## By Marcel Ramos in https://github.com/lcolladotor/biocthis/pull/11
.normalizeVersion <- function() {
if (BiocManager:::isDevel()) {
} else {
paste0("RELEASE_", gsub("\\.", "_", BiocManager::version()))
.GHARversion <- function(biocdocker) {
## For R CMD check
BiocStatus <- Bioc <- NULL
info <- BiocManager:::.version_map_get_online(
info <- subset(info, BiocStatus != "future")
if (biocdocker == "devel") {
res <- subset(info, BiocStatus == "devel")
## Check the latest "release" version. If the R version is older than
## the R version for Bioc-devel, this means that we are working with R-devel
## and need to use that version for r-lib/actions/setup-r to recognize it
## https://github.com/r-lib/actions/tree/master/setup-r
last_rel <- as.character(subset(info, BiocStatus == "release")[, "R"])
res[, "R"] <- ifelse(last_rel == res[, "R"], last_rel, "devel")
} else {
biocdocker <- gsub("^RELEASE_", "", toupper(biocdocker))
biocdocker <- gsub("_", ".", biocdocker)
res <- subset(info, Bioc == biocdocker)
c("R" = as.character(res[, "R"]), "Bioc" = as.character(res[, "Bioc"]))
#' Create a biocthis-style GitHub Actions workflow
#' This function is very similar to `usethis::use_github_action()` except
#' that it uses a template from `biocthis`. It creates a Bioconductor-friendly
#' GitHub action workflow for your package. You can also use this GitHub
#' Actions workflow by executing `usethis::use_github_action()`.
#' For the full history on how this GitHub Actions workflow came to be, check
#' the "biocthis developer notes" vignette
#' <https://lcolladotor.github.io/biocthis/articles/biocthis_dev_notes.html>.
#' @param biocdocker A `character(1)` specifying the Bioconductor docker
#' version you want to use. Valid names are `"devel"` or in the
#' `"RELEASE_X_Y"` format such as `"RELEASE_3_11"`. Check
#' <http://bioconductor.org/help/docker/> for more information on the
#' Bioconductor docker images. If you don't specify this, it will be
#' determined automatically using your current Bioconductor version. The
#' R version will be set to match the Bioconductor version.
#' @param pkgdown A `logical(1)` specifying whether to run `pkgdown`. Check
#' <https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/pkgdown/index.html> for more
#' information on `pkgdown` which is useful for creating documentation
#' websites. If `TRUE`, then `pkgdown` will only run on the Linux
#' (Bioconductor docker) test.
#' @param testthat A `logical(1)` specifying whether to run `testthat`. Check
#' <https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/testthat/index.html> for more
#' information about `testthat` which is useful for unit tests. The
#' testing chapter at <https://r-pkgs.org/tests.html> is also very useful.
#' @param covr A `logical(1)` specifying whether to run `covr`. Check
#' <https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/covr/index.html> for more
#' information about `covr`, which is useful for displaying for assessing
#' your test coverage. If `TRUE`, then `covr` will only run on the Linux
#' (Bioconductor docker) test.
#' @param covr_coverage_type A `character(1)` specifying the code used to
#' calculate the `covr` coverage. Option are package `"tests"`, `"vignettes"`,
#' `"examples"`, `"all"`, or `"none"`. The default is `"all"`.
#' @param RUnit A `logical(1)` specifying whether to run `RUnit` unit tests.
#' Check <http://bioconductor.org/developers/how-to/unitTesting-guidelines/>
#' for more information about `RUnit`.
#' @param pkgdown_covr_branch A `character(1)` specifying the name of the GitHub
#' branch that will be used creating the `pkgdown` website and running `covr`.
#' Since biocthis version 1.9.3 this changed from "master" to "devel" by default
#' to match <https://twitter.com/Bioconductor/status/1631234299423850497>.
#' @param docker A `logical(1)` specifying whether to build a docker image
#' with the resulting package. This will also create a `Dockerfile`. You can
#' alternatively try using this excellent template:
#' <https://github.com/seandavi/BuildABiocWorkshop>.
#' @return This function adds and/or replaces the
#' `.github/workflows/check-bioc.yml` file in your R package.
#' @export
#' @import usethis
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Run this function in your package
#' biocthis::use_bioc_github_action()
#' }
#' ## I have the following options on my ~/.Rprofile set
#' ## Check
#' ## <https://github.com/lcolladotor/biocthis/issues/9#issuecomment-702401032>
#' ## for more information.
#' options("biocthis.pkgdown" = TRUE)
#' options("biocthis.testthat" = TRUE)
use_bioc_github_action <- function(biocdocker,
pkgdown = getOption("biocthis.pkgdown", FALSE),
testthat = getOption("biocthis.testthat", FALSE),
covr = testthat,
covr_coverage_type = getOption("biocthis.covr_coverage_type", "all"),
RUnit = getOption("biocthis.RUnit", FALSE),
pkgdown_covr_branch = getOption("biocthis.pkgdown_covr_branch", "devel"),
docker = getOption("biocthis.docker", FALSE)) {
if (!missing(biocdocker)) {
if (!grepl("^devel$|^RELEASE_", biocdocker[[1]])) {
"'biocdocker' should be 'devel' or in the 'RELEASE_X_Y' format, such as 'RELEASE_3_11'",
call. = FALSE
} else {
biocdocker <- .normalizeVersion()
otps_overage_type <- c("tests", "vignettes", "examples", "all", "none")
if (!covr_coverage_type %in% otps_overage_type) {
"'covr_coverage_type' should be 'tests', 'vignettes', 'examples', 'all', or 'none'.",
call. = FALSE
## Set the variables to be used in the template GHA workflow
repo_spec <- get_github_spec()
datalist <- list(
dockerversion = biocdocker,
rvernum = .GHARversion(biocdocker)["R"],
biocvernum = .GHARversion(biocdocker)["Bioc"],
has_testthat = ifelse(testthat, "true", "false"),
run_covr = ifelse(covr, "true", "false"),
covr_coverage_type = covr_coverage_type,
run_pkgdown = ifelse(pkgdown, "true", "false"),
has_RUnit = ifelse(RUnit, "true", "false"),
pkgdown_covr_branch = pkgdown_covr_branch,
pkgdown_install = ifelse(
biocdocker == "devel",
run_docker = ifelse(docker, "true", "false")
## Ask users to update the permissions for runners on GitHub
if (!is.null(repo_spec)) {
if (pkgdown) {
"In order for the automatic pkgdown updates to work, you will need to go to https://github.com/",
"/settings/actions and enable: Workflow permissions > Read and write permissions. Then click save."
if (pkgdown && interactive()) {
## Create Dockerfile if needed as well
if (docker) {
new_docker <-
data = datalist,
open = TRUE,
package = "biocthis",
ignore = usethis:::is_package()
## Locate the template GHA workflow
template <- system.file(
package = "biocthis", "templates",
"check-bioc.yml", mustWork = TRUE
contents <- readLines(template)
## The code below is similar in results to whisker::whisker.render()
idx <- grep("[^$]\\{\\{", contents)
parts <- grep("[^$]\\{\\{", contents, value = TRUE)
pco <- vector("character", length(parts))
for (i in seq_along(parts)) {
pco[[i]] <- mapply(
function(x, y) {
parts[[i]] <<- gsub(x, y, parts[[i]], fixed = TRUE)
x = paste0("{{", names(datalist), "}}"), y = datalist
contents[idx] <- pco
## code taken from usethis
usethis:::use_dot_github(ignore = TRUE)
save_as <- fs::path(".github", "workflows", "check-bioc.yml")
new <- usethis::write_over(usethis::proj_path(save_as), contents)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.