#' Get Mean Ratio for Each Gene x Cell Type
#' Calculate the Mean Ratio value and rank for each gene for each cell type in
#' the `sce` object, to identify effective marker genes for deconvolution.
#' Note if a cell type has < 10 cells the MeanRatio results may be unstable.
#' See rational in OSCA:
#' <https://bioconductor.org/books/3.19/OSCA.multisample/multi-sample-comparisons.html#performing-the-de-analysis>.
#' @param sce [SummarizedExperiment-class][SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment-class]
#' (or any derivative class) object containing single cell/nucleus gene
#' expression data.
#' @param cellType_col A `character(1)` name of the column in the
#' [colData()][SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment-class] of `sce` that
#' denotes the cell type or group of interest.
#' @param assay_name A `character(1)` specifying the name of the
#' [assay()][SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment-class] in the
#' `sce` object to use to rank expression values. Defaults to `logcounts` since
#' it typically contains the normalized expression values.
#' @param gene_ensembl A `character(1)` specifying the `rowData(sce_pseudo)`
#' column with the ENSEMBL gene IDs. This will be used by `layer_stat_cor()`.
#' @param gene_name A `character(1)` specifying the `rowData(sce_pseudo)`
#' column with the gene names (symbols).
#' @return A `tibble::tibble()` with the `MeanRatio` values for each gene x cell
#' type.
#' * `gene` is the name of the gene (from rownames(`sce`)).
#' * `cellType.target` is the cell type we're finding marker genes for.
#' * `mean.target` is the mean expression of `gene` for `cellType.target`.
#' * `cellType.2nd` is the second highest non-target cell type.
#' * `mean.2nd` is the mean expression of `gene` for `cellType.2nd`.
#' * `MeanRatio` is the ratio of `mean.target/mean.2nd`.
#' * `MeanRatio.rank` is the rank of `MeanRatio` for the cell type.
#' * `MeanRatio.anno` is an annotation of the `MeanRatio` calculation helpful
#' for plotting.
#' * `gene_ensembl` & `gene_name` optional columns from `rowData(sce)` specified
#' by the user to add gene information.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## load example SingleCellExperiment
#' if (!exists("sce_DLPFC_example")) sce_DLPFC_example <- fetch_deconvo_data("sce_DLPFC_example")
#' ## Explore properties of the sce object
#' sce_DLPFC_example
#' ## this data contains logcounts of gene expression
#' SummarizedExperiment::assays(sce_DLPFC_example)$logcounts[1:5, 1:5]
#' ## nuclei are classified in to cell types
#' table(sce_DLPFC_example$cellType_broad_hc)
#' ## Get the mean ratio for each gene for each cell type defined in
#' ## `cellType_broad_hc`
#' get_mean_ratio(sce_DLPFC_example, cellType_col = "cellType_broad_hc")
#' # Option to specify gene_name as the "Symbol" column from rowData
#' # this will be added to the marker stats output
#' SummarizedExperiment::rowData(sce_DLPFC_example)
#' ## specify rowData col names for gene_name and gene_ensembl
#' get_mean_ratio(sce_DLPFC_example,
#' cellType_col = "cellType_broad_hc",
#' gene_name = "gene_name",
#' gene_ensembl = "gene_id"
#' )
#' @family marker gene functions
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom purrr map2
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowMedians
get_mean_ratio <- function(
assay_name = "logcounts",
gene_ensembl = NULL,
gene_name = NULL) {
# RCMD fix
cellType.target <- NULL
cellType <- NULL
ratio <- NULL
rank_ratio <- NULL
anno_ratio <- NULL
## check inputs are valid
stopifnot(cellType_col %in% colnames(colData(sce)))
stopifnot(assay_name %in% names(SummarizedExperiment::assays(sce)))
cell_types <- unique(sce[[cellType_col]])
names(cell_types) <- cell_types
ct_table <- table(sce[[cellType_col]])
if (any(ct_table < 10)) warning("One or more cell types has < 10 cells, this may result in unstable marker genes results. Check details of get_mean_ratio() for more info")
sce_assay <- as.matrix(SummarizedExperiment::assays(sce)[[assay_name]])
## Get mean expression for each gene for each cellType
cell_means <- map(cell_types, ~ as.data.frame(base::rowMeans(sce_assay[, sce[[cellType_col]] == .x])))
cell_means <- do.call("rbind", cell_means)
colnames(cell_means) <- "mean"
## Define columns
cell_means$cellType <- rep(cell_types, each = nrow(sce))
cell_means$gene <- rep(rownames(sce), length(cell_types))
# print(head(cell_means))
## Filter and calculate ratio for each celltype
ratio_tables <- map(cell_types, ~ .get_ratio_table(
ratio_tables <- do.call("rbind", ratio_tables) |>
mutate(anno_ratio = paste0(cellType.target, "/", cellType, ": ", base::round(ratio, 3))) |>
cellType.2nd = cellType,
mean.2nd = mean,
MeanRatio = ratio,
MeanRatio.rank = rank_ratio,
MeanRatio.anno = anno_ratio
## Add gene ensemble and gene_name if specified
if (!is.null(gene_ensembl)) {
if (gene_ensembl %in% colnames(SummarizedExperiment::rowData(sce))) {
ratio_tables$gene_ensembl <- SummarizedExperiment::rowData(sce)[ratio_tables$gene, ][[gene_ensembl]]
} else {
warning("'", gene_ensembl, "' not in col rowData, gene_ensembl not included in output")
if (!is.null(gene_name)) {
if (gene_name %in% colnames(SummarizedExperiment::rowData(sce))) {
ratio_tables$gene_name <- SummarizedExperiment::rowData(sce)[ratio_tables$gene, ][[gene_name]]
} else {
warning("'", gene_name, "' not in col rowData, gene_name not included in output")
.get_ratio_table <- function(x, sce, sce_assay, cellType_col, cell_means) {
# RCMD Fix
mean.target <- NULL
gene <- NULL
ratio <- NULL
cellType.target <- NULL
cellType <- NULL
# filter target median != 0
median_index <- matrixStats::rowMedians(sce_assay[, sce[[cellType_col]] == x]) != 0
# message("Median == 0: ", sum(!median_index))
# filter for target means
target_mean <- cell_means[cell_means$cellType == x, ]
target_mean <- target_mean[median_index, ]
colnames(target_mean) <- c("mean.target", "cellType.target", "gene")
nontarget_mean <- cell_means[cell_means$cellType != x, ]
ratio_table <- dplyr::left_join(target_mean, nontarget_mean, by = "gene") |>
mutate(ratio = mean.target / mean) |>
dplyr::group_by(gene) |>
arrange(ratio) |>
dplyr::slice(1) |>
dplyr::select(gene, cellType.target, mean.target, cellType, mean, ratio) |>
arrange(-ratio) |>
dplyr::ungroup() |>
mutate(rank_ratio = dplyr::row_number())
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