
Defines functions .writeRegs .calcPval calculatePvalues

Documented in calculatePvalues

#' Calculate p-values and identify regions
#' First, this function finds the regions of interest according to specified
#' cutoffs. Then it permutes the samples and re-calculates the F-statistics.
#' The area of the statistics from these segments are then used to calculate
#' p-values for the original regions.
#' @inheritParams calculateStats
#' @param fstats A numerical Rle with the F-statistics normally generated using
#' [calculateStats].
#' @param nPermute The number of permutations. Note that for a full chromosome,
#' a small amount (10) of permutations is sufficient. If set to 0, no
#' permutations are performed and thus no null regions are used, however, the
#' `$regions` component is created.
#' @param seeds An integer vector of length `nPermute` specifying the
#' seeds to be used for each permutation. If `NULL` no seeds are used.
#' @param chr A single element character vector specifying the chromosome name.
#' This argument is passed to [findRegions].
#' @param cutoff F-statistic cutoff to use to determine segments.
#' @param significantCut A vector of length two specifiying the cutoffs used to
#' determine significance. The first element is used to determine significance
#' for the P-values, while the second element is used for the Q-values (FDR
#' adjusted P-values).
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods and/or advanced arguments.
#' Advanced arguments:
#' \describe{
#' \item{verbose }{ If `TRUE` basic status updates will be printed along
#' the way.}
#' \item{scalefac }{ This argument is passed to
#' [fstats.apply][derfinderHelper::fstats.apply] and should be the same as the one used
#' in [preprocessCoverage]. Default: 32.}
#' \item{method }{ Has to be either 'Matrix' (default), 'Rle' or 'regular'. See
#' details in [fstats.apply][derfinderHelper::fstats.apply].}
#' \item{adjustF }{ A single value to adjust that is added in the denominator
#' of the F-stat calculation. Useful when the Residual Sum of Squares of the
#' alternative model is very small. Default: 0.}
#' \item{writeOutput }{ If `TRUE` then the regions are saved before
#' calculating q-values, and then overwritten once the q-values are written.
#' This argument was introduced to save the results from the permutations (can
#' take some time) to investigate the problem described at
#' https://support.bioconductor.org/p/62026/}
#' \item{maxRegionGap }{ Passed to internal functions of [findRegions].
#' Default: 0.}
#' }
#' Passed to [findRegions], `smoothFunction` and
#' [define_cluster].
#' @inheritParams findRegions
#' @return A list with four components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{regions }{ is a GRanges with metadata columns given by
#' [findRegions] with the additional metadata column `pvalues`:
#' p-value of the region calculated via permutations of the samples;
#' `qvalues`: the qvalues calculated using [qvalue][qvalue::qvalue];
#' `significant`: whether the p-value is less than 0.05 (by default);
#' `significantQval`: whether the q-value is less than 0.10 (by default).
#' It also includes the mean coverage of the region (mean from the mean
#' coverage at each base calculated in [preprocessCoverage]). Furthermore,
#' if `groupInfo` was not `NULL` in [preprocessCoverage], then
#' the group mean coverage is calculated as well as the log 2 fold change
#' (using group 1 as the reference). }
#' \item{nullStats}{ is a numeric Rle with the mean of the null statistics by
#' segment.}
#' \item{nullWidths}{ is a numeric Rle with the length of each of the segments
#' in the null distribution. The area can be obtained by multiplying the
#' absolute `nullstats` by the corresponding lengths.}
#' \item{nullPermutation}{ is a Rle with the permutation number from which the
#' null region originated from.}
#' }
#' @author Leonardo Collado-Torres
#' @seealso [findRegions], [fstats.apply][derfinderHelper::fstats.apply],
#' [qvalue][qvalue::qvalue]
#' @export
#' @importMethodsFrom IRanges quantile nrow ncol mean lapply unlist cbind
#' @importFrom IRanges Views RleList nrow
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @importFrom qvalue qvalue
#' @importFrom derfinderHelper fstats.apply
#' @examples
#' ## Collapse the coverage information
#' collapsedFull <- collapseFullCoverage(list(genomeData$coverage),
#'     verbose = TRUE
#' )
#' ## Calculate library size adjustments
#' sampleDepths <- sampleDepth(collapsedFull, probs = c(0.5), verbose = TRUE)
#' ## Build the models
#' group <- genomeInfo$pop
#' adjustvars <- data.frame(genomeInfo$gender)
#' models <- makeModels(sampleDepths, testvars = group, adjustvars = adjustvars)
#' ## Preprocess the data
#' ## Automatic chunksize used to then compare 1 vs 4 cores in the 'do not run'
#' ## section
#' prep <- preprocessCoverage(genomeData,
#'     groupInfo = group, cutoff = 0,
#'     scalefac = 32, chunksize = NULL, colsubset = NULL, mc.cores = 4
#' )
#' ## Get the F statistics
#' fstats <- genomeFstats
#' ## We recommend determining the cutoff to use based on the F-distribution
#' ## although you could also based it on the observed F-statistics.
#' ## In this example we use a low cutoff used for illustrative purposes
#' cutoff <- 1
#' ## Calculate the p-values and define the regions of interest.
#' regsWithP <- calculatePvalues(prep, models, fstats,
#'     nPermute = 1, seeds = 1,
#'     chr = "chr21", cutoff = cutoff, mc.cores = 1, method = "regular"
#' )
#' regsWithP
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Calculate again, but with 10 permutations instead of just 1
#' regsWithP <- calculatePvalues(prep, models, fstats,
#'     nPermute = 10, seeds = 1:10,
#'     chr = "chr21", cutoff = cutoff, mc.cores = 2, method = "regular"
#' )
#' ## Check that they are the same as the previously calculated regions
#' library(testthat)
#' expect_that(regsWithP, equals(genomeRegions))
#' ## Histogram of the theoretical p-values by region
#' hist(pf(regsWithP$regions$value, df1 - df0, n - df1), main = "Distribution
#'     original p-values by region", freq = FALSE)
#' ## Histogram of the permutted p-values by region
#' hist(regsWithP$regions$pvalues, main = "Distribution permutted p-values by
#'     region", freq = FALSE)
#' ## MA style plot
#' library("ggplot2")
#' ma <- data.frame(
#'     mean = regsWithP$regions$meanCoverage,
#'     log2FoldChange = regsWithP$regions$log2FoldChangeYRIvsCEU
#' )
#' ggplot(ma, aes(x = log2(mean), y = log2FoldChange)) +
#'     geom_point() +
#'     ylab("Fold Change (log2)") +
#'     xlab("Mean coverage (log2)") +
#'     labs(title = "MA style plot")
#' ## Annotate the results
#' library("bumphunter")
#' genes <- annotateTranscripts(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene::TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene)
#' annotation <- matchGenes(regsWithP$regions, genes)
#' head(annotation)
#' }
calculatePvalues <- function(
        coveragePrep, models, fstats, nPermute = 1L,
        seeds = as.integer(gsub("-", "", Sys.Date())) + seq_len(nPermute),
        chr, cutoff = quantile(fstats, 0.99, na.rm = TRUE),
        significantCut = c(0.05, 0.1),
        lowMemDir = NULL, smooth = FALSE, weights = NULL,
        smoothFunction = bumphunter::locfitByCluster, ...) {
    ## Setup
    if (is.null(seeds)) {
        seeds <- rep(NA, nPermute)

    ## Run some checks
    stopifnot(nPermute == length(seeds))
    stopifnot(length(intersect(names(coveragePrep), c(
        "mclapplyIndex", "position", "meanCoverage", "groupMeans"
    ))) ==
    stopifnot(length(intersect(names(models), c("mod", "mod0"))) ==
    stopifnot(length(significantCut) == 2 & all(significantCut >=
        0 & significantCut <= 1))

    ## Advanged arguments
    # @param verbose If \code{TRUE} basic status updates will be printed along the
    # way.
    verbose <- .advanced_argument("verbose", TRUE, ...)

    # @param scalefac This argument is passed to
    # \link[derfinderHelper]{fstats.apply} and should be the same as the one used
    # in \link{preprocessCoverage}.
    scalefac <- .advanced_argument("scalefac", 32, ...)

    # @param method Has to be either 'Matrix' (default), 'Rle' or 'regular'. See
    # details in derfinderHelper::fstats.apply().
    method <- .advanced_argument("method", "Matrix", ...)

    # @param adjustF A single value to adjust that is added in the denominator of
    # the F-stat calculation. Useful when the Residual Sum of Squares of the
    # alternative model is very small.
    adjustF <- .advanced_argument("adjustF", 0, ...)

    # @param writeOutput If \code{TRUE} then the regions are saved before
    # calculating q-values, and then overwritten once the q-values are written.
    # This argument was introduced to save the results from the permutations (can
    # take some time) to investigate the problem described at
    # https://support.bioconductor.org/p/62026/
    writeOutput <- .advanced_argument("writeOutput", FALSE, ...)

    ## Identify the data segments
    if (verbose) {
            "calculatePvalues: identifying data segments"

    ## Extract data
    position <- coveragePrep$position
    means <- coveragePrep$meanCoverage
    groupMeans <- coveragePrep$groupMeans
    mclapplyIndex <- coveragePrep$mclapplyIndex
    coverageProcessed <- coveragePrep$coverageProcessed

    if (is.null(lowMemDir) & is.null(coverageProcessed)) {
        stop("preprocessCoverage() was used with a non-null 'lowMemDir', so please specify 'lowMemDir'.")

    ## Avoid re-calculating possible candidate DERs for every
    ## permutation
    segmentIR <- .clusterMakerRle(
        position = position, maxGap =
            .advanced_argument("maxRegionGap", 0L, ...), ranges = TRUE

    ## Find the regions
    regs <- findRegions(
        position = position, chr = chr, fstats = fstats,
        cutoff = cutoff, segmentIR = segmentIR, smooth = smooth,
        weights = weights, smoothFunction = smoothFunction, ...
    if (is.null(regs)) {
        final <- list(
            regions = NULL, nullStats = NULL, nullWidths = NULL,
            nullPermutation = NULL

    ## Assign mean coverage (overall)
    indexIR <- IRanges(start = regs$indexStart, end = regs$indexEnd)
    regs$meanCoverage <- mean(Views(means, indexIR))

    ## Calculate mean coverage by group and fold changes
    if (length(groupMeans) > 0) {
        regionGroupMean <- lapply(groupMeans, function(x) {
            mean(Views(x, indexIR))

        ## Calculate fold coverage vs group 1
        if (length(regionGroupMean) > 1) {
            log2FoldChange <- vector("list", length(regionGroupMean) -
            names(log2FoldChange) <- names(regionGroupMean)[-1]
            for (group in names(log2FoldChange)) {
                log2FoldChange[[group]] <-
                    log2(regionGroupMean[[group]] / regionGroupMean[[1]])

        ## Finish up
        names(regionGroupMean) <- paste0("mean", names(regionGroupMean))
        mcols(regs) <- cbind(mcols(regs), DataFrame(regionGroupMean,
            check.names = FALSE
        if (length(regionGroupMean) > 1) {
            names(log2FoldChange) <- paste0(
                names(log2FoldChange), "vs", names(groupMeans)[1]
            mcols(regs) <- cbind(mcols(regs), DataFrame(log2FoldChange,
                check.names = FALSE

    rm(fstats, means, groupMeans)
    if (!smooth) rm(position)

    ## Pre-allocate memory
    nullareas <- nullpermutation <- nullwidths <- nullstats <- vector(
        length(seeds) * 2
    last <- 0
    nSamples <- seq_len(nrow(models$mod))

    ## Define cluster
    BPPARAM <- define_cluster(...)

    for (i in seq_along(seeds)) {
        if (verbose) {
                "calculatePvalues: calculating F-statistics for permutation",
                i, "and seed", seeds[i]

        if (!is.na(seeds[i])) {
        idx.permute <- sample(nSamples)

        ## Permuted sample labels
        mod.p <- models$mod[idx.permute, , drop = FALSE]
        mod0.p <- models$mod0[idx.permute, , drop = FALSE]

        ## Get the F-statistics
        fstats.output <- bplapply(mclapplyIndex, fstats.apply,
            data = coverageProcessed, mod = mod.p, mod0 = mod0.p,
            method = method, adjustF = adjustF, scalefac = scalefac,
            lowMemDir = lowMemDir, BPPARAM = BPPARAM
        fstats.output <- unlist(RleList(fstats.output), use.names = FALSE)

        if (smooth) {
            if (verbose) {
                message(paste(Sys.time(), "calculatePvalues: smoothing F-statistics for permutation", i))
            fstats.output <- .smootherFstats(fstats = fstats.output, position = position, weights = weights, smoothFunction = smoothFunction, ...)

        ## Find the segments
        regs.perm <- findRegions(
            chr = chr, fstats = fstats.output,
            cutoff = cutoff, segmentIR = segmentIR, basic = TRUE, ...

        ## Calculate mean statistics
        if (!is.null(regs.perm)) {
            for (j in seq_len(2)) {
                nullstats[[last + j]] <- regs.perm$stat
                nullwidths[[last + j]] <- regs.perm$width
                nullareas[[last + j]] <- regs.perm$area
                nullpermutation[[last + j]] <- Rle(i, nrow(regs.perm))
        last <- last + 2

        ## Finish loop
        rm(idx.permute, fstats.output, regs.perm, mod.p, mod0.p)
    nullstats <- do.call(c, nullstats[!sapply(nullstats, is.null)])
    nullwidths <- do.call(c, nullwidths[!sapply(nullwidths, is.null)])
    nullpermutation <- do.call(c, nullpermutation[!sapply(
    nullareas <- do.call(c, nullareas[!sapply(nullareas, is.null)])

    ## Order by area
    regs <- regs[order(regs$area, decreasing = TRUE), ]

    if (length(nullstats) > 0) {
        ## Proceed only if there is at least one null stats

        ## Calculate pvalues
        if (verbose) {
                "calculatePvalues: calculating the p-values"
        regs$pvalues <- .calcPval(regs$area, nullareas)
        regs$significant <- factor(regs$pvalues < significantCut[1],
            levels = c(TRUE, FALSE)

            regs = list(
                regions = regs, nullStats = nullstats,
                nullWidths = nullwidths, nullPermutation = nullpermutation
            writeOutput = writeOutput, chr = chr

        ## Sometimes qvalue() fails due to incorrect pi0 estimates
        qvalues <- tryCatch(qvalue(regs$pvalues), error = function(e) NULL)
        if (!is.null(qvalues)) {
            qvalues <- qvalues$qvalues
            sigQval <- factor(qvalues < significantCut[2], levels = c(
        } else {
            message(paste(Sys.time(), "calculatePvalues: skipping q-value calculation."))
            qvalues <- rep(NA, length(regs$pvalues))
            sigQval <- rep(NA, length(regs$pvalues))
        regs$qvalues <- qvalues
        regs$significantQval <- sigQval
    } else {
        if (verbose) {
                "calculatePvalues: no null regions found. Skipping p-value calculation."
        regs$pvalues <- rep(NA, length(regs))
        regs$significant <- rep(NA, length(regs))
        regs$qvalues <- rep(NA, length(regs))
        regs$significantQval <- rep(NA, length(regs))
    ## Save the nullstats too
    final <- list(
        regions = regs, nullStats = nullstats,
        nullWidths = nullwidths, nullPermutation = nullpermutation

    .writeRegs(final, writeOutput, chr)

    ## Done =)

.calcPval <- function(areas, nullareas) {
    null <- Rle(sort(nullareas, decreasing = FALSE))
    nullsum <- length(null) - cumsum(runLength(null))

    int <- findInterval(areas, runValue(null))
    greaterEqual <- c(length(null), nullsum)[int + 1]
    res <- (greaterEqual + 1) / (length(null) + 1)


.writeRegs <- function(regs, writeOutput, chr) {
    ## Save the output from calculatePvalues
    if (writeOutput) {
        regions <- regs
        dir.create(chr, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
        save(regions, file = file.path(chr, "regions.Rdata"))
lcolladotor/derfinder documentation built on May 4, 2024, 5:38 p.m.