#### FastMap Projection ####
## -------------------------
fastmap <- function(x, k = 3L, group = NULL, distfun = NULL,
transpose = FALSE, pivots = 10L, niter = 10L, verbose = NA, ...)
if ( is.na(verbose) )
verbose <- getOption("matter.default.verbose")
if ( is.null(distfun) )
distfun <- if (transpose) colDists else rowDists
k <- min(max(k), dim(x))
# prepare matrices
j <- seq_len(k)
if ( transpose ) {
N <- NCOL(x)
snames <- colnames(x)
} else {
N <- NROW(x)
snames <- rownames(x)
npivots <- max(2L, min(pivots, N))
scores <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=k,
dimnames=list(snames, paste0("C", j)))
pivots <- matrix(nrow=k, ncol=3L,
dimnames=list(paste0("C", j), c("p1", "p2", "dist")))
for ( i in j )
matter_log("fitting FastMap component ", i, verbose=verbose)
# find pivots
pv <- sample.int(N, npivots)
for ( iter in seq_len(niter) )
# get distances to pivot candidates
if ( transpose ) {
ds <- distfun(x, x[,pv,drop=FALSE], verbose=FALSE, ...)
} else {
ds <- distfun(x, x[pv,,drop=FALSE], verbose=FALSE, ...)
if ( is.function(ds) )
.Defunct(msg="distfun requirements have changed; see ?fastmap")
dproj <- do.call(cbind, rowdist_at(scores, pv))
di <- sqrt(pmax(ds^2 - dproj^2, 0))
di <- apply(di, 2L, function(d) d - min(d))
pvnew <- choose_pivots(pv, di, group)
pvdist <- attr(pvnew, "distance")
if ( iter < niter )
matter_log("iteration ", iter, ": ", "max pivot distance",
" (", pvnew[1L], ", ", pvnew[2L], ")",
" = ", format(pvdist), verbose=verbose)
if ( setequal(pvnew[1:2], pv[1:2]) )
pv <- pvnew
# project current component
p1 <- pv[1L]
p2 <- pv[2L]
d1 <- di[,1L]
d2 <- di[,2L]
d12 <- max(d1[p2], d2[p1])
matter_log("projecting component ", i, " using ",
"pivots: ", p1, ", ", p2, verbose=verbose)
xi <- (d1^2 + d12^2 - d2^2) / (2 * d12)
xi <- ifelse(is.finite(xi), xi, 0)
scores[,i] <- xi
pivots[i,] <- c(p1, p2, d12)
pindex <- as.vector(pivots[,1:2])
if ( transpose ) {
pa <- x[,pindex,drop=FALSE]
} else {
pa <- x[pindex,,drop=FALSE]
ans <- list(x=scores, sdev=apply(scores, 2L, sd),
pivots=pivots, pivot.array=pa, distfun=distfun)
names(ans$sdev) <- paste0("C", j)
colnames(ans$x) <- paste0("C", j)
rownames(ans$pivots) <- paste0("C", j)
ans$transpose <- transpose
class(ans) <- "fastmap"
choose_pivots <- function(pivots, dists, group)
if ( !is.null(group) )
for ( j in seq_along(pivots) ) {
same <- group %in% group[pivots[j]]
dists[same,j] <- -Inf
i <- which.max(apply(dists, 2L, max))
p1 <- pivots[i]
p2 <- which.max(dists[,i])
np <- length(pivots)
if ( np > 2L ) {
pivots <- c(p1, p2, sample.int(nrow(dists), np - 2L))
} else {
pivots <- c(p1, p2)
structure(pivots, distance=dists[p2,i])
print.fastmap <- function(x, print.x = FALSE, ...)
cat(sprintf("FastMap (k=%d)\n", ncol(x$x)))
if ( !is.null(x$sdev) ) {
cat(sprintf("\nStandard deviations (1, .., k=%d):\n", length(x$sdev)))
preview_vector(x$sdev, ...)
if ( print.x && !is.null(x$x) ) {
cat("\nProjected variables:\n")
preview_matrix(x$x, ...)
predict.fastmap <- function(object, newdata, ...)
if ( missing(newdata) )
if ( length(dim(newdata)) != 2L )
matter_error("'newdata' must be a matrix or data frame")
k <- nrow(object$pivots)
if (object$transpose) {
N <- NCOL(newdata)
snames <- colnames(newdata)
} else {
N <- NROW(newdata)
snames <- rownames(newdata)
j <- seq_len(k)
pred <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=k,
dimnames=list(snames, paste0("C", j)))
ds <- object$distfun(newdata, object$pivot.array, ...)
for ( i in j ) {
p1 <- object$pivots[i,1L]
p2 <- object$pivots[i,2L]
d12 <- object$pivots[i,3L]
# get distances to pivot 1
d1x <- ds[,i]
if ( i > 1L ) {
proj1 <- object$x[p1,1L:(i - 1L),drop=FALSE]
d1proj <- rowdist(pred[,1L:(i - 1L),drop=FALSE], proj1)
d1 <- sqrt(pmax(d1x^2 - d1proj^2, 0))
} else {
d1 <- d1x
d1 <- d1 - min(d1)
# get distances to pivot 2
d2x <- ds[,i + k]
if ( i > 1L ) {
proj2 <- object$x[p2,1L:(i - 1L),drop=FALSE]
d2proj <- rowdist(pred[,1L:(i - 1L),drop=FALSE], proj2)
d2 <- sqrt(pmax(d2x^2 - d2proj^2, 0))
} else {
d2 <- d2x
d2 <- d2 - min(d2)
# project current component
xi <- (d1^2 + d12^2 - d2^2) / (2 * d12)
pred[,i] <- xi
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