
library(genoppi) # Genoppi >= 0.4.10 required

# run this script from start to end, in order to generate 
# documentation that is used in the shiny app.

# get data files to be documented
data.files = tools::file_path_sans_ext(list.files('data/', full.names = F))
data.documentation = file.path('man//',paste0(data.files, '.Rd'))

# convert double spaces to new line
doublespacenewline <- function(x) gsub('\\ \\ +', '<br>', x)

# function for combining list of strings
documentation_to_html <- function(content){
  content_wo_title = content[names(content) %nin% 'title']
  title = bold(content[['title']])
  # add newlines to references
  content_wo_title$references <- doublespacenewline(content_wo_title$references)

  # Create header content
  header_content = unlist(lapply(names(content_wo_title), function(header){
    return(paste0('<br>', italics(header),': ', content_wo_title[[header]]))
  title_header_content = paste(c(title, header_content), collapse = ' ')

# go through roxygen titles, to get alphabetic order
headers <- unlist(lapply(data.documentation, function(file){content = null_omit(genoppi:::parse_rd(readLines(file), what = c("title"), combine.with = ' '))$title}))
data.documentation.ordered <- data.documentation[order(headers)]

# go over each file and parse
count = 0
for (file in data.documentation.ordered){
  count = count + 1
  # write documentation files
  content = null_omit(genoppi:::parse_rd(readLines(file), what = c("title", "description", "source", "references"), combine.with = ' '))
  content_html = documentation_to_html(content)
  content_html = gsub('\\\\url\\{','',content_html)
  newfile = paste0(count,'_',tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(file)),'.info')
  write(content_html, file = paste0('inst/shiny-examples/myapp/documentation/', newfile))
lagelab/Genoppi documentation built on Oct. 13, 2022, 2:36 p.m.