#' Returns metadata for all eupathdb organisms.
#' @param overwrite Overwrite existing data?
#' @param webservice Optional alternative webservice for hard-to-find species.
#' @param bioc_version Manually set the bioconductor release if desired.
#' @param build_dir Where to put the json.
#' @param eu_version Choose a specific eupathdb version?
#' @param limit_n Maximum number of valid entries to return.
#' @param verbose Print helper message about species matching?
#' @return Dataframe with lots of rows for the various species in eupathdb.
#' @author Keith Hughitt
#' @export
download_eupath_metadata <- function(overwrite = TRUE, webservice = "eupathdb",
bioc_version = NULL, eu_version = NULL,
verbose = FALSE, build_dir = "build") {
versions <- get_versions(bioc_version = bioc_version, eu_version = eu_version)
eu_version <- versions[["eu_version"]]
db_version <- versions[["db_version"]]
bioc_version <- versions[["bioc_version"]]
file_lst <- get_metadata_filename(webservice, bioc_version, eu_version,
build_dir = build_dir)
if (isFALSE(overwrite) && file.exists(file_lst[["all"]]) {
message("Reading existing metadata csv file.")
metadata_df <- readr::read_csv(file = file_lst[["all"]], col_types = readr::cols())
retlist <- list(
"valid" = metadata_df,
"invalid" = data.frame())
## Choose which service(s) to query, if it is 'eupathdb' do them all.
webservice <- tolower(webservice)
if (webservice == "eupathdb") {
meta_lst <- get_all_metadata()
## Create the build directory if it is not already there.
if (!dir.exists(build_dir)) {
created <- dir.create(build_dir, recursive = TRUE)
.data <- NULL ## To satisfy R CMD CHECK
## Excepting schistodb, all the services are .orgs which is a .net.
tld <- "org"
if (webservice == "schistodb") {
tld <- "net"
## Finalize the URL to query using the webservice, tld, etc.
service_directory <- prefix_map(webservice)
base_url <- glue("https://{webservice}.{tld}/{service_directory}/service/record-types/organism/searches/GenomeDataTypes/reports/standard")
## FIXME: Set this up as a configurable datastructure that I can modify without being sad.
post_string <- '{
"searchConfig": {
"parameters": {},
"wdkWeight": 10
"reportConfig": {
"attributes": [
"tables": []
result <- httr::POST(url = base_url, body = post_string,
cont <- check_post_result(result)
result <- try(jsonlite::fromJSON(cont, flatten = TRUE))
if (class(result)[1] == "try-error") {
stop("There was a parsing failure when reading the metadata.")
## Every record contains and id, some fields, and tables.
records <- result[["records"]]
colnames(records) <- gsub(pattern = "^attributes\\.", replacement = "",
x = colnames(records))
## Once again, this is filling in schisto.org, which is weird.
## It turns out the metadata returned still says schistodb.org even though it is .net.
## I am pretty sure I wrote Cristina about this and it may be fixed now.
records <- mutate_if(
stringr::str_replace_all, pattern = "SchistoDB.org", replacement = "SchistoDB.net")
## The NULL is because NSE semantics are still a bit nonsensical to me.
## The goal here though is to create a final table of the expected metadata from the
## various bits and pieces downloaded along with the things we know a priori (like the
## eupathdb version, bioconductor version, etc.
SourceUrl <- NULL
records <- expand_list_columns(records)
## The full set of columns changed again and are now (rearranged to alphabetic order):
## "annotation_version"
## "annotation_source"
## "arraygenecount"
## "chipchipgenecount"
## "chromosomeCount"
## "codinggenecount"
## "communitycount"
## "contigCount"
## "displayName"
## "ecnumbercount"
## "estcount"
## "genecount"
## "genome_source"
## "genome_version"
## "gocount"
## "id"
## "isOrganellar_flag"
## "is_reference_strain"
## "megabps"
## "ncbi_tax_id"
## "orthologcount"
## "othergenecount"
## "popsetcount"
## "primary_key"
## "proteomicscount"
## "project_id"
## "provider_id"
## "pseudogenecount"
## "recordClassName"
## "rnaseqcount"
## "rtpcrcount"
## "snpcount"
## "source_id"
## "tableErrors"
## "tfbscount"
## "URLGenomeFasta"
## "URLgff"
## "URLproteinFasta"
## This transmute is being performed in an attempt to standardize the column names.
## In creating it, I took the original column names, alphabetized them, rewrote them as
## CamelCase, changed ones which are explicitly numeric/URLs, and added a few which are
## used by AnnotationHub. I think we can assume they will change more as time passes, given
## that they have changed at least once in the recent past.
## Here are columns which do not yet have a home, but were included in the older versions
## of this before they changed it circa 202011
## "TaxonomyId" = .data[["ncbi_taxon_url.displayText"]],
## "SpeciesName" = .data[["species"]],
## "StrainName" = .data[["strain"]],
## "DataProvider" = .data[["provider_id"]],
## "Annotated" = .data[["is_annotated_genome"]],
## "Published" = .data[["is_published"]],
## "NumOrthologs" = .data[["orthologcount"]],
## "SourceUrl" = .data[["URLgff"]],
## "SourceType" = "GFF",
## "GenomeUrl" = .data[["URLGenomeFasta"]],
## "NumGO" = .data[["gocount"]],
## "ProjectID" = .data[["project_id"]],
## "NumEST" = .data[["estcount"]],
## "NumEC" = .data[["ecnumbercount"]],
## "NumCoding" = .data[["codinggenecount"]],
## "ReferenceStrain" = .data[["is_reference_strain"]],
## "NumSNPs" = .data[["snpcount"]],
## "NumPseudoGenes" = .data[["pseudogenecount"]],
## "ProteinUrl" = .data[["URLproteinFasta"]],
## "DataSource" = .data[["data_source"]],
## "DataVersion" = .data[["database_version"]],
## "Coordinate_1_based" = TRUE,
## "Maintainer" = "Keith Hughitt <khughitt@umd.edu>") %>%
## Thus I am not going to chain the following operations, because until everything stabilizes
## I am just going to have to come back in here and fix weird stuff.
metadata <- records %>%
## "annotation_version"
"AnnotationVersion" = .data[["annotation_version"]],
## "annotation_source"
"AnnotationSource" = .data[["annotation_source"]],
## Not a column from the POST
"BiocVersion" = as.character(bioc_version),
## "project_id"
"DataProvider" = .data[["project_id"]],
"Genome" = sub(pattern = ".gff", replacement = "", x = basename(.data[["URLgff"]])),
## "genome_source"
"GenomeSource" = .data[["genome_source"]],
## "genome_version"
"GenomeVersion" = .data[["genome_version"]],
## "arraygenecount"
"NumArrayGene" = .data[["arraygenecount"]],
## "chipchipgenecount"
"NumChipChipGene" = .data[["chipchipgenecount"]],
## "chromosomeCount"
"NumChromosome" = .data[["chromosomeCount"]],
## "codinggenecount"
"NumCodingGene" = .data[["codinggenecount"]],
## "communitycount"
"NumCommunity" = .data[["communitycount"]],
## "contigCount"
"NumContig" = .data[["contigCount"]],
## "ecnumbercount"
"NumEC" = .data[["ecnumbercount"]],
## "estcount"
"NumEST" = .data[["estcount"]],
## "genecount"
"NumGene" = .data[["genecount"]],
## "gocount"
"NumGO" = .data[["gocount"]],
## "orthologcount"
"NumOrtholog" = .data[["orthologcount"]],
## "othergenecount"
"NumOtherGene" = .data[["othergenecount"]],
## "popsetcount"
"NumPopSet" = .data[["popsetcount"]],
## "proteomicscount"
"NumProteomics" = .data[["proteomicscount"]],
## "pseudogenecount"
"NumPseudogene" = .data[["pseudogenecount"]],
## "rnaseqcount"
"NumRNASeq" = .data[["rnaseqcount"]],
## "rtpcrcount"
"NumRTPCR" = .data[["rtpcrcount"]],
## "snpcount"
"NumSNP" = .data[["snpcount"]],
## "tfbscount"
"NumTFBS" = .data[["tfbscount"]],
## "isOrganellar_flag"
"Organellar" = .data[["isOrganellar_flag"]],
## "is_reference_strain"
"ReferenceStrain" = .data[["is_reference_strain"]],
## "megabps"
"MegaBP" = .data[["megabps"]],
## "primary_key"
"PrimaryKey" = gsub(pattern = "<[^>]*>", replacement = "", x = .data[["primary_key"]]),
## "project_id"
"ProjectID" = .data[["project_id"]],
## "recordClassName"
"RecordClassName" = .data[["recordClassName"]],
## "source_id"
"SourceID" = .data[["source_id"]],
"SourceVersion" = db_version,
## "ncbi_tax_id"
"TaxonomyID" = .data[["ncbi_tax_id"]],
## "displayName"
"TaxonomyName" = gsub(pattern = "<[^>]*>", replacement = "", x = .data[["displayName"]]),
## "URLGenomeFasta"
"URLGenome" = .data[["URLGenomeFasta"]],
## "URLgff"
"URLGFF" = .data[["URLgff"]],
## "URLproteinFasta"
"URLProtein" = .data[["URLproteinFasta"]],
"Coordinate_1_based" = TRUE,
"Maintainer" = "Keith Hughitt <khughitt@umd.edu>")
## There remain a series of cleanups which will need to happen before this data is usable:
## 1. When downloading data directly, there is no 'Current_Release' directory (or at least there
## was none when last I checked.
metadata <- metadata %>%
pattern = "Current_Release",
replacement = glue("release-{db_version}"))
## 2. In the weeks leading up to a new release, the EuPathDB folks change the SourceURL column
## to reflect the coming database version before it actually exists. Thus during that time
## downloads will fail unless the database version is substituted back in.
## Shush, R CMD check
URLGFF <- URLGenome <- URLProtein <- NULL
metadata <- metadata %>%
dplyr::mutate("SourceUrl" = gsub(pattern = "DB-(\\d\\d)_",
replacement = glue("DB-{db_version}_"),
x = URLGFF)) %>%
dplyr::mutate("URLGFF" = gsub(pattern = "DB-(\\d\\d)_",
replacement = glue("DB-{db_version}_"),
x = URLGFF)) %>%
dplyr::mutate("URLGenome" = gsub(pattern = "DB-(\\d\\d)_", ## Ibid.
replacement = glue("DB-{db_version}_"),
x = URLGenome)) %>%
dplyr::mutate("URLProtein" = gsub(pattern = "DB-(\\d\\d)_", ## Ibid.
replacement = glue("DB-{db_version}_"),
x = URLProtein))
## 3. Add taxonomic tags
tag_strings <- get_tags()
metadata[["Tags"]] <- sapply(metadata[["DataProvider"]], function(x) {
## overide missing taxonomy ids for strains where it can be assigned; ideally
## OrgDb and GRanges objects should not depend on taxonomy id information since
## this precludes the inclusion of a lot of prokaryotic resources.
## In addition, exclude remaining species which are missing taxonomy information from
## the metadata; cannot construct GRanges/OrgDb instances for them since they are
## have no known taxonomy id, and are not in available.species()
## This line is not currently used, it probably should be used to subset out the entries
## for which the taxonomy information is invalid. I think I did not use it because
## I later added some heuristics to hunt down the missing entries, and actually doing
## the subset based on this results in the loss of too many species.
na_idx <- is.na(metadata[["TaxonomyID"]])
## I think I will try to hack around this problem.
metadata[["TaxonomyID"]] <- as.numeric(metadata[["TaxonomyID"]])
## generate separate metadata table for OrgDB and GRanges targets
## build_version_string <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y.%m")
## I am going to try to simplify the above and make sure that all filenames actually work.
## If my queries to Lori turn out acceptable, then I will delete a bunch of the stuff above.
## But for the moment, it will be a bit redundant.
metadata[["BsgenomePkg"]] <- ""
metadata[["BsgenomeFile"]] <- ""
metadata[["GrangesPkg"]] <- ""
metadata[["GrangesFile"]] <- ""
metadata[["OrganismdbiPkg"]] <- ""
metadata[["OrganismdbiFile"]] <- ""
metadata[["OrgdbPkg"]] <- ""
metadata[["OrgdbFile"]] <- ""
metadata[["TxdbPkg"]] <- ""
metadata[["TxdbFile"]] <- ""
metadata[["Taxon"]] <- ""
metadata[["Genus"]] <- ""
metadata[["Species"]] <- ""
metadata[["Strain"]] <- ""
metadata[["GenusSpecies"]] <- ""
metadata[["TaxonUnmodified"]] <- ""
metadata[["GIDB_Genus_Species"]] <- ""
metadata[["AH_Genus_Species"]] <- ""
metadata[["Valid_Taxonomy_ID"]] <- FALSE
metadata[["Valid_AH_Species"]] <- FALSE
metadata[["Matched_Taxonomy"]] <- "unmatched"
metadata[["Matched_GIDB"]] <- "unmatched"
metadata[["Matched_AH"]] <- "unmatched"
## Load the taxonomy ID number database in order to check/fix messed up/missing IDs.
message("Loading taxonomy and species database to cross reference against the download.")
all_taxa_ids <- GenomeInfoDb::loadTaxonomyDb()
ah_species <- AnnotationHubData::getSpeciesList()
## Load the taxonomy ID number database in order to check/fix messed up/missing IDs.
matched_taxonomy_numbers <- 0
unmatched_taxonomy_numbers <- 0
## Include the package names for the various data types along with the most likely
## useful separations of the taxon name (e.g. The Genus, Species, Strain, etc.)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(metadata))) {
metadatum <- metadata[i, ]
## In most invocations of make_taxon_names and get_eupath_pkgnames,
## we use the column 'TaxonUnmodified', because we are modifying Species to
## match what is acquired from GenomeInfoDb::loadTaxonomyDb().
## But, right now we are in the process of making that match, so use the
## Species column here.
pkg_names <- get_eupath_pkgnames(metadatum, column = "TaxonomyName")
message("Working on: ", i, ": ", pkg_names[["orgdb"]], ".")
species_info <- make_taxon_names(metadatum, column = "TaxonomyName")
metadatum["BsgenomePkg"] <- pkg_names[["bsgenome"]]
metadatum["BsgenomeFile"] <- file.path(
build_dir, "S3", "BSgenome", metadatum["BiocVersion"],
metadatum["BsgenomePkg"], "single_sequences.2bit")
metadatum["GrangesPkg"] <- pkg_names[["granges"]]
metadatum["GrangesFile"] <- file.path(
build_dir, "S3", "GRanges", metadatum["BiocVersion"], metadatum["GrangesPkg"])
metadatum["OrganismdbiPkg"] <- pkg_names[["organismdbi"]]
metadatum["OrganismdbiFile"] <- file.path(
build_dir, "S3", "OrganismDbi", metadatum["BiocVersion"],
metadatum["OrganismdbiPkg"], "graphInfo.rda")
metadatum["OrgdbPkg"] <- pkg_names[["orgdb"]]
metadatum["OrgdbFile"] <- file.path(
build_dir, "S3", "OrgDb", metadatum["BiocVersion"],
gsub(x = metadatum["OrgdbPkg"], pattern = "db$", replacement = "sqlite"))
metadatum["TxdbPkg"] <- pkg_names[["txdb"]]
metadatum["TxdbFile"] <- file.path(
build_dir, "S3", "TxDb", metadatum["BiocVersion"],
metadatum["GenusSpecies"] <- gsub(x = species_info[["genus_species"]],
pattern = "\\.", replacement = " ")
metadatum["Strain"] <- species_info[["strain"]]
metadatum["Genus"] <- species_info[["genus"]]
metadatum["Species"] <- species_info[["species"]]
metadatum["Taxon"] <- gsub(x = species_info[["taxon"]],
pattern = "\\.", replacement = " ")
metadatum["TaxonUnmodified"] <- species_info[["unmodified"]]
## Cross reference the taxonomy number (if existing) in the
## downloaded metadata against the taxonomy database. If they
## agree, great! If only one of the two has information, it
## should be the taxonomy database. If there are more than one
## match, that is a bit disappointing but not as uncommong as one
## would think (primarily because the same number is recycled for
## multiple strains of a single species.
taxonomy_lst <- xref_taxonomy_number(
metadatum, all_taxa_ids, taxon_number_column = "TaxonomyID",
metadata_taxon_column = "TaxonUnmodified", verbose = verbose)
taxonomy_number <- taxonomy_lst[["ID"]]
metadatum[["Matched_Taxonomy"]] <- taxonomy_lst[["status"]]
if (is.null(taxonomy_number)) {
## Then we could not make a match.
unmatched_taxonomy_numbers <- unmatched_taxonomy_numbers + 1
} else if (isTRUE(taxonomy_number)) {
matched_taxonomy_numbers <- matched_taxonomy_numbers + 1
metadatum[["Valid_Taxonomy_ID"]] <- TRUE
## Then the existing number matches genomeInfodb.
} else if (is.numeric(taxonomy_number)) {
metadatum[["TaxonomyID"]] <- taxonomy_number
matched_taxonomy_numbers <- matched_taxonomy_numbers + 1
metadatum[["Valid_Taxonomy_ID"]] <- TRUE
} else {
message("Should not fall through to here.")
## Cross reference the downloaded species ID (and associated
## taxonomy number) against the genomeInfoDB hopefully canonical
## set of species IDs.
gidb_lst <- xref_gidb_species(
metadatum, taxon_number_column = "TaxonomyID", all_taxa_ids, verbose = verbose)
metadatum[["GIDB_Genus_Species"]] <- gidb_lst[["ID"]]
metadatum[["Matched_GIDB"]] <- gidb_lst[["status"]]
## Finally, cross reference the species against annotationHub.
## Note, that despite the previous attempts to sanitize
## everything, if an ID does not match what is in AH, then it will
## end badly when/if the data is submitted to annotationHub.
## Thus, the previous two cross references are really intended
## only to make a good faith attempt to find IDs/names which are
## suitable/most likely to match what is found at AH.
ah_lst <- xref_ah_species(metadatum, ah_species, verbose = verbose)
found_ah_species <- ah_lst[["ID"]]
metadata[["Matched_AH"]] <- ah_lst[["status"]]
if (!is.null(found_ah_species)) {
metadatum[["Valid_AH_Species"]] <- TRUE
metadatum[["AH_Genus_Species"]] <- found_ah_species
## Hopefully now, the TaxonXref column contains only things which match getSpeciesList()
## and the TaxonomyID column contains only things in the GenomeInfoDb.
## Assuming all the information is now sanitized and sane,
## put the row back into the metadata df with the filled information.
metadata[i, ] <- metadatum
valid_idx <- (TRUE == metadata[["Valid_Taxonomy_ID"]]) &
(TRUE == metadata[["Valid_AH_Species"]])
valid_entries <- metadata[valid_idx, ]
invalid_entries <- metadata[!valid_idx, ]
if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
message("Writing ", nrow(valid_entries), " valid entries and ",
nrow(invalid_entries), " invalid entries.")
## Write out the metadata and finish up.
written <- write_eupath_metadata(metadata = valid_entries,
webservice = webservice,
file_type = "valid",
build_dir = build_dir,
overwrite = overwrite)
invalid_written <- write_eupath_metadata(metadata = invalid_entries,
webservice = webservice,
file_type = "invalid",
overwrite = overwrite)
retlist <- list(
"valid" = valid_entries,
"invalid" = invalid_entries)
class(retlist) <- "downloaded_metadata"
download_real_taxa <- function(webservice, tld, service_directory) {
funkytown <- "curl 'https://tritrypdb.org/tritrypdb/service/record-types/transcript/searches/GenesByTaxon?expandParams=true' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'DNT: 1' -H 'x-client-wdk-timestamp: 1611591828791' -H 'x-client-retry-count: 0' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.141 Safari/537.36' -H 'content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty' -H 'Referer: https://tritrypdb.org/tritrypdb/app/search/transcript/GenesByTaxon' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9' --compressed"
curl_result <- system2("/bin/bash", args = c("-c", shQuote(funkytown)), stdout = TRUE)
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