# function(formula, data, schema, ...)
# standardGeneric("MLearnC"))
setClass("clusteringSchema", representation(
package="character", mlFunName="character",
distFun="function", converter="function"))
setMethod("show", "clusteringSchema", function(object) {
cat("MLInterfaces clusteringSchema for calling\n")
cat(object@mlFunName, "in package", object@package, ";\n")
cat("use getDist or getConverter on this schema object to see specifics.\n")
setGeneric("getDist", function(x)standardGeneric("getDist"))
setGeneric("getConverter", function(x)standardGeneric("getConverter"))
setMethod("getDist", "clusteringSchema", function(x) x@distFun)
setMethod("getConverter", "clusteringSchema", function(x) x@converter)
## require(cluster)
setClass("prcompObj", contains="prcomp")
setClass("clusteringOutput", representation(
partition="numeric", silhouette="silhouette",
prcomp="prcompObj", distFun="function", converter="function",
call="call", learnerSchema="clusteringSchema",
RObject="ANY"), prototype=prototype(
silhouette={x = 0; class(x)="silhouette"; x},
prcomp={x = 0; class(x)="prcomp"; new("prcompObj", x)},
distFun = dist, converter=function(){}, call=new("call"))
setMethod("show", "clusteringOutput", function(object) {
cat("clusteringOutput: partition table\n")
cat("The call that created this object was:\n")
#setGeneric("RObject", function(x) standardGeneric("RObject"))
setMethod("RObject", "clusteringOutput", function(x) x@RObject)
setMethod("plot", "clusteringOutput", function(x, y, ...) {
opar = par(no.readonly=TRUE)
NO_PLOT_METHOD = c("kmeans")
if (x@learnerSchema@mlFunName %in% NO_PLOT_METHOD) {
if (missing(y)) stop("second arg must be matrix with feature data on all records")
partPlot(y, x@partition, las=2, ...)
else if (x@learnerSchema@mlFunName == "pam") {
plot(RObject(x), which=1, ...)
else if (x@learnerSchema@mlFunName == "hclust") {
stats:::plot.hclust(RObject(x), ...)
else {
plot(RObject(x), ...)
plot(x@silhouette, main="silhouette")
plot(x@prcomp, main="PCA screeplot")
plot(x@prcomp$x[,1], x@prcomp$x[,2], col=x@partition,
xlab="PC1", ylab="PC2", main="PCA colored by partition")
hclustConverter = function(tpl) function(obj, dstruct) {
# tasks of the converter: generate a clusteringOutput instance
# with entities unique to the clustering algorithm, principally the RObject,
# the partition
# in this case we need a closure to pass selections for cutree
tpl[[length(tpl)+1]] = obj
names(tpl)[length(tpl)] = "tree"
part = do.call(get("cutree", "package:stats"), tpl)
new("clusteringOutput", RObject=obj, partition=part)
kmeansConverter = function(obj, dstruct) {
# tasks of the converter: generate a clusteringOutput instance
# with entities unique to the clustering algorithm, principally the RObject,
# the partition
new("clusteringOutput", RObject=obj, partition=obj$clus)
pamConverter = function(obj, dstruct) {
# tasks of the converter: generate a clusteringOutput instance
# with entities unique to the clustering algorithm, principally the RObject,
# the partition
new("clusteringOutput", RObject=obj, partition=obj$clustering)
hclustI = function(distFun, cutParm) {
if (missing(distFun)) stop("distFun must be supplied as a function")
if (!is.list(cutParm)) stop("cutParm must be a list with element name in c('h', 'k')")
package="stats", mlFunName="hclust",
distFun=distFun, converter=hclustConverter(cutParm))
kmeansI =
package="stats", mlFunName="kmeans",
distFun=function(x)x, converter=kmeansConverter)
pamI = function(distFun) {
if (missing(distFun)) stop("distFun must be supplied as a function")
package="cluster", mlFunName="pam",
distFun=distFun, converter=pamConverter)
setMethod("MLearn", c("formula", "data.frame",
"clusteringSchema", "ANY"),
function(formula, data, .method, trainInd, ...) {
lfun = do.call("::", list(pkg=.method@package, name=.method@mlFunName))
# formula work
dframe = try(model.frame(formula, data, na.action=na.fail))
if (inherits(dframe, "try-error"))
stop("problem in model.frame -- could be NA in data. must stop.")
rawdata = data = data.matrix(dframe)
resp = model.response(dframe)
if (!is.null(resp)) {
kpcol = attr(attr(dframe, "terms"), "term.labels")
data = data[, kpcol]
rawdata = rawdata[, kpcol]
# end formula work
dstruc = .method@distFun(data) # distFun could be identity
ans = lfun( dstruc, ... )
CLOb = .method@converter(ans, dstruc) # clusteringOutput
if (!inherits(data, "dist")) dstruc = dist(data) # force euclidean for now
CLOb@silhouette = cluster::silhouette(CLOb@partition, dstruc)
CLOb@prcomp = new("prcompObj", prcomp(data))
CLOb@learnerSchema = .method
CLOb@call = match.call()
#cl1 = MLearn(~CW+RW+CL+FL+BD, data=crabs, hclustI(distFun=dist, cutParm=list(k=4)))
#cl2 = MLearn(~CW+RW+CL+FL+BD, data=crabs, kmeansI, centers=5, algorithm="Hartigan-Wong")
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