# Internal functions -----------------------------------------------------------
.getAnnotationFromOutType <- function(outType = c(
"IlluminaHumanMethylation27k")) {
outType <- match.arg(outType)
if (outType == "IlluminaHumanMethylation450k") {
anno <- .default.450k.annotation
} else if (outType == "IlluminaHumanMethylation27k") {
anno <- .default.27k.annotation
} else {
anno <- .default.epic.annotation
c(array = outType, annotation = anno)
.getLociFromOutType <- function(outType = c("IlluminaHumanMethylation450k",
"IlluminaHumanMethylation27k")) {
outType <- match.arg(outType)
manifest <- getManifest(outType)
probesI <- getProbeInfo(manifest, type = "I")$Name
probesII <- getProbeInfo(manifest, type = "II")$Name
probes <- c(probesI, probesII)
# Convert the rgSet into the outType array.
.convertArray_450k_epic <- function(rgSet,
outType = c("IlluminaHumanMethylation450k",
verbose = verbose) {
outType <- match.arg(outType)
stopifnot(.is450k(rgSet) || .isEPIC(rgSet))
array <- annotation(rgSet)["array"]
if (array == outType) stop("'rgSet' already in the 'outType' array type.")
manifest1 <- getManifest(outType)
manifest2 <- getManifest(rgSet)
keepAddresses <- list(
SnpI = NULL,
Control = NULL)
# Probes of Type I
probes1 <- getProbeInfo(manifest1, type = "I")
probes2 <- getProbeInfo(manifest2, type = "I")
commonNames <- intersect(probes1$Name, probes2$Name)
probes1 <- probes1[match(commonNames, probes1$Name), ]
probes2 <- probes2[match(commonNames, probes2$Name), ]
stopifnot(all(probes1$Color == probes2$Color))
stopifnot(all(probes1$ProbeSeqA == probes2$ProbeSeqA))
stopifnot(all(probes1$ProbeSeqB == probes2$ProbeSeqB))
# Translating rgSet2 addresses to rgSet1 addresses
translate <- c(probes1$AddressA, probes1$AddressB)
names(translate) <- c(probes2$AddressA, probes2$AddressB)
wh <- which(rownames(rgSet) %in% names(translate))
rownames(rgSet)[wh] <- translate[rownames(rgSet)[wh]]
keepAddresses$I <- unname(translate)
# Probes of Type II
probes1 <- getProbeInfo(manifest1, type = "II")
probes2 <- getProbeInfo(manifest2, type = "II")
commonNames <- intersect(probes1$Name, probes2$Name)
probes1 <- probes1[match(commonNames, probes1$Name),]
probes2 <- probes2[match(commonNames, probes2$Name),]
stopifnot(all(probes1$ProbeSeqA == probes2$ProbeSeqA))
# Translating rgSet2 addresses to rgSet1 addresses
translate <- probes1$AddressA
names(translate) <- probes2$AddressA
wh <- which(rownames(rgSet) %in% names(translate))
rownames(rgSet)[wh] <- translate[rownames(rgSet)[wh]]
keepAddresses$II <- unname(translate)
# Probes of Type SnpI
probes1 <- getProbeInfo(manifest1, type = "SnpI")
probes2 <- getProbeInfo(manifest2, type = "SnpI")
commonNames <- intersect(probes1$Name, probes2$Name)
probes1 <- probes1[match(commonNames, probes1$Name),]
probes2 <- probes2[match(commonNames, probes2$Name),]
stopifnot(all(probes1$ProbeSeqA == probes2$ProbeSeqB))
stopifnot(all(probes1$ProbeSeqB == probes2$ProbeSeqA))
# Translating rgSet2 addresses to rgSet1 addresses
translate <- c(probes1$AddressA, probes1$AddressB)
names(translate) <- c(probes2$AddressA, probes2$AddressB)
wh <- which(rownames(rgSet) %in% names(translate))
rownames(rgSet)[wh] <- translate[rownames(rgSet)[wh]]
keepAddresses$SnpI <- unname(translate)
# Probes of Type SnpII
probes1 <- getProbeInfo(manifest1, type = "SnpII")
probes2 <- getProbeInfo(manifest2, type = "SnpII")
commonNames <- intersect(probes1$Name, probes2$Name)
probes1 <- probes1[match(commonNames, probes1$Name),]
probes2 <- probes2[match(commonNames, probes2$Name),]
stopifnot(all(probes1$ProbeSeqA == probes2$ProbeSeqA))
# Translating rgSet2 addresses to rgSet1 addresses
translate <- probes1$AddressA
names(translate) <- probes2$AddressA
wh <- which(rownames(rgSet) %in% names(translate))
rownames(rgSet)[wh] <- translate[rownames(rgSet)[wh]]
keepAddresses$SnpII <- unname(translate)
# Probes of Type Control
probes1 <- getProbeInfo(manifest1, type = "Control")
probes2 <- getProbeInfo(manifest2, type = "Control")
commonAddress <- intersect(probes1$Address, probes2$Address)
probes1 <- probes1[match(commonAddress, probes1$Address),]
probes2 <- probes2[match(commonAddress, probes2$Address),]
keepAddresses$Control <- unname(probes1$Address)
# Update rgSet
keepAddresses <- do.call("c", keepAddresses)
keepAddresses <- keepAddresses[keepAddresses %in% rownames(rgSet)]
rgSet <- rgSet[keepAddresses, ]
annotation(rgSet) <- .getAnnotationFromOutType(outType)
# Exported methods -------------------------------------------------------------
signature(object1 = "RGChannelSet", object2 = "RGChannelSet"),
function(object1, object2,
outType = c("IlluminaHumanMethylation450k",
verbose = TRUE) {
outType <- match.arg(outType)
array1 <- annotation(object1)[["array"]]
array2 <- annotation(object2)[["array"]]
if (array1 == array2) outType <- array1
if (array1 == "IlluminaHumanMethylation27k" ||
array2 == "IlluminaHumanMethylation27k") {
stop("27k arrays cannot be combined at the RGChannelSet level.")
object1 <- convertArray(object1, outType = outType, verbose = verbose)
object2 <- convertArray(object2, outType = outType, verbose = verbose)
features1 <- rownames(object1)
features2 <- rownames(object2)
features <- intersect(features1, features2)
object1 <- object1[features, ]
object2 <- object2[features, ]
rgSet <- combine(object1, object2)
rgSet$ArrayTypes <- rep(
x = c(array1, array2),
times = c(ncol(object1), ncol(object2)))
signature(object1 = "MethylSet", object2 = "MethylSet"),
function(object1, object2,
outType = c("IlluminaHumanMethylation450k",
verbose = TRUE) {
outType <- match.arg(outType)
array1 <- annotation(object1)["array"]
array2 <- annotation(object2)["array"]
if (array1 == array2) outType <- array1
object1 <- convertArray(
object = object1,
outType = outType,
verbose = verbose)
object2 <- convertArray(
object = object2,
outType = outType,
verbose = verbose)
common.features <- intersect(rownames(object1), rownames(object2))
object1 <- object1[common.features, ]
object2 <- object2[common.features, ]
Mset <- combine(object1, object2)
Mset$ArrayTypes <- rep(
x = c(array1, array2),
times = c(ncol(object1), ncol(object2)))
signature(object1 = "RatioSet", object2 = "RatioSet"),
function(object1, object2,
outType = c("IlluminaHumanMethylation450k",
verbose = TRUE) {
outType <- match.arg(outType)
array1 <- annotation(object1)["array"]
array2 <- annotation(object2)["array"]
if (array1 == array2) outType <- array1
object1 <- convertArray(
object = object1,
outType = outType,
verbose = verbose)
object2 <- convertArray(
object = object2,
outType = outType,
verbose = verbose)
common.features <- intersect(rownames(object1), rownames(object2))
object1 <- object1[common.features, ]
object2 <- object2[common.features, ]
Rset <- combine(object1, object2)
Rset$ArrayTypes <- rep(
x = c(array1, array2),
times = c(ncol(object1), ncol(object2)))
signature(object1 = "GenomicRatioSet", object2 = "GenomicRatioSet"),
function(object1, object2,
outType = c("IlluminaHumanMethylation450k",
verbose = TRUE) {
outType <- match.arg(outType)
array1 <- annotation(object1)["array"]
array2 <- annotation(object2)["array"]
if (array1 == array2) outType <- array1
object1 <- convertArray(object1, outType = outType, verbose = verbose)
object2 <- convertArray(object2, outType = outType, verbose = verbose)
colData1 <- colData(object1)
colData2 <- colData(object2)
colData1$ArrayTypes <- array1
colData2$ArrayTypes <- array2
colData1 <- colData(object1)
colData2 <- colData(object2)
by <- c("row.names", intersect(names(colData1), names(colData2)))
colData.merged <- merge(colData1, colData2, all = TRUE, by = by)
colData(object1) <- colData.merged[match(
x = colnames(object1),
table = colData.merged[, "Row.names"]), ]
colData(object2) <- colData.merged[match(
x = colnames(object2),
table = colData.merged[, "Row.names"]), ]
gr.common <- intersect(granges(object1), granges(object2))
object1 <- sort(subsetByOverlaps(object1, gr.common))
object2 <- sort(subsetByOverlaps(object2, gr.common))
GRset <- cbind(object1, object2)
colnames(GRset) <- GRset$Row.names
GRset$Row.names <- NULL
signature(object1 = "GenomicMethylSet", object2 = "GenomicMethylSet"),
function(object1, object2,
outType = c("IlluminaHumanMethylation450k",
verbose = TRUE) {
outType <- match.arg(outType)
array1 <- annotation(object1)["array"]
array2 <- annotation(object2)["array"]
if (array1 == array2) outType <- array1
object1 <- convertArray(object1, outType = outType, verbose = verbose)
object2 <- convertArray(object2, outType = outType, verbose = verbose)
colData1 <- colData(object1)
colData2 <- colData(object2)
colData1$ArrayTypes <- array1
colData2$ArrayTypes <- array2
by <- c("row.names", intersect(names(colData1), names(colData2)))
colData.merged <- merge(colData1, colData2, all = TRUE, by = by)
colData(object1) <- colData.merged[match(
x = colnames(object1),
table = colData.merged[, "Row.names"]), ]
colData(object2) <- colData.merged[match(
x = colnames(object2),
table = colData.merged[, "Row.names"]), ]
gr.common <- intersect(granges(object1), granges(object2))
object1 <- sort(subsetByOverlaps(object1, gr.common))
object2 <- sort(subsetByOverlaps(object2, gr.common))
GMset <- cbind(object1, object2)
colnames(GMset) <- GMset$Row.names
GMset$Row.names <- NULL
signature(object = "RGChannelSet"),
outType = c("IlluminaHumanMethylation450k",
verbose = TRUE) {
outType <- match.arg(outType)
array <- annotation(object)[["array"]]
if (array == outType) return(object)
if (verbose) message(sprintf("[convertArray] Casting as %s", outType))
rgSet = object,
outType = outType,
verbose = verbose)
signature(object = "MethylSet"),
outType = c("IlluminaHumanMethylation450k",
verbose = TRUE) {
outType <- match.arg(outType)
array <- annotation(object)[["array"]]
if (array == outType) return(object)
if (verbose) message(sprintf("[convertArray] Casting as %s", outType))
common.features <- intersect(
x = rownames(object),
y = .getLociFromOutType(outType))
object <- object[common.features, ]
annotation(object) <- .getAnnotationFromOutType(outType)
signature(object = "RatioSet"),
outType = c("IlluminaHumanMethylation450k",
verbose = TRUE) {
outType <- match.arg(outType)
array <- annotation(object)[["array"]]
if (array == outType) return(object)
if (verbose) message(sprintf("[convertArray] Casting as %s", outType))
common.features <- intersect(
x = rownames(object),
y = .getLociFromOutType(outType))
object <- object[common.features, ]
annotation(object) <- .getAnnotationFromOutType(outType)
signature(object = "GenomicMethylSet"),
outType = c("IlluminaHumanMethylation450k",
verbose = TRUE) {
outType <- match.arg(outType)
array <- annotation(object)[["array"]]
if (array == outType) return(object)
if (verbose) message(sprintf("[convertArray] Casting as %s", outType))
common.features <- intersect(
x = rownames(object),
y = .getLociFromOutType(outType))
object <- object[common.features, ]
object@annotation <- .getAnnotationFromOutType(outType)
signature(object = "GenomicRatioSet"),
outType = c("IlluminaHumanMethylation450k",
verbose = TRUE) {
outType <- match.arg(outType)
array <- annotation(object)[["array"]]
if (array == outType) return(object)
if (verbose) message(sprintf("[convertArray] Casting as %s", outType))
common.features <- intersect(
x = rownames(object),
y = .getLociFromOutType(outType))
object <- object[common.features, ]
object@annotation <- .getAnnotationFromOutType(outType)
# TODOs ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TODO: Lots of duplicated code; DRY
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.