## rules
## 1. add coord into metadata
## 2. never revise oringal
## 3. treak with labels
setGeneric("transformToGenome", function(data, ...) standardGeneric("transformToGenome"))
setMethod("transformToGenome", "GRanges", function(data, space.skip = 0.1, chr.weight = NULL){
seqs.l <- seqlengths(data)
chr.l <- seqs.l
seqs.suml <- sum(as.numeric(seqs.l))
## if no seqlengths are found, use data range
chr.l <- max(end(split(data, seqnames(data))))
seqs.suml <- sum(as.numeric(chr.l))
chr.l0 <- chr.l
N <- length(chr.l)
.start <- start(data)
.end <- end(data)
## proportion specified for certain chromosomes
stop("chr.weight must be a vector of numeric values.")
if(sum(chr.weight) > 1)
stop("sum of chr.weight must be equal or less than 1.")
if(length(chr.weight) <= N){
if(!all(names(chr.weight) %in% names(chr.l)))
stop("chr.weight names must be a subset of seqinfo chromosome names")
if(length(chr.weight) < N){
.chrs <- setdiff(names(chr.l), names(chr.weight))
.w <- chr.l[.chrs]/sum(as.numeric(chr.l[.chrs])) * (1 - sum(chr.weight))
names(.w) <- .chrs
chr.weight <- c(chr.weight, .w)
stop("length of chr.weight cannot exceed length of seqinfo")
chr.l <- seqs.suml * chr.weight
.start <- .start/chr.l0[as.character(seqnames(data))] * chr.l[as.character(seqnames(data))]
.end <- .end/chr.l0[as.character(seqnames(data))] * chr.l[as.character(seqnames(data))]
chr.l.back <- chr.l
space.skip <- space.skip * seqs.suml
skps <- space.skip * ((1:length(seqs.l))-1)
names(skps) <- names(seqlengths(data))
nms <- names(chr.l)
chr.l <- cumsum(as.numeric(chr.l))
chr.l2 <- c(0, chr.l[-length(chr.l)])
.breaks <- chr.l2 + chr.l.back/2 + skps
names(.breaks) <- nms
names(chr.l2) <- nms
sts.new <- .start + skps[as.character(seqnames(data))] +
ed.new <- .end + skps[as.character(seqnames(data))] +
max.chr <- rev(names(chr.l2))[1]
x.max <- chr.l.back[max.chr] + skps[max.chr] + chr.l2[max.chr] + space.skip
names(x.max) <- "genome"
metadata(data)$breaks <- .breaks
metadata(data)$labels <- names(.breaks)
values(data)$.start <- round(sts.new)
values(data)$.end <- round(ed.new)
metadata(data)$space.skip <- space.skip
metadata(data)$coord <- "genome"
metadata(data)$x.max <- x.max
setMethod("transformToGenome", "GRangesList", function(data, space.skip = 0.1, chr.weight = NULL){
obj <- stack(data, ".group")
obj <- transformToGenome(obj, space.skip = space.skip, chr.weight = NULL)
is_coord_genome <- function(data){
res <- metadata(data)$coord == "genome"
res <- FALSE
rescaleGr <- function(gr, maxSize = 1e8){
stop("must pass a GRanges of coord genome")
x.max <- metadata(gr)$x.max
if(x.max > maxSize){
values(gr)$.rescale.idx <- 1:length(gr)
gr <- gr[order(values(gr)$.start),]
.breaks <- metadata(gr)$breaks
metadata(gr)$rescale <- TRUE
.v <- rescale(c(1, .breaks, values(gr)$.start, values(gr)$.end), to = c(1, maxSize))
.breaks <- .v[2:(1 + length(.breaks))]
.v <- .v[-(1:(1+length(.breaks)))]
N <- length(.v)
res <- GRanges(seqnames(gr), IRanges(start = .v[1:(N/2)],
end = .v[(N/2+1):N]))
values(res) <- values(gr)
## res <- sort(res)
metadata(res) <- metadata(gr)
metadata(res)$breaks <- .breaks
res <- res[order(values(res)$.rescale.idx)]
res <- GRanges(seqnames(gr), IRanges(start = values(gr)$.start,
end = values(gr)$.end))
values(res) <- values(gr)
metadata(res) <- metadata(gr)
## then need a transformation to circlular view
## data is a GRanges dataect
transformToCircle <- function(data, x = NULL, y = NULL, ylim = NULL,
radius = 10, trackWidth =10, direction = c("clockwise", "anticlockwise"),
mul = 0.05){
if(!".midpoint" %in% colnames(values(data)))
values(data)$.midpoint <- (values(data)$.start + values(data)$.end)/2
values(data)$.circle.equal.y <- 1
y <- as.character(".circle.equal.y")
## stop("y is missing")
}else if(!is.character(y) && !is.numeric(y)){
stop("y must be character or numeric")
x <- ".midpoint"
if(x == "midpoint" & (!"midpoint" %in% colnames(values(data))))
x <- ".midpoint"
idx <- values(data)[,y] <= max(ylim) & values(data)[,y] >= min(ylim)
data <- data[idx]
temp.x <- values(data)[,x]
temp.y <- values(data)[,y]
temp.y <- y
temp.y.r <- expand_range(ylim, mul = mul)
temp.y.r <- expand_range(range(temp.y), mul = mul)
temp.y <- (temp.y - min(temp.y.r))/diff(temp.y.r) * trackWidth + radius
## always from 1 to max
direction <- match.arg(direction)
if(direction == "clockwise")
dir <- 1
dir <- -1
## need to use max of "ideo"
x.max <- metadata(data)$x.max
x.max <- max(end(data))
angle.unit <- pi* 2/ x.max
x.new <- temp.y * sin(angle.unit * (temp.x - 1) * dir)
y.new <- temp.y * cos(angle.unit * (temp.x - 1)* dir)
values(data)$.circle.x <- x.new
values(data)$.circle.y <- y.new
values(data)$.circle.angle <- angle.unit * (temp.x-1) * dir
## interpolate segment or rectangle
## rectangle only use stepping as y
transformToRectInCircle <- function(data, y = NULL, space.skip = 0.1,
trackWidth = 10, radius = 10,
direction = c("clockwise", "anticlockwise"),
n = 100, mul = 0.05,
chr.weight = NULL){
x.max <- values(data)$x.max
x.max <- max(end(data))
x.unit <- x.max/n
direction <- match.arg(direction)
data.back <- data
## need to consider the space
temp.y <- as.character(values(data)[,as.character(y)])
temp.y <- as.numeric(as.factor((temp.y)))
stop("geom(bar) require specified 'y', must be integer which indicates the levels")
values(data)$stepping <- temp.y
values(data)$stepping <- disjointBins(data, ignore.strand = TRUE)
names(data) <- NULL
df <- as.data.frame(data)
lst <- lapply(1:nrow(df), function(i){
if(df[i,"width"] > 1){
.n <- round(df[i, "width"]/x.unit)
if(.n< 5) .n <- 5
inter.fun <- function(x, y) approx(x, y, n = .n)
res.x <- as.integer(inter.fun(c(df[i,"start"], df[i,"end"]), c(0, 0))$x)
res.x <- c(df[i, "start"], df[i, "start"])
res <- data.frame(.biovizBase.new.x = c(res.x, rev(res.x)))
N <- nrow(res)
res$.biovizBase.group <- i
res$.biovizBase.level <- c(rep(df[i, "stepping"] - 0.4, N/2),
rep(df[i, "stepping"] + 0.4, N/2))
res <- suppressWarnings(cbind(res, df[i,]))
res$.int.id <- seq_len(nrow(res))
res <- do.call("rbind", lst)
.y <- ".biovizBase.level"
res.gr <- GRanges(res$seqnames, IRanges(start = res$.biovizBase.new.x,
width = 1),
strand = res$strand)
values(res.gr) <- subset(res, select = -c(start, end, width, strand,seqnames))
seqlengths(res.gr) <- seqlengths(data)
res <- transformToGenome(res.gr, space.skip = space.skip, chr.weight = chr.weight)
res <- transformToCircle(res, y = .y, radius = radius, trackWidth = trackWidth,
direction = direction, mul = mul)
transformToBarInCircle <- function(data, y = NULL, space.skip = 0.1, trackWidth = 10, radius = 10,
direction = c("clockwise", "anticlockwise"),
n = 100, mul = 0.05, chr.weight = NULL){
x.max <- values(data)$x.max
x.max <- max(end(data))
x.unit <- x.max/n
direction <- match.arg(direction)
data.back <- data
## need to consider the space
values(data)$stepping <- values(data)[, as.character(y)]
if("score" %in% colnames(values(data))){
message("use 'score' for default y, or you can specify it in aes()")
values(data)$stepping <- values(data)$score
stop("please provide aes(y = ), or use 'score' as column")
names(data) <- NULL
df <- as.data.frame(data)
lst <- lapply(1:nrow(df), function(i){
if(df[i,"width"] > 1){
.n <- round(df[i, "width"]/x.unit)
if(.n< 5) .n <- 5
inter.fun <- function(x, y) approx(x, y, n = .n)
res.x <- as.integer(inter.fun(c(df[i,"start"], df[i,"end"]), c(0, 0))$x)
res.x <- c(df[i, "start"], df[i, "start"])
res <- data.frame(.biovizBase.new.x = c(res.x, rev(res.x)))
N <- nrow(res)
res$.biovizBase.group <- i
res$.biovizBase.new <- c(rep(0, N/2),
rep(df[i, "stepping"], N/2))
res <- suppressWarnings(cbind(res, df[i,]))
res$.int.id <- seq_len(nrow(res))
res <- do.call("rbind", lst)
.y <- ".biovizBase.new"
res.gr <- GRanges(res$seqnames, IRanges(start = res$.biovizBase.new.x,
width = 1),
strand = res$strand)
values(res.gr) <- subset(res, select = -c(start, end, width, strand,seqnames))
seqlengths(res.gr) <- seqlengths(data)
res <- transformToGenome(res.gr, space.skip = space.skip, chr.weight = chr.weight)
res <- transformToCircle(res, y = .y, radius = radius, trackWidth = trackWidth,
direction = direction, mul = mul)
## ok, segment allow user to use a flexible y
transformToSegInCircle <- function(data, y = NULL, space.skip = 0.1, trackWidth = 10, radius = 10,
direction = c("clockwise", "anticlockwise"),
n = 100, chr.weight = NULL){
x.max <- values(data)$x.max
x.max <- max(end(data))
x.unit <- x.max/n
direction <- match.arg(direction)
## do the linear interpolatoin first
values(data)$stepping <- disjointBins(ranges(data))
names(data) <- NULL
df <- as.data.frame(data)
lst <- lapply(1:nrow(df), function(i){
if(df[i,"width"] > 1){
.n <- round(df[i, "width"]/x.unit)
if(.n< 5) .n <- 5
inter.fun <- function(x, y) approx(x, y, n = .n)
res.x <- as.integer(inter.fun(c(df[i,"start"], df[i,"end"]), c(0, 0))$x)
res.x <- c(df[i, "start"], df[i, "start"])
res <- data.frame(.biovizBase.new.x = res.x)
res$.biovizBase.group <- i
res$.biovizBase.level <- df[i, "stepping"]
N <- nrow(res)
df.extra <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:N, function(k) df[i,]))
res <- cbind(res, df.extra)
res <- do.call("rbind", lst)
.y <- ".biovizBase.level"
.y <- as.character(y)
res.gr <- GRanges(res$seqnames, IRanges(start = res$.biovizBase.new.x,
width = 1),
strand = res$strand)
values(res.gr) <- subset(res, select = -c(start, end, width, strand,seqnames))
seqlengths(res.gr) <- seqlengths(data)
res <- transformToGenome(res.gr, space.skip, chr.weight = chr.weight)
res <- transformToCircle(res, y = .y, radius = radius, trackWidth =trackWidth,
direction = direction)
transformToSegInCircle2 <- function(data, y = NULL, space.skip = 0.1,
trackWidth = 10, radius = 10,
direction = c("clockwise", "anticlockwise"),
n = 100, mul = 0.05, chr.weight = NULL){
x.max <- values(data)$x.max
x.max <- max(end(data))
x.unit <- x.max/n
direction <- match.arg(direction)
data.back <- data
## need to consider the space
temp.y <- as.character(values(data)[,as.character(y)])
temp.y <- as.numeric(as.factor((temp.y)))
stop("geom(bar) require specified 'y', must be integer which indicates the levels")
values(data)$stepping <- temp.y
values(data)$stepping <- disjointBins(data, ignore.strand = TRUE)
names(data) <- NULL
df <- as.data.frame(data)
lst <- lapply(1:nrow(df), function(i){
if(df[i,"width"] > 1){
res.x <- c((df[i, "start"] + df[i, "end"])/2, (df[i, "start"] + df[i, "end"])/2)
res.x <- c(df[i, "start"], df[i, "start"])
res <- data.frame(.biovizBase.new.x = res.x)
N <- nrow(res)
res$.biovizBase.group <- i
res$.biovizBase.level <- c(df[i, "stepping"] - 0.4,
df[i, "stepping"] + 0.4)
res <- suppressWarnings(cbind(res, df[i,]))
res$.int.id <- seq_len(nrow(res))
res <- do.call("rbind", lst)
.y <- ".biovizBase.level"
res.gr <- GRanges(res$seqnames, IRanges(start = res$.biovizBase.new.x,
width = 1),
strand = res$strand)
values(res.gr) <- subset(res, select = -c(start, end, width, strand,seqnames))
seqlengths(res.gr) <- seqlengths(data)
res <- transformToGenome(res.gr, space.skip = space.skip, chr.weight = chr.weight)
res <- transformToCircle(res, y = .y, radius = radius, trackWidth = trackWidth,
direction = direction, mul = mul)
## for a special GRanges
transformToLinkInCircle <- function(data, linked.to, space.skip = 0.1, trackWidth = 10,
radius = 10, link.fun = function(x, y, n = 100)
bezier(x, y, evaluation = n),
direction = c("clockwise", "anticlockwise"),
chr.weight = NULL){
direction <- match.arg(direction)
stop("linked.to must be provided and be a GRanges")
## trace id
N <- length(data)
values(data)$.biovizBase.idx <- 1:N
values(values(data)[, linked.to])$.biovizBase.idx <- 1:N
obj <- transformToGenome(data, space.skip, chr.weight = chr.weight)
obj <- transformToCircle(obj, y = 0, radius = radius, trackWidth =trackWidth,
direction = direction)
obj <- obj[order(values(obj)$.biovizBase.idx)]
names(obj) <- NULL
df <- as.data.frame(obj)
linktodata <- values(data)[,linked.to]
## missing y
linktodata <- transformToGenome(linktodata, space.skip, chr.weight = chr.weight)
## keep order
linktodata <- transformToCircle(linktodata, radius = radius,
y = 0,
trackWidth =trackWidth,
direction = direction)
linktodata <- linktodata[order(values(linktodata)$.biovizBase.idx)]
linkdf <- as.data.frame(linktodata)
extra.df <- subset(df, select = -c(.circle.x, .circle.y))
linkdf2 <- data.frame(from.x = df$.circle.x,
from.y = df$.circle.y,
to.x = linkdf$.circle.x,
to.y = linkdf$.circle.y)
linkdf2 <- cbind(linkdf2, extra.df)
lst <- lapply(1:nrow(linkdf2), function(i){
ndf <- link.fun(c(linkdf2[i, "from.x"],0,linkdf2[i,"to.x"]),
c(linkdf2[i, "from.y"],0,linkdf2[i,"to.y"]))
ndf <- as.data.frame(do.call("cbind", ndf))
N <- nrow(ndf)
ndf$.biovizBase.group <- i
## need to past other meta data
extra.df <- subset(linkdf2[i,], select = -c(from.x, from.y, to.x, to.y))
extra.df2 <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:N, function(i) extra.df))
ndf <- cbind(ndf, extra.df2)
res <- do.call("rbind", lst)
## ddplyFun <- function(data, .fun, ..., window = 1e5){
## grl <- split(data, seqnames(data))
## idx <- elementNROWS(grl) > 0
## grl <- endoapply(grl[idx], function(gr){
## ## let's make it more works for multiple seqnames
## bks <- seq(1, max(end(gr)), by = window)
## N <- length(bks)
## seqn <- unique(seqnames(gr))
## if(length(seq) > 1)
## stop("Multiple seqnames found")
## if(!N%%2){
## qgr <- GRanges(seqn, IRanges(start = bks[1:(N-1)],
## end = bks[2:N]))
## }else{
## bks <- c(bks, max(end(gr)))
## N <- length(bks)
## qgr <- GRanges(seqn, IRanges(start = bks[1:(N-1)],
## end = bks[2:N]))
## }
## if(max(end(qgr)) < max(end(gr))){
## qgr <- c(qgr, GRanges(seqn, IRanges(max(end(qgr))+ 1,
## max(end(gr)))))
## }
## of <- findOverlaps(gr, qgr, select = "first")
## idx <- !is.na(of)
## df <- as.data.frame(gr[idx])
## df$of <- of[idx]
## resdf <- plyr::ddply(df, .(of), .fun, ...)
## idx <- as.numeric(resdf$of)
## ## idx <- idx[!is.na(idx)]
## res <- qgr[idx]
## values(res) <- as.data.frame(resdf[,2])
## res
## })
## res <- unlist(grl[!is.null(grl)])
## names(res) <- NULL
## sort(res)
## }
setGeneric("transformToDf", function(data, ...) standardGeneric("transformToDf"))
## setMethod("transformToDf", c("eSet"), function(model, data){
## object <- model
## pdata <- phenoData(object)
## df <- as(object, "data.frame")
## df$sampleNames <- row.names(df)
## df.m <- melt(df, id.vars = c(varLabels(pdata), "sampleNames"))
## df.m
## })
setMethod("transformToDf", c("GRanges"), function(data){
vals <- values(data)
idx <- !unlist(lapply(vals@listData, function(x) is(x, "List") & !is(x, "DNAStringSet")))
warning(colnames(vals)[!idx], " column has been dropped for the reason that the corecion of class List is not supported")
df <- as.data.frame(data[,idx])
df <- as.data.frame(data)
df$midpoint <- (df$start+df$end)/2
transformDfToGr <- function(data, seqnames = NULL, start = NULL, end = NULL,
width = NULL, strand = NULL,
to.seqnames = NULL, to.start = NULL, to.end = NULL,
to.width = NULL, to.strand = NULL,
linked.to = "to.gr"){
## this losing seqinfo....
colnms <- colnames(data)
if("seqnames" %in% colnms)
seqnames <- "seqnames"
stop("Please sepicify which column represent the seqnames")
seqnames <- data[, seqnames]
if(length(c(start, end, width)) <2){
stop("Pleaase sepeicfy two of start/end/width")
if("end" %in% colnms)
end <- data[,"end"]
end <- data[, end]
if("start" %in% colnms)
start <- data[,"start"]
start <- data[, start]
if("width" %in% colnms)
width <- data[,"width"]
width <- data[, width]
gr <- GRanges(as.character(seqnames), IRanges(start = start, width = width, end = end))
if("strand" %in% colnms){
strand <- data[, "strand"]
strand(gr) <- strand
strand(gr) <- data[, strand]
values(gr) <- data[,!colnames(data) %in% c(start, end, width, seqnames, strand)]
## linked ranges
message("try to creating a linked GRanges as column to.gr")
if(length(c(to.start, to.end, to.width)) > 1){
if("to.end" %in% colnms)
to.end <- data[,"to.end"]
to.end <- data[, to.end]
if("to.start" %in% colnms)
to.start <- data[,"to.start"]
to.start <- data[, to.start]
if("to.width" %in% colnms)
to.width <- data[,"to.width"]
to.width <- data[, to.width]
to.gr <- GRanges(seqnames = as.character(data[,to.seqnames]),
IRanges(start = to.start,
end = to.end,
width = to.width))
strand(to.gr) <- data[,to.strand]
values(gr)[,linked.to] <- to.gr
check.integer <- function(x){
sapply(x, function(x)
!length(grep("[^[:digit:]]", as.character(x))))
## retrun a new GRanges, with new coord
transformGRangesForEvenSpace <- function(gr){
st <- start(range(gr))
ed <- end(range(gr))
wd <- width(range(gr))
N <- length(gr)
wid <- wd/N
x.new <- st + wid/2 + (1:N - 1) * wid
values(gr)$x.new <- x.new
metadata(gr)$coord <- "even"
transformToEven <- function(data){
st <- start(range(data))
ed <- end(range(data))
wd <- width(range(data))
N <- length(data)
wid <- wd/N
x.new <- st + wid/2 + (1:N - 1) * wid
gr <- GRanges(start = x.new, width = wid)
values(gr) <- values(data)
## values(gr)$x.new <- x.new
values(gr)$.ori <- data
metadata(gr)$coord <- "even"
## setGeneric("transform")
## setMethod("transform", "GRanges", function(_data, space.skip = 0.1,
## maxSize = 1e9,
## max.gap = 1L,
## method = c("genome",
## "truncate_gap",
## "even")){
## method <- match.arg(method)
## obj <- switch(method,
## genome = {
## transformToGenome(_data, space.skip = space.skip)
## },
## truncate_gaps = {
## },
## even = {
## transformToEven(_data, space.skip = space.skip)
## })
## }
## autoplot(gr, layout = "circle", geom = "ideo", rect.inter.n = 10, space.skip = 0.2,
## aes(fill = .ori.seqnames))
## autoplot(gr, coord = "genome")
## autoplot(gr, layout = "circle",space.skip = 0.2, geom = "bar", grid = TRUE)
## gr2 <- transformToGenome(gr, space.skip = 0)
## gr2
## metadata(gr2)$coord <- NULL
## autoplot(gr2)
setGeneric("transformToArch", function(data, ...) standardGeneric("transformToArch"))
setMethod("transformToArch", "GRanges", function(data, width = 1){
grl <- split(data, 1:length(data))
grl <- endoapply(grl, function(gr){
sts <- c(start(gr)-width, end(gr))
res <- GRanges(seqnames(gr), IRanges(sts, width = width))
values(res) <- values(gr)[c(1, 1),]
seqlengths(res) <- seqlengths(gr)
setMethod("transformToArch", "GRangesList", function(data, width = 1){
coord <- metadata(data)$coord
res <- unlist(endoapply(data, function(gr){
gps <- gaps(gr, start = min(start(gr)), end = max(end(gr)))
gps <- gps[strand(gps) == "*"]
values(gps) <- values(gr[1,])
metadata(res)$coord <- coord
## ## coord
## library(GenomicRanges)
## gr1 <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(start = 1:10, width = 5))
## gr2 <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(start = 100:110, width = 5))
## gr3 <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(start = 200:210, width = 5))
## grl <- GenomicRangesList(gr1, gr2, gr3)
## setGeneric("transformToOrigin", function(data, ...) standardGeneric("transformToOrigin"))
## setMethod("transformToOrigin", "GRanges", function(data, ...){
## ori <- metadata(gr)$origin
## if(is.null(ori))
## ori <- 1
## values(gr)$.ori <- data
## metadata(gr)$coord <- "even"
## })
## setMethod("transformToOrigin", "GenomicRangesList", function(data, ...){
## values(gr)$.ori <- data
## metadata(gr)$coord <- "even"
## })
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