err0 <- function(n) {
if (n == 0) {
stop("Chromosone names in annotation and genome do not overlap. ",
"Consider checking that formatting of chromosome names of ",
"the annotation and the genome match.")
msg1 <- function(n) {
message(n, " sequences in the annotation absent from the genome were dropped.")
msg2 <- function(n) {
message(n, " sequences in the genome are absent from the annotation.")
#' Match chromosome naming styles of annotation and genome
#' Internal use. This function matches chromosome naming styles. It will also
#' give the genome and the annotation the same `genome` slot. This function
#' assumes that the annotation and the genome refer to the same version of
#' genome. If more than one style, then the first element will be used.
#' @inheritParams get_velocity_files
#' @param annot Genome annotation, an object of a class with a
#' \code{\link{seqlevels}} method, such as `GRanges`, `TxDb`, and `EnsDb`.
#' @return A list of two. The first element is the genome with the proper style,
#' and the second element is the annotation with the proper style.
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevelsStyle genome isCircular
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevelsStyle<- genome<- isCircular<-
match_style <- function(Genome, annot, style) {
# Match styles
gr_style <- tryCatch(seqlevelsStyle(annot)[1],
error = function(e) return("other"))
gn_style <- tryCatch(seqlevelsStyle(Genome)[1],
error = function(e) return("other"))
if (all(c(gr_style, gn_style) != "other")) {
if (style == "genome") {
if (gn_style != gr_style) seqlevelsStyle(annot) <- gn_style[1]
} else {
seqlevelsStyle(Genome) <- style
seqlevelsStyle(annot) <- style
list(genome = Genome, annot = annot)
#' Remove chromosomes in anotation absent from genome
#' @param chrs_use Character vector of names of chromosomes present in both the
#' annotation and the genome.
#' @param annot Either a `GRanges` object or a `TxDb` object for gene
#' annotation.
#' @return A subsetted genome annotation of the same type ofo the input genome
#' annotation.
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevels seqlevelsInUse
#' @importFrom GenomicFeatures seqlevels<-
sub_annot <- function(chrs_use, annot) {
n <- length(seqlevels(annot)) - length(chrs_use)
if (n > 0) {
if (is(annot, "GRanges")) {
annot <- annot[as.vector(seqnames(annot)) %in% chrs_use]
seqlevels(annot) <- seqlevelsInUse(annot)
} else if (is(annot, "TxDb")) {
seqlevels(annot) <- chrs_use
#' Check for chromosomes in genome but not annotation
#' @inheritParams get_velocity_files
#' @inheritParams sub_annot
#' @return Nothing. Will emit message if the genome contains chromosomes absent
#' from the annotation.
check_genome <- function(chrs_use, Genome) {
if (is(Genome, "DNAStringSet")) {
n <- length(Genome)
} else if (is(Genome, "BSgenome")) {
n <- length(seqlevels(Genome))
n2 <- n - length(chrs_use)
if (n2 > 0) {
#' Subset genome annotation
#' Exclude chromosomes present in the annotation but absent from the genome and
#' add information about circular chromosomes.
#' @inheritParams get_velocity_files
#' @inheritParams sub_annot
#' @return A subsetted genome annotation of the same type of the input genome
#' annotation.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38)
#' library(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86)
#' library(GenomeInfoDb)
#' gn <- BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38
#' seqlevelsStyle(gn) <- "Ensembl"
#' subset_annot(gn, EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86)
function(Genome, annot)
#' @rdname subset_annot
setMethod("subset_annot", signature = c("DNAStringSet", "ANY"),
function(Genome, annot) {
chrs_use <- intersect(seqlevels(annot), names(Genome))
annot <- sub_annot(chrs_use, annot)
check_genome(chrs_use, Genome)
#' @rdname subset_annot
setMethod("subset_annot", signature = c("BSgenome", "ANY"),
function(Genome, annot) {
chrs_use <- intersect(seqlevels(annot), seqlevels(Genome))
annot <- sub_annot(chrs_use, annot)
check_genome(chrs_use, Genome)
#' Transfer information about circular chromosomes between genome and annotation
#' Internal use, called after calling \code{\link{subset_annot}}.
#' @inheritParams match_style
#' @return If neither genome nor annotation indicates which chromosome is
#' circular, then the input will be returned unchanged. If only one of genome
#' and annotation has such information, then it will be transferred to the one
#' that does not. If both do have such information, the information from the
#' genome will be transferred to the annotation if they're different.
annot_circular <- function(Genome, annot) {
if (all( && all( {
warning("isCircular information is absent. ",
"All chromosomes will be assumed to be linear.")
} else if (all( {
# In case Genome has sequences absent from annotation
sl_extra <- setdiff(seqlevels(Genome), seqlevels(annot))
new_ic <- c(isCircular(annot),
setNames(rep(NA, length(sl_extra)), sl_extra))
isCircular(Genome) <- new_ic[seqlevels(Genome)]
} else {
isCircular(annot) <- isCircular(Genome)[seqlevels(annot)]
return(list(genome = Genome, annot = annot))
#' Check if transcript ID in transcriptome and annotation match
#' This function throws an error if transcript IDs in transcriptome and
#' annotation do not overlap. If they do overlap, this function will give a
#' message about transcript IDs that do not agree in the transcriptome and the
#' annotation
#' @param tx_annot Character vector of transcript IDs from the annotation.
#' @param tx Character vector of transcript IDs from the transcriptome.
#' @return Character vector of the overlapping transcript IDs.
check_tx <- function(tx_annot, tx) {
tx_overlap <- intersect(tx_annot, tx)
if (length(tx_overlap) == 0) {
stop("Transcripts in gene annotation do not overlap with those in the ",
"transcriptome. Consider checking the type of transcript ID used ",
"or whether version number is included.")
len_diff <- length(unique(tx_annot)) - length(tx_overlap)
if (len_diff > 0) {
message("There are ", len_diff, " transcripts in the gene annotation ",
"absent from the transcriptome. These transcripts are removed.")
#' Standardize GRanges field names
#' To avoid introducing rlang as another dependency for tidyeval. This function
#' will also convert exon numbers to integer.
#' @param gr A `GRanges` object.
#' @param gene_id Name of the metadata field for gene ID.
#' @param transcript_id Name of the metadata field for transcript ID.
#' @return A `GRanges` object with standardized names: gene ID as `gene_id`,
#' and transcript ID as `transcript_id`.
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges mcols<-
standardize_tags <- function(gr, gene_id, transcript_id) {
fields <- names(mcols(gr))
if (gene_id != "gene_id") {
names(mcols(gr))[fields == gene_id] <- "gene_id"
if (transcript_id != "transcript_id") {
names(mcols(gr))[fields == transcript_id] <- "transcript_id"
unlist_rename <- function(grl) {
grl <- unlist(grl)
names(grl) <- make.unique(paste0(names(grl), "-I"), sep = "")
#' Get flanked intronic ranges
#' @param grl A `CompressedGRangesList` for exonic ranges, each element for one
#' transcript.
#' @param L Read length.
#' @param get_junctions Logical, whether to also return exon-exon junctions.
#' @return If `get_junctions` is `FALSE`, then a `GRanges` object
#' with ranges for flanked intronic regions. If `get_junctions` is `TRUE`, then
#' in addition to the flanked intronic ranges, a `CompressedGRangesList` with
#' exon-exon junction ranges and ranges for transcripts without introns.
#' @importFrom S4Vectors elementNROWS revElements
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges setdiff intersect union flank punion
get_intron_flanks <- function(grl, L, get_junctions) {
introns <- setdiff(range(grl), grl)
inds <- elementNROWS(introns) > 0
introns <- introns[inds]
gr_wi <- grl[inds]
firsts <- flank(introns, width = L - 1, start = TRUE)
lasts <- flank(introns, width = L - 1, start = FALSE)
firsts <- unlist_rename(intersect(firsts, gr_wi))
lasts <- unlist_rename(intersect(lasts, gr_wi))
introns <- punion(firsts, lasts, = TRUE)
if (get_junctions) {
names(firsts) <- str_replace(names(firsts), "-I", "-J")
names(lasts) <- str_replace(names(lasts), "-I", "-J")
firsts <- split(firsts, names(firsts))
lasts <- split(lasts, names(lasts))
flanks <- union(firsts, lasts)
flanks <- revElements(flanks, any(strand(flanks) == "-"))
# Don't forget genes without introns
gr_ni <- grl[!inds]
gr_ni <- lapply(gr_ni, function(x) {
mcols(x) <- NULL
flanks <- c(flanks, gr_ni)
return(list(introns = introns, flanks = flanks))
} else {
#' tr2g for exon-exon junctions
#' @param tr2g_cdna The original `tr2g_cdna`.
#' @param junction_names Names of junctions internally generated.
#' @return A `tr2g` data frame where "transcripts" are the exon-exon junctions
#' and genes are the corresponding genes.
tr2g_junction <- function(tr2g_cdna, junction_names) {
junction <- transcript <- NULL
tibble(junction = junction_names) %>%
mutate(transcript = str_remove(junction, "-J(\\d+)?")) %>%
left_join(tr2g_cdna, by = "transcript") %>%
dplyr::select(-transcript) %>%
dplyr::rename(transcript = junction)
#' Write the files for RNA velocity to disk
#' Write the files for RNA velocity to disk, in the specified output directory.
#' @inheritParams get_velocity_files
#' @param out_path Directory to save the outputs written to disk. If this
#' directory does not exist, then it will be created.
#' @param introns Intronic ranges plus flanking region, returned by
#' \code{\link{get_intron_flanks}}.
#' @param tr2g_cdna A data frame with columns `transcript` and `gene` that maps
#' transcripts to genes for spliced transcripts.
#' @return Nothing into the R session. The files are written to disk.
#' @importFrom BSgenome getSeq
#' @importFrom Biostrings writeXStringSet
write_velocity_output <- function(out_path, introns, Genome, Transcriptome,
isoform_action, exon_option, tr2g_cdna,
compress_fa, width) {
message("Extracting flanked intronic sequences")
introns <- sort(introns)
intron_seqs <- getSeq(Genome, introns)
ns <- str_remove(names(intron_seqs), "-I(\\d+)?")
# Not to confuse with version number
if (isoform_action == "collapse") {
tr2g_intron <- data.frame(transcript = names(intron_seqs),
gene = ns,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
# ns will be transcript ID in this case
if (exon_option == "junction") {
tx <- str_remove(tr2g_cdna$transcript, "-J(\\d+)?")
} else {
tx <- tr2g_cdna$transcript
tr2g_intron <- data.frame(transcript = names(intron_seqs),
gene = tr2g_cdna$gene[match(ns, tx)],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
out_fa <- paste(out_path, "cDNA_introns.fa", sep = "/")
if (compress_fa) {
out_fa <- paste0(out_fa, ".gz")
message("Writing outputs")
if (compress_fa & !str_detect(out_fa, ".gz$")) {
out_fa <- paste0(out_fa, ".gz")
if (is.character(Transcriptome)) {
file.copy(Transcriptome, out_fa)
writeXStringSet(intron_seqs, out_fa, append = TRUE, compress = compress_fa,
width = width)
} else {
writeXStringSet(c(Transcriptome, intron_seqs), out_fa, compress = compress_fa,
width = width)
writeLines(names(intron_seqs), paste(out_path, "introns_tx_to_capture.txt",
sep = "/"))
paste(out_path, "cDNA_tx_to_capture.txt", sep = "/"))
write.table(rbind(tr2g_cdna, tr2g_intron), paste(out_path, "tr2g.tsv", sep = "/"),
quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
#' Validate input to get_velocity_files
#' @inheritParams get_velocity_files
#' @return Will throw error if validation fails. Returns a named list whose
#' first element is the normalized path to output directory, and whose second
#' element is the normalized path to the transcriptome file if specified.
#' @importFrom methods is
validate_velocity_input <- function(L, Genome, Transcriptome, out_path,
compress_fa, width, exon_option) {
if (length(L) > 1 || L %% 1 > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) || !is.atomic(L)) {
stop("L must be an integer vector with length 1.")
if (length(width) > 1 || width %% 1 > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) ||
!is.atomic(width)) {
stop("width must be an integer vector with length 1.")
if (!is.logical(compress_fa) || length(compress_fa) > 1) {
stop("compress_fa must be logical with length 1.")
out_path <- check_out_path(out_path)
if (!is(Genome, "BSgenome") && !is(Genome, "DNAStringSet")) {
stop("Genome must be either a BSgenome object or a DNAStringSet.")
if (!is.null(Transcriptome)) {
if (exon_option == "junction") {
message("Transcriptome is ignored, as it is unnecessary.")
Transcriptome <- NULL
} else if (is.character(Transcriptome)) {
Transcriptome <- normalizePath(Transcriptome, mustWork = TRUE)
} else if (!is(Transcriptome, "DNAStringSet")) {
stop("Transcriptome must be either a valid file path or a DNAStringSet.")
} else {
Transcriptome <- NULL
return(list(out_path = out_path, tx_path = Transcriptome))
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