#' @title Creates heatmap for a geographic motif
#' @description Takes the motif fitted from \code{ecos_fit} and plots the theta
#' component as a heatmap across space using suitable raster information.
#' @param theta_mat The theta output from the model fit from
#' \code{ecos_fit}
#' @param dsp_fld_res The resolution of the dispersion field.
#' @param color_ramp Color palette to be used for the heat map.
#' @param raster_latlim If disp_fld_list is a list of matrices, the latitudinal range
#' of the dispersion fields must be provided as a vector.
#' @param raster_longlim If disp_fld_list is a list of matrices, the longitudinal range
#' of the dispersion fields must be provided as a vector.
#' @param outline_col The outline color of the projected map.
#' @param proj A character string of projection arguments; the arguments must be entered
#' exactly as in the PROJ.4 documentation. To be evaluated by sp::CRS().
#' default '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84'.
#' @return Returns a heatmap plot, similar to the \code{dsp_plot_map} function
#' for the theta matrix using the specified raster,
#' @keywords dispersion field, motif, maps
#' @examples
#' data("example_theta")
#' himalayan_geo_motifs <- dsp_motif(example_theta,
#' color_ramp = c("black", "darkseagreen3",
#' "orange","red"),
#' dsp_fld_res = 8)
#' himalayan_geo_motifs$motif_maps[[1]]
#' @export
dsp_motif = function(theta_mat,
dsp_fld_res = 8,
color_ramp = c("black", "darkseagreen3",
raster_latlim = c(5,50),
raster_longlim = c(50,120),
outline_col = "white",
proj = '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84'){
global_boundaries <- sf::st_read(system.file("extdata","ne_110m_admin_0_boundary_lines_land",
package = "ecostructure"),quiet=T)
ext_gbl_bnd <-raster::extent(global_boundaries)
global_coast <- sf::st_read(system.file("extdata","ne_110m_coastline",
package = "ecostructure"),quiet=T)
ext_gbl_cst <-raster::extent(global_coast)
if(!proj=='+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84'){
global_boundaries <- st_transform(global_boundaries, proj)
global_coast <- st_transform(global_coast, proj)
global_boundaries <- as(global_boundaries,'Spatial')
global_boundaries@bbox <- as.matrix(ext_gbl_bnd)
global_coast <- as(global_coast,'Spatial')
global_coast@bbox <- as.matrix(ext_gbl_cst)
} else {
global_boundaries <- as(global_boundaries,'Spatial')
global_coast <- as(global_coast,'Spatial')
newtheme <- rasterVis::rasterTheme(region = grDevices::colorRampPalette(color_ramp)( 100 ))
motif_thetas <- list()
for (i in 1:dim(theta_mat)[2]){
motif_thetas[[i]] <- matrix(theta_mat[,i],
nrow = (raster_latlim[2]-raster_latlim[1])/(1/dsp_fld_res),
ncol = (raster_longlim[2]-raster_longlim[1])/(1/dsp_fld_res))
theta_map <- list()
motif_rasters <- list()
for (i in 1:length(motif_thetas)){
r <- raster::raster(motif_thetas[[i]],
theta_map[[i]] <- rasterVis::levelplot(r, par.settings = newtheme,
contour=F, margin=FALSE,
at=seq(0, raster::maxValue(r), length.out=100)) +
latticeExtra::layer(sp::sp.lines(global_boundaries,col= outline_col, lwd=0.5),
data=list(outline_col = outline_col,
global_boundaries = global_boundaries)) +
latticeExtra::layer(sp::sp.lines(global_coast,col = outline_col, lwd=0.5),
data=list(outline_col = outline_col,
global_coast = global_coast))
motif_rasters[[i]] <- r
names(theta_map) <- colnames(theta_mat)
names(motif_rasters) <- colnames(theta_mat)
ll <- list("motif_maps" = theta_map, "motif_rasters" = motif_rasters)
#test2 <- dispersion_fields_motif(test$topic_fit$theta)
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