help_cBioPortal<- c("Studies" = "", "Clinical" = "", "Profiles" = "",
"Mutation" = "")
help_enrichment <- c("Circomics" = "", "Classifier" = "", "Networking" = "Reactome.Rmd")
help_data <- c("Datasets" = "","View" = "", "Plots" = "",
"Regroup" = "", "Statistics" = "", "Transform" = "",
"Combine" = "", "Report" = "", "Code" = "")
output$help_cBioPortal <- reactive(append_help("help_cBioPortal", file.path(getOption("radiant.path.bioCancer"),"app/tools/help"), Rmd = TRUE))
output$help_enrichment <- reactive(append_help("help_enrichment", file.path(getOption("radiant.path.bioCancer"),"app/tools/help"), Rmd = TRUE))
## needed to reread new helps version
output$help_data <- reactive(append_help("help_data", file.path(getOption("radiant.path.bioCancer"),"app/tools/help/"), Rmd = TRUE))
observeEvent(input$help_cBioPortal_all, {help_switch(input$help_cBioPortal_all, "help_cBioPortal")})
observeEvent(input$help_cBioPortal_none,{help_switch(input$help_cBioPortal_none, "help_cBioPortal", help_on = FALSE)})
observeEvent(input$help_enrichment_all, {help_switch(input$help_enrichment_all, "help_enrichment")})
observeEvent(input$help_enrichment_none,{help_switch(input$help_enrichment_none, "help_enrichment", help_on = FALSE)})
## needed to redefine help_data_panel avec re-defining help_data
help_data_panel <-
HTML("<label>Workspace: <i id='help_data_all' title='Check all' href='#' class='action-button glyphicon glyphicon-ok'></i>
<i id='help_data_none' title='Uncheck all' href='#' class='action-button glyphicon glyphicon-remove'></i></label>"),
checkboxGroupInput("help_data", NULL, help_data, selected = state_group("help_data"), inline = TRUE)
help_cBioPortal_panel <- tagList(
HTML("<label>cBioPortal Menu: <i id='help_cBioPortal_all' title='Check all' href='#' class='action-button glyphicon glyphicon-ok'></i>
<i id='help_cBioPortal_none' title='Uncheck all' href='#' class='action-button glyphicon glyphicon-remove'></i></label>"),
checkboxGroupInput("help_cBioPortal", NULL, help_cBioPortal,
selected = state_group("help_cBioPortal"), inline = TRUE)
help_enrichment_panel <- tagList(
HTML("<label>Enrichment Menu: <i id='help_enrichment_all' title='Check all' href='#' class='action-button glyphicon glyphicon-ok'></i>
<i id='help_enrichment_none' title='Uncheck all' href='#' class='action-button glyphicon glyphicon-remove'></i></label>"),
checkboxGroupInput("help_enrichment", NULL, help_enrichment,
selected = state_group("help_enrichment"), inline = TRUE)
output$help_about <- renderUI({
file.path(getOption("radiant.path.bioCancer"),"app/tools/help/") %>% inclMD %>% HTML
stop_radiant <- function() {
## quit R, unless you are running an interactive session
if (interactive()) {
## flush input and r_data into Rgui or Rstudio
LiveInputs <- toList(input)
r_state[names(LiveInputs)] <- LiveInputs
r_state$nav_radiant <- r_info[["nav_radiant"]]
assign("r_state", r_state, envir = .GlobalEnv)
## convert environment to a list and then back to an environment
## again to remove active bindings
## using an environment so you can "attach" and access data easily
rem_non_active() ## keep only the active bindings (i.e., data, datalist, etc.)
assign("r_data", list2env(mget(ls(r_data), r_data)), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign("r_info", toList(r_info), envir = .GlobalEnv)
## removing r_sessions and functions defined in global.R
if (exists("r_sessions")) rm(r_sessions, envir = .GlobalEnv)
unlink("~/r_figures/", recursive = TRUE)
sshhr(try(rm(help_menu, make_url_patterns, import_fs, init_data, navbar_proj,, withMathJax, envir = .GlobalEnv), silent = TRUE))
message("\nStopped bioCancer. State information is available in the r_state and r_info lists and the r_data environment. Use attach(r_data) to access data loaded into bioCancer.\n")
} else {
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.