#' @title hessianComp computes the Hessian matrix
#' @description computes the Hessian matrix for an EM estimate
#' @param w_ij the diagnal values of the weight matrix
#' @param new.par estimate of alpha
#' @param new.lambda estimate of lambda
#' @param X a vector of read depths
#' @param Y a vector of methylated counts
#' @param my.design.matrix design matrix from the final fit
#' @param gam_smoothMat the smooth matrix from the final gam fit
#' @param Z covariate matrix
#' @param pred.pi predicted methylation probability from the final fit
#' @param p0 the probability of observing a methylated read when
#' the underlying true status is unmethylated. \code{p0} is the rate of false
#' methylation calls, i.e. false positive rate.
#' @param p1 the probability of observing a methylated read when
#' the underlying true status is methylated. \code{1-p1} is the rate of false
#' non-methylation calls, i.e. false negative rate.
#' @param disp_est estimated dispersion parameter
#' @param RanEff whether a subject-level Random effect is added or not
#' @param N number of unique samples in the provided dataset
#' @param verbose logical indicates if the algorithm should provide progress
#' report information.
#' The default value is TRUE.
#' @return a Hessian matrix for all alphas (including the alphas for RE)
#' @references Zhao, Kaiqiong, et al. 'A novel statistical method for
#' modeling covariate effects in bisulfite sequencing derived measures
#' of DNA methylation.'Biometrics (2020).
#' @author Kaiqiong Zhao
#' @importFrom Matrix bdiag
#' @noRd
hessianComp <- function(w_ij, new.par, new.lambda, X, Y, my.design.matrix,
gam_smoothMat, Z, pred.pi, p0, p1, disp_est,
RanEff, N, verbose = TRUE) {
t0 <- Sys.time()
if(verbose) Message("Compute the Hessian matrix for an EM estimate")
## Q1: the second partial derivative w.r.t alpha^2 Q2: the second
## derivative w.r.t alpha & alpha_star
res <- outer(seq_len(length(new.par)),
Vectorize(function(l,m) {
sum(-X * w_ij * my.design.matrix[, m] * my.design.matrix[, l])
smoth.mat <- lapply(as.list(seq_len(ncol(Z) + 1)), function(i) {
gam_smoothMat[[i]]$S[[1]] * new.lambda[i]
}) ## extract the penalty matrix
## assume the lambda for the constant of the intercept is 0 -- no
## penalization
smoth.mat[[length(smoth.mat) + 1]] <- 0
if (RanEff) {
## !!!! Otherwise, we get very wide CI
smoth.mat[[length(smoth.mat) + 1]] <- diag(N) * new.lambda[ncol(Z) + 2]
span.penal.matrix <- as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(smoth.mat[c(length(smoth.mat) - 1,
(seq_len((length(smoth.mat) - 2))),
} else {
span.penal.matrix <- as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(smoth.mat[c(length(smoth.mat),
(seq_len((length(smoth.mat) - 1))))]))
Q1_with_lambda <- res - span.penal.matrix/disp_est
Q1_no_lambda <- res
Q2 <- outer(seq_len(length(new.par)), seq_len(length(new.par)),
Vectorize(function(l, m) {
term1 <- Y * p1 * p0/(p1 * pred.pi + p0 * (1 - pred.pi))^2 + (X - Y) *
(1 - p1) * (1 - p0)/((1 - p1) * pred.pi + (1 - p0) * (1 - pred.pi))^2
sum(term1 * w_ij * my.design.matrix[, m] * my.design.matrix[, l])
msg <- paste("Process completed in",
format(Sys.time() - t0, digits = 2))
if(verbose) Message(msg, step = "Finished")
return(Q1_with_lambda + Q2)
#' @title Split methylation data into regions based on the spacing of CpGs
#' @description This function splits the methylation data into regions
#' based on the spacing of CpGs.
#' @param dat a data frame with rows as individual CpGs appearing in all the
#' samples. The first 4 columns should contain the information of `Meth_Counts`
#' (methylated counts), `Total_Counts` (read depths), `Position` (Genomic
#' position for the CpG site) and `ID` (sample ID). The covariate information,
#' such as disease status or cell type composition, are listed in column 5 and
#' onwards.
#' @param gap positive integer defining the gap width
#' beyond which we consider that two regions are independent.
#' Odd and decimal values will be rounded to the next even numbers
#' (e.g. 8.2 and 8.7 become gaps of 8 and 10 respectively).
#' The default value is \code{1e+6} (1Mb).
#' @param min.cpgs positive integer defining the minimum number of
#' CpGs within a region for the algorithm to perform optimally.
#' The default value is 50.
#' @param max.cpgs positive integer defining the maximum number of
#' CpGs within a region for the algorithm to perform optimally.
#' The default value is 2000.
#' @param verbose logical indicates if the algorithm should provide progress
#' report information.
#' The default value is TRUE.
#' @return A named \code{list} of \code{data.frame} containing the data of each
#' independent region.
#' @author Audrey Lemaçon
#' @examples
#' #------------------------------------------------------------#
#' data(RAdat)
#' RAdat.f <- na.omit(RAdat[RAdat$Total_Counts != 0, ])
#' results <- splitDataByRegion( dat=RAdat.f, gap = 1e6, min.cpgs = 5,
#' verbose = FALSE)
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges reduce gaps start end
#' @export
splitDataByRegion <- function(dat, gap = 1e6, min.cpgs = 50, max.cpgs = 2000,
verbose = TRUE){
t0 <- Sys.time()
msg <- paste("Partitioning the regions based on",
"the spacing of CpGs")
if(verbose) Message(msg)
# test the arguments
min.cpgs <- 50
} else {
if(!is.numeric(min.cpgs) || min.cpgs < 1) {
min.cpgs <- 50
w_msg <- paste("'min.cpgs' should be a positive integer.",
"We will use the default value 50.")
} else {
min.cpgs <- round(min.cpgs)
max.cpgs <- 2000
} else {
if(!is.numeric(max.cpgs) || max.cpgs < 1) {
max.cpgs <- 2000
w_msg <- paste("'max.cpgs' should be a positive integer.",
"We will use the default value 2000.")
} else {
max.cpgs <- round(max.cpgs)
if(max.cpgs <= min.cpgs){
min.cpgs <- 50
max.cpgs <- 2000
w_msg <- paste("'max.cpgs' should be a higher than 'min.cpgs'.",
"We will use the default values:",
"min.cpgs=50 and max.cpgs=2000.")
gap <- 1e+6
} else {
if(!is.numeric(gap) || gap < 1){
gap <- 1e+6
w_msg <- paste("'gap' should be a positive integer.",
"We will use the default value 1e+6 (1Mb).")
} else {
ori_gap <- gap
gap <- round(gap)
if(gap %% 2 != 0) {
gap <- gap + 1
# convert dataframe in IRanges
dat_gr <- IRanges::IRanges(start = dat$Position, end = dat$Position)
# reduce first orders the ranges in x from left to right,
# then merges the overlapping or adjacent ones.
dat_gr <- IRanges::reduce(dat_gr)
# identify gap between regions
g = IRanges::gaps(dat_gr)
# extend each region with half of the maximal distance d
# and attempt reduction to identify overlapping regions
hemi_d <- ceiling(gap/2)
regions_gr <- IRanges::reduce(dat_gr + hemi_d) - hemi_d
# save the identified regions
listOfRegions <- list()
for(i in seq_along(regions_gr)){
region = regions_gr[i]
region_dat <- dat[dat$Position >= IRanges::start(region) &
dat$Position <= IRanges::end(region),]
if(length(unique(region_dat$Position)) > max.cpgs){
msg <- paste0("Dropped region [",IRanges::start(region),"-",
IRanges::end(region),"] containing ",
" measurement points: above maximal ",
"region size accepted for analysis (",max.cpgs,").")
if(verbose) Message(msg)
} else {
if(length(unique(region_dat$Position)) < min.cpgs) {
msg <- paste0("Dropped region [",IRanges::start(region),"-",
IRanges::end(region),"] containing ",
" measurement points: below minimal ",
"region size accepted for analysis (",min.cpgs,").")
if(verbose) Message(msg)
} else{
listOfRegions[[length(listOfRegions) + 1]] <- region_dat
# name each independent region
names(listOfRegions) <- sapply(X = listOfRegions,
FUN = function(region)
max(region$Position), sep = "_")
msg <- paste("Process completed in",
format(Sys.time() - t0, digits = 2))
if(verbose) Message(msg, step = "Finished")
# return the list of independent regions
#' @title Split methylation data into regions based on the density of CpGs
#' @description This function splits the methylation data into regions
#' based on the density of CpGs.
#' @param dat a data frame with rows as individual CpGs appearing
#' in all the samples. The first 4 columns should contain the information of
#' `Meth_Counts` (methylated counts), `Total_Counts` (read depths),
#' `Position` (Genomic position for the CpG site) and `ID` (sample ID).
#' The covariate information, such as disease status or cell type composition,
#' are listed in column 5 and onwards.
#' @param window.size this positive integer defines the size of the
#' sliding window in bp. Decimal values will be rounded to the nearest integer.
#' The value should be greater than 10. The default value is \code{100} (100 bp)
#' @param by positive integer defines by how many base pairs the
#' window moves at each increment. Decimal values will be rounded to the
#' nearest integer. The default value is \code{1} (1 bp).
#' @param min.density positive integer defines the minimum density
#' threshold for each window. Decimal values will be rounded to the
#' nearest integer. The default value is \code{5} (5 CpGs/\code{window.size}).
#' @param gap positive integer defining the gap width
#' beyond which we consider that two regions are independent.
#' Decimal values will be rounded to the nearest integer.
#' The default value is \code{10} (10bp).
#' @param min.cpgs positive integer defining the minimum number of
#' CpGs within a region for the algorithm to perform optimally.
#' The default value is 50.
#' @param max.cpgs positive integer defining the maximum number of
#' CpGs within a region for the algorithm to perform optimally.
#' The default value is 2000.
#' @param verbose logical indicates if the algorithm should provide progress
#' report information. The default value is TRUE.
#' @return A named \code{list} of \code{data.frame} containing the data of each
#' independent region.
#' @author Audrey Lemaçon
#' @examples
#' #------------------------------------------------------------#
#' data(RAdat)
#' RAdat.f <- na.omit(RAdat[RAdat$Total_Counts != 0, ])
#' results <- splitDataByDensity(dat = RAdat.f, window.size = 100, by = 1,
#' min.density = 5, gap = 10, min.cpgs = 50, verbose = FALSE)
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges reduce start end shift
#' @export
splitDataByDensity <- function(dat, window.size = 100, by = 1, min.density = 5,
gap = 10, min.cpgs = 50, max.cpgs = 2000,
verbose = TRUE){
t0 <- Sys.time()
msg <- paste0("Partitioning the regions based on ",
"the density of CpGs")
if(verbose) Message(msg)
# test the arguments
min.cpgs <- 50
} else {
if(!is.numeric(min.cpgs) || min.cpgs < 1) {
min.cpgs <- 50
w_msg <- paste("'min.cpgs' should be a positive integer.",
"We will use the default value 50.")
} else {
min.cpgs <- round(min.cpgs)
max.cpgs <- 2000
} else {
if(!is.numeric(max.cpgs) || max.cpgs < 1) {
max.cpgs <- 2000
w_msg <- paste("'max.cpgs' should be a positive integer.",
"We will use the default value 2000.")
} else {
max.cpgs <- round(max.cpgs)
if(max.cpgs <= min.cpgs){
min.cpgs <- 50
max.cpgs <- 2000
w_msg <- paste("'max.cpgs' should be a higher than 'min.cpgs'.",
"We will use the default values:",
"min.cpgs=50 and max.cpgs=2000.")
window.size <- 100
} else {
if(!is.numeric(window.size) || window.size < 10) {
window.size <- 100
w_msg <- paste("'window.size' should be a positive integer",
"greater than 10. We will use the default value 100.")
} else {
window.size <- round(window.size)
by <- 1
} else {
if(!is.numeric(by) || by < 1) {
by <- 1
w_msg <- paste("'by' should be a positive integer.",
"We will use the default value 1.")
} else {
by <- round(by)
min.density <- 5
} else {
if(!is.numeric(min.density) || min.density < 1) {
min.density <- 5
w_msg <- paste("'min.density' should be a positive integer.",
"We will use the default value 5.")
} else {
min.density <- round(min.density)
gap <- 10
} else {
if(!is.numeric(gap) || gap < 1) {
gap <- 10
w_msg <- paste("'gap' should be a positive integer.",
"We will use the default value 10.")
} else {
gap <- round(gap)
if(gap >= window.size){
gap <- round(window.size/2)
w_msg <- paste0("'gap' should be lesser than the 'window.size' value. ",
"We will use half of window size (",gap,").")
# convert dataframe in IRanges
dat_gr <- unique(IRanges::IRanges(start = dat$Position, end = dat$Position))
# save the end index for the while loop
endOfRegion <- max(IRanges::end(dat_gr))
# create the starting sliding window
sliding_window <- IRanges::IRanges(start = min(IRanges::start(dat_gr)),
end = (min(IRanges::start(dat_gr)) +
window.size - 1))
cpgs <- NULL
# calculate the density in each sliding window
while(IRanges::start(sliding_window) <= endOfRegion){
# overlap region to window
hits <- IRanges::findOverlaps(query = dat_gr, subject = sliding_window)
# save density
if(is.null(x = cpgs)){
cpgs <- data.frame(start = IRanges::start(sliding_window),
end = IRanges::end(sliding_window),
density = length(hits))
} else {
cpgs <- rbind(cpgs,
data.frame(start = IRanges::start(sliding_window),
end = IRanges::end(sliding_window),
density = length(hits)))
# shift window
sliding_window <- IRanges::shift(x = sliding_window, shift = by)
# filter on density
cpgs <- cpgs[cpgs$density >= min.density,]
# transform the windows in IRanges to create regions
regions_gr <- IRanges::IRanges(start = cpgs$start, end = cpgs$end)
# each window is resized to identify independent regions
regions_gr <- IRanges::resize(x = regions_gr, width = (gap + 1))
regions_gr <- IRanges::reduce(regions_gr)
# save the identified regions
listOfRegions <- list()
for(i in seq_along(regions_gr)){
region = regions_gr[i]
region_dat <- dat[dat$Position >= IRanges::start(region) &
dat$Position <= IRanges::end(region),]
if(length(unique(region_dat$Position)) > max.cpgs){
msg <- paste0("Dropped region [",IRanges::start(region),"-",
IRanges::end(region),"] containing ",
" measurement points: above maximal ",
"region size accepted for analysis (",max.cpgs,").")
if(verbose) Message(msg)
} else {
if(length(unique(region_dat$Position)) < min.cpgs) {
msg <- paste0("Dropped region [",IRanges::start(region),"-",
IRanges::end(region),"] containing ",
" measurement points: below minimal ",
"region size accepted for analysis (",min.cpgs,").")
if(verbose) Message(msg)
} else{
listOfRegions[[length(listOfRegions) + 1]] <- region_dat
# name each independent region
names(listOfRegions) <- sapply(X = listOfRegions,
FUN = function(region)
max(region$Position), sep = "_")
msg <- paste("Process completed in",
format(Sys.time() - t0, digits = 2))
if(verbose) Message(msg, step = "Finished")
#' @title Split methylation data into regions based on the genomic annotations
#' @description This function splits the methylation data into regions
#' based on the genomic annotations provided under the form of a GenomicRanges
#' object.
#' @param dat a data frame with rows as individual CpGs appearing
#' in all the samples. The first 4 columns should contain the information of
#' `Meth_Counts` (methylated counts), `Total_Counts` (read depths),
#' `Position` (Genomic position for the CpG site) and `ID` (sample ID).
#' The covariate information, such as disease status
#' or cell type composition, are listed in column 5 and onwards.
#' @param chr character vector containing the chromosome information. Its length
#' should be equal to the number of rows in \code{dat}.
#' @param annots GenomicRanges object containing the annotations
#' @param gap integer defining the maximum gap that is allowed between
#' two regions to be considered as overlapping.
#' According to the \code{GenomicRanges::findOverlaps} function,
#' the gap between 2 ranges is the number of positions that separate them.
#' The gap between 2 adjacent ranges is 0. By convention when one range has
#' its start or end strictly inside the other (i.e. non-disjoint ranges),
#' the gap is considered to be -1.
#' Decimal values will be rounded to the nearest integer.
#' The default value is \code{-1} (meaning strict overlaping).
#' @param min.cpgs positive integer defining the minimum number of
#' CpGs within a region for the algorithm to perform optimally.
#' The default value is 50.
#' @param max.cpgs positive integer defining the maximum number of
#' CpGs within a region for the algorithm to perform optimally.
#' The default value is 2000.
#' @param verbose logical indicates if the algorithm should provide progress
#' report information.
#' The default value is TRUE.
#' @return A named \code{list} of \code{data.frame} containing the data of each
#' independent region.
#' @author Audrey Lemaçon
#' @examples
#' #------------------------------------------------------------#
#' data(RAdat)
#' RAdat.f <- na.omit(RAdat[RAdat$Total_Counts != 0, ])
#' annot <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = "chr1", IRanges::IRanges(
#' start = c(102711720,102711844,102712006,102712503,102712702),
#' end = c(102711757,102711909,102712195,102712637,102712712)
#' ))
#' results <- splitDataByGRanges(dat = RAdat.f,
#' chr = rep(x = "chr1", times = nrow(RAdat.f)),
#' annots = annot, gap = -1, min.cpgs = 5)
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges reduce gaps start end shift
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom rtracklayer import
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevelsStyle seqinfo
#' @importFrom S4Vectors subjectHits queryHits
#' @export
splitDataByGRanges <- function(dat, chr, annots, gap = -1,
min.cpgs = 50, max.cpgs = 2000, verbose = TRUE){
t0 <- Sys.time()
# test the arguments
min.cpgs <- 50
} else {
if(!is.numeric(min.cpgs) || min.cpgs < 1) {
min.cpgs <- 50
w_msg <- paste("'min.cpgs' should be a positive integer.",
"We will use the default value 50.")
} else {
min.cpgs <- round(min.cpgs)
max.cpgs <- 2000
} else {
if(!is.numeric(max.cpgs) || max.cpgs < 1) {
max.cpgs <- 2000
w_msg <- paste("'max.cpgs' should be a positive integer.",
"We will use the default value 2000.")
} else {
max.cpgs <- round(max.cpgs)
if(max.cpgs <= min.cpgs){
min.cpgs <- 50
max.cpgs <- 2000
w_msg <- paste("'max.cpgs' should be a higher than 'min.cpgs'.",
"We will use the default values:",
"min.cpgs=50 and max.cpgs=2000.")
if(is.null(chr) || length(chr) != nrow(dat)) {
e_msg <- paste("'chr' should be a character vector which length equals the",
"number of rows in 'dat'.")
if(!inherits(annots, "GenomicRanges"))
Error("'annots' should inherit the GRanges class.")
gap <- -1
} else {
if(!is.numeric(gap) || gap < -1) {
gap <- -1
w_msg <- paste("'gap' should be an integer >= -1.",
"We will use the default value -1.")
} else {
gap <- round(gap)
# convert dataframe in GRanges
dat$Chr <- chr
dat_gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = dat$Chr,
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = dat$Position,
end = dat$Position))
dat_gr <- unique(dat_gr)
# error handling
dat_style <- tryCatch({
# check if style has a compatible entry for the species supported by Seqname
}, error=function(e) e)
if(inherits(dat_style, "error")){
stop_msg <- paste0("Incompatible chromosome name. ",
"Please see genomeStyles() for supported styles.")
# error handling
hits <- tryCatch({
# adapt the style (chromosome nomenclature) of the annotation
# to the style of the input data if needed
if(length(intersect(x = GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(annots),
y = dat_style)) == 0)
suppressWarnings(GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(annots) <- dat_style[1])
# find overlaps
GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query = dat_gr, subject = annots, maxgap = gap)
}, error=function(e) e)
if(inherits(hits, "error")){
stop_msg <- paste0("Incompatible formats between ",
"the input data and the annotations.")
cpgs <- NULL
if(length(hits) > 0){
for(anno in unique(S4Vectors::subjectHits(hits))){
hit <- hits[S4Vectors::subjectHits(hits) == anno]
# save cpgs
if(is.null(x = cpgs)){
cpgs <- data.frame(chr = GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsInUse(dat_gr[min(S4Vectors::queryHits(hit))]),
start = min(IRanges::start(dat_gr[S4Vectors::queryHits(hit)])),
end = max(IRanges::end(dat_gr[S4Vectors::queryHits(hit)])),
annotation = as.character(annots[anno]))
} else {
cpgs <- rbind(cpgs,
data.frame(chr = GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsInUse(dat_gr[min(S4Vectors::queryHits(hit))]),
start = min(IRanges::start(dat_gr[S4Vectors::queryHits(hit)])),
end = max(IRanges::end(dat_gr[S4Vectors::queryHits(hit)])),
annotation = as.character(annots[anno])))
# transform the windows in GRanges to create regions
regions_gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = cpgs$chr,
IRanges::IRanges(start = cpgs$start,
end = cpgs$end))
# save the identified regions
listOfRegions <- list()
listOfRegions_names <- c()
for(i in seq_along(regions_gr)){
region = regions_gr[i]
region_dat <- dat[(dat$Chr == GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsInUse(region) &
dat$Position >= IRanges::start(region) &
dat$Position <= IRanges::end(region)),]
if(length(unique(region_dat$Position)) > max.cpgs){
msg <- paste0("Dropped region [",as.character(region),
"] containing ",length(unique(region_dat$Position)),
" measurement points: above maximal ",
"region size accepted for analysis (",max.cpgs,").")
if(verbose) Message(msg)
} else {
if(length(unique(region_dat$Position)) < min.cpgs) {
msg <- paste0("Dropped region [",as.character(region),
"] containing ",length(unique(region_dat$Position)),
" measurement points: below minimal ",
"region size accepted for analysis (",min.cpgs,").")
if(verbose) Message(msg)
} else {
chrom <- gsub(x = unique(region_dat$Chr),
pattern = "chr",
replacement = "")
listOfRegions_names <- c(listOfRegions_names,
max(region_dat$Position), sep = "_"))
# suppress the temporary 'Chr' column
region_dat$Chr <- NULL
listOfRegions[[length(listOfRegions) + 1]] <- region_dat
# name each independent region
names(listOfRegions) <- listOfRegions_names
msg <- paste("Process completed in",
format(Sys.time() - t0, digits = 2))
if(verbose) Message(msg, step = "Finished")
#' @title Split methylation data into regions based on the genomic annotations
#' @description This function splits the methylation data into regions
#' based on the genomic annotation provided under the form of a 1-based BED file
#' @param dat a data frame with rows as individual CpGs appearing
#' in all the samples. The first 4 columns should contain the information of
#' `Meth_Counts` (methylated counts), `Total_Counts` (read depths),
#' `Position` (Genomic position for the CpG site) and `ID` (sample ID).
#' The covariate information, such as disease status
#' or cell type composition, are listed in column 5 and onwards.
#' @param chr character vector containing the chromosome information. Its length
#' should be equal to the number of rows in \code{dat}.
#' @param bed character, path to the 1-based BED file containing the annotations
#' @param gap integer defining the maximum gap that is allowed between
#' two regions to be considered as overlapping.
#' According to the \code{GenomicRanges::findOverlaps} function,
#' the gap between 2 ranges is the number of positions that separate them.
#' The gap between 2 adjacent ranges is 0. By convention when one range has
#' its start or end strictly inside the other (i.e. non-disjoint ranges),
#' the gap is considered to be -1.
#' Decimal values will be rounded to the nearest integer.
#' The default value is \code{-1} (meaning strict overlapping).
#' @param min.cpgs positive integer defining the minimum number of
#' CpGs within a region for the algorithm to perform optimally.
#' The default value is 50.
#' @param max.cpgs positive integer defining the maximum number of
#' CpGs within a region for the algorithm to perform optimally.
#' The default value is 2000.
#' @param verbose logical indicates if the algorithm should provide progress
#' report information.
#' The default value is TRUE.
#' @return A named \code{list} of \code{data.frame} containing the data of each
#' independent region.
#' @author Audrey Lemaçon
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges reduce gaps start end shift
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom rtracklayer import
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevelsStyle seqinfo
#' @importFrom S4Vectors subjectHits queryHits
#' @export
splitDataByBed <- function(dat, chr, bed, gap = -1,
min.cpgs = 50, max.cpgs = 2000, verbose = TRUE){
t0 <- Sys.time()
msg <- paste0("Partitioning the regions based on ",
"genomic annotations")
if(verbose) Message(msg)
# test the arguments
min.cpgs <- 50
} else {
if(!is.numeric(min.cpgs) || min.cpgs < 1) {
min.cpgs <- 50
w_msg <- paste("'min.cpgs' should be a positive integer.",
"We will use the default value 50.")
} else {
min.cpgs <- round(min.cpgs)
max.cpgs <- 2000
} else {
if(!is.numeric(max.cpgs) || max.cpgs < 1) {
max.cpgs <- 2000
w_msg <- paste("'max.cpgs' should be a positive integer.",
"We will use the default value 2000.")
} else {
max.cpgs <- round(max.cpgs)
if(max.cpgs <= min.cpgs){
min.cpgs <- 50
max.cpgs <- 2000
w_msg <- paste("'max.cpgs' should be a higher than 'min.cpgs'.",
"We will use the default values:",
"min.cpgs=50 and max.cpgs=2000.")
if(is.null(chr) || length(chr) != nrow(dat)) {
e_msg <- paste("'chr' should be a character vector which length equals the",
"number of rows in 'dat'.")
if(is.null(bed) || !is.character(bed) || !file.exists(bed))
Error("'bed' should a valid file path.")
# error handling in BED import
annots <- tryCatch(
error=function(e) e
if(inherits(annots, "error"))
Error("'bed' should a path to a valid BED file.")
# the BED file is converted automatically by rtracklayer in 0-based,
# we have to return back to 1-based
IRanges::start(annots) <- IRanges::start(annots) - 1
gap <- -1
} else {
if(!is.numeric(gap) || gap < -1) {
gap <- -1
w_msg <- paste("'gap' should be an integer >= -1.",
"We will use the default value -1.")
} else {
gap <- round(gap)
listOfRegions <- splitDataByGRanges(dat = dat, chr = chr, annots = annots,
gap = gap, min.cpgs = min.cpgs,
max.cpgs = max.cpgs, verbose = verbose)
msg <- paste("Process completed in",
format(Sys.time() - t0, digits = 2))
if(verbose) Message(msg, step = "Finished")
#' @title Split methylation data into regions based on the chromatin states
#' @description This function splits the methylation data into regions
#' based on the chromatin states predicted by ChromHMM software
#' (Ernst and Kellis (2012)).
#' The annotations come from the Bioconductor package `annnotatr`.
#' Chromatin states determined by chromHMM are
#' available in hg19 for nine cell lines (Gm12878, H1hesc, Hepg2, Hmec, Hsmm,
#' Huvec, K562, Nhek, and Nhlf).
#' @param dat a data frame with rows as individual CpGs appearing
#' in all the samples. The first 4 columns should contain the information of
#' `Meth_Counts` (methylated counts), `Total_Counts` (read depths),
#' `Position` (Genomic position for the CpG site) and `ID`(sample ID).
#' The covariate information, such as disease status
#' or cell type composition, are listed in column 5 and onwards.
#' @param chr character vector containing the chromosome information. Its length
#' should be equal to the number of rows in \code{dat}.
#' @param cell.line character defining the cell line of interest. Nine cell
#' lines are available:
#' - \code{"gm12878"}: Lymphoblastoid cells GM12878,
#' - \code{"h1hesc"}: Embryonic cells H1 hESC,
#' - \code{"hepg2"}: Liver carcinoma HepG2,
#' - \code{"hmec"}, Mammary epithelial cells HMEC,
#' - \code{"hsmm"}, Skeletal muscle myoblasts HSMM,
#' - \code{"huvec"}: Umbilical vein endothelial HUVEC,
#' - \code{"k562"}: Myelogenous leukemia K562,
#' - \code{"nhek"}: Keratinocytes NHEK,
#' - \code{"nhlf"}: Normal human lung fibroblasts NHLF.
#' @param states character vector defining the chromatin states of interest
#' among the following available options:
#' - \code{"ActivePromoter"}: Active Promoter
#' - \code{"WeakPromoter"}: Weak Promoter
#' - \code{"PoisedPromoter"}: Poised Promoter
#' - \code{"StrongEnhancer"}: Strong Enhancer
#' - \code{"WeakEnhancer"}: Weak/poised Enhancer
#' - \code{"Insulator"}: Insulator
#' - \code{"TxnTransition"}: Transcriptional Transition
#' - \code{"TxnElongation"}: Transcriptional Elongation
#' - \code{"WeakTxn"}: Weak Transcribed
#' - \code{"Repressed"}: Polycomb-Repressed
#' - \code{"Heterochrom"}: Heterochromatin; low signal
#' - \code{"RepetitiveCNV"}: Repetitive/Copy Number Variation
#' Use \code{state="all"} to select all the states simultaneously.
#' @param gap this integer defines the maximum gap that is allowed between
#' two regions to be considered as overlapping.
#' According to the \code{GenomicRanges::findOverlaps} function,
#' the gap between 2 ranges is the number of positions that separate them.
#' The gap between 2 adjacent ranges is 0. By convention when one range has
#' its start or end strictly inside the other (i.e. non-disjoint ranges),
#' the gap is considered to be -1.
#' Decimal values will be rounded to the nearest integer.
#' The default value is \code{-1}.
#' @param min.cpgs positive integer defining the minimum number of
#' CpGs within a region for the algorithm to perform optimally.
#' The default value is 50.
#' @param max.cpgs positive integer defining the maximum number of
#' CpGs within a region for the algorithm to perform optimally.
#' The default value is 2000.
#' @param verbose logical indicates if the algorithm should provide progress
#' report information.
#' The default value is TRUE.
#' @return A \code{list} of \code{data.frame} containing the data of each
#' independent region.
#' @author Audrey Lemaçon
#' @importFrom yaml yaml.load_file
#' @importFrom BiocManager install
#' @importFrom annotatr build_annotations
#' @importFrom utils installed.packages
#' @examples
#' #------------------------------------------------------------#
#' data(RAdat)
#' RAdat.f <- na.omit(RAdat[RAdat$Total_Counts != 0, ])
#' results <- splitDataByChromatin(dat = RAdat.f,
#' cell.line = "huvec", chr = rep(x = "chr4", times = nrow(RAdat.f)),
#' states = "Insulator", verbose = FALSE)
#' @export
splitDataByChromatin <- function(dat, chr, cell.line, states,
gap = -1, min.cpgs = 50, max.cpgs = 2000,
verbose = TRUE){
t0 <- Sys.time()
msg <- paste0("Partitioning the regions based on ",
"chromatin states")
if(verbose) Message(msg)
# test the arguments
min.cpgs <- 50
} else {
if(!is.numeric(min.cpgs) || min.cpgs < 1) {
min.cpgs <- 50
w_msg <- paste("'min.cpgs' should be a positive integer.",
"We will use the default value 50.")
} else {
min.cpgs <- round(min.cpgs)
max.cpgs <- 2000
} else {
if(!is.numeric(max.cpgs) || max.cpgs < 1) {
max.cpgs <- 2000
w_msg <- paste("'max.cpgs' should be a positive integer.",
"We will use the default value 2000.")
} else {
max.cpgs <- round(max.cpgs)
if(max.cpgs <= min.cpgs){
min.cpgs <- 50
max.cpgs <- 2000
w_msg <- paste("'max.cpgs' should be a higher than 'min.cpgs'.",
"We will use the default values:",
"min.cpgs=50 and max.cpgs=2000.")
if(is.null(chr) || length(chr) != nrow(dat)) {
e_msg <- paste("'chr' should be a character vector which length equals the",
"number of rows in 'dat'.")
# load annotation conf
annots_conf <- yaml.load_file(input = system.file("annotations.yml",
package = 'SOMNiBUS'))
# set organism and build
organism <- "human"
build <- "hg19"
# check the cell line
chromatin_annots <- annots_conf[[organism]][[build]][["chromatin"]]
supported_types <- names(chromatin_annots)
if(is.null(cell.line) || !is.character(cell.line)) {
stop_msg <- paste0("'cell.line' argument is mandatory. Choose one among ",
"these supported cell lines: '",
paste(supported_types, collapse = "', '"),"'.")
} else {
cell.line <- tolower(cell.line)
if(!cell.line %in% supported_types){
stop_msg <- paste0("'",cell.line,"' cell line is not supported. ",
"Choose one among these supported cell lines: '",
paste(supported_types, collapse = "', '"),"'.")
# check the chromHMM states
supported_states <- names(chromatin_annots[[cell.line]])
if(is.null(states) || !is.character(states)) {
stop_msg <- paste0("'states' argument is mandatory. Choose among ",
"these supported states: '",
paste(supported_states, collapse = "', '"),"'.")
if(sum(states %in% supported_states) == 0){
stop_msg <- paste0("None of the requested states are supported. ",
"Choose among these supported states: '",
paste(supported_states, collapse = "', '"),"'.")
unsupported_states <- unique(states[!states %in% supported_states])
if(length(unsupported_states) > 0){
w_msg <- paste0("The following unsupported states will be ignored: '",
paste(unsupported_states, collapse = "', '"),"'. ",
"Choose among these supported states: '",
paste(supported_states, collapse = "', '"),"'.")
gap <- -1
} else {
if(!is.numeric(gap) || gap < -1) {
gap <- -1
w_msg <- paste("'gap' should be an integer >= -1.",
"We will use the default value -1.")
} else {
gap <- round(gap)
# retrieve annotations
states <- unique(states[!states %in% unsupported_states])
listOfRegions <- lapply(X = states, FUN = function(state){
annot <- chromatin_annots[[cell.line]][[state]]
annot <- suppressMessages(annotatr::build_annotations(genome = build,
annotations = annot))
# suppress duplicates
annot <- unique(annot)
# findoverlap
annots <- splitDataByGRanges(dat = dat, chr = chr,
annots = annot, gap = gap,
min.cpgs = min.cpgs, max.cpgs = max.cpgs,
verbose = verbose)
# overwrite the name of each independent region
if(length(annots) > 0)
names(annots) <- paste(names(annots), cell.line, state, sep = "_")
# create final listOfRegions
listOfRegions <- unlist(listOfRegions,recursive=FALSE)
msg <- paste("Process completed in",
format(Sys.time() - t0, digits = 2))
if(verbose) Message(msg, step = "Finished")
#' @title Split methylation data into regions based on the genes annotations
#' @description This function splits the methylation data into regions
#' based on the genes. The annotations are coming from the Bioconductor
#' package `annnotatr`.
#' @param dat a data frame with rows as individual CpGs appearing
#' in all the samples. The first 4 columns should contain the information of
#' `Meth_Counts` (methylated counts), `Total_Counts` (read depths),
#' `Position` (Genomic position for the CpG site) and `ID`(sample ID).
#' The covariate information, such as disease status or cell type composition,
#' are listed in column 5 and onwards.
#' @param chr character vector containing the chromosome information. Its length
#' should be equal to the number of rows in \code{dat}.
#' @param organism character defining the organism of interest
#' Only Homo sapiens (\code{"human"}) is available.
#' Additional packages are required for Mus musculus (\code{"mouse"}),
#' Rattus norvegicus (\code{"rat"}) and Drosophila melanogaster (\code{"fly"}).
#' The matching is case-insensitive. The default value is \code{"human"}.
#' @param build character defining the version of the genome build on which the
#' methylation data have been mapped. By default, the build is set to
#' \code{"hg38"}, however the build \code{"hg19"} is also available for
#' Homo sapiens:
#' Once the additional packages are installed, the following organisms and
#' builds are available:
#' - \code{"mm9"} and \code{"mm10"} for Mus musculus;
#' - \code{"rn4"}, \code{"rn5"} and \code{"rn6"} for Rattus norvegicus;
#' - \code{"dm3"} and \code{"dm6"} for Drosophila melanogaster;
#' @param types character vector defining the type of genic annotations
#' to use among the following options:
#' - \code{"upstream"} for the annotations included 1-5Kb upstream of the TSS;
#' - \code{"promoter"} for the annotations included < 1Kb upstream of the TSS;
#' - \code{"threeprime"} for the annotations included in 3' UTR;
#' - \code{"fiveprime"} for the annotations included in the 5' UTR;
#' - \code{"exon"} for the annotations included in the exons;
#' - \code{"intron"} for the annotations included in the introns;
#' - \code{"all"} for all the annotations aforementioned.
#' The default value is \code{"promoter"}.
#' @param gap this integer defines the maximum gap allowed between two regions
#' to be considered as overlapping.
#' According to the \code{GenomicRanges::findOverlaps} function,
#' the gap between 2 ranges is the number of positions that separate them.
#' The gap between 2 adjacent ranges is 0. By convention when one range has
#' its start or end strictly inside the other (i.e. non-disjoint ranges),
#' the gap is considered to be -1.
#' Decimal values will be rounded to the nearest integer.
#' The default value is \code{-1}.
#' @param min.cpgs positive integer defining the minimum number of
#' CpGs within a region for the algorithm to perform optimally.
#' The default value is 50.
#' @param max.cpgs positive integer defining the maximum number of
#' CpGs within a region for the algorithm to perform optimally.
#' The default value is 2000.
#' @param verbose logical indicates if the algorithm should provide progress
#' report information.
#' The default value is TRUE.
#' @return A named \code{list} of \code{data.frame} containing the data of each
#' independent region.
#' @author Audrey Lemaçon
#' @importFrom yaml yaml.load_file
#' @importFrom BiocManager install
#' @importFrom annotatr build_annotations
#' @importFrom utils installed.packages
#' @examples
#' #------------------------------------------------------------#
#' data(RAdat)
#' # Add a column containing the chromosome information
#' RAdat$Chr <- "chr4"
#' RAdat.f <- na.omit(RAdat[RAdat$Total_Counts != 0, ])
#' results <- splitDataByGene(dat = RAdat.f,
#' chr = rep(x = "chr1", times = nrow(RAdat.f)), verbose = FALSE)
#' @export
splitDataByGene <- function(dat, chr, organism = "human",
build = "hg38", types = "promoter", gap = -1,
min.cpgs = 50, max.cpgs = 2000, verbose = TRUE){
t0 <- Sys.time()
msg <- paste0("Partitioning the regions based on ",
"genic annotations")
if(verbose) Message(msg)
# test the arguments
min.cpgs <- 50
} else {
if(!is.numeric(min.cpgs) || min.cpgs < 1) {
min.cpgs <- 50
w_msg <- paste("'min.cpgs' should be a positive integer.",
"We will use the default value 50.")
} else {
min.cpgs <- round(min.cpgs)
max.cpgs <- 2000
} else {
if(!is.numeric(max.cpgs) || max.cpgs < 1) {
max.cpgs <- 2000
w_msg <- paste("'max.cpgs' should be a positive integer.",
"We will use the default value 2000.")
} else {
max.cpgs <- round(max.cpgs)
if(max.cpgs <= min.cpgs){
min.cpgs <- 50
max.cpgs <- 2000
w_msg <- paste("'max.cpgs' should be a higher than 'min.cpgs'.",
"We will use the default values:",
"min.cpgs=50 and max.cpgs=2000.")
gap <- -1
} else {
if(!is.numeric(gap) || gap < -1) {
gap <- -1
w_msg <- paste("'gap' should be an integer >= -1.",
"We will use the default value -1.")
} else {
gap <- round(gap)
if(is.null(chr) || length(chr) != nrow(dat)) {
e_msg <- paste("'chr' should be a character vector which length equals the",
"number of rows in 'dat'.")
# load annotation conf
annots_conf <- yaml.load_file(input = system.file("annotations.yml",
package = 'SOMNiBUS'))
# check organism
organism <- "human"
build <- "hg38"
} else{
if(!is.character(organism)) {
organism <- "human"
build <- "hg38"
w_msg <- paste("'organism' should be a non-null character.",
"We will use the default value human",
"and the build will be set at hg38.")
} else {
organism <- tolower(organism)
if(!organism %in% names(annots_conf)){
stop_msg <- paste0("'",organism,"' organism is not supported. ",
"Choose one among these supported types: '",
paste(names(annots_conf), collapse = "', '"),"'.")
# check build
build <- annots_conf[[organism]]$default
} else {
if(!is.character(build)) {
build <- annots_conf[[organism]]$default
warning_msg <- paste0("'build' should be a non-null character.",
"We will use the default",
"value for ",organism, ": ", build,".")
} else {
build <- tolower(build)
supported_builds <- names(annots_conf[[organism]])
supported_builds <- supported_builds[!supported_builds %in% "default"]
if(!build %in% supported_builds){
stop_msg <- paste0("'",build,"' build is not supported. Choose one among these ",
"supported builds: '",
paste(supported_builds, collapse = "', '"),"'.")
# check the annotation types
types <- "promoter"
} else {
if(!is.character(types)) {
types <- "promoter"
w_msg <- paste("'type' should be a non-null character.",
"We will use the default value promoter.")
} else {
types <- tolower(types)
supported_types <- names(annots_conf[[organism]][[build]][["genes"]])
supported_types <- supported_types[!supported_types %in% "dependencies"]
if(sum(types %in% supported_types) == 0){
stop_msg <- paste0("None of the requested types are supported. ",
"Choose among these supported types: '",
paste(supported_types, collapse = "', '"),"'.")
unsupported_types <- unique(types[!types %in% supported_types])
if(length(unsupported_types) > 0){
w_msg <- paste0("The following unsupported types will be ignored: '",
paste(unsupported_types, collapse = "', '"),"'. ",
"Choose among these supported types: '",
paste(supported_types, collapse = "', '"),"'.")
# retrieve annotations
types <- unique(types[!types %in% unsupported_types])
# check if the annotation package is installed, if not install stop
annotation_packages <- annots_conf[[organism]][[build]]$genes$dependencies
missing_packages <- annotation_packages[! annotation_packages %in%
if (length(missing_packages) > 0){
stop_msg <- paste0("Please install the following package(s) in order to ",
"perform the requested partiniong: '",
paste(missing_packages, collapse = "', '"),"'.")
listOfRegions <- lapply(X = types, FUN = function(type){
# retrieve annotations
annot <- annots_conf[[organism]][[build]]$genes[[type]]
annot <- suppressMessages(annotatr::build_annotations(genome = build,
annotations = annot))
# suppress duplicates
annot <- unique(annot)
# findoverlap
annots <- splitDataByGRanges(dat = dat, chr = chr, annots = annot,
gap = gap, min.cpgs = min.cpgs,
max.cpgs = max.cpgs, verbose = verbose)
# overwrite the name of each independent region
if(length(annots) > 0)
names(annots) <- paste(names(annots), type, sep = "_")
# create final listOfRegions
listOfRegions <- unlist(listOfRegions,recursive=FALSE)
msg <- paste("Process completed in",
format(Sys.time() - t0, digits = 2))
if(verbose) Message(msg, step = "Finished")
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