# NOTE: Realises in memory a matrix with nrow = length(bstat) and ncol = 1
dmrFinder <- function(bstat, cutoff = NULL, qcutoff = c(0.025, 0.975),
maxGap = 300, stat = "tstat.corrected", verbose = TRUE) {
if(is(bstat, "BSseqTstat")) {
if(! stat %in% colnames(bstat@stats))
stop("'stat' needs to be a column of 'bstat@stats'")
dmrStat <- as.array(bstat@stats[, stat, drop = FALSE])
if(is(bstat, "BSseqStat")) {
dmrStat <- as.array(getStats(bstat, what = "stat"))
subverbose <- max(as.integer(verbose) - 1L, 0L)
cutoff <- .quantile(dmrStat, qcutoff)
if(length(cutoff) == 1)
cutoff <- c(-cutoff, cutoff)
direction <- as.integer(dmrStat >= cutoff[2])
direction[as.array(dmrStat <= cutoff[1])] <- -1L
direction[is.na(direction)] <- 0L
chrs <- as.character(seqnames(bstat))
positions <- start(bstat)
regions <- regionFinder3(direction, chr = chrs, positions = positions,
maxGap = maxGap, verbose = subverbose)
if(is.null(regions$down) && is.null(regions$up))
if(verbose) cat("[dmrFinder] creating dmr data.frame\n")
regions <- do.call(rbind, regions)
rownames(regions) <- NULL
regions$width <- regions$end - regions$start + 1
regions$invdensity <- regions$width / regions$n
regions$chr <- as.character(regions$chr)
if(is(bstat, "BSseqTstat")) {
stats <- getStats(bstat, regions, stat = stat)
regions <- cbind(regions, stats)
if(stat %in% c("tstat.corrected", "tstat")) {
regions$direction <- ifelse(regions$meanDiff > 0, "hyper", "hypo")
regions <- regions[order(abs(regions$areaStat), decreasing = TRUE),]
if(is(bstat, "BSseqStat")) {
stats <- getStats(bstat, regions)
regions <- cbind(regions, stats)
regions <- regions[order(abs(regions$areaStat), decreasing = TRUE),]
clusterMaker <- function(chr, pos, order.it=TRUE, maxGap=300){
nonaIndex <- which(!is.na(chr) & !is.na(pos))
Indexes <- split(nonaIndex, chr[nonaIndex])
clusterIDs <- rep(NA, length(chr))
LAST <- 0
for(i in seq(along = Indexes)){
Index <- Indexes[[i]]
x <- pos[Index]
Index <- Index[order(x)]
x <- pos[Index]
y <- as.numeric(diff(x) > maxGap)
z <- cumsum(c(1, y))
clusterIDs[Index] <- z + LAST
LAST <- max(z) + LAST
regionFinder3 <- function(x, chr, positions, keep, maxGap = 300, verbose = TRUE) {
getSegments3 <- function(x, cid, verbose = TRUE){
if(verbose) cat("[regionFinder3] segmenting\n")
segments <- cumsum(c(1, diff(x) != 0)) +
cumsum(c(1, diff(cid) != 0))
names(segments) <- NULL
if(verbose) cat("[regionFinder3] splitting\n")
out <- list(up = split(which(x > 0), segments[x > 0]),
down = split(which(x < 0), segments[x < 0]),
nochange = split(which(x == 0), segments[x == 0]))
names(out[[1]]) <- NULL
names(out[[2]]) <- NULL
names(out[[3]]) <- NULL
cid0 <- clusterMaker(chr, positions, maxGap = maxGap)
segments <- getSegments3(x = x, cid = cid0, verbose = verbose)
out <- vector("list", 2)
names(out) <- c("up", "down")
for(ii in 1:2) {
idx <- segments[[ii]]
if(length(idx) > 0) {
out[[ii]] <- data.frame(chr = sapply(idx, function(jj) chr[jj[1]]),
start = sapply(idx, function(jj) min(positions[jj])),
end = sapply(idx, function(jj) max(positions[jj])),
idxStart = sapply(idx, function(jj) min(jj)),
idxEnd = sapply(idx, function(jj) max(jj)),
cluster = sapply(idx, function(jj) cid0[jj[1]]),
n = sapply(idx, length))
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