######### ## functions that are not longer used by radiant.data ###########
## check if a button was pressed
pressed <- function(x) !is.null(x) && (is.list(x) || x > 0)
## check if a button was NOT pressed
not_pressed <- function(x) !pressed(x)
plot_downloader <- function(plot_name,
width = plot_width,
height = plot_height,
pre = ".plot_",
po = "dl_",
fname = plot_name) {
## link and output name
lnm <- paste0(po, plot_name)
## create an output
output[[lnm]] <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
paste0(fname, ".png")
content = function(file) {
## download graphs in higher resolution than shown in GUI (504 dpi)
pr <- 5
## fix for https://github.com/radiant-rstats/radiant/issues/20
w <- if (any(c("reactiveExpr", "function") %in% class(width))) width() * pr else width * pr
h <- if (any(c("reactiveExpr", "function") %in% class(height))) height() * pr else height * pr
plot <- try(get(paste0(pre, plot_name))(), silent = TRUE)
if (is(plot, "try-error") || is.character(plot) || is.null(plot)) {
plot <- ggplot() + labs(title = "Plot not available")
pr <- 1
w <- h <- 500
png(file = file, width = w, height = h, res = 96 * pr)
downloadLink(lnm, "", class = "fa fa-download alignright")
## Avoid `XQuartz` requirement in radiant.data
## request XQuartz
## see https://github.com/tidyverse/ggplot2/issues/2655
if(!identical(getOption("bitmapType"), "cairo") && isTRUE(capabilities()[["cairo"]])) {
options(bitmapType = "cairo")
# FUNCTIONS can not load from radiant.data #
# if (getOption("radiant.shinyFiles", FALSE)) {
# download_link <- function(id) {
# uiOutput(paste0("ui_", id))
# }
# download_button <- function(id, ...) {
# uiOutput(paste0("ui_", id))
# }
# download_handler <- function(
# id, label = "", fun = id, fn, type = "csv", caption = "Save to csv",
# class = "", ic = "download", btn = "link", ...
# ) {
# ## create observer
# shinyFiles::shinyFileSave(input, id, roots = sf_volumes, session = session)
# ## create renderUI
# if (btn == "link") {
# output[[paste0("ui_", id)]] <- renderUI({
# if (is.function(fn)) fn <- fn()
# if (is.function(type)) type <- type()
# shinyFiles::shinySaveLink(
# id, label, caption, filename = fn, filetype = type,
# class = "alignright", icon = icon(ic)
# )
# })
# } else {
# output[[paste0("ui_", id)]] <- renderUI({
# if (is.function(fn)) fn <- fn()
# if (is.function(type)) type <- type()
# shinyFiles::shinySaveButton(
# id, label, caption, filename = fn, filetype = type,
# class = class, icon = icon("download")
# )
# })
# }
# observeEvent(input[[id]], {
# if (is.integer(input[[id]])) return()
# path <- shinyFiles::parseSavePath(sf_volumes, input[[id]])
# if (!inherits(path, "try-error") && !is_empty(path$datapath)) {
# fun(path$datapath, ...)
# }
# })
# }
# } else {
# download_link <- function(id) {
# downloadLink(id, "", class = "fa fa-download alignright")
# }
# download_button <- function(id, label = "Save", ic = "download", class = "", ...) {
# downloadButton(id, label, class = class)
# }
# download_handler <- function(
# id, label = "", fun = id, fn, type = "csv", caption = "Save to csv",
# class = "", ic = "download", btn = "link", ...
# ) {
# output[[id]] <- downloadHandler(
# filename = function() {
# if (is.function(fn)) fn <- fn()
# if (is.function(type)) type <- type()
# paste0(fn, ".", type)
# },
# content = function(path) { fun(path, ...) }
# )
# }
# }
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.