' between the chromatograms. If `x` is a [MChromatograms()] object, each
#' `Chromatogram` in it is aligned against `y`. Additional parameters (`...`)
#' are passed along to the alignment functions (e.g. [closest()]).
#' Parameter `method` allows to specify which alignment method
#' should be used. Currently there are the following options:
#' - `method = "closest"` (the default): match data points in the first
#' chromatogram (`x`) to those of the second (`y`) based on the difference
#' between their retention times: each data point in `x` is assigned to the
#' data point in `y` with the smallest difference in their retention times
#' if their difference is smaller than the minimum average difference
#' between retention times in `x` or `y` (parameter `tolerance` for the
#' call to the [closest()] function).
#' By setting `tolerance = 0` only exact retention times are matched against
#' each other (i.e. only values are kept with exactly the same retention
#' times between both chromatograms).
#' - `method = "approx"`: uses the base R `approx` function to approximate
#' intensities in `x` to the retention times in `y` (using linear
#' interpolation). This should only be used for chromatograms that were
#' measured in the same measurement run (e.g. MS1 and corresponding MS2
#' chromatograms from SWATH experiments).
#' - `bin`: aggregates intensity values from a chromatogram in discrete bins
#' along the retention time axis and returns a `Chromatogram` object with
#' the retention time representing the mid-point of the bins and the
#' intensity the binned signal. Parameters `binSize` and `breaks` allow to
#' define the binning, `fun` the function which should be used to aggregate
#' the intensities within a bin.
#' - `compareChromatograms`: calculates a similarity score between 2
#' chromatograms after aligning them. Parameter `ALIGNFUN` allows to define
#' a function that can be used to align `x` against `y` (defaults to
#' `ALIGNFUN = alignRt`). Subsequently, the similarity is calculated on the
#' aligned intensities with the function provided with parameter `FUN` which
#' defaults to `cor` (hence by default the Pearson correlation is calculated
#' between the aligned intensities of the two compared chromatograms).
#' Additional parameters can be passed to the `ALIGNFUN` and `FUN` with the
#' parameter `ALIGNFUNARGS` and `FUNARGS`, respectively.
#' - `clean`: removes 0-intensity data points (and `NA` values). See [clean()]
#' for details.
#' - `normalize`, `normalise`: *normalises* the intensities of a chromatogram by
#' dividing them either by the maximum intensity (`method = "max"`) or total
#' intensity (`method = "sum"`) of the chromatogram.
#' - `transformIntensity`: allows to manipulate the intensity values of a
#' chromatogram using a user provided function. See below for examples.
#' @section Data visualization:
#' - `plot`: plots a `Chromatogram` object.
#' @rdname Chromatogram-class
#' @export
#' @seealso [MChromatograms] for combining `Chromatogram` in
#' a two-dimensional matrix (rows being mz-rt ranges, columns samples).
#' `chromatogram()] for the method to extract chromatogram data
#' from an `MSnExp` or `OnDiskMSnExp` object.
#' [clean()] for the method to *clean* a `Chromatogram` object.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @examples
#' ## Create a simple Chromatogram object.
#' ints <- abs(rnorm(100, sd = 100))
#' rts <- seq_len(length(ints))
#' chr <- Chromatogram(rtime = rts, intensity = ints)
#' chr
#' ## Extract intensities
#' intensity(chr)
#' ## Extract retention times
#' rtime(chr)
#' ## Extract the mz range - is NA for the present example
#' mz(chr)
#' ## plot the Chromatogram
#' plot(chr)
#' ## Create a simple Chromatogram object based on random values.
#' chr <- Chromatogram(intensity = abs(rnorm(1000, mean = 2000, sd = 200)),
#' rtime = sort(abs(rnorm(1000, mean = 10, sd = 5))))
#' chr
#' ## Get the intensities
#' head(intensity(chr))
#' ## Get the retention time
#' head(rtime(chr))
#' ## What is the retention time range of the object?
#' range(rtime(chr))
#' ## Filter the chromatogram to keep only values between 4 and 10 seconds
#' chr2 <- filterRt(chr, rt = c(4, 10))
#' range(rtime(chr2))
#' ## Data manipulations:
#' ## normalize a chromatogram
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
#' plot(chr)
#' plot(normalize(chr, method = "max"))
#' ## Align chromatograms against each other
#' chr1 <- Chromatogram(rtime = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10),
#' intensity = c(3, 5, 14, 30, 24, 6, 2, 1, 1, 0))
#' chr2 <- Chromatogram(rtime = c(2.5, 3.42, 4.5, 5.43, 6.5),
#' intensity = c(5, 12, 15, 11, 5))
#' plot(chr1, col = "black")
#' points(rtime(chr2), intensity(chr2), col = "blue", type = "l")
#' ## Align chr2 to chr1 without interpolation
#' res <- alignRt(chr2, chr1)
#' rtime(res)
#' intensity(res)
#' points(rtime(res), intensity(res), col = "#00ff0080", type = "l")
#' ## Align chr2 to chr1 with interpolation
#' res <- alignRt(chr2, chr1, method = "approx")
#' points(rtime(res), intensity(res), col = "#ff000080", type = "l")
#' legend("topright", col = c("black", "blue", "#00ff0080","#ff000080"),lty = 1,
#' legend = c("chr1", "chr2", "chr2 matchRtime", "chr2 approx"))
#' ## Compare Chromatograms. Align chromatograms with `alignRt` and
#' ## method `"approx"`
#' compareChromatograms(chr2, chr1, ALIGNFUNARGS = list(method = "approx"))
#' ## Data filtering
#' chr1 <- Chromatogram(rtime = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10),
#' intensity = c(3, 5, 14, 30, 24, 6, 2, 1, 1, 0))
#' ## Remove data points with intensities below 10
#' res <- filterIntensity(chr1, 10)
#' intensity(res)
#' ## Remove data points with an intensity lower than 10% of the maximum
#' ## intensity in the Chromatogram
#' filt_fun <- function(x, prop = 0.1) {
#' x@intensity >= max(x@intensity, na.rm = TRUE) * prop
#' }
#' res <- filterIntensity(chr1, filt_fun)
#' intensity(res)
#' ## Remove data points with an intensity lower than half of the maximum
#' res <- filterIntensity(chr1, filt_fun, prop = 0.5)
#' intensity(res)
#' ## log2 transform intensity values
#' res <- transformIntensity(chr1, log2)
#' intensity(res)
#' log2(intensity(chr1))
setMethod("initialize", "Chromatogram", function(.Object, ...) {
classVersion(.Object)["Chromatogram"] <- "0.0.1"
callNextMethod(.Object, ...)
#' @rdname Chromatogram-class
setMethod("show", "Chromatogram", function(object) {
cat("Object of class: ", class(object), "\n", sep = "")
if (length(object@aggregationFun))
cat("Intensity values aggregated using:", object@aggregationFun, "\n")
## if (length(object@aggregationFun))
## object@aggregationFun], "\n")
cat("length of object: ", length(object@rtime), "\n", sep = "")
cat("from file: ", object@fromFile, "\n", sep = "")
cat("mz range: [", object@mz[1], ", ", object@mz[2], "]\n", sep = "")
if (length(object@rtime) > 0) {
rtr <- range(object@rtime)
cat("rt range: [", rtr[1], ", ", rtr[2], "]\n", sep = "")
cat("MS level: ", paste(object@msLevel, collapse = ", "), "\n", sep = "")
#' @rdname Chromatogram-class
setMethod("rtime", "Chromatogram", function(object) {
#' @rdname Chromatogram-class
setMethod("intensity", "Chromatogram", function(object) {
#' @rdname Chromatogram-class
setMethod("mz", "Chromatogram", function(object, filter = FALSE) {
if (filter)
## #' @rdname Chromatogram-class
## setReplaceMethod("mz", "CentWaveParam", function(object, value) {
## object@mzrange <- value
## if (validObject(object))
## return(object)
## })
#' @rdname Chromatogram-class
setMethod("precursorMz", "Chromatogram", function(object) {
#' @rdname Chromatogram-class
setMethod("fromFile", "Chromatogram", function(object) {
#' @rdname Chromatogram-class
setMethod("length", "Chromatogram", function(x) {
#' @rdname Chromatogram-class
setMethod("as.data.frame", "Chromatogram", function(x) {
data.frame(rtime = x@rtime, intensity = x@intensity)
#' @rdname Chromatogram-class
setMethod("filterRt", "Chromatogram", function(object, rt) {
if (missing(rt))
rt <- range(rt)
## Use which to be robust against NAs
keep_em <- which(rtime(object) >= rt[1] & rtime(object) <= rt[2])
if (length(keep_em)) {
object@rtime <- rtime(object)[keep_em]
object@intensity <- intensity(object)[keep_em]
} else {
object@rtime <- numeric()
object@intensity <- numeric()
if (validObject(object))
#' @rdname Chromatogram-class
setMethod("clean", signature = signature("Chromatogram"),
function(object, all = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE) {
keep <- utils.clean(object@intensity, all, na.rm = na.rm)
object@intensity <- object@intensity[keep]
object@rtime <- object@rtime[keep]
if (validObject(object))
#' @rdname Chromatogram-class
setMethod("plot", signature = signature("Chromatogram"),
function(x, col = "#00000060", lty = 1, type = "l",
xlab = "retention time", ylab = "intensity",
main = NULL, ...) {
if (isEmpty(x)) {
## Show a warning and plot an empty plot (issue #249)
warning("Chromatogram is empty")
plot(3, 3, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, pch = NA)
text(3, 3, labels = "Empty Chromatogram", col = "red")
} else {
.plotChromatogram(x = x, col = col, lty = lty, type = type,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, ...)
#' @rdname Chromatogram-class
setMethod("msLevel", "Chromatogram", function(object) {
#' @rdname Chromatogram-class
setMethod("isEmpty", "Chromatogram", function(x) {
(length(x) == 0 | all(is.na(intensity(x))))
#' @rdname Chromatogram-class
setMethod("productMz", "Chromatogram", function(object) {
#' @rdname Chromatogram-class
setMethod("bin", "Chromatogram", .bin_Chromatogram)
#' @rdname Chromatogram-class
setMethod("normalize", "Chromatogram",
function(object, method = c("max", "sum")) {
method <- match.arg(method)
.normalize_chromatogram(object, method)
#' @rdname Chromatogram-class
setMethod("filterIntensity", "Chromatogram", function(object,
intensity = 0, ...) {
.filter_intensity_chromatogram(object, intensity = intensity, ...)
#' @rdname Chromatogram-class
setMethod("alignRt", signature = c(x = "Chromatogram", y = "Chromatogram"),
function(x, y, method = c("closest", "approx"), ...) {
.align_chromatogram(x = x, y = y, method = method, ...)
#' @rdname Chromatogram-class
signature = c(x = "Chromatogram", y = "Chromatogram"),
function(x, y, ALIGNFUN = alignRt, ALIGNFUNARGS = list(),
FUN = cor, FUNARGS = list(use = "pairwise.complete.obs"),
...) {
if (length(x) != length(y) || !all(rtime(x) == rtime(y)))
x <- do.call(ALIGNFUN, c(list(x, y), ALIGNFUNARGS))
do.call(FUN, c(list(x@intensity, y@intensity), FUNARGS))
#' @rdname Chromatogram-class
setMethod("transformIntensity", "Chromatogram", function(object,
FUN = identity) {
object <- .chromatogram_transform_intensity(object, FUN = FUN)
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