._get_first_nonzero_bin <- function(Brick = NULL, chr = NULL, resolution = NA){
RowSums <- Brick_get_matrix_mcols(Brick = Brick, chr1 = chr, chr2 = chr,
resolution = resolution, what = "chr1_row_sums")
return(min(which(RowSums > 0)))
._get_sparsity_index <- function(Brick = NULL, chr = NULL, resolution = NA){
Sparsity.index <- Brick_get_matrix_mcols(Brick = Brick, chr1 = chr,
chr2 = chr, resolution = resolution, what = "sparsity")
Backwards.Difference <- function(Vector=NULL,sparse=FALSE,sparsity.idx=NULL,
stop("Vector variable cannot be empty.")
VectorDiff <- rep(NA,length(Vector))
temp.diff <- rev(diff(
rev(Vector[sparsity.idx > sparsity_threshold])))
temp.diff[length(temp.diff)+1] <- 0
VectorDiff[sparsity.idx > sparsity_threshold] <- temp.diff
Forwards.Difference <- function(Vector=NULL,sparse=FALSE,sparsity.idx=NULL,
stop("Vector variable cannot be empty.")
VectorDiff <- rep(NA,length(Vector))
temp.diff <- diff(Vector[sparsity.idx > sparsity_threshold])
temp.diff <- c(0,temp.diff)
VectorDiff[sparsity.idx > sparsity_threshold] <- temp.diff
ComputeOutlierOverIQRInsideWindow <- function(lookup_window=NULL,
diff.values=NULL,values=NULL, row.sums = NULL,
min_sum = NULL, tukeys_constant=NULL,tail=NULL,
sparse=FALSE,strict = FALSE,sparsity.idx=NULL,sparsity_threshold=NULL){
seq.over.value <- seq_along(diff.values)
Filter <- row.sums > min_sum
Filter <- Filter & sparsity.idx > sparsity_threshold
seq.over.value <- seq.over.value[Filter]
seq.over.seq <- seq_along(seq.over.value)
outlier.list <- lapply(seq.over.seq,function(x.seq){
lookup_window.range <- (
(x.seq - lookup_window) : (x.seq + lookup_window))
lookup_window.range <- seq.over.value[lookup_window.range[
lookup_window.range>0 & lookup_window.range<=max(seq.over.seq)]]
offset <- (min(lookup_window.range)-1)
diff.value.window <- diff.values[lookup_window.range]
value.window <- values[lookup_window.range]
InterQuartile <- value.quartile[4]-value.quartile[2]
#Calculate Inner fences based on accepted formula
fences <- value.quartile[2] - (InterQuartile*tukeys_constant)
Outlier.Filter <- !is.na(value.window) &
diff.value.window <= fences &
diff.value.window < value.window
Outlier.Filter <- Outlier.Filter & (value.window < 0)
}else if(tail=="upper.tail"){
fences <- value.quartile[4] + (InterQuartile*tukeys_constant)
Outlier.Filter <- !is.na(value.window) &
diff.value.window >= fences &
diff.value.window > value.window
Outlier.Filter <- Outlier.Filter & (value.window > 0)
outliers <- lookup_window.range[outliers]
outlier.vector.dups <- do.call(c,outlier.list)
outlier.vector.uniq.sorted <- sort(unique(outlier.vector.dups))
CreateDomainlist <- function(start.vector=NULL,end.vector=NULL,fill_gaps=NULL){
Domains.by.start.list <- lapply(start.vector,function(x){
data.frame(startbin=x, endbin=min(end.vector[end.vector > x]))
Domains.by.start.df <- do.call(rbind,Domains.by.start.list)
Domains.by.start.df$gap.fill <- as.numeric(FALSE)
Domains.by.start.df$level <- 2
Domains.by.end.df <- NULL
Domains.by.assumption.df <- NULL
uncurated.ends <- end.vector[
!(end.vector %in% Domains.by.start.df[,"endbin"])]
if(length(uncurated.ends) > 0){
Domains.by.end.list <- lapply(uncurated.ends,function(x){
Domains.by.end.df <- do.call(rbind,Domains.by.end.list)
Domains.by.end.df$gap.fill <- as.numeric(TRUE)
Domains.by.end.df$level <- 1
All.Domains <- rbind(Domains.by.start.df,
All.Domains.sorted <- All.Domains[order(All.Domains$startbin),]
ComputeDirectionalityIndex <- function(Matrix = NULL, Window.size=NULL,
filter = NULL, start = NULL, end = NULL){
Sequence <- seq_len(nrow(Matrix))
Sequence <- Sequence[start:end]
DI.Data <- rep(NA,length(Sequence))
Bins.to.process <- Sequence[filter[start:end]]
All.bins <- seq_len(nrow(Matrix))
All.bins <- All.bins[filter]
DI.list <- vapply(Bins.to.process,function(i){
My.DI.Data <- NA
Relative.mid <- which(All.bins == i)
Window.range <- c(
(Relative.mid - Window.size) : (Relative.mid + Window.size))
Window.range <- All.bins[
Window.range[Window.range >= 1 & Window.range <= length(All.bins)]]
Upstream.range <- Window.range[Window.range < i]
Downstream.range <- Window.range[Window.range > i]
Row.vector <- Matrix[i,]
Row.vector[is.na(Row.vector) | is.infinite(Row.vector)] <- 0
if(length(Upstream.range) > 0){
Upstream <- sum(Row.vector[Upstream.range])
if(length(Downstream.range) > 0){
Downstream <- sum(Row.vector[Downstream.range])
Expected <- (Upstream + Downstream)/2
if( Expected == 0 | Upstream == Downstream ){
My.DI.Data <- 0
My.DI.Data <- (
(Downstream - Upstream)/abs(Downstream - Upstream)
) * (
((Upstream - Expected)^2)/Expected + (
(Downstream - Expected)^2)/Expected)
DI.Data[Sequence %in% Bins.to.process] <- DI.list
get_directionality_index_by_chunks <- function(Brick = NULL, chr = NULL,
resolution = NA, di_window = NULL, distance = NULL, chunk_size = 500,
sparse = FALSE, sparsity_threshold = 0.8, min_sum = -1, force = FALSE){
Ranges <- Brick_get_bintable(Brick = Brick, chr = chr,
resolution = resolution)
First.non.zero.bin <- ._get_first_nonzero_bin(Brick = Brick, chr = chr,
resolution = resolution)
chr.length <- length(Ranges)
RowSums <- Brick_get_matrix_mcols(Brick = Brick, chr1 = chr, chr2 = chr,
resolution = resolution, what = "chr1_row_sums")
SparsityIndex <- Brick_get_matrix_mcols(Brick = Brick, chr1 = chr,
chr2 = chr, resolution = resolution, what = "sparsity")
if((chunk_size - (di_window*2))/di_window < 10){
stop("chunk_size is too small for this di_window\n")
if(any(di_window > distance)){
stop("di_window cannot be larger than distance\n")
Span <- (chr.length - First.non.zero.bin)
Iterations <- Span/chunk_size
Starts <- seq(from = First.non.zero.bin, to = chr.length, by = chunk_size)
Starts <- Starts[Starts != chr.length]
Ends <- c(Starts[-1] -1, chr.length)
DI.data.list <- lapply(seq_along(Starts), function(x){
Start <- Starts[x]
End <- Ends[x]
Position.start <- Start
Position.end <- End
Start <- ifelse((Start - di_window) < First.non.zero.bin,
First.non.zero.bin, (Start - di_window))
End <- ifelse((End + di_window) > chr.length,
chr.length, (End + di_window))
RowSums.subset <- RowSums[Start:End]
Filter <- RowSums.subset > min_sum
Sparsity.index.subset <- SparsityIndex[Start:End]
Filter <- Filter & (Sparsity.index.subset > sparsity_threshold)
Total.length <- length(Filter)
Filter.extend.length <- length(which(!Filter))
True.length <- length(which(Filter))
extend <- Filter.extend.length
while(True.length < Total.length){
Start <- ifelse((Start - extend) < First.non.zero.bin,
First.non.zero.bin, Start - extend)
End <- ifelse((End + extend) > chr.length,
chr.length, (End + extend))
RowSums.subset <- RowSums[Start:End]
Filter <- RowSums.subset > min_sum
Sparsity.index.subset <- SparsityIndex[Start:End]
Filter <- Filter & (Sparsity.index.subset > sparsity_threshold)
True.length <- length(which(Filter))
extend <- extend + 1
Matrix <- Brick_get_vector_values(Brick = Brick, chr1 = chr,
resolution = resolution, chr2 = chr, xaxis=c(Start:End),
yaxis=c(Start:End), force = force)
# cat((Start - 1),"\n")
# message(Position.start," ",Position.end,"\n")
# message(Position.start - (Start - 1),Position.end - (Start - 1),"\n")
DI.data <- ComputeDirectionalityIndex(Matrix = Matrix,
Window.size = di_window, filter = Filter,
start = Position.start - (Start - 1),
end = Position.end - (Start - 1))
DI.data <- do.call(c, DI.data.list)
DI.data <- c(rep(NA,First.non.zero.bin - 1),DI.data)
Ranges$DI.Data <- DI.data
MakeBoundaries <- function(chr = NULL, Ranges = NULL, Binsize = NULL){
Ends <- end(Ranges)
Ends <- Ends[seq_len(length(Ends)-1)]
Starts <- start(Ranges)
Starts <- Starts[seq_len(length(Starts))[-1]] - 1
Domain.boundaries <- unique(Starts,Ends)
Boundary.ranges <- Brick_make_ranges(
#' Do TAD Calls with Local Score Differentiator on a Hi-C matrix
#' `Local_score_differentiator` calls topologically associated domains on Hi-C
#' matrices. Local score differentiator at the most fundamental level is a
#' change point detector, which detects change points in the directionality
#' index using various thresholds defined on a local directionality index
#' distributions.
#' The directionality index (DI) is calculated as defined by Dixon et al., 2012
#' Nature. Next, the difference of DI is calculated between neighbouring bins to
#' get the change in DI distribution in each bin. When a DI value goes from a
#' highly negative value to a highly positive one as expected to occur at domain
#' boundaries, the ensuing DI difference distribution becomes a very flat
#' distribution interjected by very large peaks signifying regions where such
#' a change may take place. We use two difference vectors, one is the difference
#' vector between a bin and its adjacent downstream bin and another is the
#' difference between a bin and its adjacent upstream bin. Using these vectors,
#' and the original directionality index, we define domain borders as outliers.
#' To define an outlier, fences are first defined. The fences are defined using
#' tukeys_constant x inter-quartile range of the directionality index. The upper
#' fence used for detecting domain starts is the 75th quartile +
#' (IQR x tukeys_constant), while the lower fence is the
#' 25th quartile - (IQR x tukeys_constant). For domain starts the DI difference
#' must be greater than or equal to the upper fence, it must be greater than the
#' DI and the DI must be a finite real value. If strict is TRUE, DI will also
#' be required to be greater than 0. Similarly, for domain ends the
#' DI difference must be lower than or equal to the lower fence, it must be
#' lower than the DI and the DI must be a finite real value. If strict is TRUE,
#' DI will also be required to be lower than 0.
#' After defining outliers, each domain start will be associated to its
#' nearest downstream domain end. If \emph{fill_gaps} is defined as TRUE and
#' there are domain ends which remain unassociated to a domain start, These
#' domain ends will be associated to the bin adjacent to their nearest upstream
#' domain end. This associations will be marked by metadata columns, gap.fill= 1
#' and level = 1.
#' This function provides the capability to call very accurante TAD definitions
#' in a very fast way.
#' @inheritParams Brick_get_chrominfo
#' @inheritParams Brick_add_ranges
#' @param chrs \strong{Optional}. Default NULL
#' If present, only TAD calls for elements in \emph{chrs} will be done.
#' @param min_sum \strong{Optional}. Default -1
#' Process bins in the matrix with row.sums greater than \emph{min_sum}.
#' @param di_window \strong{Optional}. Default 200
#' Use \emph{di_window} to define the directionality index.
#' @param lookup_window \strong{Optional}. Default 200
#' Use \emph{lookup_window} local window to call borders. At smaller
#' \emph{di_window} values we recommend setting this to 2*\emph{di_window}
#' @param tukeys_constant \strong{Optional}. Default 1.5
#' \emph{tukeys_constant}*IQR (inter-quartile range) defines the lower and upper
#' fence values.
#' @param strict \strong{Optional}. Default TRUE
#' If TRUE, \emph{strict} creates an additional filter on the directionality
#' index requiring it to be either greater than or less than 0 on the right tail
#' or left tail respectively.
#' @param fill_gaps \strong{Optional}. Default TRUE
#' If TRUE, this will affect the TAD stiching process. All Border starts are
#' stiched to the next downstream border ends. Therefore, at times border ends
#' remain unassociated to a border start. These border ends are stiched to the
#' adjacent downstream bin from their upstream border end when \emph{fill_gaps}
#' is true.
#' TADs inferred in this way will be annotated with two metadata columns in the
#' GRanges object. \emph{gap.fill} will hold a value of 1 and \emph{level} will
#' hold a value 1. TADs which were not filled in will hold a gap.fill value of
#' 0 and a level value of 2.
#' @param ignore_sparse \strong{Optional}. Default TRUE
#' If TRUE, a matrix which has been defined as sparse during the matrix loading
#' process will be treated as a dense matrix. The \emph{sparsity_threshold}
#' filter will not be applied. Please note, that if a matrix is defined as
#' sparse and fill_gaps is TRUE, fill_gaps will be turned off.
#' @param sparsity_threshold \strong{Optional}. Default 0.8
#' Sparsity threshold relates to the sparsity index, which is computed as the
#' number of non-zero bins at a certain distance from the diagonal. If a matrix
#' is sparse and ignore_sparse is FALSE, bins which have a sparsity index value
#' below this threshold will be discarded from DI computation.
#' @param remove_empty Not implemented.
#' After implementation, this will ensure that the presence of centromeric
#' regions is accounted for.
#' @param chunk_size \strong{Optional}. Default 500
#' The size of the matrix chunk to process. This value should be larger than 2x
#' di_window.
#' @param force_retrieve \strong{Optional}. Default TRUE
#' If TRUE, this will force the retrieval of a matrix chunk even when the
#' retrieval includes interaction points which were not loaded into a Brick
#' store (larger chunks). Please note, that this does not mean that DI can be
#' computed at distances larger than max distance. Rather, this is meant to aid
#' faster computation.
#' @return A ranges object containing domain definitions. The starts and ends
#' of the ranges coincide with the starts and ends of their contained bins from
#' the bintable.
#' @examples
#' Bintable.path <- system.file(file.path("extdata", "Bintable_100kb.bins"),
#' package = "HiCBricks")
#' out_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "lsd_test")
#' dir.create(out_dir)
#' My_BrickContainer <- Create_many_Bricks(BinTable = Bintable.path,
#' bin_delim = " ", output_directory = out_dir, file_prefix = "Test",
#' experiment_name = "Vignette Test", resolution = 100000,
#' remove_existing = TRUE)
#' Matrix_file <- system.file(file.path("extdata",
#' "Sexton2012_yaffetanay_CisTrans_100000_corrected_chr3R.txt.gz"),
#' package = "HiCBricks")
#' Brick_load_matrix(Brick = My_BrickContainer, chr1 = "chr3R",
#' chr2 = "chr3R", matrix_file = Matrix_file, delim = " ",
#' remove_prior = TRUE, resolution = 100000)
#' TAD_ranges <- Brick_local_score_differentiator(Brick = My_BrickContainer,
#' chrs = "chr3R", resolution = 100000, di_window = 10, lookup_window = 30,
#' strict = TRUE, fill_gaps = TRUE, chunk_size = 500)
Brick_local_score_differentiator <- function(Brick, chrs = NULL,
resolution = NA, all_resolutions = FALSE, min_sum = -1, di_window = 200L,
lookup_window = 200L, tukeys_constant=1.5, strict = TRUE, fill_gaps=TRUE,
ignore_sparse=TRUE, sparsity_threshold=0.8, remove_empty = NULL,
chunk_size = 500, force_retrieve = TRUE){
BrickContainer_resolution_check(resolution, all_resolutions)
ChromInfo <- Brick_get_chrominfo(Brick = Brick,
resolution = resolution)
Chromosomes <- ChromInfo[,'chr']
Chromosomes <- ChromInfo[ChromInfo[,'chr'] %in% chrs,'chr']
chr_done_filter <- vapply(Chromosomes, function(chr){
Brick_matrix_isdone(Brick = Brick, chr1 = chr, chr2 = chr,
resolution = resolution)
}, TRUE)
message("Skipping intra-chromosomal maps containing no data...")
message(paste(Chromosomes[!chr_done_filter], collapse = ", "),
" will be skipped")
Chrom.domains.ranges.list <- lapply(Chromosomes, function(chr){
Ranges <- Brick_get_bintable(Brick = Brick, chr = chr,
resolution = resolution)
sparse <- Brick_matrix_issparse(Brick = Brick, chr1 = chr, chr2 = chr,
resolution = resolution)
max.distance <- Brick_matrix_maxdist(Brick = Brick, chr1 = chr,
chr2 = chr, resolution = resolution)
if(sparse & fill_gaps){
message("[1] Computing DI for ",chr,"\n")
Ranges <- get_directionality_index_by_chunks(Brick = Brick,
chr = chr,
resolution = resolution,
di_window = di_window,
distance = max.distance,
chunk_size = chunk_size,
min_sum = min_sum, force = force_retrieve)
RowSums <- Brick_get_matrix_mcols(Brick = Brick, chr1 = chr,
chr2 = chr, resolution = resolution, what = "chr1_row_sums")
Ranges$row.sums <- RowSums
message("[2] Computing DI Differences for ",chr,"\n")
SparsityIndex <- Brick_get_matrix_mcols(Brick = Brick,
chr1 = chr,
chr2 = chr,
resolution = resolution,
what = "sparsity")
Backwards.DI.Difference <- Backwards.Difference(
Vector = Ranges$DI.Data,
sparse = sparse,
sparsity.idx = SparsityIndex,
sparsity_threshold = sparsity_threshold)
Forwards.DI.Difference <- Forwards.Difference(
Vector = Ranges$DI.Data,
sparse = sparse,
sparsity.idx = SparsityIndex,
sparsity_threshold = sparsity_threshold)
Backwards.DI.Difference <- Backwards.Difference(
Forwards.DI.Difference <- Forwards.Difference(
Ranges$backward.Differences <- Backwards.DI.Difference
Ranges$forward.Differences <- Forwards.DI.Difference
message("[2] Done\n")
message("[3] Fetching Outliers ",chr,"\n")
Domain.end.candidates <- ComputeOutlierOverIQRInsideWindow(
lookup_window = lookup_window,
diff.values = Backwards.DI.Difference,
values = Ranges$DI.Data,
sparse = sparse,
row.sums = Ranges$row.sums,
min_sum = min_sum,
sparsity.idx = SparsityIndex,
sparsity_threshold = sparsity_threshold,
tukeys_constant = tukeys_constant,
tail = "lower.tail",
strict = strict)
Domain.start.candidates <- ComputeOutlierOverIQRInsideWindow(
lookup_window = lookup_window,
diff.values = Forwards.DI.Difference,
values = Ranges$DI.Data,
sparse = sparse,
row.sums = Ranges$row.sums,
min_sum = min_sum,
sparsity.idx = SparsityIndex,
sparsity_threshold = sparsity_threshold,
tukeys_constant = tukeys_constant,
tail = "upper.tail",
strict = strict)
Domain.end.candidates <- ComputeOutlierOverIQRInsideWindow(
row.sums = Ranges$row.sums,
min_sum = min_sum,
Domain.start.candidates <- ComputeOutlierOverIQRInsideWindow(
row.sums = Ranges$row.sums,
min_sum = min_sum,
Domain.start.candidates <- Domain.start.candidates[
Domain.start.candidates != length(Ranges)]
Domain.end.candidates <- Domain.end.candidates[
Domain.end.candidates != 1]
message("[3] Done\n")
message("[4] Creating Domain list for ",chr,"\n")
if(!(1 %in% Domain.start.candidates)){
Domain.start.candidates <- c(1,Domain.start.candidates)
if(!(length(Ranges) %in% Domain.end.candidates)){
Domain.end.candidates <- c(Domain.end.candidates,length(Ranges))
Domain.list <- CreateDomainlist(start.vector=Domain.start.candidates,
end.vector=Domain.end.candidates, fill_gaps=fill_gaps)
Domain.Ranges <- Brick_make_ranges(chrom=rep(chr,nrow(Domain.list)),
message("[4] Done\n")
Domain.Ranges$gap.fill <- Domain.list$gap.fill
Domain.Ranges$level <- Domain.list$level
Domain.Ranges$window.size <- di_window
Domain.Ranges$lookup_window <- lookup_window
Chrom.domains.ranges <- do.call(c,unlist(Chrom.domains.ranges.list,
use.names = TRUE))
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