#' calculate fragments from a peptide sequence for a specific Spectrum
#' only Spectrum2 is supported yet
#' @param sequence character vector of length 1
#' @param object Spectrum2 object (for Spectrum1/Spectrum object an empty
#' data.frame is returned)
#' @param tolerance double, allowed deviation for mz values to be treated as
#' equal
#' @param method matching method
#' @param relative relative (or absolute) deviation
#' @param ... further arguments passed to `PSMarch:::.calculateFragments()`
#' @noRd
calculateFragments_Spectrum2 <- function(sequence, object, tolerance=0.1,
method=c("highest", "closest", "all"),
relative=FALSE, ...) {
isValidSequence <- !missing(sequence) && !is.na(sequence) &&
isValidSpectrum <- is(object, "Spectrum2") && peaksCount(object)
if (isValidSpectrum && isValidSequence) {
fragments <- calculateFragments(sequence, ...)
fragments <- fragments[base::order(fragments$mz), ]
m <- matchPeaks(object, fragments$mz, tolerance=tolerance,
relative=relative, method=match.arg(method))
i <- which(!is.na(m))
fragments <- fragments[m[i], ]
fragments$error <- fragments$mz - mz(object)[i]
fragments$mz <- mz(object)[i]
fragments$intensity <- intensity(object)[i]
## set intensity as second column
fragments <- fragments[, c("mz", "intensity",
"ion", "type", "pos", "z",
"seq", "error")]
} else {
fragments <- data.frame(mz=double(), intensity=double(),
ion=character(), type=character(),
pos=integer(), z=integer(), seq=character(),
error=double(), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
rownames(fragments) <- NULL
show_Spectrum2 <- function(spectrum) {
cat("Object of class \"",class(spectrum),"\"\n",sep="")
if (length(spectrum@merged) > 1)
cat(" Merged from ",length(spectrum@merged),"MSn spectra\n")
cat(" Precursor:",spectrum@precursorMz,"\n")
if (length(spectrum@rt))
cat(" Retention time:",formatRt(spectrum@rt),"\n")
cat(" Charge:",spectrum@precursorCharge,"\n")
cat(" MSn level:",spectrum@msLevel,"\n")
cat(" Peaks count:",spectrum@peaksCount,"\n")
cat(" Total ion count:",sum(spectrum@intensity),"\n")
removeReporters_Spectrum2 <- function(object, reporters=NULL, clean=FALSE) {
## Originally contributed by Guangchuang Yu for the plotMzDelta QC
## Additional modifications: setting peaks to 0 and clean argument
## Made removeReporters a method in version 1.1.15
if (!is.null(reporters)) {
mz <- mz(object)
i <- intensity(object)
lower <- mz(reporters) - width(reporters)
upper <- mz(reporters) + width(reporters)
idx <- logical(peaksCount(object))
for (i in 1:length(lower))
idx[mz > lower[i] & mz < upper[i]] <- TRUE
if (sum(idx) != 0)
object@intensity[idx] <- 0
if (clean)
object <- clean(object)
if (validObject(object))
## C-level constructor for multiple Spectrum2 instances (i.e. returns a
## list of instances).
## This enforces ordering of M/Z-intensity value pairs by M/Z (in C).
## It also uses the "versioned" constructor in C that adds also the class
## version(s) (see issue #163).
Spectra2_mz_sorted <- function(peaksCount = NULL, rt = numeric(),
acquisitionNum = integer(),
scanIndex = integer(), tic = numeric(),
mz = numeric(),
intensity = numeric(), fromFile = integer(),
centroided = logical(), smoothed = logical(),
polarity = integer(), msLevel = 2L,
merged = numeric(), precScanNum = integer(),
precursorMz = numeric(),
precursorIntensity = numeric(),
precursorCharge = integer(),
collisionEnergy = numeric(),
nvalues = integer()) {
## Argument check; make sure all is OK before calling C.
## Fix issue #215: remove check to allow empty spectra
## if (length(mz) == 0 | length(intensity) == 0 | length(nvalues) == 0) {
## stop("Arguments 'mz', 'intensity' and 'nvalues' are required!")
## }
if (sum(nvalues) != length(mz))
stop("Length of 'mz' does not match with the number of values per ",
if (length(mz) != length(intensity))
stop("Lengths of 'mz' and 'intensity' do not match!")
nvals <- length(nvalues)
## Initialize empty vectors.
emptyInt <- rep(NA_integer_, nvals)
emptyNum <- as.numeric(emptyInt)
emptyLog <- as.logical(emptyInt)
## Now match all of the lengths to the length of nvalues.
if (!length(peaksCount))
peaksCount <- nvalues
## rt
if (!length(rt)) {
rt <- emptyNum
} else {
if (length(rt) != nvals)
stop("Length of 'rt' has to match the length of 'nvalues'!")
## acquisitionNum
if (!length(acquisitionNum)) {
acquisitionNum <- emptyInt
} else {
if (length(acquisitionNum) != nvals)
stop("Length of 'acquisitionNum' has to match the length of 'nvalues'!")
## scanIndex
if (!length(scanIndex)) {
scanIndex <- emptyInt
} else {
if (length(scanIndex) != nvals)
stop("Length of 'scanIndex' has to match the length of 'nvalues'!")
## tic
if (!length(tic)) {
tic <- emptyNum
} else {
if (length(tic) != nvals)
stop("Length of 'tic' has to match the length of 'nvalues'!")
## fromFile
if (!length(fromFile)) {
fromFile <- emptyInt
} else {
if (length(fromFile) != nvals)
stop("Length of 'fromFile' has to match the length of 'nvalues'!")
## polarity
if (!length(polarity)) {
polarity <- emptyInt
} else {
if (length(polarity) != nvals)
stop("Length of 'polarity' has to match the length of 'nvalues'!")
## centroided
if (!length(centroided)) {
centroided <- emptyLog
} else {
if (length(centroided) != nvals)
stop("Length of 'centroided' has to match the length of 'nvalues'!")
## smoothed
if (!length(smoothed)) {
smoothed <- emptyLog
} else {
if (length(smoothed) != nvals)
stop("Length of 'smoothed' has to match the length of 'nvalues'!")
## msLevel
if (!length(msLevel)) {
msLevel <- emptyInt
} else {
if (length(msLevel) != nvals)
stop("Length of 'msLevel' has to match the length of 'nvalues'!")
## merged
if (!length(merged)) {
merged <- emptyNum
} else {
if (length(merged) != nvals)
stop("Length of 'merged' has to match the length of 'nvalues'!")
## precScanNum
if (!length(precScanNum)) {
precScanNum <- emptyInt
} else {
if (length(precScanNum) != nvals)
stop("Length of 'precScanNum' has to match the length of 'nvalues'!")
## precursorMz
if (!length(precursorMz)) {
precursorMz <- emptyNum
} else {
if (length(precursorMz) != nvals)
stop("Length of 'precursorMz' has to match the length of 'nvalues'!")
## precursorIntensity
if (!length(precursorIntensity)) {
precursorIntensity <- emptyNum
} else {
if (length(precursorIntensity) != nvals)
stop("Length of 'precursorIntensity' has to match the length of 'nvalues'!")
## precursorCharge
if (!length(precursorCharge)) {
precursorCharge <- emptyNum
} else {
if (length(precursorCharge) != nvals)
stop("Length of 'precursorCharge' has to match the length of 'nvalues'!")
## collisionEnergy
if (!length(collisionEnergy)) {
collisionEnergy <- emptyNum
} else {
if (length(collisionEnergy) != nvals)
stop("Length of 'collisionEnergy' has to match the length of 'nvalues'!")
## Ensure that we have the correct data types before passing to C
if (!is.integer(msLevel)) msLevel <- as.integer(msLevel)
if (!is.integer(peaksCount)) peaksCount <- as.integer(peaksCount)
if (!is.double(rt)) rt <- as.double(rt)
if (!is.integer(acquisitionNum)) acquisitionNum <- as.integer(acquisitionNum)
if (!is.integer(scanIndex)) scanIndex <- as.integer(scanIndex)
if (!is.double(tic)) tic <- as.double(tic)
if (!is.double(mz)) mz <- as.double(mz)
if (!is.double(intensity)) intensity <- as.double(intensity)
if (!is.integer(fromFile)) fromFile <- as.integer(fromFile)
if (!is.logical(centroided)) centroided <- as.logical(centroided)
if (!is.logical(smoothed)) smoothed <- as.logical(smoothed)
if (!is.integer(polarity)) polarity <- as.integer(polarity)
if (!is.double(merged)) merged <- as.double(merged)
if (!is.integer(precScanNum)) precScanNum <- as.integer(precScanNum)
if (!is.double(precursorMz)) precursorMz <- as.double(precursorMz)
if (!is.double(precursorIntensity)) precursorIntensity <- as.double(precursorIntensity)
if (!is.integer(precursorCharge)) precursorCharge <- as.integer(precursorCharge)
if (!is.double(collisionEnergy)) collisionEnergy <- as.double(collisionEnergy)
## Define the class versions.
versions <- list(Spectrum = getClassVersionString("Spectrum"),
Spectrum2 = getClassVersionString("Spectrum2"))
## OK, now let's call C.
res <- .Call("Multi_Spectrum2_constructor_mz_sorted",
tic, mz, intensity,
as.integer(nvalues), TRUE,
lapply(versions, .versionToNum),
PACKAGE = "MSnbase")
## Constructor function for Spectrum2 objects. This one uses C-code and
## is faster than a call to "new"
## It calls the "versioned" constructor in C that adds also the class version(s)
## (see issue #163).
Spectrum2 <- function(msLevel = 2L, peaksCount = length(mz), rt = numeric(),
acquisitionNum = NA_integer_, scanIndex = integer(),
tic = 0L, mz = numeric(), intensity = numeric(),
fromFile = integer(), centroided = NA,
smoothed = NA, polarity = NA_integer_,
merged = 1, precScanNum = NA_integer_,
precursorMz = NA, precursorIntensity = NA,
precursorCharge = NA_integer_, collisionEnergy = NA) {
if (tic == 0)
tic <- sum(intensity)
## Ensure that we have the correct data types before passing to C
if (!is.integer(msLevel)) msLevel <- as.integer(msLevel)
if (!is.integer(peaksCount)) peaksCount <- as.integer(peaksCount)
if (!is.double(rt)) rt <- as.double(rt)
if (!is.integer(acquisitionNum)) acquisitionNum <- as.integer(acquisitionNum)
if (!is.integer(scanIndex)) scanIndex <- as.integer(scanIndex)
if (!is.double(tic)) tic <- as.double(tic)
if (!is.double(mz)) mz <- as.double(mz)
if (!is.double(intensity)) intensity <- as.double(intensity)
if (!is.integer(fromFile)) fromFile <- as.integer(fromFile)
if (!is.logical(centroided)) centroided <- as.logical(centroided)
if (!is.logical(smoothed)) smoothed <- as.logical(smoothed)
if (!is.integer(polarity)) polarity <- as.integer(polarity)
if (!is.double(merged)) merged <- as.double(merged)
if (!is.integer(precScanNum)) precScanNum <- as.integer(precScanNum)
if (!is.double(precursorMz)) precursorMz <- as.double(precursorMz)
if (!is.double(precursorIntensity)) precursorIntensity <- as.double(precursorIntensity)
if (!is.integer(precursorCharge)) precursorCharge <- as.integer(precursorCharge)
if (!is.double(collisionEnergy)) collisionEnergy <- as.double(collisionEnergy)
## Define the class versions.
versions <- list(Spectrum = getClassVersionString("Spectrum"),
Spectrum2 = getClassVersionString("Spectrum2"))
res <- .Call("Spectrum2_constructor",
msLevel, peaksCount, rt, acquisitionNum, scanIndex, tic, mz,
intensity, fromFile, centroided, smoothed, polarity,
merged, precScanNum, precursorMz, precursorIntensity,
precursorCharge, collisionEnergy,
TRUE, lapply(versions, .versionToNum),
PACKAGE = "MSnbase")
## Constructor function for Spectrum2 objects. This one uses C-code and
## is faster than a call to "new"
## It calls the "versioned" constructor in C that adds also the class version(s)
## (see issue #163).
Spectrum2_mz_sorted <- function(msLevel = 2L, peaksCount = length(mz), rt = numeric(),
acquisitionNum = NA_integer_, scanIndex = integer(),
tic = 0L, mz = numeric(), intensity = numeric(),
fromFile = integer(), centroided = NA,
smoothed = NA, polarity = NA_integer_,
merged = 1, precScanNum = NA_integer_,
precursorMz = NA, precursorIntensity = NA,
precursorCharge = NA_integer_, collisionEnergy = NA) {
## if (tic == 0)
## tic <- sum(intensity)
## Ensure that we have the correct data types before passing to C
if (!is.integer(msLevel)) msLevel <- as.integer(msLevel)
if (!is.integer(peaksCount)) peaksCount <- as.integer(peaksCount)
if (!is.double(rt)) rt <- as.double(rt)
if (!is.integer(acquisitionNum)) acquisitionNum <- as.integer(acquisitionNum)
if (!is.integer(scanIndex)) scanIndex <- as.integer(scanIndex)
if (!is.double(tic)) tic <- as.double(tic)
if (!is.double(mz)) mz <- as.double(mz)
if (!is.double(intensity)) intensity <- as.double(intensity)
if (!is.integer(fromFile)) fromFile <- as.integer(fromFile)
if (!is.logical(centroided)) centroided <- as.logical(centroided)
if (!is.logical(smoothed)) smoothed <- as.logical(smoothed)
if (!is.integer(polarity)) polarity <- as.integer(polarity)
if (!is.double(merged)) merged <- as.double(merged)
if (!is.integer(precScanNum)) precScanNum <- as.integer(precScanNum)
if (!is.double(precursorMz)) precursorMz <- as.double(precursorMz)
if (!is.double(precursorIntensity)) precursorIntensity <- as.double(precursorIntensity)
if (!is.integer(precursorCharge)) precursorCharge <- as.integer(precursorCharge)
if (!is.double(collisionEnergy)) collisionEnergy <- as.double(collisionEnergy)
## Define the class versions.
versions <- list(Spectrum = getClassVersionString("Spectrum"),
Spectrum2 = getClassVersionString("Spectrum2"))
msLevel, peaksCount, rt, acquisitionNum, scanIndex, tic, mz,
intensity, fromFile, centroided, smoothed, polarity,
merged, precScanNum, precursorMz, precursorIntensity,
precursorCharge, collisionEnergy,
TRUE, lapply(versions, .versionToNum),
PACKAGE = "MSnbase")
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