#' Manhattan Plotting
#' A generic function for manhattan plot.
#' @param x a \code{data.frame}, an extension of \code{data.frame} object (e.g.
#' \code{tibble}), or an \code{MPdata} object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for manhattan plot.
#' @inheritParams manhattan_data_preprocess
#' @details
#' This generic function accepts a result of a GWAS in the form of \code{data.frame}
#' or a \code{MPdata} object produced by \code{manhattan_data_preprocess}. The
#' function will throw an error if another type of object is passed.
#' Having \code{rescale = TRUE} is useful when there are points with very
#' high -log10(p.value). In this case, the function attempts to split
#' the plot into two different scales, with the split happening near the strictest
#' significance threshold. More precisely, the plot is rescaled when
#' \deqn{-log10(pvalue) / (strictest significance threshold) \ge rescale.ratio.threshold}
#' If you wish to add annotation to the points, provide the name of the column to
#' \code{label.colname}. The labels are added with \code{\link{ggrepel}}.
#' Be careful though: if the annotation column contains
#' a large number of variants, then the plotting could take a long time, and the
#' labels will clutter up the plot. For those points with no annotation, you have the
#' choice to set them as \code{NA} or \code{""}.
#' @return \code{gg} object if \code{is.null(outfn)}, \code{NULL} if \code{!is.null(outf)}
#' @examples
#' gwasdat <- data.frame(
#' "chromosome" = rep(1:5, each = 30),
#' "position" = c(replicate(5, sample(1:300, 30))),
#' "pvalue" = rbeta(150, 1, 1)^5
#' )
#' manhattan_plot(
#' gwasdat, pval.colname = "pvalue", chr.colname = "chromosome", pos.colname = "position",
#' chr.order = as.character(1:5)
#' )
#' mpdata <- manhattan_data_preprocess(
#' gwasdat, pval.colname = "pvalue", chr.colname = "chromosome", pos.colname = "position",
#' chr.order = as.character(1:5)
#' )
#' manhattan_plot(mpdata)
#' @rdname manhattan_plot
#' @export
manhattan_plot <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("manhattan_plot")
#' @rdname manhattan_plot
#' @export
manhattan_plot.default <- function(x, ...) stop("Provide a data.frame to preprocess & plot or a preprocessed MPdata object.")
#' @rdname manhattan_plot
#' @method manhattan_plot data.frame
#' @export
manhattan_plot.data.frame <- function(
x, chromosome = NULL, outfn = NULL, signif = c(5e-8, 1e-5), pval.colname = "pval", chr.colname = "chr",
pos.colname = "pos", label.colname = NULL, highlight.colname = NULL, chr.order = NULL,
signif.col = NULL, chr.col = NULL, highlight.col = NULL,
rescale = TRUE, rescale.ratio.threshold = 5, signif.rel.pos = 0.2, chr.gap.scaling = 1,
color.by.highlight = FALSE,
preserve.position = FALSE, thin = NULL, thin.n = 1000, thin.bins = 200, pval.log.transform = TRUE,
plot.title = ggplot2::waiver(), plot.subtitle = ggplot2::waiver(), plot.width = 10, plot.height = 5,
plot.scale = 1,
point.size = 0.75, label.font.size = 2, max.overlaps = 20,
x.label = "Chromosome", y.label = expression(-log[10](p)), ...
) {
# preprocess manhattan plot data
mpdata <- manhattan_data_preprocess(
x, chromosome = chromosome, signif = signif, pval.colname = pval.colname, chr.colname = chr.colname, pos.colname = pos.colname,
chr.order = chr.order, signif.col = signif.col, chr.col = chr.col, highlight.colname = highlight.colname,
highlight.col = highlight.col, preserve.position = preserve.position, thin = thin,
thin.n = thin.n, thin.bins = thin.bins, pval.log.transform = pval.log.transform,
chr.gap.scaling = chr.gap.scaling
# manhattan plot
x = mpdata, chromosome = NULL, outfn = outfn, rescale = rescale, rescale.ratio.threshold = rescale.ratio.threshold,
signif.rel.pos = signif.rel.pos, color.by.highlight = color.by.highlight,
label.colname = label.colname, x.label = x.label, y.label = y.label,
point.size = point.size, label.font.size = label.font.size,
max.overlaps = max.overlaps, plot.title = plot.title, plot.subtitle = plot.subtitle,
plot.width = plot.width, plot.height = plot.height, chr.gap.scaling = NULL, plot.scale = plot.scale, ...
#' @rdname manhattan_plot
#' @method manhattan_plot MPdata
#' @param outfn a character. File name to save the Manhattan Plot. If \code{outfn}
#' is supplied (i.e. \code{!is.null(outfn)}), then the plot is not drawn in
#' the graphics window.
#' @param signif a numeric vector. Significant p-value thresholds to be drawn for manhattan plot.
#' At least one value should be provided. Default value is c(5e-08, 1e-5).
#' If \code{signif} is not \code{NULL} and \code{x} is an \code{MPdata} object,
#' \code{signif} argument overrides the value inside \code{MPdata}.
#' @param signif.col a character vector of equal length as \code{signif}.
#' It contains colors for the lines drawn at \code{signif}.
#' If \code{NULL}, the smallest value is colored black while others are grey. If \code{x} is an \code{MPdata} object,
#' behaves similarly to \code{signif}.
#' @param rescale a logical. If \code{TRUE}, the plot will rescale itself depending
#' on the data. More on this in details.
#' @param rescale.ratio.threshold a numeric. Threshold of that triggers the rescale.
#' @param signif.rel.pos a numeric between 0.1 and 0.9. If the plot is rescaled,
#' where should the significance threshold be positioned?
#' @param chr.gap.scaling a numeric. scaling factor for gap between chromosome if you desire to change it
#' if x is an \code{MPdata} object, then the gap will scale relative to the gap in the object.
#' @param color.by.highlight a logical. Should the points be colored based on a highlight column?
#' @param label.colname a character. Name of the column in \code{MPdata$data}
#' to be used for labeling.
#' @param x.label a character. x-axis label
#' @param y.label a character. y-axis label
#' @param point.size a numeric. Size of the points.
#' @param label.font.size a numeric. Size of the labels.
#' @param max.overlaps an integer. Exclude text labels that overlaps too many things.
#' @param plot.title a character. Plot title
#' @param plot.subtitle a character. Plot subtitle
#' @param plot.width a numeric. Plot width in inches. Corresponds to `width` argument in `ggsave` function.
#' @param plot.height a numeric. Plot height in inches. Corresponds to `height` argument in `ggsave` function.
#' @param plot.scale a numeric. Plot scale. Corresponds to `scale` argument in `ggsave` function.
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed onto \code{geom_label_repel}
#' @export
manhattan_plot.MPdata <- function(
x, chromosome = NULL, outfn = NULL, signif = NULL, signif.col = NULL,
rescale = TRUE, rescale.ratio.threshold = 5, signif.rel.pos = 0.2,
chr.gap.scaling = NULL, color.by.highlight = FALSE,
label.colname = NULL, x.label = "Chromosome", y.label = expression(-log[10](p)),
point.size = 0.75, label.font.size = 2, max.overlaps = 20,
plot.title = ggplot2::waiver(), plot.subtitle = ggplot2::waiver(),
plot.width = 10, plot.height = 5, plot.scale = 1, ...
) {
if (all(!is.null(label.colname), !is.na(label.colname), na.rm = TRUE)) {
if (!(label.colname %in% colnames(x$data))) stop("label.colname not a valid column name for the data.")
if ((sum(!is.na(x$data[[label.colname]]) & !(x$data[[label.colname]] == ""))) > 20) warning("The plot will generate > 20 labels. The plot may be cluttered & may take a longer to generate.")
# if chromosome is specified, subset the data
if (!is.null(chromosome)) {
valid_chr(x$data, chromosome, x$chr.colname)
x$data <- x$data[x$data[[x$chr.colname]] == chromosome,]
# decide if the resulting plot will be single chromosome, or multiple
single.chr <- length(unique(x$data[[x$chr.colname]])) == 1
# check if chromosome gap needs to change
if (!is.null(chr.gap.scaling)) {
chr.gap.scaling <- preprocess_arg_check(chr.gap.scaling = chr.gap.scaling)$chr.gap.scaling
x$chr.pos.info <- get_chr_pos_info(
chr_width = x$chr.pos.info$chr_width,
chr_gap_scaling = x$chr.pos.info$chr_gap / 0.15 * 24 / length(x$chr.pos.info$chr_width) * chr.gap.scaling
# update signif if values are provided
if (!is.null(signif)) {
# update signif parameter values
x$signif <- signif
preprocess_arg_check_out <- preprocess_arg_check(
x = x$data, signif = x$signif, signif.col = signif.col
x$signif.col <- preprocess_arg_check_out$signif.col
# create transformation object; if rescaling is required, create appropriate transformation
trans <- list("trans" = "identity", "breaks" = ggplot2::waiver())
if (rescale) {
jump <- get_transform_jump(-log10(x$signif))
if ((ceiling(max(x$data[[x$pval.colname]])/5)*5)/jump > rescale.ratio.threshold) {
trans <- get_transform(x$data, jump, x$pval.colname, jump.rel.pos = signif.rel.pos)
ylimit <- c(0, ifelse(identical(trans$trans, "identity"), NA, max(trans$breaks)))
# plot parameters depend on single.chr
if (single.chr) {
pos <- x$true.pos.colname
x.break <- ggplot2::waiver()
x.break.label <- ggplot2::waiver()
x.limits <- NULL
} else {
if (x$pos.colname == "new_pos_unscaled") {
x$data$new_pos_unscaled <- calc_new_pos_(x$data$new_pos_unscaled, x$data[[x$chr.colname]], x$chr.pos.info)
pos <- x$pos.colname
x.break <- x$chr.pos.info$center_pos
x.break.label <- x$chr.labels
x.limits <- c(min(x$chr.pos.info$start_pos), max(x$chr.pos.info$end_pos))
# choose whether to use highlight.colname or chr.colname
if (!is.null(x$highlight.colname) && !is.null(x$highlight.col) && color.by.highlight) {
point.color <- x$highlight.colname
point.color.map <- x$highlight.col
} else {
point.color <- x$chr.colname
point.color.map <- x$chr.col
# manhattan plot without labels
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(x$data, ggplot2::aes(x = !!rlang::sym(pos), y = !!rlang::sym(x$pval.colname), color = !!rlang::sym(point.color))) +
ggplot2::geom_point(size = point.size) +
ggplot2::scale_discrete_manual(aesthetics = "color", values = point.color.map) +
trans = trans$trans,
breaks = trans$breaks,
expand = c(0.02, 0.01),
limits = ylimit
) +
name = x.label,
breaks = x.break,
labels = x.break.label,
expand = c(0.01, 0.01), limits = x.limits
) +
yintercept = -log10(x$signif),
linetype = 'dashed',
color = x$signif.col
) +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(),
legend.position = "none"
) +
ggplot2::ylab(y.label) +
ggplot2::ggtitle(label = plot.title, subtitle = plot.subtitle)
if (all(!is.null(label.colname), !is.na(label.colname), na.rm = TRUE)) {
p <- p + ggrepel::geom_label_repel(
ggplot2::aes(x = !!rlang::sym(pos), y = !!rlang::sym(x$pval.colname), label = !!rlang::sym(label.colname)),
size = label.font.size,
label.padding = 0.15,
segment.size = 0.2,
min.segment.length = 0,
max.overlaps = max.overlaps,
if (rescale & !identical(trans$trans, "identity")) {
# if the plot is rescaled, change the tick at the "jump" to double line
jump.tick.size <- 3.5
p <- p +
axis.ticks.y = ggplot2::element_line(linetype = trans$y_axis_linetype)) +
ggplot2::annotate(geom = "point", shape = "=", x = -Inf, y = trans$jump, size = jump.tick.size) +
ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off")
if (!is.null(outfn)) {
ggplot2::ggsave(outfn, plot=p, width=plot.width, height=plot.height, scale = plot.scale, units = "in")
} else {
#' @rdname manhattan_plot
#' @method manhattan_plot GRanges
#' @export
"manhattan_plot", signature = "GRanges",
x, chromosome = NULL, outfn = NULL, signif = c(5e-8, 1e-5), pval.colname = "pval", label.colname = NULL,
highlight.colname = NULL, chr.order = NULL,
signif.col = NULL, chr.col = NULL, highlight.col = NULL,
rescale = TRUE, rescale.ratio.threshold = 5, signif.rel.pos = 0.2, chr.gap.scaling = 1, color.by.highlight = FALSE,
preserve.position = FALSE, thin = NULL, thin.n = 1000, thin.bins = 200, pval.log.transform = TRUE,
plot.title = ggplot2::waiver(), plot.subtitle = ggplot2::waiver(), plot.width = 10, plot.height = 5,
plot.scale = 1,
point.size = 0.75, label.font.size = 2, max.overlaps = 20,
x.label = "Chromosome", y.label = expression(-log[10](p)), ...
) {
# preprocess manhattan plot data
mpdata <- manhattan_data_preprocess(
x, signif = signif, pval.colname = pval.colname, chr.order = chr.order,
signif.col = signif.col, chr.col = chr.col, highlight.colname = highlight.colname,
highlight.col = highlight.col, preserve.position = preserve.position, thin = thin,
thin.n = thin.n, thin.bins = thin.bins, chromosome = chromosome, pval.log.transform = pval.log.transform,
chr.gap.scaling = chr.gap.scaling, ...
# manhattan plot
x = mpdata, chromosome = chromosome, outfn = outfn, rescale = rescale, rescale.ratio.threshold = rescale.ratio.threshold,
signif.rel.pos = signif.rel.pos, color.by.highlight = color.by.highlight,
label.colname = label.colname, x.label = x.label, y.label = y.label,
point.size = point.size, label.font.size = label.font.size,
max.overlaps = max.overlaps, plot.title = plot.title, plot.subtitle = plot.subtitle,
plot.width = plot.width, plot.height = plot.height, chr.gap.scaling = NULL, plot.scale = plot.scale, ...
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