# io.R
# This file contains functions relevant to reading input high-dimensional cytometry data from files
# and writing output data to files.
# tof_find_panel_info ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Use tidytof's opinionated heuristic for extracted a high-dimensional cytometry panel's metal-antigen pairs
#' from a flowFrame (read from a .fcs file.)
#' Using the character vectors obtained from the `name` and `desc` columns of
#' the parameters of the data of a flowFrame, figure out the high-dimensional cytometry panel used
#' to collect the data and return it as a tidy tibble.
#' @param input_flowFrame a raw flowFrame (just read from an .fcs file) from which
#' a high-dimensional cytometry panel should be extracted
#' @return A tibble with 2 columns (`metals` and `antigens`) that correspond to the
#' metals and antigens of the high-dimensional cytometry panel used during data acquisition.
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove_all
#' @importFrom stringr str_c
#' @importFrom dplyr if_else
#' @importFrom dplyr tibble
tof_find_panel_info <- function(input_flowFrame) {
# extract "desc" and "names" information from the flowFrame
data_desc <- as.character(input_flowFrame@parameters@data$desc)
data_names <- as.character(input_flowFrame@parameters@data$name)
# find metals
metals <-
pattern = stringr::str_c(metal_masterlist, collapse = "|")
pattern = stringr::str_c(metal_masterlist, collapse = "|")
) |>
pattern = stringr::str_c(metal_masterlist, collapse = "|")
) |>
pattern = stringr::str_c(metal_masterlist, collapse = "|")
) |>
pattern = stringr::str_c(metal_masterlist, collapse = "|")
) |>
# if no metal could be detected, just throw whatever was in the names
# slot (to be as informative as possible)
metals <-
# find antigens --------------------------------------------------------------
# first, look in the description slot and remove any metal patterns. What
# remains (minus any punctuation) is a candidate antigen name.
antigens <-
stringr::str_detect(data_desc, pattern = stringr::str_c(metal_masterlist, collapse = "|")),
stringr::str_remove(data_desc, pattern = stringr::str_c(metal_masterlist, collapse = "|")),
) |>
stringr::str_remove("^[:punct:]|[:punct:]$") |>
# if a given antigen name is empty after the first round of candidates is
# explored, check the names slot. Remove any metal patterns (and punctuation)
# and what remains should be the antigen name.
antigens <-
antigens == "" | is.na(antigens),
stringr::str_remove(data_names, pattern = stringr::str_c(metal_masterlist, collapse = "|")),
) |>
stringr::str_remove("^[:punct:]|[:punct:]$") |>
# if the antigen name of any given channel is still empty (or NA), just put
# the word "empty"
antigens <-
dplyr::if_else((antigens == "" | is.na(antigens)), "empty", antigens)
# return result
result <-
# tof_read_fcs -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Read high-dimensional cytometry data from an .fcs file into a tidy tibble.
#' This function reads high-dimensional cytometry data from a single .fcs file into a tidy data
#' structure called a `tof_tbl` ("tof_tibble"). tof_tibbles are identical to normal
#' tibbles except for an additional attribute ("panel") that stores information
#' about the high-dimensional cytometry panel used during data acquisition.
#' @param file_path A file path to a single .fcs file.
#' @param sep A string to use to separate the antigen name and its associated
#' metal in the column names of the output tibble. Defaults to "|".
#' @return a `tof_tbl` in which each row represents a single cell and each
#' column represents a high-dimensional cytometry antigen channel.
#' A `tof_tbl` is an S3 class that extends the "tibble" class by storing
#' one additional attribute: "panel" (a tibble storing information about the
#' panel used during data acquisition).
#' @importFrom dplyr if_else
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble
#' @importFrom flowCore read.FCS
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
tof_read_fcs <-
function(file_path = NULL, sep = "|") {
# read flowFrame from file
tof_flowFrame <-
file_path |>
flowCore::read.FCS(transformation = FALSE, truncate_max_range = FALSE)
# extract panel information from inner parameters of the flowFrame
panel_info <- tof_find_panel_info(input_flowFrame = tof_flowFrame)
# derive and set the column names to use for the output tof_tibble
col_names <-
# if the antigen and the metal name are the same,
# use a simplified column name
panel_info$antigens == panel_info$metals,
base::paste(panel_info$antigens, panel_info$metals, sep = sep)
tof_tibble <-
object = dplyr::as_tibble(flowCore::exprs(tof_flowFrame)),
nm = col_names
tof_tibble <-
x = tof_tibble,
panel = panel_info
# tof_read_csv -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Read high-dimensional cytometry data from a .csv file into a tidy tibble.
#' @param file_path A file path to a single .csv file.
#' @param panel_info Optional. A tibble or data.frame containing information about the
#' panel used during high-dimensional cytometry data acquisition. Two columns are required:
#' "metals" and "antigens".
#' @return A `tof_tbl` in which each row represents a single cell and each
#' column represents a high-dimensional cytometry antigen channel.
#' A `tof_tbl` is an S3 class that extends the "tibble" class by storing
#' one additional attribute: "panel" (a tibble storing information about the
#' panel used during data acquisition). Because panel information isn't
#' obvious from data read as a .csv file, this information must be provided
#' manually from the user (unlike in `tof_read_fcs`).
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom readr cols
tof_read_csv <-
function(file_path = NULL, panel_info = dplyr::tibble()) {
tof_tibble <-
file_path |>
readr::read_csv(col_types = readr::cols(), progress = FALSE)
# check that panel_info typing is correct
if (is.data.frame(panel_info)) {
panel_info <- dplyr::as_tibble(panel_info)
panel_names <- colnames(panel_info)
if (all(c("antigens", "metals") %in% panel_names)) {
panel_info <-
panel_info |>
dplyr::select("antigens", "metals")
} else if (!identical(panel_info, dplyr::tibble())) {
stop("panel_info must contain an \"antigens\" and a \"metals\" column")
} else if (!is.null(panel_info)) {
stop("panel_info must be a tibble, a data.frame, or NULL")
tof_tibble <-
x = tof_tibble,
panel = panel_info
# tof_read_file ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Read high-dimensional cytometry data from a single .fcs or .csv file into a tidy tibble.
#' @param file_path A file path to a single .fcs or .csv file.
#' @param sep A string to use to separate the antigen name and its associated
#' metal in the column names of the output tibble. Defaults to "|". Only used
#' if the input file is an .fcs file.
#' @param panel_info Optional. A tibble or data.frame containing information about the
#' panel used during high-dimensional cytometry data acquisition. Two columns are required:
#' "metals" and "antigens". Only used if the input file is a .csv file.
#' @return A `tof_tbl` in which each row represents a single cell and each
#' column represents a high-dimensional cytometry antigen channel.
#' A `tof_tbl` is an S3 class that extends the "tibble" class by storing
#' one additional attribute: "panel" (a tibble storing information about the
#' panel used during data acquisition). Because panel information isn't
#' obvious from data read as a .csv file, this information must be provided
#' manually by the user.
tof_read_file <- function(file_path = NULL, sep = "|", panel_info = dplyr::tibble()) {
if (get_extension(file_path) == "fcs") {
tof_tibble <-
file_path |>
tof_read_fcs(sep = sep)
} else if (get_extension(file_path) == "csv") {
tof_tibble <-
file_path |>
tof_read_csv(panel_info = panel_info)
# tof_read_data ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Read data from an .fcs/.csv file or a directory of .fcs/.csv files.
#' @param path A file path to a single file or to a directory of files.
#' The only valid file types are .fcs files or .csv files
#' containing high-dimensional cytometry data.
#' @param sep Optional. A string to use to separate the antigen name and its associated
#' metal in the column names of the output tibble. Defaults to "|". Only used if
#' the input file is an .fcs file.
#' @param panel_info Optional. A tibble or data.frame containing information about the
#' panel used during high-dimensional cytometry data acquisition. Two columns are required:
#' "metals" and "antigens". Only used if the input file is a .csv file.
#' @return An [c by m+1] tibble in which each row represents a single cell (of c
#' total in the dataset) and each column represents a high-dimensional cytometry measurement
#' (of m total in the dataset). If more than one .fcs is read at once,
#' the last column of the tibble (`file_name`) will represent the file name
#' of the .fcs file from which each cell was read.
#' @family input/output functions
#' @export
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom purrr map2
#' @importFrom purrr pluck
#' @importFrom tidyr nest
#' @importFrom tidyr unnest
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove_all
#' @examples
#' input_file <- dir(tidytof_example_data("aml"), full.names = TRUE)[[1]]
#' tof_read_data(input_file)
tof_read_data <- function(path = NULL, sep = "|", panel_info = dplyr::tibble()) {
# if path gives multiple paths to multiple files
if (length(path) > 1) {
if (all(file_test(op = "-f", x = path))) {
file_paths <- path
file_names <- basename(file_paths)
} else {
stop("If length(path) > 1, each entry must point to a single file.")
# if path only gives a single path
} else if (length(path == 1)) {
# if the path leads to a single file
if (file_test(op = "-f", x = path)) {
tof_tibble <- tof_read_file(path, sep = sep, panel_info = panel_info)
# if the path leads to a directory
} else if (file_test(op = "-d", x = path)) {
file_paths <-
list.files(path, full.names = TRUE)
file_names <- basename(file_paths)
} else {
"path must be a vector of paths to data files or a
single path to a data file or directory."
# read files into a nested tibble
tof_tibble <-
file_name = file_names,
data =
.x = file_paths,
.f = tof_read_file,
sep = sep,
panel_info = panel_info
# check how many unique panels are present across all files being read
panels <-
purrr::map(.x = tof_tibble$data, ~ attr(x = .x, which = "panel"))
num_panels <-
panels |>
unique() |>
if (num_panels > 1) {
# group by panel
tof_tibble <-
tof_tibble |>
dplyr::mutate(panel = panels) |>
tidyr::nest(data = -panel) |>
data =
.x = data,
.y = panel,
.f = ~ new_tof_tibble(x = .x, panel = .y)
) |>
data =
.x = data,
.y = panel,
.f = ~
new_tof_tibble(x = tidyr::unnest(.x, cols = data), panel = .y)
} else {
# put everything together
tof_tibble <-
tof_tibble |>
tidyr::unnest(cols = data)
panel <-
panels |>
panel <- panel[[1]]
tof_tibble <-
new_tof_tibble(x = tof_tibble, panel = panel)
# tof_write_csv ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Write a series of .csv files from a tof_tbl
#' This function takes a given `tof_tbl` and writes the single-cell data
#' it contains into .csv files within the directory located at `out_path`. The
#' `group_cols` argument specifies how the rows of the `tof_tbl` (each cell)
#' should be broken into separate .csv files
#' @param tof_tibble A `tof_tbl` or a `tibble`.
#' @param group_cols Optional. Unquoted names of the columns in `tof_tibble` that should
#' be used to group cells into separate files. Supports tidyselect helpers. Defaults to
#' NULL (all cells are written into a single file).
#' @param out_path A system path indicating the directory where the output .csv
#' files should be saved. If the directory doesn't exist, it will be created.
#' @param sep Delimiter that should be used between each of the values of `group_cols`
#' to create the output .csv file names. Defaults to "_".
#' @param file_name If `group_cols` isn't specified, the name (without an extension)
#' that should be used for the saved .csv file.
#' @return This function does not return anything. Instead, it has the side-effect
#' of saving .csv files to `out_path`.
#' @family input/output functions
#' @importFrom tidyr nest
#' @importFrom tidyr unite
#' @importFrom purrr walk2
#' @importFrom readr write_csv
#' @importFrom stringr str_c
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace
tof_write_csv <-
sep = "_",
file_name) {
# create the output directory if it doesn't already exist
dir.create(path = out_path, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
# if groups_cols is NULL, make sure there's a filename
if (missing(group_cols) & missing(file_name)) {
stop("if `group_cols` are not provided, you must specify a `file_name.`")
} else if (missing(group_cols)) {
file_name <- stringr::str_replace(file_name, "\\.csv$", "")
# nest cells using group_cols if they are provided, otherwise nest
# all cells into a single tof_tibble
if (missing(group_cols)) {
tof_tibble <-
tof_tibble |>
tidyr::nest() |>
) |>
dplyr::mutate(prefix = file_name)
} else {
tof_tibble <-
tof_tibble |>
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across({{ group_cols }})) |>
tidyr::nest() |>
) |>
tidyr::unite(col = "prefix", -data, sep = sep)
# save each tof_tbl in the nested tibble as its own file
.x = tof_tibble$prefix,
.y = tof_tibble$data,
.f = ~
x = .y,
file = file.path(out_path, stringr::str_c(.x, ".csv"))
# tof_write_fcs ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Write a series of .fcs files from a tof_tbl
#' This function takes a given `tof_tbl` and writes the single-cell data
#' it contains into .fcs files within the directory located at `out_path`. The
#' `group_cols` argument specifies how the rows of the `tof_tbl` (each cell)
#' should be broken into separate .fcs files
#' @param tof_tibble A `tof_tbl` or a `tibble`.
#' @param group_cols Unquoted names of the columns in `tof_tibble` that should
#' be used to group cells into separate files. Supports tidyselect helpers. Defaults to
#' NULL (all cells are written into a single file).
#' @param out_path A system path indicating the directory where the output .csv
#' files should be saved. If the directory doesn't exist, it will be created.
#' @param sep Delimiter that should be used between each of the values of `group_cols`
#' to create the output .fcs file names. Defaults to "_".
#' @param file_name If `group_cols` isn't specified, the name (without an extension)
#' that should be used for the saved .csv file.
#' @return This function does not return anything. Instead, it has the side-effect
#' of saving .fcs files to `out_path`.
#' @family input/output functions
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom dplyr summarize
#' @importFrom dplyr across
#' @importFrom dplyr everything
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by
#' @importFrom dplyr ungroup
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom tidyr nest
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @importFrom tidyr unite
#' @importFrom tidyselect everything
#' @importFrom stringr str_c
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace
#' @importFrom flowCore flowFrame
#' @importFrom flowCore write.FCS
#' @importFrom purrr walk2
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @examples
tof_write_fcs <-
sep = "_",
file_name) {
# create out_path
dir.create(path = out_path, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
# if groups_cols is NULL, make sure there's a filename
if (missing(group_cols) & missing(file_name)) {
stop("if `group_cols` are not provided, you must specify a `file_name.`")
} else if (missing(group_cols)) {
file_name <- stringr::str_replace(file_name, "\\.fcs$", "")
# eliminate all non-grouping and non-numeric columns from tof_tibble
if (!missing(group_cols)) {
tof_tibble <-
tof_tibble |>
dplyr::select({{ group_cols }}, where(tof_is_numeric))
} else {
tof_tibble <-
tof_tibble |>
# find max and min values for all non-grouping columns in tof_tibble
if (!missing(group_cols)) {
maxes_and_mins <-
tof_tibble |>
-{{ group_cols }},
.fns =
list(max = ~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE), min = ~ min(.x, na.rm = TRUE)),
# use the many underscores because it's unlikely this will come up
# in column names on their own
.names = "{.col}_____{.fn}"
} else {
maxes_and_mins <-
tof_tibble |>
.fns =
list(max = ~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE), min = ~ min(.x, na.rm = TRUE)),
# use the many underscores because it's unlikely this will come up
# in column names on their own
.names = "{.col}_____{.fn}"
maxes_and_mins <-
maxes_and_mins |>
cols = dplyr::everything(),
names_to = c("antigen", "value_type"),
values_to = "value",
names_sep = "_____"
) |>
names_from = "value_type",
values_from = "value"
# extract the names of all non-grouping columns to be saved to the .fcs file
data_cols <- maxes_and_mins$antigen
# nest cells using group_cols if they are provided, otherwise nest
# all cells into a single tof_tibble
if (missing(group_cols)) {
tof_tibble <-
tof_tibble |>
tidyr::nest() |>
) |>
dplyr::mutate(prefix = file_name)
} else {
tof_tibble <-
tof_tibble |>
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across({{ group_cols }})) |>
tidyr::nest() |>
) |>
tidyr::unite(col = "prefix", -data, sep = sep)
# make components of parameters AnnotatedDataFrame
fcs_varMetadata <-
labelDescription =
"Name of Parameter",
"Description of Parameter",
"Range of Parameter",
"Minimum Parameter Value after Transformation",
"Maximum Parameter Value after Transformation"
fcs_data <-
maxes_and_mins |>
# have to change any instances of "|" in column names to another
# separator, as "|" has special meaning as an .fcs file delimiter
name = stringr::str_replace(.data$antigen, "\\|", "_"),
desc = stringr::str_replace(.data$antigen, "\\|", "_"),
range = max - min,
minRange = min,
maxRange = max
) |>
row.names(fcs_data) <- stringr::str_c("$", "P", seq_len(nrow(fcs_data)))
# make the AnnotatedDataFrame
parameters <-
data = fcs_data,
varMetadata = fcs_varMetadata
# make flowFrames for each row of tof_tibble
tof_tibble <-
tof_tibble |>
flowFrames =
.x = data,
~ flowCore::flowFrame(
exprs =
# have to change any instances of "|" in column names to another
# separator, as "|" has special meaning as an .fcs file delimiter
pattern = "\\|",
replacement = "_"
parameters = parameters
# write out final .fcs files
.x = tof_tibble$prefix,
.y = tof_tibble$flowFrames,
.f = ~
x = .y,
filename = file.path(out_path, stringr::str_c(.x, ".fcs"))
# tof_write_data ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' Write high-dimensional cytometry data to a file or to a directory of files
#' Write data (in the form of a `tof_tbl`) into either a .csv or an .fcs file for storage.
#' @param tof_tibble A `tof_tbl` or a `tibble`.
#' @param group_cols Optional. Unquoted names of the columns in `tof_tibble` that should
#' be used to group cells into separate files. Supports tidyselect helpers. Defaults to
#' no grouping (all cells are written into a single file).
#' @param out_path Path to the directory where output files should be saved.
#' @param format format for the files being written. Currently supports .csv and .fcs files
#' @param sep Delimiter that should be used between each of the values of `group_cols`
#' to create the output .csv/.fcs file names. Defaults to "_".
#' @param file_name If `group_cols` isn't specified, the name (without an extension)
#' that should be used for the saved file.
#' @return This function does not explicitly return any values. Instead,
#' it writes .csv and/or .fcs files to the specified `out_path`.
#' @family input/output functions
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang arg_match
#' @examples
tof_write_data <-
tof_tibble = NULL,
out_path = NULL,
format = c("fcs", "csv"),
sep = "_",
file_name) {
# check that the format argument is correctly specified
format <- rlang::arg_match(arg = format)
# if .csv file is requested
if ("csv" %in% format) {
if (!missing(group_cols)) {
tof_tibble = tof_tibble,
group_cols = {{ group_cols }},
out_path = out_path,
sep = sep,
file_name = file_name
} else {
tof_tibble = tof_tibble,
out_path = out_path,
sep = sep,
file_name = file_name
# if .fcs file is requested
if ("fcs" %in% format) {
if (!missing(group_cols)) {
tof_tibble = tof_tibble,
group_cols = {{ group_cols }},
out_path = out_path,
sep = sep,
file_name = file_name
} else {
tof_tibble = tof_tibble,
out_path = out_path,
sep = sep,
file_name = file_name
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