# developmental_classifier_helpers.R
# This file contains helper functions for performing "developmental classification"
# of cancer cells into their most-similar healthy developmental subpopulation per
# Good et al., 2018 (Nature Medicine).
# All functions in this file are subroutines of the function tof_cluster_ddpr
# in clustering.R
#' Calculate centroids and covariance matrices for each cell subpopulation in
#' healthy CyTOF data.
#' This function takes a `tibble` or `tof_tibble` storing healthy cell measurements
#' in each of its rows and a vector (`healthy_cell_labels`) representing the
#' cell subpopulation to which each cell belongs. It uses these values to calculate
#' several values required to perform "developmental classification" as described in
#' \href{https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29505032/}{this paper}.
#' @param healthy_tibble A `tibble` or `tof_tibble` containing cells from only
#' healthy control samples (i.e. not disease samples).
#' @param healthy_cell_labels A character or integer vector of length `nrow(healthy_tibble)`.
#' Each entry in this vector should represent the cell subpopulation label (or cluster id) for
#' the corresponding row in `healthy_tibble`.
#' @param classifier_markers Unquoted column names indicating which columns in `healthy_tibble` to
#' use in the developmental classification. Defaults to all numeric columns
#' in `healthy_tibble`. Supports tidyselect helpers.
#' @param verbose A boolean value indicating if updates should be printed to the
#' console during classification. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @return A tibble with three columns:
#' \strong{population} (id of the healthy cell population),
#' \strong{centroid} (the centroid vector for that cell population), and
#' \strong{covariance_matrix} (the covariance matrix for that cell population)
tof_build_classifier <- function(
healthy_tibble = NULL,
healthy_cell_labels = NULL,
classifier_markers = where(tof_is_numeric),
verbose = FALSE) {
if (verbose) {
message("Building classifier from healthy cells...")
message("Reshaping healthy data...")
healthy_tibble <-
healthy_tibble |>
dplyr::mutate(population = healthy_cell_labels) |>
dplyr::select({{ classifier_markers }}, "population") |>
dplyr::group_by(.data$population) |>
# Calculate mean and covariance matrix for each population
if (verbose) {
message("Calculating mean and covariance matrix for all healthy populations")
classifier_fit <-
healthy_tibble |>
centroid =
~ dplyr::summarize(.x, dplyr::across(dplyr::everything(), mean)) |>
tidyr::pivot_longer(tidyr::everything()) |>
covariance_matrix = purrr::map(data, cov)
if (verbose) {
message("Done! Returning classifier_fit object")
#' Classify each cell (i.e. each row) in a matrix of cancer cells into its most
#' similar healthy developmental subpopulation.
#' This function uses a specified distance metric to classify each cell in a data.frame
#' or matrix (`cancer_data`) into one of `nrow(classifier_fit)` subpopulations
#' based on minimum distance, as described in \href{https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29505032/}{this paper}.
#' @param classifier_fit A tibble produced by \code{\link{tof_build_classifier}}.
#' @param cancer_data A matrix in which each row corresponds to a cell and each
#' column corresponds to a measured CyTOF antigen.
#' @param distance_function A string indicating which of three distance functions should
#' be used to calculate the distances between each row of `cancer_data` and the
#' healthy developmental subpopulations corresponding to each row of `classifier_fit`.
#' @return A data.frame in which each column represents the distance between
#' a cell in the input data and each healthy subpopulation cells are being
#' classified into.
tof_classify_cells <-
distance_function = c("mahalanobis", "cosine", "pearson")) {
distance_function <-
match.arg(distance_function, c("mahalanobis", "cosine", "pearson"))
# Calculate distance to each population
if (distance_function == "mahalanobis") {
classifications <-
classifier_fit |>
classification_data =
.x = .data$centroid,
.y = .data$covariance_matrix,
.f = ~ mahalanobis(cancer_data, center = .x, cov = .y)
) |>
dplyr::pull(.data$classification_data) |>
purrr::quietly(dplyr::bind_cols)() |>
} else if (distance_function == "cosine") {
classifications <-
classifier_fit |>
classification_data =
.x = .data$centroid,
.f =
~ tof_cosine_dist(
matrix = as.matrix(cancer_data),
vector = .x
) |>
pull(.data$classification_data) |>
purrr::quietly(dplyr::bind_cols)() |>
} else if (distance_function == "pearson") {
classifications <-
classifier_fit |>
classification_data =
.x = .data$centroid,
.f = ~ 1 - cor(x = t(as.matrix(cancer_data)), y = .x)
) |>
dplyr::pull(.data$classification_data) |>
purrr::quietly(dplyr::bind_cols)() |>
colnames(classifications) <- as.character(classifier_fit$population)
if (distance_function == "pearson") {
classifications <- dplyr::as_tibble(as.matrix(classifications))
population_names <-
classifications |>
dplyr::mutate(..cell_id = seq_len(length.out = nrow(classifications))) |>
cols = -"..cell_id",
names_to = "cluster",
values_to = "distance"
) |>
dplyr::group_by(.data$..cell_id) |>
dplyr::filter(.data$distance == min(.data$distance)) |>
classifications <-
classifications |>
dplyr::mutate(..cell_id = seq_len(length.out = nrow(classifications))) |>
dplyr::left_join(population_names, by = "..cell_id") |>
#' A function for finding the cosine distance between each of the rows of a numeric
#' matrix and a numeric vector.
#' @param matrix A numeric matrix.
#' @param vector A numeric vector.
#' @return A numeric vector of distances of length `nrow(matrix)` in which the
#' ith entry represents the cosine distance between the ith row of `matrix` and
#' `vector`.
#' @examples
tof_cosine_dist <-
function(matrix, vector) {
diag_matrix_matrix_t <- rep(0, nrow(matrix))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(matrix))) {
diag_matrix_matrix_t[[i]] <- crossprod(matrix[i, ])
distances <-
(matrix %*% vector) /
(as.vector(sqrt(crossprod(vector))) * sqrt(diag_matrix_matrix_t))
distances <- as.numeric(1 - distances)
#' Perform developmental clustering on CyTOF data using a pre-fit classifier
#' @param cancer_tibble A `tibble` or `tof_tibble` containing cells to be classified
#' into their nearest healthy subpopulation (generally cancer cells).
#' @param classifier_fit A nested `tibble` produced by `tof_build_classifier` in which
#' each row represents a healthy cell subpopulation into which the cells in `cancer_tibble`
#' should be classified using minimum distance.
#' @param distance_function A string indicating which distance function should
#' be used to perform the classification. Options are "mahalanobis" (the default),
#' "cosine", and "pearson".
#' @param num_cores An integer indicating the number of CPU cores used to parallelize
#' the classification. Defaults to 1 (a single core).
#' @param parallel_vars Unquoted column names indicating which columns in `cancer_tibble` to
#' use for breaking up the data in order to parallelize the classification.
#' Defaults to NULL. Supports tidyselect helpers.
#' @return A tibble with `nrow(cancer_tibble)` rows and `nrow(classifier_fit) + 1`
#' columns. Each row represents a cell from `cancer_tibble`, and `nrow(classifier_fit)`
#' of the columns represent the distance between the cell and each of the healthy
#' subpopulations' cluster centroids. The final column represents the cluster id of
#' the healthy subpopulation with the minimum distance to the cell represented
#' by that row.
#' @examples
tof_apply_classifier <- function(
cancer_tibble = NULL,
classifier_fit = NULL,
distance_function = c("mahalanobis", "cosine", "pearson"),
num_cores = 1,
parallel_vars) {
# check distance function
distance_function <-
match.arg(distance_function, c("mahalanobis", "cosine", "pearson"))
classifier_markers <- colnames(classifier_fit$covariance_matrix[[1]])
# If no variable over which to parallelize was specified
if (missing(parallel_vars)) {
classification_data <-
classifier_fit = classifier_fit,
cancer_data =
dplyr::select(cancer_tibble, dplyr::any_of(classifier_markers)),
distance_function = distance_function
) |>
dplyr::rename_with(function(x) stringr::str_c(distance_function, x, sep = "_"), .cols = everything())
# otherwise,
} else {
# initialize values related to parallel processing
`%my_do%` <- `%do%`
my_cluster <- NULL
# nest cancer data
cancer_tibble <-
cancer_tibble |>
{{ parallel_vars }},
) |>
..cell_id = seq_len(nrow(cancer_tibble))
) |>
# check this
tidyr::nest(data = -{{ parallel_vars }}, ..cell_ids = "..cell_id") |>
# set up parallel back-end
if (num_cores != 1) {
my_cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(num_cores)
`%my_do%` <- `%dopar%`
# hack-y way to get around R CMD check note for expression matrix
# not having a visible global binding due to NSE
if (is.null(cancer_tibble)) {
expression_matrix <- NULL
# cluster each value of parallel_vars on a difference core simultaneously
classification_data <-
expression_matrix = cancer_tibble$data,
.combine = list,
.packages = c("dplyr", "purrr", "tidyr"),
.export = c("tof_classify_cells", "tof_cosine_dist"),
.multicombine = TRUE,
.maxcombine = nrow(cancer_tibble)
) %my_do%
classifier_fit = classifier_fit,
cancer_data = dplyr::select(expression_matrix, -"..cell_id"),
distance_function = distance_function
# stop cluster if it was set up
if (!is.null(my_cluster)) {
# unnest final classification data and return it
classification_data <-
classification_data = classification_data,
..cell_ids = cancer_tibble$..cell_ids
) |>
tidyr::unnest(cols = c("classification_data", "..cell_ids")) |>
dplyr::arrange(.data$..cell_id) |>
dplyr::select(-"..cell_id") |>
function(x) stringr::str_c(distance_function, x, sep = "_"),
.cols = tidyselect::everything()
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