removePeaks_Spectrum <- function(spectrum, t = "min", msLevel.) {
## Just remove peaks if spectrum's MS level matched msLevel.
if (!missing(msLevel.)) {
if (!(msLevel(spectrum) %in% msLevel.))
if (isEmpty(spectrum)) return(spectrum)
if (t == "min")
t <- min(intensity(spectrum)[intensity(spectrum)>0])
if (!is.numeric(t))
stop("'t' must either be 'min' or numeric.")
if ( {
warning("Centroided undefined (NA): keeping spectrum as is.")
} else if (centroided(spectrum)) {
ints <- utils.removePeaks_centroided(spectrum@intensity, t)
} else {
ints <- utils.removePeaks(spectrum@intensity, t)
spectrum@intensity <- ints
spectrum@tic <- sum(ints)
clean_Spectrum <- function(spectrum, all, updatePeaksCount = TRUE, msLevel.) {
## Just clean the spectrum if its MS level matched msLevel.
if (!missing(msLevel.)) {
if (!(msLevel(spectrum) %in% msLevel.))
keep <- utils.clean(spectrum@intensity, all)
spectrum@intensity <- spectrum@intensity[keep]
spectrum@mz <- spectrum@mz[keep]
spectrum@peaksCount <- length(spectrum@intensity)
quantify_Spectrum <- function(spectrum, method,
reporters, strict) {
## Parameters:
## spectrum: object of class Spectrum
## method: methods for how to quantify the peaks
## reporters: object of class ReporterIons
## strict: use full width of peaks or a limited range around apex
## Return value:
## a names list of length 2 with
## peakQuant: named numeric of length length(reporters)
## curveStats: a length(reporters) x 7 data frame
lrep <- length(reporters)
peakQuant <- vector("numeric", lrep)
names(peakQuant) <- reporterNames(reporters)
curveStats <- matrix(NA, nrow = lrep, ncol = 7)
for (i in 1:lrep) {
## Curve statistics
dfr <- curveData(spectrum, reporters[i])
## dfr: mz int
## 1 114.1023 0
## 2 114.1063 2
## 3 114.1102 3
## 4 114.1142 4
## ...
if (strict) {
lowerMz <- round(mz(reporters[i]) - width(reporters[i]),3)
upperMz <- round(mz(reporters[i]) + width(reporters[i]),3)
selMz <- (dfr$mz >= lowerMz) & (dfr$mz <= upperMz)
dfr <- dfr[selMz,]
dfr <- rbind(c(min(dfr$mz),0),
maxInt <- max(dfr$int)
nMaxInt <- sum(dfr$int == maxInt)
baseLength <- nrow(dfr)
if (strict)
baseLength <- baseLength-2
mzRange <- range(dfr$mz)
precMz <- precursorMz(spectrum)
if (length(precMz) != 1)
precMz <- NA
curveStats[i, ] <- c(maxInt,nMaxInt,baseLength,
## Quantification
if (method == "trapezoidation") {
if (nrow(dfr) == 1) {
if (!$int))
warning(paste("Found only one mz value for precursor ",
precursorMz(spectrum), " and reporter ",
reporterNames(reporters[i]), ".\n",
" If your data is centroided, quantify with 'max'.",
sep = ""))
## Quantify reporter ions calculating the area
## under the curve by trapezoidation
n <- nrow(dfr)
## - original code -
## x <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = n)
## for (j in 1:n) {
## k <- (j%%n) + 1
## x[j] <- dfr$mz[j] * dfr$int[k] - dfr$mz[k] * dfr$int[j]
## }
## peakQuant[i] <- abs(sum(x)/2)
## - updated -
peakQuant[i] <- 0.5 * sum((dfr$mz[2:n] - dfr$mz[1:(n-1)]) *
(dfr$int[2:n] + dfr$int[1:(n-1)]))
## area using zoo's rollmean, but seems slightly slower
## peakQuant[i] <- abs(sum(diff(dfr$int)*rollmean(dfr$mz,2)))
} else if (method == "sum") {
## Quantify reporter ions using sum of data points of the peak
peakQuant[i] <- sum(dfr$int)
} else if (method == "max") {
## Quantify reporter ions using max peak intensity
peakQuant[i] <- max(dfr$int)
colnames(curveStats) <- c("maxInt", "nMaxInt", "baseLength",
"lowerMz", "upperMz", "reporter",
## curveStats <-
return(list(peakQuant = peakQuant,
curveStats = curveStats))
curveStats_Spectrum <- function(spectrum,reporters) {
curveStats <- c()
for (i in 1:length(reporters)) {
dfr <- curveData(spectrum,reporters[i])
maxInt <- max(dfr$int)
nMaxInt <- sum(dfr$int==maxInt)
baseLength <- nrow(dfr)
mzRange <- range(dfr$mz)
curveStats <- rbind(curveStats,
colnames(curveStats) <- c("maxInt","nMaxInt","baseLength",
curveData <- function(spectrum, reporter) {
## Returns a data frame with mz and intensity
## values (as columns) for all the points (rows)
## in the reporter spectrum. The base of the
## curve is extracted by getCurveWidth
## Paramters:
## spectrum: object of class Spectrum
## reporter: object of class ReporterIons of length 1
## Return value:
## a data frame
## mz int
## 1 114.1023 0
## 2 114.1063 2
## 3 114.1102 3
## 4 114.1142 4
## ...
if (length(reporter) != 1) {
warning("[curveData] Only returning data for first reporter ion")
reporter <- reporter[1]
bp <- getCurveWidth(spectrum, reporter)
if (any( {
return(data.frame(mz = reporter@mz, int = NA))
} else {
int <- intensity(spectrum)[bp$lwr[1]:bp$upr[1]]
mz <- mz(spectrum)[bp$lwr[1]:bp$upr[1]]
return(data.frame(cbind(mz, int)))
getCurveWidth <- function(spectrum, reporters) {
## This function returns curve base indices
## from a spectrum object for all the reporter ions
## in the reporter object
## NOT ANYMORE Warnings: the function returns warnings if the
## NOT ANYMORE mz[indeces] range outside of the original window
## NOT ANYMORE reporter in the reporters object
## Parameters:
## spectrum: object of class Spectrum
## reporters: object of class ReporterIons
## Return value:
## list of length 2
## - list$lwr of length(reporters) lower indices
## - list$upr of length(reporters) upper indices
m <- reporters@mz
lwr <- m - reporters@width
upr <- m + reporters@width
mz <- spectrum@mz
int <- spectrum@intensity
## if first/last int != 0, this function crashes in the while
## (ylwr!=0)/(yupr!=0) loops. Adding leading/ending data points to
## avoid this. Return values xlwr and xupr get updated accordingly
## [*].
mz <- c(0, mz, 0)
int <- c(0, int, 0)
## x... vectors of _indices_ of mz values
## y... intensity values
xlwr <- xupr<- c()
for (i in 1:length(m)) {
region <- (mz > lwr[i] & mz < upr[i])
if (sum(region, na.rm = TRUE) == 0) {
## warning("[getCurveData] No data for for precursor ",
## spectrum@precursorMz, " reporter ", m[i])
xlwr[i] <- xupr[i] <- NA
} else {
ymax <- max(int[region])
xmax <- which((int %in% ymax) & region)
xlwr[i] <- min(xmax) ## if several max peaks
xupr[i] <- max(xmax) ## if several max peaks
if (! & !centroided(spectrum)) {
ylwr <- yupr <- ymax
while (ylwr != 0) {
xlwr[i] <- xlwr[i] - 1
ylwr <- int[xlwr[i]]
## if (mz[xlwr[i]] < lwr[i])
## warning("Peak base for precursor ",spectrum@precursorMz,
## " reporter ", m[i],": ", mz[xlwr[i]], " < ",
## m[i], "-", reporters@width, sep = "")
while (yupr != 0) {
xupr[i] <- xupr[i] + 1
yupr <- int[xupr[i]]
## if (mz[xupr[i]]>upr[i])
## warning("Peak base for precursor ",spectrum@precursorMz,
## " reporter ",m[i],": ",mz[xlwr[i]]," > ",m[i],"+",
## reporters@width,sep="")
## --|--|--|--|--|--|--
## 1 2 3 4 indeces before c(0,mz,0)
## 1 2 3 4 5 6 indeces after c(0,mz,0)
## lower index: if x_after > 1 x <- x -1 (else x <- x_after)
## upper index: always decrement by 1
## if we have reached the last index (the 0), decrement by 2
## Updating xlwr, unless we reached the artificial leading 0
if (xlwr[i] > 1)
xlwr[i] <- xlwr[i] - 1
## Always updating xupr [*]
if (xupr[i] == length(mz))
xupr[i] <- xupr[i] - 2
xupr[i] <- xupr[i] - 1
return(list(lwr = xlwr, upr = xupr))
trimMz_Spectrum <- function(x, mzlim, msLevel., updatePeaksCount = TRUE) {
## If msLevel. not missing, perform the trimming only if the msLevel
## of the spectrum matches (any of) the specified msLevels.
if (!missing(msLevel.)) {
if (!(msLevel(x) %in% msLevel.))
mzmin <- min(mzlim)
mzmax <- max(mzlim)
sel <- which((x@mz >= mzmin) & (x@mz <= mzmax))
if (!length(sel)) {
msg <- paste0("No data points between ", mzmin,
" and ", mzmax,
" for spectrum with acquisition number ",
". Returning empty spectrum.")
warning(paste(strwrap(msg), collapse = "\n"))
x@mz <- x@intensity <- numeric()
x@tic <- integer()
x@peaksCount <- 0L
x@mz <- x@mz[sel]
x@intensity <- x@intensity[sel]
if (updatePeaksCount)
x@peaksCount <- as.integer(length(x@intensity))
normalise_Spectrum <- function(object, method, value) {
ints <- intensity(object)
max = div <- max(ints),
sum = div <- sum(ints),
value = div <- value)
normInts <- ints / div
object@intensity <- normInts
if (validObject(object))
bin_Spectrum <- function(object, binSize = 1L,
breaks = seq(floor(min(mz(object))),
by = binSize),
fun = sum,
msLevel.) {
## If msLevel. not missing, perform the trimming only if the msLevel
## of the spectrum matches (any of) the specified msLevels.
if (!missing(msLevel.)) {
if (!(msLevel(object) %in% msLevel.))
bins <- .bin_values(object@intensity, object@mz, binSize = binSize,
breaks = breaks, fun = fun)
object@mz <- bins$mids
object@intensity <- bins$x
object@tic <- sum(object@intensity)
object@peaksCount <- length(object@mz)
if (validObject(object))
bin_Spectra <- function(object1, object2, binSize = 1L,
breaks = seq(floor(min(c(mz(object1), mz(object2)))),
ceiling(max(c(mz(object1), mz(object2)))),
by = binSize)) {
breaks <- .fix_breaks(breaks, range(mz(object1), mz(object2)))
list(bin_Spectrum(object1, breaks = breaks),
bin_Spectrum(object2, breaks = breaks))
#' calculate similarity between spectra (between their intensity profile)
#' @param x spectrum1 (MSnbase::Spectrum)
#' @param y spectrum2 (MSnbase::Spectrum)
#' @param fun similarity function (must take two spectra and ... as arguments)
#' @param ... further arguments passed to "fun"
#' @return double, similarity score
#' @noRd
compare_Spectra <- function(x, y,
fun=c("common", "cor", "dotproduct"),
...) {
if (is.character(fun)) {
fun <- match.arg(fun)
if (fun == "cor" || fun == "dotproduct") {
binnedSpectra <- bin_Spectra(x, y, ...)
inten <- lapply(binnedSpectra, intensity)
return(, inten))
} else if (fun == "common") {
return(numberOfCommonPeaks(x, y, ...))
} else if (is.function(fun)) {
return(fun(x, y, ...))
estimateNoise_Spectrum <- function(object,
method = c("MAD", "SuperSmoother"),
ignoreCentroided = FALSE, ...) {
if (isEmpty(object)) {
warning("Your spectrum is empty. Nothing to estimate.")
return(matrix(NA, nrow = 0L, ncol = 2L,
dimnames = list(c(), c("mz", "intensity"))))
if (!ignoreCentroided && centroided(object)) {
warning("Noise estimation is only supported for profile spectra.")
return(matrix(NA, nrow = 0L, ncol = 2L,
dimnames = list(c(), c("mz", "intensity"))))
noise <- MALDIquant:::.estimateNoise(mz(object), intensity(object),
method = match.arg(method), ...)
cbind(mz=mz(object), intensity=noise)
pickPeaks_Spectrum <- function(object, halfWindowSize = 2L,
method = c("MAD", "SuperSmoother"),
SNR = 0L, ignoreCentroided = FALSE,
refineMz = c("none", "kNeighbors",
msLevel., ...) {
if (!missing(msLevel.)) {
if (!(msLevel(object) %in% msLevel.))
if (isEmpty(object)) {
warning("Your spectrum is empty. Nothing to pick.")
if (!ignoreCentroided && centroided(object, = TRUE))
refineMz <- match.arg(refineMz)
## estimate noise
## Hack to support passing arguments to both noise estimation methods and
## m/z refinement methods. CAVE: partial matching does not work!
dots <- list(...)
dots <- dots[!names(dots) %in% c("k", "signalPercentage", "stopAtTwo")]
noise <-"estimateNoise_Spectrum",
c(list(object = object, method = method,
ignoreCentroided = ignoreCentroided),
dots))[, 2L]
## find local maxima
isLocalMaxima <- MALDIquant:::.localMaxima(intensity(object),
halfWindowSize = halfWindowSize)
## include only local maxima which are above the noise
isAboveNoise <- object@intensity > (SNR * noise)
peakIdx <- which(isAboveNoise & isLocalMaxima)
if (refineMz == "none") {
object@mz <- object@mz[peakIdx]
object@intensity <- object@intensity[peakIdx]
} else {
## Call the method passing all additional arguments.
pks <-, args = c(list(mz = object@mz,
intensity = object@intensity,
peakIdx = peakIdx),
object@mz <- pks[, 1]
object@intensity <- pks[, 2]
object@peaksCount <- length(peakIdx)
object@tic <- sum(intensity(object))
object@centroided <- TRUE
if (validObject(object)) {
smooth_Spectrum <- function(object,
method = c("SavitzkyGolay", "MovingAverage"),
halfWindowSize = 2L, msLevel., ...) {
if (!missing(msLevel.)) {
if (!(msLevel(object) %in% msLevel.))
if (!peaksCount(object)) {
warning("Your spectrum is empty. Nothing to change.")
method <- match.arg(method)
"SavitzkyGolay" = {
fun <- MALDIquant:::.savitzkyGolay
"MovingAverage" = {
fun <- MALDIquant:::.movingAverage
object@intensity <- fun(object@intensity,
halfWindowSize = halfWindowSize,
isBelowZero <- object@intensity < 0
if (any(isBelowZero)) {
warning("Negative intensities generated. Replaced by zeros.")
object@intensity[isBelowZero] <- 0
object@tic <- sum(intensity(object))
if (validObject(object))
## A fast validity check that desn't check the validity of all
## inherited/inheriting objects. See
## for details and background
## Some small performance improvements:
## o direct access of slots.
## o is.unsorted instead of any(diff(mz(object)) < 0)
validSpectrum <- function(object) {
msg <- validMsg(NULL, NULL)
if (any(
msg <- validMsg(msg, "'NA' intensities found.")
if (any(
msg <- validMsg(msg, "'NA' M/Z found.")
if (any(object@intensity < 0))
msg <- validMsg(msg, "Negative intensities found.")
if (any(object@mz < 0))
msg <- validMsg(msg, "Negative M/Z found.")
if (length(object@mz) != length(object@intensity))
msg <- validMsg(msg, "Unequal number of MZ and intensity values.")
if (length(object@mz) != peaksCount(object))
msg <- validMsg(msg, "Peaks count does not match up with number of MZ values.")
if (is.unsorted(object@mz))
msg <- validMsg(msg, "MZ values are out of order.")
if (is.null(msg)) TRUE
else stop(msg)
#' @description `.spectrum_header` extracts the header information from a
#' `Spectrum` object and returns it as a named numeric vector.
#' @note We can not get the following information from Spectrum
#' objects:
#' - ionisationEnergy
#' - mergedResultScanNum
#' - mergedResultStartScanNum
#' - mergedResultEndScanNum
#' - isolationWindowTargetMZ
#' - isolationWindowLowerOffset
#' - isolationWindowUpperOffset
#' @param x `Spectrum` object.
#' @return A `data.frame` with the following columns:
#' - acquisitionNum
#' - msLevel
#' - polarity
#' - peaksCount
#' - totIonCurrent
#' - retentionTime
#' - basePeakMZ
#' - collisionEnergy
#' - ionisationEnergy
#' - lowMZ
#' - highMZ
#' - precursorScanNum
#' - precursorMZ
#' - precurorCharge
#' - precursorIntensity
#' - mergedScan
#' - mergedResultScanNum
#' - mergedResultStartScanNum
#' - mergedResultEndScanNum
#' - injectionTime
#' - filterString
#' - spectrumId
#' - centroided
#' - ionMobilityDriftTime
#' - seqNum
#' - isolationWindowTargetMZ
#' - isolationWindowLowerOffset
#' - isolationWindowUpperOffset
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
.spectrum_header <- function(x) {
res <- data.frame(acquisitionNum = acquisitionNum(x),
msLevel = msLevel(x),
polarity = polarity(x),
peaksCount = peaksCount(x),
totIonCurrent = tic(x),
retentionTime = rtime(x),
basePeakMZ = mz(x)[which.max(intensity(x))][1],
basePeakIntensity = max(intensity(x)),
collisionEnergy = NA_real_,
ionisationEnergy = 0, # How to get that?
lowMZ = min(mz(x)),
highMZ = max(mz(x)),
precursorScanNum = NA_integer_,
precursorMZ = NA_real_,
precursorCharge = NA_integer_,
precursorIntensity = NA_real_,
mergedScan = NA_integer_,
mergedResultScanNum = NA_integer_,
mergedResultStartScanNum = NA_integer_,
mergedResultEndScanNum = NA_integer_,
injectionTime = NA_real_, # Don't have that
filterString = NA_character_,
spectrumId = paste0("scan=", acquisitionNum(x)),
centroided = centroided(x),
ionMobilityDriftTime = NA_real_,
isolationWindowTargetMZ = NA_real_,
isolationWindowLowerOffset = NA_real_,
isolationWindowUpperOffset = NA_real_,
scanWindowLowerLimit = NA_real_,
scanWindowUpperLimit = NA_real_,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
if (msLevel(x) > 1) {
res$collisionEnergy <- collisionEnergy(x)
res$precursorScanNum <- precScanNum(x)
res$precursorMZ <- precursorMz(x)
res$precursorCharge <- precursorCharge(x)
res$precursorIntensity <- precursorIntensity(x)
res$mergedScan <- x@merged
#' @description `kNeighbors` refines the m/z value of the identified peak
#' (centroid) based on a user defined number (`2 * k`) of neighboring
#' signals. The resulting m/z value is the intensity weighted average of
#' the peak's m/z value and the m/z values of the `2 * k` neighboring
#' signals.
#' @param mz `numeric` with the m/z values of a spectrum.
#' @param intensity `numeric` with the intensities within the spectrum.
#' @param peakIdx `integer` with the indices of the identified mass peaks.
#' @param k `integer(1)`: number of values left and right of the
#' peak that should be considered in the weighted mean calculation.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return A `matrix` with columns `"mz"` and `"intensity"`
#' with the m/z and intensity values of the refined peaks.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
#' @md
#' @examples
#' ints <- c(5, 8, 12, 7, 4, 9, 15, 16, 11, 8, 3, 2, 3, 9, 12, 14, 13, 8, 3)
#' mzs <- 1:length(ints)
#' plot(mzs, ints, type = "h")
#' peak_idx <- c(3, 8, 16)
#' points(mzs[peak_idx], ints[peak_idx], pch = 16)
#' ## Use the weighted average considering the adjacent mz
#' mzs_1 <- kNeighbors(mz = mzs, peakIdx = peak_idx, intensity = ints, k = 1)
#' points(mzs_1[, 1], mzs_1[, 2], col = "red", type = "h")
#' mzs_2 <- kNeighbors(mz = mzs, peakIdx = peak_idx, intensity = ints, k = 2)
#' points(mzs_2[, 1], mzs_2[, 2], col = "red", type = "h")
#' ## Second example
#' ints <- c(5, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 4, 7, 5, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0)
#' mzs <- 1:length(ints)
#' plot(mzs, ints, type = "h")
#' peak_idx <- 10
#' points(mzs[peak_idx], ints[peak_idx], pch = 16)
#' mzs_2 <- kNeighbors(mz = mzs, peakIdx = peak_idx, intensity = ints, k = 2)
#' points(mzs_2[, 1], mzs_2[, 2], col = "red", type = "h")
#' ## Include "missing" measurements.
#' ints <- ints[-9]
#' mzs <- mzs[-9]
#' plot(mzs, ints, type = "h")
#' peak_idx <- 9
#' points(mzs[peak_idx], ints[peak_idx], pch = 16)
#' mzs_2 <- kNeighbors(mz = mzs, peakIdx = peak_idx, intensity = ints, k = 2)
#' abline(v = mzs_2[, 1], col = "red")
kNeighbors <- function(mz, intensity, peakIdx = NULL, k = 2, ...) {
if (length(mz) != length(intensity))
stop("lengths of 'mz' and 'intensity' have to match")
if (length(peakIdx) == 0)
return(cbind(mz = mz[peakIdx], intensity = intensity[peakIdx]))
len <- length(mz), lapply(peakIdx, function(z) {
idxs <- windowIndices(z, k, len)
c(mz = weighted.mean(x = mz[idxs], w = intensity[idxs], na.rm = TRUE),
intensity = intensity[z])
kNeighbours <- kNeighbors
#' @description `descendPeak` refines the m/z value of a peak (centroid)
#' considering neighboring data points that belong most likely to the same
#' mass peak. The peak region (i.e. the data points to include) are defined
#' by, starting from the peak position, descending the peak on both sides
#' until the measured signal increases again. Within that region all
#' measurements with an intensity of at least `signalPercentage` of the
#' peak's intensity are used to calculate the refined m/z using a intensity
#' weighted average.
#' @inheritParams kNeighbors
#' @param signalPercentage `numeric(1)` with the percentage of the peak
#' intensity above which neighboring m/z values are included in the weighted
#' mean calculation.
#' @param stopAtTwo `logical(1)` indicating whether the peak descending
#' should only stop if two consecutive measurements with increasing (or
#' same) signal are encountered or already at the first (default).
#' @param descendIfEdge `logical(1)` If a local maximum is found at the edge of
#' a spectrum, should the descend still continue on the other side of the
#' peak (centroid)? Defaults to FALSE.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' ints <- c(5, 8, 12, 7, 4, 9, 15, 16, 11, 8, 3, 2, 3, 9, 12, 14, 13, 8, 3)
#' mzs <- 1:length(ints)
#' plot(mzs, ints, type = "h")
#' peak_idx <- c(3, 8, 16)
#' points(mzs[peak_idx], ints[peak_idx], pch = 16)
#' ## Use the weighted average considering the adjacent mz
#' mzs_1 <- descendPeak(mz = mzs, peakIdx = peak_idx, intensity = ints)
#' points(mzs_1[, 1], mzs_1[, 2], col = "red", type = "h")
#' ## Values considered for the first peak:
#' pk_1 <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
#' mzs_1[1, 1] == weighted.mean(mzs[pk_1], ints[pk_1])
#' ## Second example
#' ints <- c(5, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 4, 7, 5, 2, 1, 0, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 0)
#' mzs <- 1:length(ints)
#' plot(mzs, ints, type = "h")
#' peak_idx <- 10
#' points(mzs[peak_idx], ints[peak_idx], pch = 16)
#' mzs_2 <- descendPeak(mz = mzs, peakIdx = peak_idx, intensity = ints,
#' signalPercentage = 0)
#' points(mzs_2[, 1], mzs_2[, 2], col = "red", type = "h")
#' ## Points considered:
#' pk_idx <- c(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)
#' mzs_2[1, 1] == weighted.mean(mzs[pk_idx], ints[pk_idx])
#' ## Stopping at two increasing values
#' mzs_2 <- descendPeak(mz = mzs, intensity = ints, peakIdx = peak_idx,
#' signalPercentage = 0, stopAtTwo = TRUE)
#' points(mzs_2[, 1], mzs_2[, 2], col = "blue", type = "h")
#' pk_idx <- c(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16)
#' mzs_2[1, 1] == weighted.mean(mzs[pk_idx], ints[pk_idx])
#' ## Include "missing" measurements.
#' ints <- ints[-9]
#' mzs <- mzs[-9]
#' plot(mzs, ints, type = "h")
#' peak_idx <- 9
#' points(mzs[peak_idx], ints[peak_idx], pch = 16)
#' mzs_2 <- descendPeak(mz = mzs, peakIdx = peak_idx, intensity = ints,
#' signalPercentage = 0)
#' points(mzs_2[, 1], mzs_2[, 2], col = "red", type = "h")
descendPeak <- function(mz, intensity, peakIdx = NULL, signalPercentage = 33,
stopAtTwo = FALSE, descendIfEdge = FALSE, ...) {
if (length(mz) != length(intensity))
stop("lengths of 'mz' and 'intensity' have to match")
if (length(peakIdx) == 0)
return(cbind(mz = mz[peakIdx], intensity = intensity[peakIdx]))
len <- length(mz)
signalPercentage = signalPercentage / 100
max_k <- 30 # max peak region to consider
## Define the index of values to include., lapply(peakIdx, function(z) {
## Define the region of interest in which we will search for signal
## larger than the threshold. We restrict to a max region +- max_k
## data points large.
## 1) Ensure that the region we consider is symmetric around the
## peak - important at the edges.
from_to <- c(max(1, z - max_k), min(len, z + max_k))
half_width <- min(abs(from_to - z))
## Descend to the right
## Fix for issue #583: if `descendIfEdge` is TRUE, take the full width,
## else take the half width (Defaults to FALSE to keep current behaviour)
to_idx <- ifelse(descendIfEdge, from_to[2], z + half_width)
## 2) Restrict the region to the area with monotonically decreasing
## signal (from the apex).
tmp_idx <- .findPeakValley(z:to_idx, intensity, stopAtTwo)
if (!
to_idx <- tmp_idx
## Descend to left
from_idx <- ifelse(descendIfEdge, from_to[1], z - half_width)
tmp_idx <- .findPeakValley(z:from_idx, intensity, stopAtTwo)
if (!
from_idx <- tmp_idx
## Define the peak threshold
peak_thr <- intensity[z] * signalPercentage
## Define which values in the region are above the threshold.
roi <- from_idx:to_idx
idxs <- roi[which(intensity[roi] > peak_thr)]
c(mz = weighted.mean(x = mz[idxs], w = intensity[idxs], na.rm = TRUE),
intensity = intensity[z])
.findPeakValley <- function(idx, intensity, stopAtTwo = FALSE) {
sign_change <- diff(intensity[idx]) >= 0
if (stopAtTwo)
sign_change <- sign_change & c(sign_change[-1], TRUE)
if (any(sign_change))
else NA
#' Given a list of spectra, combine neighboring spectra and return a list of
#' such combined spectra. Spectra are combined using a moving window approach
#' with each combined spectrum containing the mz and intensity
#' values of all included spectra. All other spectrum data (e.g. retention time)
#' are kept.
#' @param x `list` of `Spectrum` objects, such as returned by a call to
#' `spectra`.
#' @param halfWindowSize `integer(1)` defining the half window size of the
#' moving window.
#' @return `list` of `Spectrum` objects, same length than `x`, but each
#' `Spectrum` containing the intensity and m/z values from multiple
#' neighboring spectra.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.combineMovingWindow <- function(x, halfWindowSize = 1L) {
## loop through spectra and combine data from xx spectra.
len_x <- length(x)
res <- vector("list", len_x)
## While it does not seem intuitive, the two lapply calls in the loop are
## faster than a single lapply that uses Also it requires
## much less memory as it does no copying.
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
cur_sp <- x[[i]]
idxs <- windowIndices(i, halfWindowSize, len_x)
mz <- unlist(lapply(x[idxs], mz), use.names = FALSE)
ordr <- order(mz)
cur_sp@mz <- mz[ordr]
cur_sp@intensity <- unlist(lapply(x[idxs], intensity),
use.names = FALSE)[ordr]
res[[i]] <- cur_sp
#' @title Combine a list of spectra to a single spectrum
#' @description
#' Combine peaks from several spectra into a single spectrum. Intensity and
#' m/z values from the input spectra are aggregated into a single peak if
#' the difference between their m/z values is smaller than `mzd` or smaller than
#' `ppm` of their m/z. While `mzd` can be used to group mass peaks with a single
#' fixed value, `ppm` allows a m/z dependent mass peak grouping. Intensity
#' values of grouped mass peaks are aggregated with the `intensityFun`, m/z
#' values by the mean, or intensity weighted mean if `weighted = TRUE`.
#' @note
#' This allows e.g. to combine profile-mode spectra of consecutive scans into
#' the values for the *main* spectrum. This can improve centroiding of
#' profile-mode data by increasing the signal-to-noise ratio and is used in the
#' [combineSpectraMovingWindow()] function.
#' @details
#' For general merging of spectra, the `mzd` and/or `ppm` should be manually
#' specified based on the precision of the MS instrument. Peaks from spectra
#' with a difference in their m/z being smaller than `mzd` or smaller than
#' `ppm` of their m/z are grouped into the same final peak.
#' Some details for the combination of consecutive spectra of an LCMS run:
#' The m/z values of the same ion in consecutive scans (spectra) of a LCMS run
#' will not be identical. Assuming that this random variation is much smaller
#' than the resolution of the MS instrument (i.e. the difference between
#' m/z values within each single spectrum), m/z value groups are defined
#' across the spectra and those containing m/z values of the `main` spectrum
#' are retained. The maximum allowed difference between m/z values for the
#' same ion is estimated as in [estimateMzScattering()]. Alternatively it is
#' possible to define this maximal m/z difference with the `mzd` parameter.
#' All m/z values with a difference smaller than this value are combined to
#' a m/z group.
#' Intensities and m/z values falling within each of these m/z groups are
#' aggregated using the `intensity_fun` and `mz_fun`, respectively. It is
#' highly likely that all QTOF profile data is collected with a timing circuit
#' that collects data points with regular intervals of time that are then later
#' converted into m/z values based on the relationship `t = k * sqrt(m/z)`. The
#' m/z scale is thus non-linear and the m/z scattering (which is in fact caused
#' by small variations in the time circuit) will thus be different in the lower
#' and upper m/z scale. m/z-intensity pairs from consecutive scans to be
#' combined are therefore defined by default on the square root of the m/z
#' values. With `timeDomain = FALSE`, the actual m/z values will be used.
#' @param x `list` of `Spectrum` objects.
#' @param main `integer(1)` defining the *main* spectrum, i.e. the spectrum
#' which m/z and intensity values get replaced and is returned. By default
#' the *first* spectrum in `x` is used.
#' @param weighted `logical(1)` whether m/z values per m/z group should be
#' aggregated with an intensity-weighted mean. The default is to report
#' the mean m/z.
#' @param intensityFun `function` to aggregate the intensity values per m/z
#' group. Should be a function or the name of a function. The function is
#' expected to return a `numeric(1)`.
#' @param mzd `numeric(1)` defining the maximal m/z difference below which
#' mass peaks are considered to represent the same ion/mass peak.
#' Intensity values for such grouped mass peaks are aggregated. If not
#' specified this value is estimated from the distribution of differences
#' of m/z values from the provided spectra (see details).
#' @param ppm `numeric(1)` allowing to perform a m/z dependent grouping of mass
#' peaks. See details for more information.
#' @param timeDomain `logical(1)` whether definition of the m/z values to be
#' combined into one m/z is performed on m/z values
#' (`timeDomain = FALSE`) or on `sqrt(mz)` (`timeDomain = TRUE`).
#' Profile data from TOF MS instruments should be aggregated based
#' on the time domain (see details). Note that a pre-defined `mzd` should
#' also be estimated on the square root of m/z values if
#' `timeDomain = TRUE`.
#' @param unionPeaks `logical(1)` whether the union of all peaks (peak groups)
#' from all spectra are reported or only peak groups that contain peaks
#' that are present in the *main* spectrum (defined by `main`). The default
#' is to report the union of peaks from all spectra.
#' @param ... additional parameters that are passed to `intensityFun`.
#' @return
#' `Spectrum` with m/z and intensity values representing the aggregated values
#' across the provided spectra. The returned spectrum contains the union of
#' all peaks from all spectra (if `unionPeaks = TRUE`), or the same number of
#' m/z and intensity pairs than the spectrum with index `main` in `x` (if
#' `unionPeaks = FALSE`. All other spectrum data (such as retention time etc)
#' is taken from the *main* spectrum.
#' @author Johannes Rainer, Sigurdur Smarason
#' @family spectra combination functions
#' @seealso
#' [estimateMzScattering()] for a function to estimate m/z scattering
#' in consecutive scans.
#' [estimateMzResolution()] for a function estimating the m/z resolution of
#' a spectrum.
#' [combineSpectraMovingWindow()] for the function to combine consecutive
#' spectra of an `MSnExp` object using a moving window approach.
#' @md
#' @examples
#' library(MSnbase)
#' ## Create 3 example profile-mode spectra with a resolution of 0.1 and small
#' ## random variations on these m/z values on consecutive scans.
#' set.seed(123)
#' mzs <- seq(1, 20, 0.1)
#' ints1 <- abs(rnorm(length(mzs), 10))
#' ints1[11:20] <- c(15, 30, 90, 200, 500, 300, 100, 70, 40, 20) # add peak
#' ints2 <- abs(rnorm(length(mzs), 10))
#' ints2[11:20] <- c(15, 30, 60, 120, 300, 200, 90, 60, 30, 23)
#' ints3 <- abs(rnorm(length(mzs), 10))
#' ints3[11:20] <- c(13, 20, 50, 100, 200, 100, 80, 40, 30, 20)
#' ## Create the spectra.
#' sp1 <- new("Spectrum1", mz = mzs + rnorm(length(mzs), sd = 0.01),
#' intensity = ints1)
#' sp2 <- new("Spectrum1", mz = mzs + rnorm(length(mzs), sd = 0.01),
#' intensity = ints2)
#' sp3 <- new("Spectrum1", mz = mzs + rnorm(length(mzs), sd = 0.009),
#' intensity = ints3)
#' ## Combine the spectra
#' sp_agg <- meanMzInts(list(sp1, sp2, sp3))
#' ## Plot the spectra before and after combining
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 1), mar = c(4.3, 4, 1, 1))
#' plot(mz(sp1), intensity(sp1), xlim = range(mzs[5:25]), type = "h", col = "red")
#' points(mz(sp2), intensity(sp2), type = "h", col = "green")
#' points(mz(sp3), intensity(sp3), type = "h", col = "blue")
#' plot(mz(sp_agg), intensity(sp_agg), xlim = range(mzs[5:25]), type = "h",
#' col = "black")
meanMzInts <- function(x, ..., intensityFun = base::mean, weighted = FALSE,
main = 1L, mzd, ppm = 0, timeDomain = FALSE,
unionPeaks = TRUE) {
if (length(x) == 1)
if (length(unique(unlist(lapply(x, function(z) z@msLevel)))) != 1)
stop("Can only combine spectra with the same MS level")
if (main > length(x) || main < 1)
stop("'main' should be an integer between 1 and ", length(x))
mzs <- lapply(x, function(z) z@mz)
mzs_lens <- base::lengths(mzs)
mzs <- unlist(mzs, use.names = FALSE)
mz_order <- base::order(mzs)
mzs <- mzs[mz_order]
if (timeDomain)
mz_groups <- .group_mz_values(sqrt(mzs), mzd = mzd)
mz_groups <- .group_mz_values(mzs, mzd = mzd, ppm = ppm)
ints <- unlist(base::lapply(x, function(z) z@intensity),
use.names = FALSE)[mz_order]
new_sp <- x[[main]]
if (!unionPeaks) {
## Want to keep only those groups with a m/z from the main spectrum.
## vectorized version from @sgibb
is_in_main <-, mzs_lens)[mz_order] == main
keep <- mz_groups %in% mz_groups[is_in_main]
## Keep only values for which a m/z in main is present.
mz_groups <- mz_groups[keep]
mzs <- mzs[keep]
ints <- ints[keep]
## Support also weighted.mean:
if (weighted) {
intsp <- split(ints, mz_groups)
new_sp@mz <- base::mapply(split(mzs, mz_groups), intsp,
FUN = function(mz_vals, w)
stats::weighted.mean(mz_vals, w + 1,
na.rm = TRUE),
new_sp@intensity <- base::vapply(intsp, FUN = intensityFun,
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1),
} else {
new_sp@mz <- base::vapply(split(mzs, mz_groups), FUN = base::mean,
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE,
new_sp@intensity <- base::vapply(split(ints, mz_groups),
FUN = intensityFun,
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1),
if (is.unsorted(new_sp@mz))
stop("m/z values of combined spectrum are not ordered")
new_sp@peaksCount <- length(new_sp@mz)
#' Group a sorted `numeric` of m/z values from consecutive scans by ion assuming
#' that the variation between m/z values for the same ion in consecutive scan
#' is much lower than the difference between m/z values within one scan.
#' @param x `numeric` with ordered and combined m/z values from consecutive
#' scans.
#' @param mzd `numeric(1)` with the m/z difference below which m/z values are
#' grouped together. If not provided the `.estimate_mz_scattering` function
#' is used to estimate it.
#' @param ppm `numeric(1)` defining an optional ppm. `mzd` will be increased
#' by the ppm of the m/z to allow m/z dependent peak groups.
#' @return `integer` of same length than `x` grouping m/z values.
#' @noRd
.group_mz_values <- function(x, mzd, ppm = 0) {
mzdiff <- diff(x)
if (missing(mzd))
mzd <- .estimate_mz_scattering(mzdiff, TRUE)
## Create a vector grouping values with difference in mz values being
## smaller than mzd
## nvals <- diff(c(0, which(!(mzdiff < mzd)), length(x)))
## rep(1:length(nvals), nvals)
if (ppm > 0)
cumsum(c(0L, mzdiff >= (mzd + x[-length(x)] * ppm / 1e6))) + 1L
cumsum(c(0L, mzdiff >= mzd)) + 1L
#' Estimate the extent of random scattering of m/z values of the same ion in
#' consecutive scans. This bases on the assumption that the random scattering
#' of m/z values is much smaller than the m/z resolution of the MS instrument.
#' Assumes the data is in profile mode.
#' @param x Either values or differences between values.
#' @param is_diff `logical(1)` indicating whether `x` are already differences.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.estimate_mz_scattering <- function(x, is_diff = FALSE) {
if (!is_diff)
x <- diff(x)
dens <- .density(x)
## Find all turning points, i.e. where density is increasing
idxs <- which(diff(sign(diff(dens$y))) == 2) + 1
if (length(idxs) == 0)
stop("Error estimating random scattering of m/z values in consecutive",
" scans: could not discriminate between expected m/z difference ",
" and random noise.")
.density <- function(x) stats::density(x, n = max(c(512L, length(x) / 2L)))
#' @param x `list` of `Spectrum` objects.
#' @noRd
.estimate_mz_scattering_list <- function(x, halfWindowSize = 1L,
timeDomain = TRUE) {
len_x <- length(x)
mzs <- vector("list", len_x)
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
mzs[[i]] <- .estimate_mz_scattering(
sort(unlist(lapply(x[windowIndices(i, halfWindowSize, len_x)],
function(z) {
if (timeDomain) sqrt(z@mz)
else z@mz
#' Estimate the m/z resolution (i.e. the average difference between m/z values)
#' of a Spectrum.
#' @param x `numeric` with the (sorted) m/z values of one spectrum.
#' @return `numeric(1)` with the m/z resplution.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.estimate_mz_resolution <- function(x) {
d <- .density(diff(x))
## x <- diff(x)
## h <- hist(x, breaks = seq((min(x)), (max(x)),
## length.out = length(x)/4),
## plot = FALSE)
## h$mids[which.max(h$counts)]
#' @title Combine spectra to a consensus spectrum
#' @description
#' `consensusSpectrum` takes a list of spectra and combines them to a
#' consensus spectrum containing mass peaks that are present in a user
#' definable proportion of spectra.
#' @details
#' Peaks from spectra with a difference of their m/z being smaller than `mzd`
#' are grouped into the same final mass peak with their intensities being
#' aggregated with `intensityFun`. Alternatively (or in addition) it is
#' possible to perform an m/z dependent grouping of mass peaks with parameter
#' `ppm`: mass peaks from different spectra with a difference in their m/z
#' smaller than `ppm` of their m/z are grouped into the same final peak.
#' The m/z of the final mass peaks is calculated with `mzFun`. By setting
#' `weighted = TRUE` the parameter `mzFun` is ignored and an intensity-weighted
#' mean of the m/z values from the individual mass peaks is returned as the
#' peak's m/z.
#' @param x `list` of [Spectrum-class] objects (either [Spectrum1-class] or
#' [Spectrum2-class]).
#' @param mzd `numeric(1)` defining the maximal m/z difference below which
#' mass peaks are grouped in to the same final mass peak (see details for
#' more information). Defaults to `0`; see [meanMzInts()] for estimating
#' this value from the distribution of differences of m/z values from the
#' spectra. See also parameter `ppm` below for the definition of an m/z
#' dependent peak grouping.
#' @param minProp `numeric(1)` defining the minimal proportion of spectra in
#' which a mass peak has to be present in order to include it in the
#' final consensus spectrum. Should be a number between 0 and 1 (present in
#' all spectra).
#' @param intensityFun `function` (or name of a function) to be used to define
#' the intensity of the aggregated peak. By default the median signal for
#' a mass peak is reported.
#' @param mzFun `function` (or name of a function) to be used to define the
#' intensity of the aggregated peak. By default the median m/z is reported.
#' Note that setting `weighted = TRUE` overrides this parameter.
#' @param ppm `numeric(1)` allowing to perform a m/z dependent grouping of mass
#' peaks. See details for more information.
#' @param weighted `logical(1)` whether the m/z of the aggregated peak
#' represents the intensity-weighted average of the m/z values of all peaks
#' of the peak group. If `FALSE` (the default), the m/z of the peak is
#' calculated with `mzFun`.
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to `intensityFun`.
#' @md
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @family spectra combination functions
#' @examples
#' library(MSnbase)
#' ## Create 3 example spectra.
#' sp1 <- new("Spectrum2", rt = 1, precursorMz = 1.41,
#' mz = c(1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 3.6, 4.9, 5.0, 7.8, 8.4),
#' intensity = c(10, 3, 140, 14, 299, 12, 49, 20))
#' sp2 <- new("Spectrum2", rt = 1.1, precursorMz = 1.4102,
#' mz = c(1.4, 1.81, 2.4, 4.91, 6.0, 7.2, 9),
#' intensity = c(3, 184, 8, 156, 12, 23, 10))
#' sp3 <- new("Spectrum2", rt = 1.2, precursorMz = 1.409,
#' mz = c(1, 1.82, 2.2, 3, 7.0, 8),
#' intensity = c(8, 210, 7, 101, 17, 8))
#' spl <- MSpectra(sp1, sp2, sp3)
#' ## Plot the spectra, each in a different color
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 1), mar = c(4.3, 4, 1, 1))
#' plot(mz(sp1), intensity(sp1), type = "h", col = "#ff000080", lwd = 2,
#' xlab = "m/z", ylab = "intensity", xlim = range(mz(spl)),
#' ylim = range(intensity(spl)))
#' points(mz(sp2), intensity(sp2), type = "h", col = "#00ff0080", lwd = 2)
#' points(mz(sp3), intensity(sp3), type = "h", col = "#0000ff80", lwd = 2)
#' cons <- consensusSpectrum(spl, mzd = 0.02, minProp = 2/3)
#' ## Peaks of the consensus spectrum
#' mz(cons)
#' intensity(cons)
#' ## Other Spectrum data is taken from the first Spectrum in the list
#' rtime(cons)
#' precursorMz(cons)
#' plot(mz(cons), intensity(cons), type = "h", xlab = "m/z", ylab = "intensity",
#' xlim = range(mz(spl)), ylim = range(intensity(spl)), lwd = 2)
consensusSpectrum <- function(x, mzd = 0, minProp = 0.5,
intensityFun = stats::median,
mzFun = stats::median, ppm = 0,
weighted = FALSE, ...) {
if (length(x) == 1)
if (!is(x, "MSpectra"))
x <- MSpectra(x)
if (length(unique(msLevel(x))) != 1)
stop("Can only combine spectra with the same MS level")
xnew <- x[[1]] # data from the first peak.
mzs <- mz(x)
mzs_lens <- base::lengths(mzs)
mzs <- unlist(mzs, use.names = FALSE)
mz_order <- base::order(mzs)
mzs <- mzs[mz_order]
ints <- unlist(intensity(x), use.names = FALSE)[mz_order]
keep <- which(ints > 0)
mzs <- mzs[keep]
ints <- ints[keep]
mz_groups <- .group_mz_values(mzs, mzd = mzd, ppm = ppm)
mzs <- split(mzs, mz_groups)
ints <- split(ints, mz_groups)
keep <- lengths(mzs) >= (length(x) * minProp)
if (any(keep)) {
if (weighted) {
wm <- stats::weighted.mean
xnew@mz <- mapply(mzs[keep], ints[keep], FUN = function(mz_vals, w)
wm(mz_vals, w + 1, na.rm = TRUE), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
} else
xnew@mz <- base::vapply(mzs[keep], FUN = mzFun,
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1),
xnew@intensity <- base::vapply(ints[keep], FUN = intensityFun,
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1),
} else {
warning("No peak present in more than ", minProp * 100, "% of spectra.")
xnew@mz <- numeric()
xnew@intensity <- numeric()
xnew@peaksCount <- length(xnew@mz)
if (validObject(xnew)) xnew
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