#' Identifies all R / L interactions
#' This function will map all RL interactions
#' @param input the input full_network from calc_rc_network
#' @param group_by the pData columns calc_rl_network was calculated on to split the networks
#' @param edge_weight the network edge_weight types. See column names of calc_rl_network$Summary
#' @param rank whether or not to rank the edges for contrast on arrow sizes
#' @param threshold the percentage value as a decimal
#' @param reference the reference for grouped data
#' @export
#' @details
#' This will use the calc_agg_bulk results to ID networks
#' @examples
#' ex_sc_example <- id_rl(input = ex_sc_example)
plot_rl_summary <- function(input, group_by = FALSE, edge_weight = "fraction_connections",
rank = TRUE, threshold = NA, reference = NA){
##### Colors to match ggplot #####
gg_color_hue <- function(n) {
hues = seq(15, 375, length = n + 1)
hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:n]
n = length(unique(as.character(input$Summary[,"Lig_produce"])))
dynamic_colors = gg_color_hue(n)
##### Arrowhead Sizing #####
eqarrowPlot <- function(graph, layout, edge.lty=rep(1, ecount(graph)),
edge.arrow.size=rep(1, ecount(graph)),
edge.curved=rep(0.0, length(E(graph))), ...) {
plot(graph, edge.lty=0, edge.arrow.size=0, layout=layout,
vertex.shape="none", edge.color=edge.col)
for (e in seq_len(ecount(graph))) {
graph2 <- delete.edges(graph, E(graph)[(1:ecount(graph))[-e]])
plot(graph2, edge.lty=edge.lty[e], edge.arrow.size=edge.arrow.size[e],
edge.curved=edge.curved[e], edge.color=edge.col[e], layout=layout, vertex.shape="none",
vertex.label=NA, add=TRUE, ...)
plot(graph, edge.lty=0, edge.arrow.size=0, layout=layout,
vertex.shape=vertex.shape, edge.color=edge.col, add=TRUE, ...)
##### Summary plot type is edges weighted by the number of connections #####
net_dat <- input$Summary
for (i in 1:ncol(net_dat)) {
net_dat[,i] <- as.character(net_dat[,i])
if(group_by!= FALSE){
##### GROUPED DATA #####
net_dat_final <- net_dat
for (i in 1:nrow(net_dat_final)) {
tmp <- net_dat_final[i,]
tmp[,"Lig_produce"] <- paste0(c(tmp[,group_by], tmp[,"Lig_produce"]), collapse = "_")
tmp[,"Rec_receive"] <- paste0(c(tmp[,group_by], tmp[,"Rec_receive"]), collapse = "_")
net_dat_final[i,] <- tmp
for (i in 1:nrow(net_dat_final)) {
tmp <- net_dat_final[i,]
tmp[,"Lig_produce"] <- paste0(c("Lig", tmp[,"Lig_produce"]), collapse = "_")
tmp[,"Rec_receive"] <- paste0(c("Rec", tmp[,"Rec_receive"]), collapse = "_")
net_dat_final[i,] <- tmp
order <- c()
groups <- unique(net_dat[,group_by])
for (i in 1:length(groups)) {
int <- groups[i]
tab <- grep(int, net_dat[,group_by])
order <- c(order , tab)
net_dat_final <- net_dat_final[order,]
net_graph <- graph_from_data_frame(net_dat_final)
##### Layout #####
l <- layout_in_circle(net_graph)
rownames(l) <- names(V(net_graph))
y_pos <- seq(1:length(unique(net_dat[,"Lig_produce"])))
l[,2] <- rep(y_pos)
xpos <- seq(1:(length(groups)*2))
for (i in 1:length(xpos)) {
if(i == 1){
# do nothing
} else {
if(i %% 2 == 0){
xpos[i] <- xpos[i-1]+5
} else {
xpos[i] <- xpos[i-1]+1
chunk2 <- function(x,n) split(x, cut(seq_along(x), n, labels = FALSE))
grouped_pos <- chunk2(xpos, length(groups))
for (i in 1:length(groups)) {
int <- groups[i]
ind <- grep(int, rownames(l))
posits <- chunk2(ind, 2)
for (j in 1:length(posits)) {
l[posits[[j]],1] <- grouped_pos[[i]][j]
##### Color Nodes #####
V(net_graph)$color <- rep(dynamic_colors, length(unique(net_dat_final[,group_by]))*2)
##### Color Edges #####
edge.col <- rep(rep(dynamic_colors, each = length(unique(net_dat[,"Lig_produce"]))), length(groups))
edge.col2 <- edge.col
test <- c()
vals <- unique(net_dat$Lig_produce)
stop("A reference must be provided if a threshold is set")
for (i in 1:length(vals)) {
ind1 <- grep(vals[i], net_dat_final$Lig_produce)
for(j in 1:length(vals)){
ind2 <- grep(vals[j], net_dat_final$Rec_receive)
row <- intersect(ind1, ind2)
int <- net_dat_final[row,]
ref_val <- grep(reference, int[,group_by])
ref_val_norm <- as.numeric(int[ref_val,edge_weight])
vals2 <- ref_val_norm/as.numeric(int[-ref_val,edge_weight])
test <- c(test, vals2)
for (k in 1:length(vals2)) {
int2 <- vals2[k]
if(int2 > (1+threshold) || int2 < (1-threshold)){
edge.col2[row] <- edge.col[row]
} else {
edge.col2[row] <- "gray"
edge.col <- edge.col2
##### Size Edge and Arrows #####
if(rank == TRUE){
E(net_graph)$width <- rank(as.numeric(net_dat_final[,edge_weight]))
E(net_graph)$width <- (10/max(E(net_graph)$width)*E(net_graph)$width)
if(rank == FALSE){
E(net_graph)$width <- as.numeric(net_dat_final[,edge_weight])
E(net_graph)$width <- (10/max(E(net_graph)$width)*E(net_graph)$width)
##### Size Vertices #####
verts <- names(V(net_graph))
vert_weights <- c()
for (i in 1:length(verts)) {
ind <- grep(verts[i], net_dat_final[,"Lig_produce"])
sum <- net_dat_final$num_connections[ind]
sum <- sum(as.numeric(sum))
vert_weights <- c(vert_weights, sum)
vert_weights <- vert_weights[which(vert_weights > 0)]
vert_weights <- rank(as.numeric(vert_weights))
V(net_graph)$size <- (10/max(vert_weights)*vert_weights)
##### Remove Names #####
V(net_graph)$name <- ""
##### Plot #####
eqarrowPlot(net_graph, layout = l, edge.arrow.size=(2/max(E(net_graph)$width)*E(net_graph)$width),
##### Add Legend ####
cell_legend <- unique(net_dat[,"Lig_produce"])
cell_legend <-rev(cell_legend)
legend(x=-1.5, y=0, cell_legend, pch=21,
col="#777777", pt.bg=rev(dynamic_colors), pt.cex=2, cex=.8, bty="n", ncol=1)
} else {
##### NON GROUPED DATA #####
net_dat_final <- net_dat
for (i in 1:nrow(net_dat_final)) {
tmp <- net_dat_final[i,]
tmp[,"Lig_produce"] <- paste0(c("Lig", tmp[,"Lig_produce"]), collapse = "_")
tmp[,"Rec_receive"] <- paste0(c("Rec", tmp[,"Rec_receive"]), collapse = "_")
net_dat_final[i,] <- tmp
net_graph <- graph_from_data_frame(net_dat_final)
##### Layout #####
l <- layout_in_circle(net_graph)
rownames(l) <- names(V(net_graph))
ligs <- grep("Lig", rownames(l))
recs <- grep("Rec", rownames(l))
l[ligs,1] <- 1
l[recs,1] <- 2
y_pos <- seq(1:length(unique(net_dat[,"Lig_produce"])))
l[,2] <- rep(y_pos, 2)
##### Color Nodes #####
V(net_graph)$color <- rep(dynamic_colors, 2)
##### Color Edges #####
ecol <- c()
for (i in 1:length(dynamic_colors)) {
col <- rep(dynamic_colors[i], n )
ecol <- c(ecol, col)
edge.col <- ecol
##### Size Edge and Arrows #####
if(rank == TRUE){
E(net_graph)$width <- rank(as.numeric(net_dat_final[,edge_weight]))
E(net_graph)$width <- (10/max(E(net_graph)$width)*E(net_graph)$width)
if(rank == FALSE){
E(net_graph)$width <- as.numeric(net_dat_final[,edge_weight])
E(net_graph)$width <- (10/max(E(net_graph)$width)*E(net_graph)$width)
##### Size Vertices #####
verts <- names(V(net_graph))
vert_weights <- c()
for (i in 1:length(verts)) {
ind <- grep(verts[i], net_dat_final[,"Lig_produce"])
sum <- net_dat_final$num_connections[ind]
sum <- sum(as.numeric(sum))
vert_weights <- c(vert_weights, sum)
vert_weights <- vert_weights[which(vert_weights > 0)]
vert_weights <- rank(as.numeric(vert_weights))
V(net_graph)$size <- (10/max(vert_weights)*vert_weights)
##### Remove Names #####
V(net_graph)$name <- ""
##### Plot #####
eqarrowPlot(net_graph, layout = l, edge.arrow.size=(2/max(E(net_graph)$width)*E(net_graph)$width),
##### Add Legend ####
cell_legend <- unique(net_dat[,"Lig_produce"])
cell_legend <-rev(cell_legend)
legend(x=-1.5, y=0, cell_legend, pch=21,
col="#777777", pt.bg=rev(dynamic_colors), pt.cex=2, cex=.8, bty="n", ncol=1)
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