# flowsom_metacluster_helpers.R
# This file contains helper functions that adapt the usage of the build-in
# metaclustering functions of the FlowSOM package. Due to a few small bugs
# in the current release, we copy-and-paste (with only small changes) some of their
# non-exported functions so that things can work as intended.
# For details, see https://github.com/saeyslab/FlowSOM and
# https://github.com/saeyslab/FlowSOM/issues/11
# functions that restore FlowSOM's metaclustering functions (other than
# consensus clustering, everything in their package throws a bug right now)
metaClustering_consensus <- function(data, k = 7, seed = NULL) {
rlang::check_installed(pkg = "ConsensusClusterPlus")
if (!rlang::is_installed(pkg = "ConsensusClusterPlus")) {
stop("Consensus clustering requires the ConsensusClusterPlus package")
results <- suppressMessages(ConsensusClusterPlus::ConsensusClusterPlus(
maxK = k, reps = 100, pItem = 0.9, pFeature = 1,
title = tempdir(), plot = "pdf", verbose = FALSE,
clusterAlg = "hc", # "hc","km","kmdist","pam"
distance = "euclidean",
# "euclidean","pearson","spearman","binary","maximum","canberra","minkowski"
seed = seed
tof_metaClustering_hclust <-
function(data, k = 7, seed) {
d <- stats::dist(data, method = "minkowski")
fit <- stats::hclust(d, method = "ward.D2")
stats::cutree(fit, k = k)
tof_metaClustering_kmeans <-
function(data, k = 7, seed) {
stats::kmeans(data, centers = k)$cluster
tof_metaClustering_som <-
function(data, k = 7, seed) {
s <- suppressMessages(FlowSOM::SOM(data, xdim = k, ydim = 1, rlen = 100))
result <- s$mapping[, 1]
## copied-and-pasted internal functions from the FlowSOM package that
## aren't exported and thus need to be included here
MetaClustering <- function(data, method, max = 20, seed = NULL, ...) {
res <- DetermineNumberOfClusters(data, max, method, seed = seed, ...)
method <- get(method)
method(data, k = res, seed = seed)
DetermineNumberOfClusters <-
plot = FALSE,
smooth = 0.2,
seed = NULL,
...) {
# Try out a clustering algorithm for several numbers of clusters and
# select optimal
# Args:
# data: Matrix containing the data to cluster
# max: Maximum number of clusters to try
# method: Clustering method to use
# plot: Whether to plot the results for different k
# smooth: Smoothing option to find elbow:
# 0: no smoothing, 1: maximal smoothing
# seed: Seed to pass on to given method
# Returns:
# Optimal number of clusters
if (method == "metaClustering_consensus") {
results <- consensus(data, max, seed, ...)
res <- rep(0, max)
res[1] <- SSE(data, rep(1, nrow(data)))
for (i in 2:max) {
c <- results[[i]]$consensusClass
res[i] <- SSE(data, c)
} else {
method <- get(method)
res <- rep(0, max)
for (i in seq_len(max)) {
c <- method(data, k = i, ...)
res[i] <- SSE(data, c)
for (i in 2:(max - 1)) {
res[i] <- (1 - smooth) * res[i] +
(smooth / 2) * res[i - 1] +
(smooth / 2) * res[i + 1]
if (plot) {
plot(seq_len(max), res,
type = "b", xlab = "Number of Clusters",
ylab = "Within groups sum of squares"
findElbow <- function(data) {
n <- length(data)
data <- as.data.frame(cbind(seq_len(n), data))
colnames(data) <- c("X", "Y")
min_r <- Inf
optimal <- 1
for (i in 2:(n - 1)) {
f1 <- stats::lm(Y ~ X, data[seq_len(i - 1), ])
f2 <- stats::lm(Y ~ X, data[i:n, ])
r <- sum(abs(c(f1$residuals, f2$residuals)))
if (r < min_r) {
min_r <- r
optimal <- i
consensus <- function(data, max, seed = NULL, ...) {
results <- suppressMessages(ConsensusClusterPlus::ConsensusClusterPlus(
maxK = max, reps = 100, pItem = 0.9, pFeature = 1,
title = tempdir(), plot = "pdf", verbose = FALSE,
clusterAlg = "hc", # "hc","km","kmdist","pam"
distance = "euclidean",
# "euclidean","pearson","spearman","binary","maximum","canberra","minkowski"
seed = seed
#' @importFrom methods is
SSE <- function(data, clustering) {
if (!methods::is(clustering, "numeric")) {
clustering <- as.numeric(as.factor(clustering))
c_wss <- 0
for (j in seq_along(clustering)) {
if (sum(clustering == j) > 1) {
c_wss <- c_wss + (nrow(data[clustering == j, , drop = FALSE]) - 1) *
sum(apply(data[clustering == j, , drop = FALSE], 2, stats::var))
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