#' Search and get genetic profiles (CNA,mRNA, Methylation, Mutation...) of gene list upper than 500
#' @details See \url{https://github.com/kmezhoud/bioCancer/wiki}
#' @return A data frame with Genetic profile
#' @usage getMegaProfData(MegaGeneList, Study, GenProf, Case, Class)
#' @param MegaGeneList A list of genes upper than 500
#' @param Study Study ID
#' @param GenProf genetic profile reference
#' @param Case Case reference
#' @param Class indicates the panel ProfData or Mutdata
#' @examples
#' cgds <- cBioPortal(
#' hostname = "www.cbioportal.org",
#' protocol = "https",
#' api = "/api/v2/api-docs"
#' )
#' \dontrun{
#' getDataByGenes( api = cgds,
#' studyId = "gbm_tcga_pub",
#' genes = c("NF1", "TP53", "ABL1"),
#' by = "hugoGeneSymbol",
#' molecularProfileIds = "gbm_tcga_pub_mrna"
#' )
getMegaProfData <- function(MegaGeneList, Study, GenProf, Case, Class){
G <- length(MegaGeneList)/500
G <- as.integer(length(MegaGeneList)/500) + 1
# if(input=="Class"){
# GenProf <- input$GenProfsIDClassifier[s]
# Case <- input$CasesIDClassifier[s]
# }else if(input=="ProfData"){
# GenProf <- input$GenProfID
# Case <- input$CasesID
# }
MegaProfData <- 0
SubMegaGeneList <- 0
for(g in 1: G){
if (length(MegaGeneList) - length(SubMegaGeneList) > 500){
SubMegaGeneList <- MegaGeneList[(((g-1)*500)+1):((g)*500)]
} else{
SubMegaGeneList <- MegaGeneList[(((g-1)*500)+1):length(MegaGeneList) ]
print(paste("Getting Profile Data of Genes from: ", (((g-1)*500)+1), "to",((g)*500), sep= " "))
#ProfData<-getProfileData.CGDS(cgds,SubMegaGeneList, GenProf,Case)
ProfData <- cBioPortalData::getDataByGenes(api = cgds, studyId = Study,
genes = SubMegaGeneList, by = "hugoGeneSymbol",
molecularProfileIds = GenProf)%>%
.[[1]] |>
select(-c("uniqueSampleKey", "uniquePatientKey", "molecularProfileId", "sampleId", "studyId"))
MegaProfData <- cbind(MegaProfData, ProfData)
}else if(Class=="MutData"){
if (inherits(try(#ProfData <- getMutationData.CGDS(cgds,Case, GenProf, SubMegaGeneList)
ProfData <- getDataByGenes(
api = cgds,
studyId = Study,
genes = SubMegaGeneList,
by = "hugoGeneSymbol",
molecularProfileIds = GenProf
) , silent=FALSE),"try-error")){
msgbadGeneList <- "There are some Gene Symbols not supported by cbioportal server"
#tkmessageBox(message=msgbadGeneList, icon="warning")
#ProfData <- getMutationData.CGDS(cgds,Case, GenProf, SubMegaGeneList)
ProfData <- getDataByGenes(api = cgds,
studyId = Study,
genes = SubMegaGeneList,
by = "hugoGeneSymbol",
molecularProfileIds = GenProf) %>%
.[[1]] |>
select(-c("uniqueSampleKey", "uniquePatientKey", "molecularProfileId", "sampleId", "studyId"))
MegaProfData <- rbind(MegaProfData, ProfData)
MegaProfData <- MegaProfData[,-1]
}else if (Class=="MutData"){
MegaProfData <- MegaProfData[-1,]
MegaProfData <- round(MegaProfData, digits = 3)
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