#' @include RcppExports.R
#' @useDynLib VDJdive, .registration = TRUE
# clonoStats helper functions
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @importFrom S4Vectors %in% match
#' @importClassesFrom IRanges SplitDataFrameList
.prepContigs <- function(contigs, type){
# remove unproductive and 'Multi' contigs (for now?)
contigs <- contigs[contigs[,'productive']]
if(type == 'TCR'){
type1 <- 'TRA'
type2 <- 'TRB'
if(type == 'BCR'){
type1 <- 'IGH'
type2 <- c('IGL','IGK')
# prepend "IGK" or "IGL" to distinguish
cellbarcodes <- names(contigs)
contigs <- unlist(contigs)
t2ind <- which(contigs$chain %in% type2)
contigs$cdr3[t2ind] <- paste(contigs$chain[t2ind],
contigs$cdr3[t2ind], sep = '-')
contigs <- split(DataFrame(contigs),
factor(contigs$barcode, cellbarcodes))
contigs <- contigs[contigs[,'chain'] %in% c(type1, type2)]
# single-sample clonotype assignment #
# EM algorithm
#' @import Matrix
#' @import Rcpp
.EM_sample <- function(contigs, type, lang, thresh, iter.max){
contigs <- .prepContigs(contigs, type)
if(type == 'TCR'){
type1 <- 'TRA'
type2 <- 'TRB'
if(type == 'BCR'){
type1 <- 'IGH'
type2 <- c('IGL','IGK')
# numbers of alpha and beta chains per cell
nAlpha <- sum(contigs[,"chain"] %in% type1)
nBeta <- sum(contigs[,"chain"] %in% type2)
# find all unique alpha chains
all.alphas <- unique(unlist(contigs[,'cdr3'][contigs[,'chain']%in%type1]))
all.alphas <- c('UNKNOWN_1', all.alphas)
# find all unique beta chains
all.betas <- unique(unlist(contigs[,'cdr3'][contigs[,'chain']%in%type2]))
all.betas <- c('UNKNOWN_2', all.betas)
# initialize counts matrix (#alpha-by-#beta)
counts <- Matrix(0, nrow = length(all.alphas), ncol = length(all.betas),
sparse = TRUE)
rownames(counts) <- all.alphas
colnames(counts) <- all.betas
# useful indices
ind.unique <- which(nAlpha == 1 & nBeta == 1)
ind.multiple <- which(nAlpha > 0 & nBeta > 0 & nAlpha+nBeta > 2)
ind.noAlpha <- which(nAlpha == 0 & nBeta > 0)
ind.noBeta <- which(nBeta == 0 & nAlpha > 0)
ind.ambiguous <- sort(c(ind.multiple, ind.noAlpha, ind.noBeta))
# use which alpha sequence and which beta sequence each contig represents to
# calculate its (possible) index in the clonotype matrix
wa <- match(contigs[,'cdr3'][contigs[,'chain']%in%type1], all.alphas)
wb <- match(contigs[,'cdr3'][contigs[,'chain']%in%type2], all.betas)
# this takes care of the 1-alpha + 1-beta indices without looping
suppressWarnings( # others produce warnings
poss.indices <- as.list(length(all.alphas)*(wb-1L) + wa)
# others are incorrect, though
poss.indices[ind.multiple] <- lapply(ind.multiple, function(i){
return(sort(unique(as.integer(outer(wa[[i]], wb[[i]],
FUN = function(a,b){
length(all.alphas)*(b-1) + a
poss.indices[ind.noAlpha] <- lapply(ind.noAlpha, function(i){
a.i <- seq_along(all.alphas)
return(sort(unique(as.integer(outer(a.i, wb[[i]],
FUN = function(a,b){
length(all.alphas)*(b-1) + a
poss.indices[ind.noBeta] <- lapply(ind.noBeta, function(i){
b.i <- seq_along(all.betas)
return(sort(unique(as.integer(outer(wa[[i]], b.i,
FUN = function(a,b){
length(all.alphas)*(b-1) + a
# step 1: assign cells with 1 alpha, 1 beta
temp <- contigs[ind.unique]
uniquecounts <- unclass(table(unlist(temp[temp[,'chain']%in%type1,'cdr3']),
if(length(temp) > 0){
counts[rownames(uniquecounts), colnames(uniquecounts)] <- uniquecounts
uniquecounts <- counts <- as.numeric(counts)
# step 2: assign (multi-mapped) cells (equally across all possibilities)
temp <- contigs[ind.ambiguous]
if(length(temp) > 0){
t.indices <- poss.indices[ind.ambiguous]
for(i in seq_along(temp)){
counts[t.indices[[i]]] <-
counts[t.indices[[i]]] + 1/length(t.indices[[i]])
counts.old <- counts
# repeat 2 (proportional to previous counts)
if(lang == 'cpp'){
# setup inputs
t.indices <- poss.indices[ind.ambiguous]
names(t.indices) <- NULL
# l1.idx <- which(lengths(t.indices) == 1)
# for(ii in l1.idx){
# t.indices[[ii]] <- list(as.integer(t.indices[[ii]]))
# }
counts <- TCR_EM_counts2(uniquecounts, counts.old, t.indices,
thresh, iter.max)
working <- TRUE
iters <- 0
temp <- contigs[ind.ambiguous]
t.indices <- poss.indices[ind.ambiguous]
iters <- iters + 1
counts <- uniquecounts
# step 2 (proportional to counts.old)
for(i in seq_along(temp)){
counts[t.indices[[i]]] <-
counts[t.indices[[i]]] +
counts.old[t.indices[[i]]] /
# check for convergence
diff <- max(abs(counts-counts.old))
if(diff < thresh | iters >= iter.max){
working <- FALSE
counts.old <- counts
# build full cells-by-clonotypes matrix
clonoJ <- as.integer(unlist(poss.indices)-1)
clonoP <- as.integer(c(0,cumsum(lengths(poss.indices))))
clonoX <- unlist(lapply(which(lengths(poss.indices) > 0), function(i){
counts[poss.indices[[i]]] /
clono <- new('dgRMatrix', j = clonoJ, p = clonoP, x = clonoX,
Dim = as.integer(c(length(contigs), length(counts))))
rownames(clono) <- names(contigs)
# clean up
keep <- which(colSums(clono) > thresh/2)
names.idx <- matrix(c(rep(seq_along(all.alphas), times = length(all.betas)),
rep(seq_along(all.betas), each = length(all.alphas))),
ncol = 2)[keep, , drop = FALSE]
clono <- clono[, keep, drop = FALSE]
colnames(clono) <- paste(all.alphas[names.idx[,1]],
# re-normalize rows with totals slightly less than 1
rs <- rowSums(clono)
renorm <- which(rs != 1 & rs > 0)
clono[renorm,] <- clono[renorm,] / rs[renorm]
# CellRanger labels
.CR_sample <- function(contigs, type){
contigs <- .prepContigs(contigs, type)
clonoID <- vapply(contigs, function(x){
if(nrow(x) >= 1){
return(paste(x$sample[1], x$raw_clonotype_id[1]))
return(" ")
}, FUN.VALUE = 'A')
all_clonotypes <- unique(clonoID)
poss.indices <- match(clonoID, all_clonotypes)
# build full cells-by-clonotypes matrix
clonoJ <- as.integer(unlist(poss.indices)-1)
clonoP <- as.integer(c(0,cumsum(lengths(poss.indices))))
clonoX <- rep(1, sum(lengths(poss.indices)))
clono <- new('dgRMatrix', j = clonoJ, p = clonoP, x = clonoX,
Dim = as.integer(c(length(contigs), length(all_clonotypes))))
colnames(clono) <- all_clonotypes
clono <- clono[, which(colSums(clono) > 0), drop = FALSE]
rownames(clono) <- names(contigs)
# remove empty clonotype (called "None" in some versions)
if(any(colnames(clono) == " ")){
clono <- clono[,-which(colnames(clono) == " ")]
# Unique assignment
.UNIQ_sample <- function(contigs, type){
contigs <- .prepContigs(contigs, type)
if(type == 'TCR'){
type1 <- 'TRA'
type2 <- 'TRB'
if(type == 'BCR'){
type1 <- 'IGH'
type2 <- c('IGL','IGK')
# numbers of alpha and beta chains per cell
nAlpha <- sum(contigs[,"chain"] %in% type1)
nBeta <- sum(contigs[,"chain"] %in% type2)
# find all unique alpha chains
all.alphas <- unique(unlist(contigs[,'cdr3'][contigs[,'chain']%in%type1]))
# can't assign clonotypes
# return empty matrix, in case this is just one sample of many
clono <- Matrix(0, nrow = length(contigs), ncol = 0)
rownames(clono) <- names(contigs)
# find all unique beta chains
all.betas <- unique(unlist(contigs[,'cdr3'][contigs[,'chain']%in%type2]))
# can't assign clonotypes
# return empty matrix, in case this is just one sample of many
clono <- Matrix(0, nrow = length(contigs), ncol = 0)
rownames(clono) <- names(contigs)
# initialize counts matrix (#alpha-by-#beta)
counts <- Matrix(0, nrow = length(all.alphas), ncol = length(all.betas),
sparse = TRUE)
rownames(counts) <- all.alphas
colnames(counts) <- all.betas
# useful indices
ind.unique <- which(nAlpha == 1 & nBeta == 1)
# use which alpha sequence and which beta sequence each contig represents
# to calculate its (possible) index in the clonotype matrix
wa <- match(contigs[,'cdr3'][contigs[,'chain']%in%type1], all.alphas)
wb <- match(contigs[,'cdr3'][contigs[,'chain']%in%type2], all.betas)
# this takes care of the 1-alpha + 1-beta indices without looping
suppressWarnings( # others produce warnings
poss.indices <- as.list(length(all.alphas)*(wb-1L) + wa)
# others are incorrect, though
poss.indices[-ind.unique] <- list(integer(0))
# step 1 (the only step): assign cells with 1 alpha, 1 beta
temp <- contigs[ind.unique]
uniquecounts <- unclass(table(unlist(temp[temp[,'chain']%in%type1,'cdr3']),
if(length(temp) > 0){
counts[rownames(uniquecounts), colnames(uniquecounts)] <- uniquecounts
counts <- as.numeric(counts)
# build full cells-by-clonotypes matrix
clonoJ <- as.integer(unlist(poss.indices)-1)
clonoP <- as.integer(c(0,cumsum(lengths(poss.indices))))
clonoX <- rep(1, sum(lengths(poss.indices)))
clono <- new('dgRMatrix', j = clonoJ, p = clonoP, x = clonoX,
Dim = as.integer(c(length(contigs), length(counts))))
rownames(clono) <- names(contigs)
keep <- which(colSums(clono) > 0)
names.idx <- matrix(c(rep(seq_along(all.alphas), times = length(all.betas)),
rep(seq_along(all.betas), each = length(all.alphas))),
ncol = 2)[keep, , drop = FALSE]
clono <- clono[, keep, drop = FALSE]
colnames(clono) <- paste(all.alphas[names.idx[,1]],
# quantify a particular chain type (ie. alphas only)
.CHN_sample <- function(contigs, method){
# in this case, 'method' indicates the type of chain being quantified
contigs <- contigs[contigs[,'productive']]
contigs <- contigs[contigs[,'chain'] == method]
# find all unique chains (not necessarily alphas)
all.alphas <- unique(unlist(contigs[,'cdr3']))
# can't assign clonotypes
# return empty matrix, in case this is just one sample of many
clono <- Matrix(0, nrow = length(contigs), ncol = 0)
rownames(clono) <- names(contigs)
# build full cells-by-clonotypes matrix
clono <- Matrix(0, nrow = length(contigs), ncol = length(all.alphas))
for(i in seq_along(contigs)){
clono[i,] <- as.numeric(all.alphas %in% contigs[[i]][,'cdr3'])
colnames(clono) <- all.alphas
rownames(clono) <- names(contigs)
# pick most likely clonotype based on UMIs/reads ("most common")
#' @importFrom IRanges commonColnames
.MC_sample <- function(contigs, type, method){
stopifnot(method %in% commonColnames(contigs))
contigs <- .prepContigs(contigs, type)
if(type == 'TCR'){
type1 <- 'TRA'
type2 <- 'TRB'
if(type == 'BCR'){
type1 <- 'IGH'
type2 <- c('IGL','IGK')
# numbers of alpha and beta chains per cell
nAlpha <- sum(contigs[,"chain"] %in% type1)
nBeta <- sum(contigs[,"chain"] %in% type2)
# find all unique alpha chains
all.alphas <- unique(unlist(contigs[,'cdr3'][contigs[,'chain']%in%type1]))
# can't assign clonotypes
# return empty matrix, in case this is just one sample of many
clono <- Matrix(0, nrow = length(contigs), ncol = 0)
rownames(clono) <- names(contigs)
# find all unique beta chains
all.betas <- unique(unlist(contigs[,'cdr3'][contigs[,'chain']%in%type2]))
# can't assign clonotypes
# return empty matrix, in case this is just one sample of many
clono <- Matrix(0, nrow = length(contigs), ncol = 0)
rownames(clono) <- names(contigs)
# initialize counts matrix (#alpha-by-#beta)
counts <- Matrix(0, nrow = length(all.alphas), ncol = length(all.betas),
sparse = TRUE)
rownames(counts) <- all.alphas
colnames(counts) <- all.betas
# useful indices
ind.unique <- which(nAlpha == 1 & nBeta == 1)
ind.multiple <- which(nAlpha > 0 & nBeta > 0 & nAlpha+nBeta > 2)
# step 1: remove lower-count contigs from ambiguous
# (multiples of one chain) cells until they're unique
for(i in ind.multiple){
keep <- c(which.max(contigs[[i]][,method] *
which.max(contigs[[i]][,method] *
contigs[[i]] <- contigs[[i]][keep,]
ind.unique <- c(ind.unique, ind.multiple)
# use which alpha sequence and which beta sequence each contig represents
# to calculate its (possible) index in the clonotype matrix
wa <- match(contigs[,'cdr3'][contigs[,'chain']%in%type1], all.alphas)
wb <- match(contigs[,'cdr3'][contigs[,'chain']%in%type2], all.betas)
# this takes care of the 1-alpha + 1-beta indices without looping
suppressWarnings( # others produce warnings
poss.indices <- as.list(length(all.alphas)*(wb-1L) + wa)
# others are incorrect, though
poss.indices[-ind.unique] <- list(integer(0))
# step 2: assign cells with 1 alpha, 1 beta
temp <- contigs[ind.unique]
uniquecounts <- unclass(table(unlist(temp[temp[,'chain']%in%type1,'cdr3']),
if(length(temp) > 0){
counts[rownames(uniquecounts), colnames(uniquecounts)] <- uniquecounts
counts <- as.numeric(counts)
# build full cells-by-clonotypes matrix
clonoJ <- as.integer(unlist(poss.indices)-1)
clonoP <- as.integer(c(0,cumsum(lengths(poss.indices))))
clonoX <- rep(1, sum(lengths(poss.indices)))
clono <- new('dgRMatrix', j = clonoJ, p = clonoP, x = clonoX,
Dim = as.integer(c(length(contigs), length(counts))))
rownames(clono) <- names(contigs)
keep <- which(colSums(clono) > 0)
names.idx <- matrix(c(rep(seq_along(all.alphas), times = length(all.betas)),
rep(seq_along(all.betas), each = length(all.alphas))),
ncol = 2)[keep, , drop = FALSE]
clono <- clono[, keep, drop = FALSE]
colnames(clono) <- paste(all.alphas[names.idx[,1]],
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