#' Identifies all R / L interactions
#' This function will map all RL interactions
#' @param input the input network from plot_rl_network
#' @param h the height of images
#' @param w the height of images
#' @param prefix a character to be appended to start of file names
#' @export
#' @details
#' This will use the calc_agg_bulk results to ID networks
#' @examples
#' ex_sc_example <- id_rl(input = ex_sc_example)
analyze_rl_network <- function(input, h = 8, w = 8, prefix = "", mult = 1, layout = FALSE, subset = FALSE, subset_on = "connected", merge_singles = T, cluster_type = "louvain"){
gg_color_hue <- function(n) {
hues = seq(15, 375, length = n + 1)
hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:n]
##### Subsetting and determining layout #####
if(subset != FALSE){
if(subset_on == "connected"){
tmp_net <- input$clusters_subgraphs[[subset]]
ind2 <- match(names(V(tmp_net)), names(V(input$igraph_Network)))
l <- input$layout[ind2,]
if(subset_on == "clusters"){
tmp_net <- input$Clusters_individual[[subset]]
ind2 <- match(names(V(tmp_net)), names(V(input$igraph_Network)))
l <- input$layout[ind2,]
} else {
tmp_net <- input$igraph_Network
l <- input$layout
l <- layout_with_kk(tmp_net)
##### Subsetting and determining layout #####
if(cluster_type == "between"){
cfg <- cluster_edge_betweenness(as.undirected(tmp_net), weights = NULL)
if(cluster_type == "louvain"){
cfg <- cluster_louvain(as.undirected(tmp_net), weights = NULL)
cs2 <- crossing(cfg, tmp_net)
# coGrph <- delete_edges(tmp_net, E(tmp_net)[crossing(cfg, tmp_net)])
# comm_ind <- igraph::decompose.graph(coGrph)
found_clust <- sort(unique(cfg$membership))
comm_ind <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(found_clust))
for (i in 1:length(found_clust)) {
nodes_int_clust <- names(V(tmp_net))[which(cfg$membership == found_clust[i])]
comm_ind[[i]] <- induced_subgraph(tmp_net, nodes_int_clust)
members <- as.vector(cfg$membership)
cluster_sizes <- table(cfg$membership)
check_singles <- which(cluster_sizes == 1)
if(length(check_singles) > 0){
ind_singles <- as.vector(which(cluster_sizes == 1))
ind_multiples <- as.vector(which(cluster_sizes > 1))
multiples_length <- seq(1:length(ind_multiples))
for (i in 1:length(ind_multiples)) {
int_clust <- ind_multiples[i]
ind_clust <- which(members == int_clust)
members[ind_clust] <- multiples_length[i]
members[which(members > max(multiples_length))] <- max(multiples_length)+1
all_new_cs <- sort(unique(members))
comm_ind <- vector(mode = "list", length = max(multiples_length)+1)
for (i in 1:length(all_new_cs)) {
new_cluster <- V(tmp_net)[which(members == all_new_cs[i])]
new_cluster <- induced_subgraph(tmp_net, new_cluster)
comm_ind[[i]] <- new_cluster
cfg$membership <- members
cols_clust <- gg_color_hue(length(unique(cfg$membership)))
cols_clust2 <- adjustcolor(cols_clust, alpha.f = 1)
clusts <- as.vector(cfg$membership)
for (i in 1:length(cols_clust)) {
cl <- cols_clust[i]
clusts[which(clusts == i)] <- cl
V(tmp_net)$color_clusters <- clusts
##### Calc stats #####
deg <- degree(tmp_net, mode="all")
deg <- sort(deg, decreasing = T)
deg_rec <- degree(tmp_net, mode="in")
deg_rec <- sort(deg_rec, decreasing = T)
deg_lig <- degree(tmp_net, mode="out")
deg_lig <- sort(deg_lig, decreasing = T)
vert_rank <- (betweenness(as.undirected(tmp_net))) # VERTICES
vert_rank_srt <- sort(vert_rank, decreasing = T)
edg_rank <- (edge_betweenness(as.undirected(tmp_net))) # EDGES
tmp <- igraph::as_edgelist(tmp_net)
if(nrow(tmp) > 1){
tmp2 <- apply(tmp[ , 1:2 ] , 1 , paste , collapse = "-" )
names(edg_rank) <- tmp2
edg_rank <- sort(edg_rank, decreasing = T)
hs <- hub_score(tmp_net, weights=NA)$vector #Outgoing (ligands)
hs_srt <- sort(hs, decreasing = T)
as <- authority_score(tmp_net, weights=NA)$vector # Incoming (receptors)
as_srt <- sort(as, decreasing = T)
cluster_edge_btw <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(unique(cfg$membership)))
cluster_edge_hub <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(unique(cfg$membership)))
cluster_node_authority <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(unique(cfg$membership)))
sizes <- rep(0, length(V(tmp_net)))
for (i in 1:length(unique(cfg$membership))) {
int <- which(cfg$membership == i)
vals <- vert_rank[int]
cluster_edge_hub[[i]] <- sort(hs[int], decreasing = T)
cluster_node_authority[[i]] <- sort(as[int], decreasing = T)
cluster_edge_btw[[i]] <- sort(vals, decreasing = T)
vals <- rank(vals)
size <- (3/max(vals)*vals)
sizes[int] <- size
cluster_centers <- c()
for(i in 1:length(cluster_edge_btw)){
name_center <- cluster_edge_btw[[i]][1]
cluster_centers <- c(cluster_centers,name_center)
V(tmp_net)$size <- sizes
##### Format outputs #####
E(tmp_net)$width <- E(tmp_net)$width*mult
V(tmp_net)$size <- V(tmp_net)$size*mult
pdf(paste0(prefix, "Analyzed_Network.pdf"), h = h, w = w, useDingbats = FALSE)
plot(tmp_net, layout = l, rescale = TRUE,
vertex.color = V(tmp_net)$color_celltype,
edge.color = E(tmp_net)$color_celltype)
pdf(paste0(prefix, "Analyzed_Network_noname.pdf"), h = h, w = w, useDingbats = FALSE)
plot(tmp_net, layout = l, rescale = TRUE,
vertex.color = V(tmp_net)$color_celltype,
edge.color = E(tmp_net)$color_celltype,
vertex.label = V(tmp_net)$name_blank)
pdf(paste0(prefix, "Analyzed_Network_communities.pdf"), h = h, w = w, useDingbats = FALSE)
plot(tmp_net, layout = l, rescale = TRUE,
mark.groups = cfg,
vertex.color = V(tmp_net)$color_celltype,
edge.color = E(tmp_net)$color_celltype)
pdf(paste0(prefix, "Analyzed_Network_communities_noname.pdf"), h = h, w = w, useDingbats = FALSE)
plot(tmp_net, layout = l, rescale = TRUE,
mark.groups = cfg,
vertex.color = V(tmp_net)$color_clusters,
edge.color = E(tmp_net)$color_celltype,
vertex.label = V(tmp_net)$name_blank)
pdf(paste0(prefix, "Analyzed_Network_compared.pdf"), h = h, w = w, useDingbats = FALSE)
plot(tmp_net, layout = l, rescale = TRUE,
vertex.color = V(tmp_net)$color_celltype,
edge.color = E(tmp_net)$color_compare)
pdf(paste0(prefix, "Analyzed_Network_compared_noname.pdf"), h = h, w = w, useDingbats = FALSE)
plot(tmp_net, layout = l, rescale = TRUE,
vertex.color = V(tmp_net)$color_celltype,
edge.color = E(tmp_net)$color_compare,
vertex.label = V(tmp_net)$name_blank)
pdf(paste0(prefix, "Analyzed_Network_communities_compare.pdf"), h = h, w = w, useDingbats = FALSE)
plot(tmp_net, layout = l, rescale = TRUE,
mark.groups = cfg,
vertex.color = V(tmp_net)$color_clusters,
edge.color = E(tmp_net)$color_compare)
pdf(paste0(prefix, "Analyzed_Network_communities_compare_noname.pdf"), h = h, w = w, useDingbats = FALSE)
plot(tmp_net, layout = l, rescale = TRUE,
mark.groups = cfg,
vertex.color = V(tmp_net)$color_clusters,
edge.color = E(tmp_net)$color_compare,
vertex.label = V(tmp_net)$name_blank)
pdf(paste0(prefix, "Analyzed_Network_communities_crossing_noname.pdf"), h = h, w = w, useDingbats = FALSE)
E(tmp_net)$color_crossing <- "gray"
E(tmp_net)$color_crossing[crossing(cfg,tmp_net)] <- "red"
plot(tmp_net, layout = l, rescale = TRUE,
mark.groups = cfg,
vertex.color = V(tmp_net)$color_clusters,
edge.color = E(tmp_net)$color_crossing,
vertex.label = V(tmp_net)$name_blank)
pdf(paste0(prefix, "Analyzed_Network_communities_crossing.pdf"), h = h, w = w, useDingbats = FALSE)
keep_name <- unique(ends(tmp_net, names(cs2)[which(cs2 == TRUE)], names = T))
V(tmp_net)$name_crossing <- V(tmp_net)$name
V(tmp_net)$name_crossing[-match(keep_name, V(tmp_net)$name_crossing)] <- ""
plot(tmp_net, layout = l, rescale = TRUE,
mark.groups = cfg,
vertex.color = V(tmp_net)$color_clusters,
edge.color = E(tmp_net)$color_crossing,
vertex.label = V(tmp_net)$name_crossing)
pdf(paste0(prefix, "Analyzed_Network_communities_centers_named.pdf"), h = h, w = w, useDingbats = FALSE)
keep_center <- match(names(cluster_centers), names(V(tmp_net)))
V(tmp_net)$name_center <-V(tmp_net)$name
V(tmp_net)$name_center[-keep_center] <- ""
plot(tmp_net, layout = l, rescale = TRUE,
mark.groups = cfg,
vertex.color = V(tmp_net)$color_clusters,
edge.color = E(tmp_net)$color_crossing,
vertex.label = V(tmp_net)$name_center)
pdf(paste0(prefix, "Analyzed_Network_communities_numbered.pdf"), h = h, w = w, useDingbats = FALSE)
V(tmp_net)$name_clusters <- cfg$membership
plot(tmp_net, layout = l, rescale = TRUE,
mark.groups = cfg,
vertex.color = V(tmp_net)$color_clusters,
edge.color = E(tmp_net)$color_crossing,
vertex.label = V(tmp_net)$name_clusters)
##### Interactive #####
nodes <- igraph::as_data_frame(tmp_net, what = "vertices")
links <- igraph::as_data_frame(tmp_net, what = "edges")
if(dim(links)[1] > 0){
links$arrows <- "to"
colnames(nodes)[1] <- "id"
nodes <- nodes[,c("id", "color_celltype")]
nodes$color <- V(tmp_net)$color_celltype
links$color <- E(tmp_net)$color_celltype
nodes$label <- V(tmp_net)$name
links$value <- E(tmp_net)$width
size2 <- (20/max(sizes)*sizes)
nodes$value <- size2
nodes$community <- cfg$membership
links$width <- 3
nodes <- nodes[order(nodes$id),]
vit_net <- visNetwork::visNetwork(nodes, links, width="100%", height="1000px")
vit_net <- visNetwork::visOptions(vit_net, highlightNearest = TRUE, selectedBy = "community", nodesIdSelection = TRUE)
visNetwork::visSave(vit_net, file=paste0(prefix, "Interactive_Network_analyzed.html"))
} else {
vit_net <- NULL
##### Outputs #####
results <- vector(mode = "list", length = 10)
results[[1]] <- deg
results[[2]] <- deg_rec
results[[3]] <- vert_rank_srt
results[[4]] <- as_srt
results[[5]] <- deg_lig
results[[6]] <- edg_rank
results[[7]] <- hs_srt
results[[8]] <- cs2
results[[9]] <- cfg
results[[10]] <- comm_ind
results[[11]] <- cluster_edge_btw
results[[12]] <- cluster_edge_hub
results[[13]] <- cluster_node_authority
results[[14]] <- vit_net
results[[15]] <- tmp_net
results[[16]] <- l
names(results) <- c("Degree", "Node_degree", "Node_betweeness", "Node_authority",
"Edge_degree", "Edge_betweeness", "Edge_hub", "Crossing", "Clusters_Results", "Clusters_individual",
"Clusters_betweeness", "Clusters_edge_hub","Clusters_node_authority", "Interactive", "igraph_Network", "layout")
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