# reading data -----------------------------------------------------------------
## tidytof_example_data --------------------------------------------------------
#' Get paths to tidytof example data
#' tidytof comes bundled with a number of sample .fcs files in its
#' inst/extdata directory. This function makes them easy to access.
#' @param dataset_name Name of the dataset you want to access. If NULL,
#' the names of the datasets (each of which is from a different study)
#' will be listed.
#' @return A character vector of file paths where the requested .fcs
#' files are located. If `dataset_name` is NULL, a character vector of
#' dataset names (that can be used as values for `dataset_name`) is
#' returned instead.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tidytof_example_data()
#' tidytof_example_data(dataset_name = "phenograph")
tidytof_example_data <-
function(dataset_name = NULL) {
if (is.null(dataset_name)) {
dir(system.file("extdata", package = "tidytof"))
} else {
system.file("extdata", dataset_name, package = "tidytof", mustWork = TRUE)
## get_extension ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' Find the extension for a file
#' @param filename A string representing the name of a file in its local directory
#' @return The the file extension of `filename`
get_extension <- function(filename) {
ex <- strsplit(basename(filename), split = "\\.")[[1]]
# preprocessing/postprocessing -------------------------------------------------
#' Reverses arcsinh transformation with cofactor `scale_factor` and a
#' shift of `shift_factor`.
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @param shift_factor The scalar value `a` in the following equation used to
#' transform high-dimensional cytometry raw data ion counts using the hyperbolic arcsinh function:
#' `new_x <- asinh(a + b * x)`.
#' @param scale_factor The scalar value `b` in the following equation used to
#' transform high-dimensional cytometry raw data ion counts using the hyperbolic arcsinh function:
#' `new_x <- asinh(a + b * x)`.
#' @return A numeric vector after undergoing reverse
#' arcsinh transformation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' shift_factor <- 0
#' scale_factor <- 1 / 5
#' input_value <- 20
#' asinh_value <- asinh(shift_factor + input_value * scale_factor)
#' restored_value <- rev_asinh(asinh_value, shift_factor, scale_factor)
rev_asinh <- function(x, shift_factor, scale_factor) {
new_x <- (sinh(x) - shift_factor) / scale_factor
# downsampling -----------------------------------------------------------------
tof_spade_downsampling <-
function(densities, cell_ids, target_num_cells, power = 1) {
densities_sorted <- sort(densities)
# a fast estimate of the expected number
# of cells that will be sampled at each density threshold (starting
# with the most inclusive threshold)
cdf <- rev(cumsum(1.0 / rev(densities_sorted)))
max_number_cells <- cdf[[1]]
boundary <- target_num_cells / max_number_cells
if (boundary > densities_sorted[1]) {
targets <-
(target_num_cells - (seq_along(densities_sorted))) / cdf
boundary <- targets[which.min(targets - densities_sorted > 0)]
result_indices <-
which((boundary / densities)^power > stats::runif(length(densities)))
result <-
# metaclustering ---------------------------------------------------------------
tof_summarize_clusters <-
metacluster_cols = where(tof_is_numeric),
central_tendency_function = stats::median) {
if (missing(group_cols)) {
group_cols <- NULL
result <-
tof_tibble |>
cluster_col = {{ cluster_col }},
group_cols = {{ group_cols }},
marker_cols = {{ metacluster_cols }},
central_tendency_function = central_tendency_function,
format = "long"
) |>
names_from = "channel",
values_from = "values"
tof_join_metacluster <-
metacluster_vector) {
cluster_colname <- colnames(dplyr::select(tof_tibble, {{ cluster_col }}))
cluster_dictionary <-
meta_tibble |>
dplyr::select({{ cluster_col }}) |>
dplyr::mutate(.metacluster = metacluster_vector)
result <-
tof_tibble |>
dplyr::select({{ cluster_col }}) |>
dplyr::left_join(cluster_dictionary, by = cluster_colname) |>
dplyr::select(-{{ cluster_col }})
flowsom_consensus <-
function(data_matrix, num_clusters) {
tof_tibble <-
t(data_matrix) |>
result <-
tof_tibble = tof_tibble,
som_xdim = num_clusters,
som_ydim = 1,
som_distance_function = "euclidean",
perform_metaclustering = FALSE
) |>
# mathematical operations ------------------------------------------------------
#' Find the dot product between two vectors.
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @param y A numeric vector.
#' @return The dot product between x and y.
dot <- function(x, y) {
return(as.numeric(t(x) %*% y))
#' Find the magnitude of a vector.
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @return A scalar value (the magnitude of x).
magnitude <- function(x) {
return(sqrt(dot(x, x)))
#' L2 normalize an input vector x to a length of 1
#' @param x a numeric vector
#' @return a vector of length length(x) with a magnitude of 1
l2_normalize <- function(x) {
return(x / magnitude(x))
#' Find the cosine similarity between two vectors
#' @param x a numeric vector
#' @param y a numeric vector
#' @return a scalar value representing the cosine similarity between x and y
cosine_similarity <- function(x, y) {
result <- dot(x, y) / (magnitude(x) * magnitude(y))
# differential discovery analysis ----------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble
tidy_lmer_test_glmm <- function(lmer_test) {
result <-
summary(lmer_test)$coefficients |>
dplyr::as_tibble(rownames = "term") |>
p.value = .data$`Pr(>|z|)`,
estimate = .data$Estimate,
statistic = .data$`z value`,
std_error = .data$`Std. Error`
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble
tidy_lmer_test <- function(lmer_test) {
result <-
summary(lmer_test)$coefficients |>
dplyr::as_tibble(rownames = "term") |>
p.value = .data$`Pr(>|t|)`,
estimate = .data$Estimate,
statistic = .data$`t value`
#' @importFrom rlang enquo
#' @importFrom tidyselect eval_select
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom tidyr nest
prepare_diffcyt_args <-
marker_cols = where(tof_is_numeric),
diffcyt_method = c("glmm", "edgeR", "voom"),
include_observation_level_random_effects = FALSE) {
# initialize formula
my_formula <- NULL
# extract sample column name as a string
sample_colname <-
expr = rlang::enquo(sample_col),
data = tof_tibble
) |>
# extract cluster column name as a string
cluster_colname <-
expr = rlang::enquo(cluster_col),
data = tof_tibble
) |>
# extract fixed effect columns as a character vector
# will return an empty character vector if the argument is missing
fixed_effect_colnames <-
expr = rlang::enquo(fixed_effect_cols),
data = tof_tibble
) |>
# extract random effect columns as a character vector
# will return an empty character vector if the argument is missing
random_effect_colnames <-
expr = rlang::enquo(random_effect_cols),
data = tof_tibble
) |>
# find all marker names by process of elimination
marker_names <-
colnames(tof_tibble) %in%
c(cluster_colname, sample_colname, fixed_effect_colnames, random_effect_colnames)
if (length(marker_names) < 2) {
stop("At least 2 markers must be selected (due to diffcyt's underlying implementation).")
# create diffcyt experiment_info
experiment_info <-
tof_tibble |>
dplyr::select({{ sample_col }}, {{ fixed_effect_cols }}, {{ random_effect_cols }}) |>
dplyr::distinct() |>
dplyr::rename(sample_id = {{ sample_col }}) |>
# create diffcyt marker_info
marker_info <-
dplyr::tibble(marker_name = marker_names) |>
dplyr::mutate(marker_class = "state")
# create formula or design matrix depending on which method is being used
if (diffcyt_method %in% c("glmm", "lmm") & include_observation_level_random_effects) {
random_effect_colnames <-
c("sample_id", random_effect_colnames)
if (diffcyt_method %in% c("glmm", "lmm")) {
# if using glmms, create formula
if (length(random_effect_colnames) == 0) {
# if there are no random effects
my_formula <-
experiment_info = experiment_info,
cols_fixed = fixed_effect_colnames
} else {
# if there are random effects
my_formula <-
experiment_info = experiment_info,
cols_fixed = fixed_effect_colnames,
cols_random = random_effect_colnames
# create design matrix
my_design <-
experiment_info = experiment_info,
cols_design = fixed_effect_colnames
## make contrast matrix
contrast_names <- colnames(my_design)
# tibble of contrast matrices to test the null hypothesis that any given
# fixed-effect coefficient is 0
contrast_matrix_tibble <-
contrast_names = contrast_names,
contrast_matrices =
.x = seq_along(contrast_names),
.f = ~
make_binary_vector(length = length(contrast_names), indices = .x) |>
) |>
dplyr::filter(contrast_names != "(Intercept)")
# test against the null hypothesis that all fixed-effect coefficients are 0
initial_contrast <-
make_binary_vector(length = length(contrast_names), indices = -1)
contrast_matrix_tibble <-
dplyr::tibble(contrast_names = "omnibus", contrast_matrices = list(initial_contrast)),
# configure data into the format diffcyt likes
data_list <-
tof_tibble |>
dplyr::group_by({{ sample_col }}) |>
tidyr::nest() |>
dplyr::arrange({{ sample_col }}) |>
cols_to_include <-
colnames(data_list[[1]]) %in%
data_diff <-
d_input = data_list,
experiment_info = as.data.frame(experiment_info),
marker_info = as.data.frame(marker_info),
cols_to_include = cols_to_include
# add clusters to diffcyt object
temp <-
data_diff |>
temp[, "cluster_id"] <-
tof_tibble |>
dplyr::pull({{ cluster_col }}) |>
SummarizedExperiment::rowData(data_diff) <- temp
# fix type-related issues in the exprs component of the SummarizedExperiment
data_exprs <-
data_diff |>
data_exprs <- data_exprs[["exprs"]]
data_colnames <- colnames(data_exprs)
data_exprs <-
data_exprs |>
apply(MARGIN = 2, FUN = as.numeric)
colnames(data_exprs) <- data_colnames
SummarizedExperiment::assays(data_diff)[["exprs"]] <- data_exprs
# return result
diffcyt_args <-
sample_colname = sample_colname,
cluster_colname = cluster_colname,
fixed_effect_colnames = fixed_effect_colnames,
random_effect_colnames = random_effect_colnames,
marker_names = marker_names,
experiment_info = experiment_info,
marker_info = marker_info,
my_formula = my_formula,
my_design = my_design,
contrast_matrix_tibble = contrast_matrix_tibble,
data_diff = data_diff
#' @importFrom stats glm
fit_da_model <- function(data, formula, has_random_effects = TRUE) {
# check to see if lme4 is installed
rlang::check_installed(pkg = "lme4")
if (!requireNamespace(package = "lme4")) {
stop("tof_daa_glmm requires the lme4 package to be installed")
if (is.null(formula)) {
total_cells <- NULL
if (has_random_effects) {
model_fit <-
lme4::glmer(formula, data, family = "binomial", weights = total_cells)
} else {
model_fit <-
stats::glm(formula, data, family = "binomial", weights = total_cells)
#' @importFrom stats glm
fit_de_model <-
function(data, formula, has_random_effects = TRUE) {
# check to see if lmerTest is installed
rlang::check_installed(pkg = "lmerTest")
if (!requireNamespace(package = "lmerTest")) {
stop("tof_dea_lmm requires the lmerTest package to be installed")
if (has_random_effects) {
model_fit <-
lmerTest::lmer(formula, data)
} else {
model_fit <-
stats::glm(formula, data, family = "gaussian")
tof_ttest <-
function(enough_samples, x, y, paired = FALSE) {
if (enough_samples) {
return(t.test(x = x, y = y, paired = paired))
} else {
return(list(statistic = NA_real_, parameter = NA_real_, p.value = NA_real_))
# feature_extraction -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Find the earth-mover's distance between two numeric vectors
#' @param vec_1 A numeric vector.
#' @param vec_2 A numeric vector.
#' @param num_bins An integer number of bins to use when performing kernel
#' density estimation on the two vectors. Defaults to 100.
#' @return A double (of length 1) representing the EMD between the two vectors.
tof_find_emd <- function(vec_1, vec_2, num_bins = 100) {
# check to see if emdist package is installed
pkg = "emdist",
reason = "to compute the Earth-mover's distance."
# check that both vec_1 and vec_2 are numeric
if (!is.numeric(vec_1) | !is.numeric(vec_2)) {
if (length(vec_1) < 10 | length(vec_2) < 10) {
# set up bins
set_max <- ceiling(max(vec_1, vec_2))
set_min <- floor(min(vec_1, vec_2))
bins <- seq(set_max, set_min, length.out = num_bins)
# find histograms
density_1 <-
graphics::hist(vec_1, breaks = bins, plot = FALSE)$density |>
density_2 <-
graphics::hist(vec_2, breaks = bins, plot = FALSE)$density |>
# return final result
em_dist <- emdist::emd2d(density_1, density_2)
#' Find the Jensen-Shannon Divergence (JSD) between two numeric vectors
#' @param vec_1 A numeric vector.
#' @param vec_2 A numeric vector.
#' @param num_bins An integer number of bins to use when binning
#' across the two vectors' combined range. Defaults to 100.
#' @return A double (of length 1) representing the JSD between the two vectors.
tof_find_jsd <- function(vec_1, vec_2, num_bins = 100) {
# check to see if philentropy package is installed
pkg = "philentropy",
reason = "to compute the Jensen-Shannon Divergence."
# check that both vectors are numeric
if (!is.numeric(vec_1) | !is.numeric(vec_2)) {
# check that both vectors have at least 10 cells
if (length(vec_1) < 10 | length(vec_2) < 10) {
# set up bins
set_max <- ceiling(max(vec_1, vec_2))
set_min <- floor(min(vec_1, vec_2))
bins <- seq(set_max, set_min, length.out = num_bins)
# find histograms
p1 <-
graphics::hist(vec_1, breaks = bins, plot = FALSE)$counts |>
p1 <- p1 / sum(p1)
p2 <-
graphics::hist(vec_2, breaks = bins, plot = FALSE)$counts |>
p2 <- p2 / sum(p2)
# return final result
js_dist <-
purrr::quietly(philentropy::JSD)(rbind(p1, p2))$result |>
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
pull_unless_null <- function(tib, uq_colname) {
if (is.null(tib)) {
} else {
return(dplyr::pull(tib, {{ uq_colname }}))
# local density estimation -----------------------------------------------------
#' Estimate the local densities for all cells in a high-dimensional cytometry dataset.
#' This function is a wrapper around tidytof's tof_*_density() function family.
#' It performs local density estimation on high-dimensional cytometry data using a user-specified
#' method (of 3 choices) and each method's corresponding input parameters.
#' @param tof_tibble A `tof_tbl` or a `tibble`.
#' @param distance_cols Unquoted names of the columns in `tof_tibble` to use in
#' calculating cell-to-cell distances during the local density estimation for
#' each cell. Defaults to all numeric columns in `tof_tibble`.
#' @param distance_function A string indicating which distance function to use
#' for calculating cell-to-cell distances during local density estimation. Options
#' include "euclidean" (the default) and "cosine".
#' @param normalize A boolean value indicating if the vector of local density
#' estimates should be normalized to values between 0 and 1. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to the `tof_*_density()` function family
#' member corresponding to the chosen `method`.
#' @param augment A boolean value indicating if the output should column-bind the
#' local density estimates of each cell as a new column in `tof_tibble` (TRUE; the default) or if
#' a single-column tibble including only the local density estimates should be returned (FALSE).
#' @param method A string indicating which local density estimation method should be used.
#' Valid values include "mean_distance", "sum_distance", and "spade".
#' @return A `tof_tbl` or `tibble` If augment = FALSE, it will have a single column encoding
#' the local density estimates for each cell in `tof_tibble`. If augment = TRUE, it will have
#' ncol(tof_tibble) + 1 columns: each of the (unaltered) columns in `tof_tibble`
#' plus an additional column encoding the local density estimates.
#' @family local density estimation functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sim_data <-
#' dplyr::tibble(
#' cd45 = rnorm(n = 1000),
#' cd38 = rnorm(n = 1000),
#' cd34 = rnorm(n = 1000),
#' cd19 = rnorm(n = 1000)
#' )
#' # perform the density estimation
#' tof_estimate_density(tof_tibble = sim_data, method = "spade")
#' # perform the density estimation with a smaller search radius around
#' # each cell
#' tof_estimate_density(
#' tof_tibble = sim_data,
#' alpha_multiplier = 2,
#' method = "spade"
#' )
tof_estimate_density <-
distance_cols = where(tof_is_numeric),
distance_function = c("euclidean", "cosine", "l2", "ip"),
normalize = TRUE,
augment = TRUE,
method = c("mean_distance", "sum_distance", "spade")) {
# check arguments
method <-
rlang::arg_match(method, values = c("mean_distance", "sum_distance", "spade"))
distance_function <- rlang::arg_match(distance_function)
if (method %in% c("mean_distance", "sum_distance")) {
densities <-
tof_tibble = tof_tibble,
distance_cols = {{ distance_cols }},
distance_function = distance_function,
estimation_method = method,
normalize = normalize,
} else if (method == "spade") {
densities <-
tof_tibble = tof_tibble,
distance_cols = {{ distance_cols }},
distance_function = distance_function,
normalize = normalize,
if (augment) {
result <-
dplyr::bind_cols(tof_tibble, densities)
} else {
result <- densities
#' Estimate cells' local densities as done in Spanning-tree Progression Analysis of Density-normalized Events (SPADE)
#' This function uses the algorithm described in
#' \href{https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21964415/}{Qiu et al., (2011)} to estimate
#' the local density of each cell in a `tof_tbl` or `tibble` containing high-dimensional cytometry data.
#' Briefly, this algorithm involves counting the number of neighboring cells
#' within a sphere of radius alpha surrounding each cell. Here, we do so using
#' the \code{\link[RANN]{nn2}} function.
#' @param tof_tibble A `tof_tbl` or a `tibble`.
#' @param distance_cols Unquoted names of the columns in `tof_tibble` to use in
#' calculating cell-to-cell distances during the local density estimation for
#' each cell. Defaults to all numeric columns in `tof_tibble`.
#' @param distance_function A string indicating which distance function to use
#' for calculating cell-to-cell distances during local density estimation. Options
#' include "euclidean" (the default) and "cosine".
#' @param num_alpha_cells An integer indicating how many cells from `tof_tibble`
#' should be randomly sampled from `tof_tibble` in order to estimate `alpha`, the
#' radius of the sphere constructed around each cell during local density
#' estimation. Alpha is calculated by taking the median nearest-neighbor distance
#' from the `num_alpha_cells` randomly-sampled cells and multiplying it by
#' `alpha_multiplier`. Defaults to 2000.
#' @param alpha_multiplier An numeric value indicating the multiplier that should be used
#' when calculating `alpha`, the radius of the sphere constructed around each
#' cell during local density estimation. Alpha is calculated by taking
#' the median nearest-neighbor distance from the `num_alpha_cells` cells
#' randomly-sampled from `tof_tibble` and multiplying it by
#' `alpha_multiplier`. Defaults to 5.
#' @param max_neighbors An integer indicating the maximum number of neighbors
#' that can be counted within the sphere surrounding any given cell. Implemented
#' to reduce the density estimation procedure's speed and memory requirements.
#' Defaults to 1\% of the number of rows in `tof_tibble`.
#' @param normalize A boolean value indicating if the vector of local density
#' estimates should be normalized to values between 0 and 1. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param ... Additional optional arguments to pass to \code{\link{tof_find_knn}}.
#' @return A tibble with a single column named ".spade_density" containing the
#' local density estimates for each input cell in `tof_tibble`.
#' @family local density estimation functions
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom dplyr tibble
#' @importFrom rlang arg_match
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sim_data <-
#' dplyr::tibble(
#' cd45 = rnorm(n = 1000),
#' cd38 = rnorm(n = 1000),
#' cd34 = rnorm(n = 1000),
#' cd19 = rnorm(n = 1000)
#' )
#' # perform the density estimation
#' tof_spade_density(tof_tibble = sim_data)
#' # perform the density estimation using cosine distance
#' tof_spade_density(
#' tof_tibble = sim_data,
#' distance_function = "cosine",
#' alpha_multiplier = 2
#' )
#' # perform the density estimation with a smaller search radius around
#' # each cell
#' tof_spade_density(
#' tof_tibble = sim_data,
#' alpha_multiplier = 2
#' )
tof_spade_density <-
distance_cols = where(tof_is_numeric),
distance_function = c("euclidean", "cosine", "l2", "ip"),
num_alpha_cells = 2000L,
alpha_multiplier = 5,
max_neighbors = round(0.01 * nrow(tof_tibble)),
normalize = TRUE,
...) {
distance_function <- rlang::arg_match(distance_function)
# estimate alpha -----------------------------------------------------------
# find median nearest-neighbor distances for num_alpha_cells sampled cells
alpha_knns <-
tof_tibble |>
tof_downsample_constant(num_cells = num_alpha_cells) |>
dplyr::select({{ distance_cols }}) |>
k = 1L,
distance_function = distance_function,
alpha_median <- median(alpha_knns$neighbor_distances)
alpha <- alpha_multiplier * alpha_median
# estimate local densities -------------------------------------------------
# compute number of neighbors within a sphere of radius alpha for each
# input cell in tof_tibble
spade_neighbors <-
tof_tibble |>
dplyr::select({{ distance_cols }}) |>
k = max_neighbors,
distance_function = distance_function
# calculate densities equal to the number of neighbors
# (up to max_neighbors) that each cell has
num_neighbors_within_radius <-
(spade_neighbors$neighbor_distances <= alpha) |>
densities <- num_neighbors_within_radius
if (normalize) {
# normalize densities
densities <-
(densities - min(densities)) /
((max(densities) - min(densities)))
# return result
result <-
dplyr::tibble(.spade_density = densities)
#' Estimate cells' local densities using K-nearest-neighbor density estimation
#' This function uses the distances between a cell and each of its K nearest
#' neighbors to estimate local density of each cell in a
#' `tof_tbl` or `tibble` containing high-dimensional cytometry data.
#' @param tof_tibble A `tof_tbl` or a `tibble`.
#' @param distance_cols Unquoted names of the columns in `tof_tibble` to use in
#' calculating cell-to-cell distances during the local density estimation for
#' each cell. Defaults to all numeric columns in `tof_tibble`.
#' @param num_neighbors An integer indicating the number of nearest neighbors
#' to use in estimating the local density of each cell. Defaults to the minimum
#' of 15 and the number of rows in `tof_tibble`.
#' @param distance_function A string indicating which distance function to use
#' for calculating cell-to-cell distances during local density estimation. Options
#' include "euclidean" (the default) and "cosine".
#' @param estimation_method A string indicating how the relative density for each cell should be
#' calculated from the distances between it and each of its k nearest neighbors. Options are
#' "mean_distance" (the default; estimates the relative density for a cell's neighborhood by
#' taking the negative average of the distances to its nearest neighbors) and "sum_distance"
#' (estimates the relative density for a cell's neighborhood by taking the negative sum of the
#' distances to its nearest neighbors).
#' @param normalize A boolean value indicating if the vector of local density
#' estimates should be normalized to values between 0 and 1. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param ... Additional optional arguments to pass to
#' \code{\link{tof_find_knn}}.
#' @return A tibble with a single column named ".knn_density" containing the
#' local density estimates for each input cell in `tof_tibble`.
#' @family local density estimation functions
tof_knn_density <-
distance_cols = where(tof_is_numeric),
num_neighbors = min(15L, nrow(tof_tibble)),
distance_function = c("euclidean", "cosine", "l2", "ip"),
estimation_method = c("mean_distance", "sum_distance"),
normalize = TRUE,
...) {
# check arguments
estimation_method <-
rlang::arg_match(estimation_method, values = c("mean_distance", "sum_distance"))
distance_function <-
# compute knn information
knn_result <-
tof_tibble |>
dplyr::select({{ distance_cols }}) |>
k = num_neighbors,
distance_function = distance_function,
# find densities using one of 2 methods
if (estimation_method == "sum_distance") {
densities <- -base::rowSums(abs(knn_result$neighbor_distances))
} else if (estimation_method == "mean_distance") {
densities <- -base::rowMeans(abs(knn_result$neighbor_distances))
} else {
stop("Not a valid estimation_method.")
if (normalize) {
# normalize densities
densities <-
(densities - min(densities)) /
((max(densities) - min(densities)))
result <-
dplyr::tibble(.knn_density = densities)
# a tibble with N (number of cells) rows with the ith
# row representing the KNN-estimated density of the ith cell.
# miscellaneous ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Find if a vector is numeric
#' This function takes an input vector `.vec` and checks if it is either an
#' integer or a double (i.e. is the type of vector that might encode high-dimensional cytometry
#' measurements).
#' @param .vec A vector.
#' @return A boolean value indicating if .vec is of type integer or double.
#' @importFrom purrr is_integer
#' @importFrom purrr is_double
tof_is_numeric <- function(.vec) {
return(purrr::is_integer(.vec) | purrr::is_double(.vec))
#' Find the k-nearest neighbors of each cell in a high-dimensional cytometry dataset.
#' @param .data A `tof_tibble` or `tibble` in which each row represents a cell
#' and each column represents a high-dimensional cytometry measurement.
#' @param k An integer indicating the number of nearest neighbors to return for
#' each cell.
#' @param distance_function A string indicating which distance function to use
#' for the nearest-neighbor calculation. Options include "euclidean"
#' (the default) and "cosine" distances.
#' @param .query A set of cells to be queried against .data (i.e. a set of cells
#' for which to find nearest neighbors within .data). Defaults to .data itself,
#' i.e. finding nearest neighbors for all cells in .data.
#' @param ... Optional additional arguments to pass to \code{\link[RcppHNSW]{hnsw_knn}}
#' @return A list with two elements: "neighbor_ids" and "neighbor_distances,"
#' both of which are n by k matrices (in which n is the number of cells in the
#' input `.data`. The [i,j]-th entry of "neighbor_ids" represents the row index
#' for the j-th nearest neighbor of the cell in the i-th row of `.data`.
#' The [i,j]-th entry of "neighbor_distances" represents the distance between
#' those two cells according to `distance_function`.
#' @importFrom RcppHNSW hnsw_build
#' @importFrom RcppHNSW hnsw_search
#' @importFrom rlang arg_match
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sim_data <-
#' dplyr::tibble(
#' cd45 = rnorm(n = 1000),
#' cd38 = rnorm(n = 1000),
#' cd34 = rnorm(n = 1000),
#' cd19 = rnorm(n = 1000)
#' )
#' # Find the 10 nearest neighbors of each cell in the dataset
#' tof_find_knn(
#' .data = sim_data,
#' k = 10,
#' distance_function = "euclidean"
#' )
#' # Find the 10 approximate nearest neighbors
#' tof_find_knn(
#' .data = sim_data,
#' k = 10,
#' distance_function = "euclidean",
#' )
tof_find_knn <-
k = min(10, nrow(.data)),
distance_function = c("euclidean", "cosine", "l2", "ip"),
...) {
# check distance function
distance_function <- rlang::arg_match(distance_function)
# compute result
hnsw_tree <-
X = as.matrix(.data),
distance = distance_function,
if (missing(.query)) {
query <- .data
} else {
query <- .query
nn_result <-
X = as.matrix(query),
ann = hnsw_tree,
k = k + 1,
names(nn_result) <- c("neighbor_ids", "neighbor_distances")
# remove the first-closest neighbor (column), which is always the point itself
if (missing(.query)) {
# remove the first-closest neighbor (column), which is always the point itself
nn_result$neighbor_ids <- nn_result$neighbor_ids[, 2:(k + 1)]
nn_result$neighbor_distances <- nn_result$neighbor_distances[, 2:(k + 1)]
} else {
# unless the query is a different set of cells than the dataset being
# searched, in which case discard the (unneeded) extra neighbor.
nn_result$neighbor_ids <- nn_result$neighbor_ids[, seq_len(k)]
nn_result$neighbor_distances <- nn_result$neighbor_distances[, seq_len(k)]
# return result
#' Title
#' @param tof_tibble A tibble or tof_tbl.
#' @param knn_cols Unquoted column names indicating which columns in tof_tibble
#' should be used for the KNN calculation.
#' @param num_neighbors An integer number of neighbors to find for each cell (
#' not including itself).
#' @param distance_function A string indicating which distance function to use
#' for the nearest-neighbor calculation. Options include "euclidean"
#' (the default) and "cosine" distances.
#' @param graph_type A string indicating if the graph's edges should have weights
#' ("weighted"; the default) or not ("unweighted").
#' @param ... Optional additional arguments to pass to \code{\link[tidytof]{tof_find_knn}}
#' @return A \code{\link[tidygraph]{tbl_graph}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
tof_make_knn_graph <-
tof_tibble, # single-cell data
knn_cols, # unquoted column names of columns to use in the knn calculation
num_neighbors, # number of knn's
distance_function = c("euclidean", "cosine"),
graph_type = c("weighted", "unweighted"), # weighted or unweighted graph
... # additional arguments to tof_find_knn
) {
distance_function <- rlang::arg_match(distance_function)
graph_type <- rlang::arg_match(graph_type)
knn_data <-
tof_tibble |>
# select only knn_cols
dplyr::select({{ knn_cols }}) |>
k = num_neighbors,
distance_function = distance_function,
# extract knn_ids and put them into long format
knn_ids <-
knn_data |>
colnames(knn_ids) <- seq_len(ncol(knn_ids))
knn_ids <-
knn_ids |>
dplyr::as_tibble() |>
dplyr::mutate(from = seq(from = 1, to = nrow(knn_ids), by = 1)) |>
cols = -"from",
names_to = "neighbor_index",
values_to = "to"
if (graph_type == "weighted") {
# extract knn distances and put them into long format
knn_dists <-
knn_data |>
colnames(knn_dists) <- seq_len(ncol(knn_dists))
knn_dists <-
knn_dists |>
dplyr::as_tibble() |>
dplyr::mutate(from = seq(from = 1, to = nrow(knn_dists), by = 1)) |>
cols = -"from",
names_to = "neighbor_index",
values_to = "distance"
# join knn distances with knn ids for final edge tibble
edge_tibble <-
knn_ids |>
dplyr::left_join(knn_dists, by = (c("from", "neighbor_index")))
if (distance_function == "euclidean") {
edge_tibble <-
edge_tibble |>
dplyr::mutate(weight = 1 / (1 + .data$distance))
} else {
edge_tibble <-
edge_tibble |>
dplyr::mutate(weight = 1 - .data$distance)
} else {
edge_tibble <-
# create the knn_graph as a tidygraph object
knn_graph <-
nodes = tof_tibble,
edges = edge_tibble,
directed = FALSE
make_binary_vector <- function(length, indices) {
result <- rep.int(0, times = length)
result[indices] <- 1
deframe <- function(x) {
value <- x[[2L]]
name <- x[[1L]]
result <- setNames(value, nm = name)
tof_rescale <-
function(.vec) {
vec_max <- max(.vec)
vec_min <- min(.vec)
vec_diff <- vec_max - vec_min
result <- (.vec - vec_min) / vec_diff
#' Make a heatmap summarizing group marker expression patterns in high-dimensional cytometry data
#' This function makes a heatmap of group-to-group marker expression patterns
#' in single-cell data. Markers are plotted along the horizontal (x-) axis of
#' the heatmap and groups are plotted along the vertical (y-) axis of the
#' heatmap.
#' @param tof_tibble A `tof_tbl` or a `tibble`.
#' @param y_col An unquoted column name indicating which column in `tof_tibble`
#' stores the ids for the group to which each cell belongs.
#' @param marker_cols Unquoted column names indicating which column in `tof_tibble`
#' should be interpreted as markers to be plotted along the x-axis of the heatmap.
#' Supports tidyselect helpers.
#' @param central_tendency_function A function to use for computing the
#' measure of central tendency that will be aggregated from each cluster in
#' cluster_col. Defaults to the median.
#' @param scale_markerwise A boolean value indicating if the heatmap should
#' rescale the columns of the heatmap such that the maximum value for each
#' marker is 1 and the minimum value is 0. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param scale_ywise A boolean value indicating if the heatmap should
#' rescale the rows of the heatmap such that the maximum value for each
#' group is 1 and the minimum value is 0. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param line_width A numeric value indicating how thick the lines separating
#' the tiles of the heatmap should be. Defaults to 0.25.
#' @param theme A ggplot2 theme to apply to the heatmap.
#' Defaults to \code{\link[ggplot2]{theme_minimal}}
#' @param cluster_markers A boolean value indicating if the heatmap should
#' order its columns (i.e. markers) using hierarchical clustering. Defaults to
#' TRUE.
#' @param cluster_groups A boolean value indicating if the heatmap should
#' order its rows (i.e. groups) using hierarchical clustering. Defaults to
#' TRUE.
#' @return A ggplot object.
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes
#' @importFrom ggplot2 element_text
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_tile
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_fill_viridis_c
#' @importFrom ggplot2 theme_minimal
#' @importFrom purrr pluck
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @importFrom stats hclust
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
tof_plot_heatmap <-
marker_cols = where(tof_is_numeric),
central_tendency_function = stats::median,
scale_markerwise = FALSE,
scale_ywise = FALSE,
cluster_markers = TRUE,
cluster_groups = TRUE,
line_width = 0.25,
theme = ggplot2::theme_minimal()) {
# compute summary statistics for each group ------------------------------
group_tibble <-
tof_tibble |>
{{ y_col }},
{{ marker_cols }}
) |>
# compute one summary statistic for each group across all knn_cols
cluster_col = {{ y_col }},
metacluster_cols = c({{ marker_cols }}),
central_tendency_function = central_tendency_function
group_matrix <-
group_tibble |>
dplyr::select({{ marker_cols }}) |>
marker_names <- colnames(group_matrix)
if (scale_markerwise) {
group_matrix <-
apply(X = group_matrix, MARGIN = 2, FUN = tof_rescale)
# if there are NaN values, tell the user
if (any(is.nan(group_matrix))) {
stop("NaN values resulted from marker-wise scaling.
Consider setting scale_markerwise to FALSE.")
if (scale_ywise) {
group_matrix <-
apply(X = group_matrix, MARGIN = 1, FUN = tof_rescale) |>
# if there are NaN values, tell the user
if (any(is.nan(group_matrix))) {
stop("NaN values resulted from group-wise scaling.
Consider setting scale_* to FALSE.")
colnames(group_matrix) <- marker_names
if (cluster_markers) {
marker_order <-
group_matrix |>
t() |>
stats::dist(method = "euclidean") |>
stats::hclust() |>
marker_order <- marker_names[marker_order]
} else {
marker_order <- marker_names
if (cluster_groups) {
group_order <-
stats::dist(x = group_matrix, method = "euclidean") |>
stats::hclust() |>
group_order <- dplyr::pull(group_tibble, {{ y_col }})[group_order]
} else {
group_order <- dplyr::pull(group_tibble, {{ y_col }})
group_tibble_long <-
group_matrix |>
dplyr::as_tibble() |>
dplyr::bind_cols(dplyr::select(group_tibble, {{ y_col }})) |>
cols = {{ marker_cols }},
names_to = "marker",
values_to = "expression"
) |>
"{{y_col}}" := factor({{ y_col }}, levels = group_order),
marker = factor(.data$marker, levels = marker_order)
heatmap <-
group_tibble_long |>
ggplot2::aes(x = .data$marker, y = {{ y_col }}, fill = .data$expression)
) +
ggplot2::geom_tile(color = "black", linewidth = line_width) +
# rotate x axis labels
theme <-
theme +
axis.text.x =
ggplot2::element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5)
return(heatmap + theme)
flatten_model_predictions <- function(model_prediction, lambdas) {
num_lambdas <- length(lambdas)
prediction_list <- list()
for (i in seq_len(num_lambdas)) {
lambda <- lambdas[[i]]
prediction <- model_prediction[, , i]
prediction_list[[i]] <- dplyr::as_tibble(prediction)
result <- dplyr::tibble(
lambda = lambdas,
predictions = prediction_list
#' @importFrom survival survfit
tof_model_plot_survival_curves <- function(tof_model, new_x) {
cox_model <- tof_model$model
lambda <- tof_model$penalty
if (missing(new_x)) {
new_x <-
feature_tibble = tof_get_model_training_data(tof_model),
recipe = tof_model$recipe,
outcome_cols = dplyr::any_of(tof_model$outcome_colnames),
model_type = tof_model$model_type
survfit_result <-
s = lambda,
x = tof_get_model_x(tof_model),
y = tof_get_model_y(tof_model),
newx = new_x
times <-
time = survfit_result$time,
.timepoint_index = seq_along(survfit_result$time)
survival_curves <-
survfit_result$surv |>
dplyr::as_tibble() |>
dplyr::mutate(.timepoint_index = seq_len(nrow(survfit_result$surv))) |>
cols = -".timepoint_index",
names_to = "row_index",
values_to = "probability"
) |>
dplyr::left_join(times, by = ".timepoint_index") |>
dplyr::select(-".timepoint_index") |>
tidyr::nest(survival_curve = -"row_index")
#' @importFrom survival survfit
tof_plot_survival_curves <-
function(cox_model, lambda, recipe, train_x, train_y, new_x) {
survfit_result <-
s = lambda,
x = train_x,
y = train_y,
newx = new_x
times <-
time = survfit_result$time,
.timepoint_index = seq_along(survfit_result$time)
survival_curves <-
survfit_result$surv |>
dplyr::as_tibble() |>
dplyr::mutate(.timepoint_index = seq_len(nrow(survfit_result$surv))) |>
cols = -".timepoint_index",
names_to = "row_index",
values_to = "probability"
) |>
dplyr::left_join(times, by = ".timepoint_index") |>
dplyr::select(-".timepoint_index") |>
tidyr::nest(survival_curve = -"row_index")
#' Compute a Kaplan-Meier curve from sample-level survival data
#' @param survival_curves A tibble from which the Kaplan-Meier curve will be
#' computed. Each row must represent an observation and must have two
#' columns named "time_to_event" and "event".
#' @return A tibble with 3 columns: time_to_event, survival_probability, and
#' is_censored (whether or not an event was censored at that timepoint).
#' @importFrom dplyr add_row
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange
#' @importFrom dplyr lag
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom dplyr n
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom dplyr tibble
tof_compute_km_curve <- function(survival_curves) {
if (!is.factor(survival_curves$event)) {
survival_curves$event <- factor(survival_curves$event, levels = c(0, 1))
censor_level <- levels(survival_curves$event)[1]
death_level <- levels(survival_curves$event)[2]
km_curve <-
survival_curves |>
dplyr::select("time_to_event", "event") |>
dplyr::arrange(.data$time_to_event) |>
num_current_deaths = as.character(.data$event) == death_level,
num_deaths = cumsum(.data$num_current_deaths),
num_current_censored = as.character(.data$event) == censor_level,
num_censored = cumsum(.data$num_current_censored)
) |>
time_to_event = 0,
num_current_deaths = 0,
num_deaths = 0,
num_current_censored = 0,
num_censored = 0
.before = 1L
) |>
num_at_risk = dplyr::n() - (.data$num_deaths + .data$num_censored + 1),
num_at_risk = dplyr::lag(.data$num_at_risk, default = dplyr::n() - 1),
multiplier = (.data$num_at_risk - .data$num_current_deaths) / .data$num_at_risk,
survival_probability = 1,
survival_probability = cumprod(.data$multiplier),
is_censored = (.data$num_current_censored == 1)
) |>
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