#' search and get genetic profiles (CNA,mRNA, Methylation, Mutation...)
#' @details See \url{https://github.com/kmezhoud/bioCancer/wiki}
#' @return A data frame with Genetic profile
#' @usage getProfData(study,genProf, listGenProf, GeneList, Mut)
#' @param study Study ID
#' @param genProf Genetic Profile id (cancer_study_id_[mutations, cna, methylation, mrna ]).
#' @param listGenProf A list of Genetic Profiles for one study.
#' @param GeneList A list of genes
#' @param Mut Condition to set if the genetic profile is mutation or not (0,1)
#' @examples
#' cgds <- cBioPortal(
#' hostname = "www.cbioportal.org",
#' protocol = "https",
#' api = "/api/v2/api-docs"
#' )
#' \dontrun{
#' getDataByGenes( api = cgds,
#' studyId = "gbm_tcga_pub",
#' genes = c("NF1", "TP53", "ABL1"),
#' by = "hugoGeneSymbol",
#' molecularProfileIds = "gbm_tcga_pub_mrna"
#' )
getProfData<-function(study, genProf, listGenProf, GeneList, Mut){
if(length(grep(genProf, listGenProf))!= 0){
ProfData_X <- cBioPortalData::getDataByGenes(api = cgds,
studyId = study,
genes = GeneList,
by = "hugoGeneSymbol",
molecularProfileIds = genProf) |>
unname() |>
# avoid error if no profile data exist for geneList
#all(dim(ProfData_X)==c(0,1) ||
#nrow(ProfData_X)==0)== TRUE){ #length(ProfData_X)== 0 ||
#print(paste0("No Profile Data available for:", genProf))
## built empty data frame with gene Symbol in colnames
ProfData_X <- as.data.frame(setNames(replicate(length(GeneList),numeric(1),
simplify = FALSE),
}else if (Mut==1){
## built emty data.frame as the same form of MutData
hugoGeneSymbol <- as.vector(GeneList)
proteinChange <- rep(character(1), length(GeneList))
variantType <- rep(character(1), length(GeneList))
MutData <- data.frame(hugoGeneSymbol, proteinChange, variantType)
}else if(Mut== 0){
ProfData_X <- ProfData_X |>
#.[[1]] |>
select("sampleId", "hugoGeneSymbol", "value") |>
spread("hugoGeneSymbol", "value") |>
## check the order of geneList and add gene with empty data NA.
missing <- setdiff(GeneList[order(GeneList)], names(ProfData_X))
ProfData_X[missing] <- NA
ProfData_X |> select(GeneList[order(GeneList)])
} else if(Mut==1){
#print(paste0("Getting Mutation Data of ", study ," ..."))
MutData <- ProfData_X |>
#.[[1]] |>
select("hugoGeneSymbol", "proteinChange", "variantType")
paste("There is no genetic Profiles: ",
genProf ), value = 1,
{p1 <- proc.time()
Sys.sleep(2) # wait 2 seconds
proc.time() - p1 })
print(paste("There is no genetic Profiles: ", genProf ))
ProfData_X <- as.data.frame(setNames(replicate(
length(GeneList),numeric(1), simplify = FALSE),
#' get list of data frame with profiles data (CNA,mRNA, Methylation, Mutation...)
#' @usage getListProfData(checked_Studies, geneListLabel)
#' @param checked_Studies checked studies in corresponding panel (input$StudiesIDCircos, input$StudiesIDReactome).
#' @param geneListLabel The label of GeneList. There are three cases:
#' "Genes" user gene list,
#' "Reactome_GeneList" GeneList plus genes from reactomeFI
#' "file name" from Examples
#' @return A LIST of profiles data (CNA, mRNA, Methylation, Mutation, miRNA, RPPA).
#' Each dimension content a list of studies.
#' cgds <- cBioPortal(
#' hostname = "www.cbioportal.org",
#' protocol = "https",
#' api = "/api/v2/api-docs"
#' )
#' \dontrun{
#' getDataByGenes( api = cgds,
#' studyId = "gbm_tcga_pub",
#' genes = c("NF1", "TP53", "ABL1"),
#' by = "hugoGeneSymbol",
#' molecularProfileIds = "gbm_tcga_pub_mrna"
#' )
#' @export
getListProfData <- function(checked_Studies, geneListLabel){
GeneList <- whichGeneList(geneListLabel)
ListProfData <- NULL
r_info$ListProfData <- NULL #reinit tree for circomics
ListMetData <- NULL
ListMutData <- NULL
i <- 0
for(s in checked_Studies){
#Si = myGlobalEnv$checked_StudyIndex[s]
shiny::withProgress(message= paste(s,":"), value = 1, {
incProgress(0.1, detail=paste(round((i/length(checked_Studies))*100, 0),"% of Profiles Data"))
### get Cases and Genetic Profiles with cBioportal references
GenProf_CNA <- paste(s,"_gistic", sep="")
#Case_CNA <- paste(s,"_cna", sep="")
GenProf_Exp <- paste(s,"_rna_seq_v2_mrna", sep="")
#Case_Exp <- paste(s,"_rna_seq_v2_mrna", sep="")
GenProf_Met_HM450 <- paste(s,"_methylation_hm450", sep="")
#Case_Met_HM450 <- paste(s,"_methylation_hm450", sep="")
GenProf_Met_HM27 <- paste(s,"_methylation_hm27", sep="")
#Case_Met_HM27 <- paste(s,"_methylation_hm27", sep="")
GenProf_RPPA <- paste(s,"_rppa", sep="")
#Case_RPPA <- paste(s,"_rppa", sep="")
GenProf_miRNA <- paste(s,"_mirna", sep="")
#Case_miRNA <- paste(s,"_microrna", sep="")
GenProf_Mut<- paste(s,"_mutations", sep="")
#Case_Mut <- paste(s,"_sequenced", sep="")
## get Genetics Profiles for selected each Study
GenProfsRefStudies <- unname(unlist(apply(
as.data.frame(s), 1,
function(x) molecularProfiles(api = cgds, studyId = x)[,"molecularProfileId"])))
ProfData_CNA <- getProfData(s, GenProf_CNA,
GenProfsRefStudies, GeneList, Mut=0)
ProfData_Exp <- getProfData(s, GenProf_Exp,
GenProfsRefStudies, GeneList, Mut=0)
ProfData_Met_HM450 <- getProfData(s, GenProf_Met_HM450,
GenProfsRefStudies, GeneList, Mut=0)
ProfData_Met_HM27 <- getProfData(s, GenProf_Met_HM27,
GenProfsRefStudies, GeneList, Mut=0)
ProfData_RPPA <- getProfData(s, GenProf_RPPA,
GenProfsRefStudies, GeneList, Mut=0)
ProfData_miRNA <- getProfData(s, GenProf_miRNA,
GenProfsRefStudies, GeneList, Mut=0)
MutData <- getProfData(s,GenProf_Mut,
GenProfsRefStudies,GeneList, Mut=1)
ListProfData$CNA[[s]] <- ProfData_CNA
ListProfData$Expression[[s]] <- ProfData_Exp
ListProfData$Met_HM450[[s]] <- ProfData_Met_HM450
ListProfData$Met_HM27[[s]] <- ProfData_Met_HM27
ListMetData$HM450[[s]] <- ProfData_Met_HM450
ListMetData$HM27[[s]] <- ProfData_Met_HM27
ListProfData$RPPA[[s]] <- ProfData_RPPA
ListProfData$miRNA[[s]] <- ProfData_miRNA
ListMutData[[s]] <- MutData
#print(" End Getting Profiles Data... ")
r_info[['ListProfData']] <- ListProfData
r_info[['ListMetData']] <- ListMetData
r_info[['ListMutData']] <- ListMutData
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