#' Reduce MSigDB size for only gene list
#' @usage getMSigDB(eSet, k)
#' @param eSet Expression Set
#' @param k integer Number of studies
#' @return MSigDB for user gene List
#' @export
#' @examples
#' d <- 7
#' \dontrun{
#' setWorkspace()
#' getMSigDB(eSet = ENV$eSetClassifier,k = 1)
#' }
getMSigDB <- function(eSet,k){
## Selecting GeneList from getGeneList.R or getGenesClasses.R functions.
ifExist <- function(obj, env = ENV()) {
obj <- deparse(substitute(obj))
if(exists(obj, envir = env)) {
ENV$GeneList <- rownames(ENV$GenesDetails[[k]])
ENV$GeneListfile <- paste(names(ENV$GenesDetails)[k])
ifExist(ENV$GenesDetails, ENV)
#list of GO terms (biological processes) acquired from MSigDB
mSigDBPath <- tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile(filetypes = "{{GMT Files} {.gmt}} {{All files} *}",
title="load MSigDB for Gene Symbol List ")) # Very simple, isn't it?
if (!nchar(mSigDBPath)) {
tkmessageBox(message = "No file was selected!")
} else {
tkmessageBox(message = paste("The file selected was", mSigDBPath))
##verify if the mSigDB_forGenelist exists or not If yes skip if no do the remain codes
####Changing the gene list file with genes classes
mSigDB_SubName <- paste(basename(mSigDBPath), "_",basename(ENV$GeneListfile),".RData",sep="")
mSigDB_SubName <- gsub(".txt","", mSigDB_SubName)
ENV$mSigDB_SubName <- gsub(".gmt","", mSigDB_SubName)
####Create a new directory "MSigDB" from MSigDB and All specific MSigDB created
## for specific Gene List (MSigDB_GeneList.RData)
##Set MSigDB as tempary work directory
Sys.chmod(getwd(), mode = "0777", use_umask = TRUE)
dir.create(file.path(paste(getwd(), "/Results/MSigDB", sep="")), showWarnings = FALSE)
workspace <- getwd()
if(file.exists(ENV$mSigDB_SubName)&& exists("mSigDB_forGeneList",envir = ENV)){
print("skip getMSigDB: The SubMSigDB existe in /Results/MSigDB folder.")
ENV$mSigDB_SubName <-ENV$mSigDB_SubName
} else{
print("Getting SubMSigDB for requested eSet and genes list.")
#split each line at the tabs
#use the first entry of each gene set as name
#remove the first two entries
mSigDB_forGeneList <- sapply(rownames(Biobase::exprs(eSet)), function(x) as.numeric(sapply(mSigDB, '%in%', x=x)))
rownames(mSigDB_forGeneList) <- names(mSigDB)
#save the processed gene sets for further use
mSigDB_SubName <-paste(basename(mSigDBPath), "_",basename(ENV$GeneListfile),".RData",sep="")
mSigDB_SubName <- gsub(".txt","", mSigDB_SubName)
mSigDB_SubName <- gsub(".gmt","", mSigDB_SubName)
ENV$mSigDB_SubName <- mSigDB_SubName
#assign(mSigDB_SubName,mSigDB_SubName, envir=.GlobalEnv)
workspace <- getwd()
Sys.chmod(getwd(), mode = "0777", use_umask = TRUE)
save(mSigDB_forGeneList,file=ENV$mSigDB_SubName, envir = ENV)
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