
Defines functions make_flowcore_annotated_data_frame as_flowSet.tof_tbl as_flowSet as_flowFrame.tof_tbl as_flowFrame tof_split_tidytof_reduced_dimensions as_seurat.tof_tbl as_seurat as_SingleCellExperiment.tof_tbl as_SingleCellExperiment as_tof_tbl as_tof_tbl.flowFrame as_tof_tbl.flowSet ungroup.grouped_tof_tbl slice_sample.tof_tbl mutate.tof_tbl group_by.tof_tbl pivot_wider.tof_tbl pivot_longer.tof_tbl unnest.tof_tbl nest.tof_tbl tof_set_panel tof_get_panel new_tof_tibble

Documented in as_flowFrame as_flowFrame.tof_tbl as_flowSet as_flowSet.tof_tbl as_seurat as_seurat.tof_tbl as_SingleCellExperiment as_SingleCellExperiment.tof_tbl as_tof_tbl as_tof_tbl.flowSet make_flowcore_annotated_data_frame new_tof_tibble tof_get_panel tof_set_panel tof_split_tidytof_reduced_dimensions

# new_tof_tibble ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' Constructor for a tof_tibble.
#' @param x A data.frame or tibble containing single-cell mass cytometry data
#' such that rows are cells and columns are CyTOF measurements.
#' @param panel A data.frame or tibble containing information about the panel
#' for the mass cytometry data in x.
#' @return A `tof_tbl`, an tibble extension that tracks a few other attributes
#' that are useful for CyTOF data analysis.
#' @family tof_tbl utilities
new_tof_tibble <- function(x = dplyr::tibble(), panel = dplyr::tibble()) {
    stopifnot(inherits(x, "tbl_df"))
    stopifnot(inherits(panel, "tbl_df"))

    if ("grouped_df" %in% class(x)) {
        subclasses <- c("grouped_tof_tbl", "grouped_df", "tof_tbl")
    } else {
        subclasses <- "tof_tbl"

        panel = panel,
        nrow = nrow(x),
        class = subclasses

# tof_get_panel ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Get panel information from a tof_tibble
#' @param tof_tibble A `tof_tbl`.
#' @return A tibble containing information about the CyTOF panel
#' that was used during data acquisition for the data contained
#' in `tof_tibble`.
#' @export
#' @family tof_tbl utilities
#' @examples
#' input_file <- dir(tidytof_example_data("aml"), full.names = TRUE)[[1]]
#' tof_tibble <- tof_read_data(input_file)
#' tof_get_panel(tof_tibble)
tof_get_panel <- function(tof_tibble) {
    panel <-
        tof_tibble |>
        attr(which = "panel")


# tof_set_panel ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Set panel information from a tof_tibble
#' @param tof_tibble A `tof_tbl`.
#' @param panel A tibble containing two columns (`metals` and `antigens`) representing
#' the information about a panel
#' @return A `tof_tibble` containing information about the CyTOF panel
#' that was used during data acquisition for the data contained
#' in the input `tof_tibble`. Two columns are required: "metals" and "antigens".
#' @family tof_tbl utilities
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # get current panel from an .fcs file
#' input_file <- dir(tidytof_example_data("aml"), full.names = TRUE)[[1]]
#' tof_tibble <- tof_read_data(input_file)
#' current_panel <- tof_get_panel(tof_tibble)
#' # create a new panel (remove empty channels)
#' new_panel <- dplyr::filter(current_panel, antigens != "empty")
#' tof_set_panel(tof_tibble = tof_tibble, panel = new_panel)
tof_set_panel <- function(tof_tibble, panel) {
    attr(tof_tibble, which = "panel") <- panel

# tof_tbl methods --------------------------------------------------------------

## tidyr methods

#' @export
nest.tof_tbl <- function(.data, ..., .names_sep = NULL) { # , .key = deprecated()) {
    panel <- tof_get_panel(.data)
    return(new_tof_tibble(x = NextMethod(), panel = panel))

#' @export
unnest.tof_tbl <- function(data, ...) {
    start_panel <- tof_get_panel(data)
    return(new_tof_tibble(x = NextMethod(), panel = start_panel))

#' @export
pivot_longer.tof_tbl <- function(data, ...) {
    panel <- tof_get_panel(data)
    return(new_tof_tibble(x = NextMethod(), panel = panel))

#' @export
pivot_wider.tof_tbl <- function(data, ...) {
    panel <- tof_get_panel(data)
    return(new_tof_tibble(x = NextMethod(), panel = panel))

#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by_drop_default
group_by.tof_tbl <-
    function(.data, ..., .add = FALSE, .drop = dplyr::group_by_drop_default(.data)) {
        panel <- tof_get_panel(.data)
        return(new_tof_tibble(x = NextMethod(), panel = panel))

## dplyr methods

#' @export
mutate.tof_tbl <- function(.data, ...) {
    panel <- tof_get_panel(.data)
    return(new_tof_tibble(x = NextMethod(), panel = panel))

#' @export
slice_sample.tof_tbl <-
    function(.data, ..., n, prop, weight_by = NULL, replace = FALSE) {
        panel <- tof_get_panel(.data)
        return(new_tof_tibble(x = NextMethod(), panel = panel))

# grouped_tof_tbl methods ------------------------------------------------------

## tidyr methods

#' @export
nest.grouped_tof_tbl <- nest.tof_tbl

#' @export
ungroup.grouped_tof_tbl <- function(x, ...) {
    panel <- tof_get_panel(x)
    return(new_tof_tibble(x = NextMethod(), panel = panel))

# for interoperability with flowCore -------------------------------------------

#' Convert an object into a tof_tbl
#' @param flow_data A FlowSet
#' @param sep A string to use to separate the antigen name and its associated
#' metal in the column names of the output tibble. Defaults to "|".
#' @export
#' @importFrom flowCore fsApply
#' @importFrom flowCore exprs
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble
#' @return a `tof_tbl`
as_tof_tbl.flowSet <- function(flow_data, sep = "|") {
    # check if flowset is empty
    if (length(flow_data) < 1) {
        stop("This flowSet is empty.")
    panel_info <-
        flow_data[[1]] |>

    flowset_exprs <-
        flow_data |>
        flowCore::fsApply(FUN = flowCore::exprs) |>

    col_names <-
        base::paste(panel_info$antigens, panel_info$metals, sep = sep)

    # prevent repeating names twice when antigen and metal are identical
    repeat_indices <-
        which(panel_info$metals == panel_info$antigens)
    col_names[repeat_indices] <- panel_info$antigens[repeat_indices]

    colnames(flowset_exprs) <- col_names

    result <- new_tof_tibble(x = flowset_exprs, panel = panel_info)


#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble
#' @importFrom flowCore exprs
as_tof_tbl.flowFrame <- function(flow_data, sep = "|") {
    panel_info <-
        flow_data |>

    col_names <-
        # stringr::str_c(panel_info$antigens, panel_info$metals, sep = sep)
        base::paste(panel_info$antigens, panel_info$metals, sep = sep)

    # prevent repeating names twice when antigen and metal are identical
    repeat_indices <-
        which(panel_info$metals == panel_info$antigens)
    col_names[repeat_indices] <- panel_info$antigens[repeat_indices]

    flowframe_exprs <-
            object = dplyr::as_tibble(flowCore::exprs(flow_data)),
            nm = col_names

    result <-
            x = flowframe_exprs,
            panel = panel_info


#' Coerce flowFrames or flowSets into tof_tbl's.
#' @param flow_data A flowFrame or flowSet
#' @param sep A string indicating which symbol should be used to separate
#' antigen names and metal names in the columns of the output tof_tbl.
#' @export
#' @return A tof_tbl.
#' @examples
#' input_file <- dir(tidytof_example_data("aml"), full.names = TRUE)[[1]]
#' input_flowframe <- flowCore::read.FCS(input_file)
#' tof_tibble <- as_tof_tbl(input_flowframe)
as_tof_tbl <- function(flow_data, sep = "|") {

# for interoperability with Bioconductor ---------------------------------------

#' Coerce an object into a \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment}}
#' @param x An object.
#' @param ... Method-specific arguments
#' @export
#' @return A \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment}}
#' @examples
as_SingleCellExperiment <- function(x, ...) {

#' Coerce a tof_tbl into a \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment}}
#' @param x A tof_tbl
#' @param channel_cols Unquoted column names representing columns that contain
#' single-cell protein measurements. Supports tidyselect helpers.
#' If nothing is specified, the default is all numeric columns.
#' @param reduced_dimensions_cols Unquoted column names representing columns that contain
#' dimensionality reduction embeddings, such as tSNE or UMAP embeddings.
#' Supports tidyselect helpers.
#' @param metadata_cols Unquoted column names representing columns that contain
#' metadata about the samples from which each cell was collected. If nothing
#' is specified, the default is all non-numeric columns.
#' @param split_reduced_dimensions A boolean value indicating whether the
#' dimensionality results in x should be split into separate slots in the resulting
#' \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment}}. If FALSE (the default),
#' the split will not be performed and the
#' \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{reducedDims}} slot in the result will have
#' a single entry ("tidytof_reduced_dimensions"). If TRUE, the split will be
#' performed and the \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{reducedDims}} slot in
#' the result will have 1-4 entries depending on which dimensionality reduction
#' results are present in x ("tidytof_pca", "tidytof_tsne", "tidytof_umap",
#' and "tidytof_reduced_dimensions"). Note that "tidytof_reduced_dimensions" will
#' include all dimensionality reduction results that are not named according to
#' tidytof's pca, umap, and tsne conventions.
#' @param ... Unused.
#' @return A \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment}}.
#' @rdname as_SingleCellExperiment
#' @export
#' @examples
as_SingleCellExperiment.tof_tbl <-
        channel_cols = where(tof_is_numeric),
        metadata_cols = where(\(.x) !tof_is_numeric(.x)),
        split_reduced_dimensions = FALSE,
        ...) {
        # check to see if SingleCellExperiment is installed
        rlang::check_installed(pkg = "SingleCellExperiment")

        if (!requireNamespace(package = "SingleCellExperiment")) {
            stop("as_SingleCellExperiment requires the SingleCellExperiment package to be installed from Bioconductor.")

        # extract column names
        channel_colnames <-
            x |>
            dplyr::select({{ channel_cols }}) |>

        reduced_dimensions_colnames <-
            x |>
            dplyr::select({{ reduced_dimensions_cols }}) |>

        metadata_colnames <-
            x |>
            dplyr::select({{ metadata_cols }}) |>

        # extract embedding (reduced dimension) data
        if (length(reduced_dimensions_colnames) > 1) {
            cytometry_reduced_dimensions <-
                x |>
                dplyr::select({{ reduced_dimensions_cols }}) |>
        } else {
            reduced_dimensions_colnames <-
                x |>
                dplyr::select(dplyr::matches("^.pc\\d+|^.tsne\\d+|^.umap\\d+")) |>

            if (length(reduced_dimensions_colnames) == 0) {
                cytometry_reduced_dimensions <- NULL
            } else {
                cytometry_reduced_dimensions <-
                    x |>
                    dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(reduced_dimensions_colnames)) |>

        # extract marker data
        ## remove any dimensionality reduction columns from the cytometry assay
        ## in the event that they were accidentally included.
        channel_colnames <- setdiff(channel_colnames, reduced_dimensions_colnames)
        cytometry_data <-
            x |>
            dplyr::select({{ channel_cols }}) |>
            dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(channel_colnames)) |>
            as.matrix() |>
        row.names(cytometry_data) <- channel_colnames

        # extract metadata
        cytometry_metadata <-
            x |>
            dplyr::select({{ metadata_cols }}) |>

        # assemble SCE object
        tof_assays <- list(cytometry = cytometry_data)

        if (is.null(cytometry_reduced_dimensions)) {
            reduced_dims <- list()
        } else {
            reduced_dims <-
                list(tidytof_reduced_dimensions = cytometry_reduced_dimensions)

        row_data <- data.frame(marker_name = channel_colnames)

        col_data <- cytometry_metadata
        row.names(col_data) <- paste0("cell_", seq_len(nrow(col_data)))

        result <-
                assays = tof_assays,
                rowData = row_data,
                colData = col_data,
                reducedDims = reduced_dims

        if (split_reduced_dimensions) {
            result <- tof_split_tidytof_reduced_dimensions(result)


#' Coerce an object into a \code{\link[SeuratObject]{SeuratObject}}
#' @param x An object
#' @param ... Method-specific arguments
#' @export
#' @return A \code{\link[SeuratObject]{SeuratObject}}
#' @examples
as_seurat <- function(x, ...) {

#' Coerce a tof_tbl into a \code{\link[SeuratObject]{SeuratObject}}
#' @param x A tof_tbl
#' @param channel_cols Unquoted column names representing columns that contain
#' single-cell protein measurements. Supports tidyselect helpers.
#' If nothing is specified, the default is all numeric columns.
#' @param reduced_dimensions_cols Unquoted column names representing columns that contain
#' dimensionality reduction embeddings, such as tSNE or UMAP embeddings.
#' Supports tidyselect helpers.
#' @param metadata_cols Unquoted column names representing columns that contain
#' metadata about the samples from which each cell was collected. If nothing
#' is specified, the default is all non-numeric columns.
#' @param split_reduced_dimensions A boolean value indicating whether the
#' dimensionality results in x should be split into separate slots in the resulting
#' \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment}}. If FALSE (the default),
#' the split will not be performed and the
#' \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{reducedDims}} slot in the result will have
#' a single entry ("tidytof_reduced_dimensions"). If TRUE, the split will be
#' performed and the \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{reducedDims}} slot in
#' the result will have 1-4 entries depending on which dimensionality reduction
#' results are present in x ("tidytof_pca", "tidytof_tsne", "tidytof_umap",
#' and "tidytof_reduced_dimensions"). Note that "tidytof_reduced_dimensions" will
#' include all dimensionality reduction results that are not named according to
#' tidytof's pca, umap, and tsne conventions.
#' @param ... Unused.
#' @return A \code{\link[SeuratObject]{SeuratObject}}.
#' @rdname as_seurat
#' @export
#' @examples
as_seurat.tof_tbl <-
        channel_cols = where(tof_is_numeric),
        metadata_cols = where(\(.x) !tof_is_numeric(.x)),
        split_reduced_dimensions = FALSE,
        ...) {
        # check to see if SingleCellExperiment is installed
        rlang::check_installed(pkg = "SingleCellExperiment")

        if (!requireNamespace(package = "SingleCellExperiment")) {
            stop("as_seurat requires the SingleCellExperiment package to be installed from Bioconductor.")

        # check to see if Seurat is installed
        rlang::check_installed(pkg = "Seurat")

        if (!requireNamespace(package = "Seurat")) {
            stop("as_seurat requires the Seurat package to be installed from CRAN.")

        # check to see if SeuratObject is installed
        rlang::check_installed(pkg = "SeuratObject")

        if (!requireNamespace(package = "SeuratObject")) {
            stop("as_seurat requires the SeuratObject package to be installed from CRAN.")

        if (missing(reduced_dimensions_cols)) {
            reduced_dimensions_cols <-
                x |>
                dplyr::select(dplyr::matches("^.pc\\d+|^.tsne\\d+|^.umap\\d+")) |>

        sce <-
            x |>
                channel_cols = {{ channel_cols }},
                reduced_dimensions_cols = {{ reduced_dimensions_cols }},
                metadata_cols = {{ metadata_cols }}

        if (split_reduced_dimensions) {
            sce <-
                sce |>

        # }

            result <-
                sce |>
                    counts = NULL,
                    data = "cytometry",
                    project = "cytometry"
        # refine the default coercion a bit to make the Seurat object more intuitive
        # for the user

            result <- SeuratObject::RenameAssays(result, originalexp = "cytometry")


#' Split the dimensionality reduction data that tidytof combines during \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment}} conversion
#' @param sce A \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment}} with an
#' entry named "tidytof_reduced_dimensions" in its \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{reducedDims}} slot.
#' @return A \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment}} with separate entries
#' named "tidytof_pca", "tidytof_umap", and "tidytof_tsne" in its
#' \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{reducedDims}} slots (one for each of the
#' dimensionality reduction methods for which tidytof has native support).
#' @importFrom rlang check_installed
#' @importFrom rlang is_installed
#' @importFrom purrr discard
#' @examples
tof_split_tidytof_reduced_dimensions <- function(sce) {
    # check to see if SingleCellExperiment is installed
    rlang::check_installed(pkg = "SingleCellExperiment")

    if (!requireNamespace(package = "SingleCellExperiment")) {
        stop("as_seurat requires the SingleCellExperiment package to be installed from Bioconductor.")

    sce_reduced_dimensions <-
        sce |>

    sce_pca <-
                pattern = "^\\.pc\\d+",
                x = colnames(sce_reduced_dimensions)

    sce_umap <-
                pattern = "^\\.umap\\d+",
                x = colnames(sce_reduced_dimensions)

    sce_tsne <-
                pattern = "^\\.tsne\\d+",
                x = colnames(sce_reduced_dimensions)

    sce_leftover <-
                pattern = "^\\.pc\\d+|^\\.umap\\d+|^\\.tsne\\d+",
                x = colnames(sce_reduced_dimensions)

    result_list <-
            tidytof_pca = sce_pca,
            tidytof_tsne = sce_tsne,
            tidytof_umap = sce_umap,
            tidytof_reduced_dimensions = sce_leftover
        ) |>
        purrr::discard(.p = \(.x) ncol(.x) == 0)

    SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(sce, "tidytof_reduced_dimensions") <- NULL

    for (i in seq_along(result_list)) {
        name <- names(result_list)[[i]]
        result <- result_list[[i]]

        SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(sce, name) <- result

#' Coerce an object into a \code{\link[flowCore]{flowFrame}}
#' @param x An object.
#' @param ... Method-specific arguments
#' @export
#' @return A \code{\link[flowCore]{flowFrame}}
#' @examples
as_flowFrame <- function(x, ...) {

#' Coerce a tof_tbl into a \code{\link[flowCore]{flowFrame}}
#' @param x A tof_tbl.
#' @param ... Unused.
#' @return A \code{\link[flowCore]{flowFrame}}. Note that all non-numeric
#' columns in `x` will be removed.
#' @rdname as_flowFrame
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr across
#' @importFrom dplyr everything
#' @importFrom dplyr rename_with
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom flowCore flowFrame
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @examples
as_flowFrame.tof_tbl <- function(x, ...) {
    tof_tibble <-
        x |>

    maxes_and_mins <-
        tof_tibble |>
                .fns =
                    list(max = ~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE), min = ~ min(.x, na.rm = TRUE)),
                # use the many underscores because it's unlikely this will come up
                # in column names on their own
                .names = "{.col}_____{.fn}"
        ) |>
            cols = dplyr::everything(),
            names_to = c("antigen", "value_type"),
            values_to = "value",
            names_sep = "_____"
        ) |>
            names_from = "value_type",
            values_from = "value"

    # extract the names of all columns to used in the flowFrame
    data_cols <- maxes_and_mins$antigen

    # make the AnnotatedDataFrame flowCore needs
    parameters <-
        make_flowcore_annotated_data_frame(maxes_and_mins = maxes_and_mins)

    # assemble flowFrame
    result <-
        tof_tibble |>
            .fn = stringr::str_replace,
            pattern = "\\|",
            replacement = "_"
        ) |>
        as.matrix() |>
            parameters = parameters


#' Coerce an object into a \code{\link[flowCore]{flowSet}}
#' @param x An object.
#' @param ... Method-specific arguments
#' @export
#' @return A \code{\link[flowCore]{flowSet}}
#' @examples
as_flowSet <- function(x, ...) {

#' Coerce a tof_tbl into a \code{\link[flowCore]{flowSet}}
#' @param x A tof_tbl.
#' @param group_cols Unquoted names of the columns in `x` that should
#' be used to group cells into separate \code{\link[flowCore]{flowFrame}}s.
#' Supports tidyselect helpers. Defaults to
#' NULL (all cells are written into a single \code{\link[flowCore]{flowFrame}}).
#' @param ... Unused.
#' @return A \code{\link[flowCore]{flowSet}}. Note that all non-numeric
#' columns in `x` will be removed.
#' @rdname as_flowSet
#' @importFrom dplyr across
#' @importFrom dplyr everything
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom dplyr rename_with
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom dplyr summarize
#' @importFrom flowCore flowFrame
#' @importFrom flowCore flowSet
#' @importFrom flowCore phenoData
#' @importFrom flowCore sampleNames
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace
#' @importFrom tidyr nest
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @export
#' @examples
as_flowSet.tof_tbl <- function(x, group_cols, ...) {
    if (missing(group_cols)) {
        result <- as_flowFrame(x)
    } else {
        tof_tibble <-
            x |>
            dplyr::select({{ group_cols }}, where(tof_is_numeric))

        maxes_and_mins <-
            tof_tibble |>
                    -{{ group_cols }},
                    .fns =
                        list(max = ~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE), min = ~ min(.x, na.rm = TRUE)),
                    # use the many underscores because it's unlikely this will come up
                    # in column names on their own
                    .names = "{.col}_____{.fn}"
            ) |>
                cols = dplyr::everything(),
                names_to = c("antigen", "value_type"),
                values_to = "value",
                names_sep = "_____"
            ) |>
                names_from = "value_type",
                values_from = "value"

        # extract the names of all non-grouping columns to be saved to the .fcs file
        data_cols <- maxes_and_mins$antigen

        tof_tibble <-
                tof_tibble |>
                    tidyr::nest(.by = {{ group_cols }})

        # make the AnnotatedDataFrame flowCore needs
        parameters <-
            make_flowcore_annotated_data_frame(maxes_and_mins = maxes_and_mins)

        tof_tibble <-
            tof_tibble |>
                flowFrames =
                        .x = data,
                        ~ flowCore::flowFrame(
                            exprs =
                            # have to change any instances of "|" in column names to another
                            # separator, as "|" has special meaning as an .fcs file delimiter
                                        pattern = "\\|",
                                        replacement = "_"
                            parameters = parameters
            ) |>
                {{ group_cols }},

        metadata_frame <-
            tof_tibble |>
            dplyr::select({{ group_cols }}) |>

        # store group_cols metadata in an annotated data frame for the flowSet
        row.names(metadata_frame) <-
            paste0("Sample_", seq_len(nrow(metadata_frame)))
        annotated_metadata_frame <- as(metadata_frame, "AnnotatedDataFrame")

        result <- flowCore::flowSet(tof_tibble$flowFrames)
        flowCore::sampleNames(result) <- paste0("Sample_", seq_along(result))

        flowCore::phenoData(result) <- annotated_metadata_frame


#' Make the AnnotatedDataFrame needed for the flowFrame class
#' @param maxes_and_mins a data.frame containing information about the max
#' and min values of each channel to be saved in the flowFrame.
#' @return An AnnotatedDataFrame.
#' @importFrom dplyr transmute
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace
#' @importFrom stringr str_c
#' @examples
make_flowcore_annotated_data_frame <- function(maxes_and_mins) {
    fcs_varMetadata <-
            labelDescription =
                    "Name of Parameter",
                    "Description of Parameter",
                    "Range of Parameter",
                    "Minimum Parameter Value after Transformation",
                    "Maximum Parameter Value after Transformation"

    fcs_data <-
        maxes_and_mins |>
            # have to change any instances of "|" in column names to another
            # separator, as "|" has special meaning as an .fcs file delimiter
            name = stringr::str_replace(.data$antigen, "\\|", "_"),
            desc = stringr::str_replace(.data$antigen, "\\|", "_"),
            range = max - min,
            minRange = min,
            maxRange = max
        ) |>

    row.names(fcs_data) <- stringr::str_c("$", "P", seq_len(nrow(fcs_data)))

    # make the AnnotatedDataFrame
    parameters <-
            data = fcs_data,
            varMetadata = fcs_varMetadata

keyes-timothy/tidytof documentation built on Aug. 28, 2024, 8:37 a.m.