#' Pre-process a ImmPort study with flow cytometry data
#' @param study A character. ImmPort study accession.
#' @param input_dir A character. Input directory.
#' @param debug_dir A character. Debug directory.
#' @return A list of gating set objects.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gsl <- process_study("SDY820", "SDY820/ResultFiles/Flow_cytometry_result")
#' }
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @export
process_study <- function(study, input_dir, debug_dir = NULL) {
if (get_commit_hash() == "") {
stop("Please install from GitHub: `remotes::install_github('RGLab/HIPCCyto')`")
# summarize files
files <- summarize_study(study, input_dir, debug_dir = debug_dir)
files_by_panel <- split(files, files$panel)
# create gating set for each panel
lapply(files_by_panel, process_panel, debug_dir = debug_dir)
#' @importFrom ImmPortR query_filePath
#' @importFrom flowCore read.FCSheader
#' @importFrom gtools mixedsort
summarize_study <- function(study, input_dir, remove_dups = TRUE, standardize_markernames = TRUE, debug_dir = NULL) {
files <- query_filePath(study)
files <- files[files$fileDetail == "Flow cytometry result", ]
files <- files[grepl(".fcs$", files$fileName), ]
files$filePathId <- NULL
files$sourceAccession <- NULL
files$filePath <- file.path(input_dir, files$fileName)
files <- unique(files)
if (isTRUE(remove_dups)) {
files <- files[!duplicated(files$fileInfoId), ]
rownames(files) <- files$fileName
# check if files exist. If not, throw warning and fetch them
fcs_exist <- file.exists(files$filePath)
if (any(!fcs_exist)) {
stop("These fcs files do not exist at ", input_dir, "\n", paste(files[!fcs_exist, "fileName"], collapse = "\n"))
# summarize files
catf(sprintf("There are %s fcs files in %s", nrow(files), study))
# read headers and summarize panels
map <- DATA[[study]]$map
catf("Reading in fcs headers")
headers <- mclapply(files$filePath, function(file) read.FCSheader(file, channel_alias = map), mc.cores = detect_cores())
files$tot <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["$TOT"])
files$par <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["$PAR"])
files$src <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["$SRC"])
files$date <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["$DATE"])
files$btim <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["$BTIM"])
files$etim <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["$ETIM"])
files$cyt <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["$CYT"])
files$creator <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["CREATOR"])
files$tubeName <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["TUBE NAME"])
files$experimentName <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["EXPERIMENT NAME"])
files$settings <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["SETTINGS"])
files$cytnum <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["CYTNUM"])
files$exportUserName <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["EXPORT USER NAME"])
files$exportTime <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["EXPORT TIME"])
files$asf <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["FSC ASF"])
files$plateName <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["PLATE NAME"])
files$plateId <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["PLATE ID"])
files$wellId <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["WELL ID"])
files$cstSetupStatus <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["CST SETUP STATUS"])
files$cstBeadsLotId <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["CST BEADS LOT ID"])
files$cstSetupDate <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["CST SETUP DATE"])
files$cstBaselineDate <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["CST BASELINE DATE"])
files$cytometerConfigName <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["CYTOMETER CONFIG NAME"])
files$cytometerConfigCreateDate <- sapply(headers, function(x) x[[1]]["CYTOMETER CONFIG CREATE DATE"])
markers <- get_markers(study)
panels <- sapply(headers, function(x) {
header <- x[[1]]
par <- as.integer(header["$PAR"])
PNN <- unname(header[paste0("$P", seq_len(par), "N")])
PNS <- unname(header[paste0("$P", seq_len(par), "S")])
# standardize channel names
if (!is.null(map)) {
for (i in seq_len(nrow(map))) {
PNN <- gsub(map$channels[i], map$alias[i], PNN)
# standardize marker names
if (isTRUE(standardize_markernames)) {
marker_exist <- !is.na(PNS) & PNS %in% names(markers)
PNS[marker_exist] <- markers[PNS[marker_exist]]
PNN <- PNN[!is.na(PNS)]
PNS <- PNS[!is.na(PNS)]
if (length(PNS) == 0) {
} else {
paste(mixedsort(paste0(PNS, " (", PNN, ")")), collapse = "; ")
files$panel <- panels
ps <- unique(panels)
# how many gating sets will be created
# by panels, sample type, measurement technique, experiment accession
catf(sprintf("There are %s panel(s)", length(ps)))
panels_clean <- sapply(strsplit(ps, "; "), function(x) {
if (length(x) == 0) {
} else {
paste(gsub(" \\(.+\\)$", "", x), collapse = " | ")
catf(paste(mixedsort(panels_clean), collapse = "\n"))
save_debug(files, "summarize_study", debug_dir)
process_panel <- function(files, debug_dir = NULL) {
study <- unique(files$studyAccession)
panel <- unique(files$panel)
stopifnot(length(study) == 1, length(panel) == 1)
catf(paste(rep("=", times = 80), collapse = ""))
catf(sprintf("Processing %s fcs files for this panel", nrow(files)))
catf(paste(strsplit(panel, split = "; ")[[1]], collapse = "\n"))
# load files
cs <- create_cytoset(files$filePath, study, debug_dir)
# merge metadata
cs <- merge_metadata(cs, files, study, debug_dir)
# merge batch information
cs <- merge_batch(cs, study, debug_dir)
# create a gating set
gs <- create_gs(cs, study, debug_dir)
# pre-process
gs <- standardize_markernames(gs, study, debug_dir)
gs <- compensate_gs(gs, study, debug_dir)
gs <- transform_gs(gs, study, debug_dir)
# gate
gate_gs(gs, study, debug_dir)
# processing functions ---------------------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom flowWorkspace load_cytoset_from_fcs cytoset colnames<-
#' @importFrom cytoqc cqc_load_fcs cqc_check cqc_match cqc_match_update cqc_match_remove cqc_fix
create_cytoset <- function(filePath, study, debug_dir = NULL) {
catf("Reading files and creating a cytoset")
cs <- suppressMessages(cqc_load_fcs(
num_threads = detect_cores(),
is_h5 = TRUE
channel_check <- cqc_check(cs, "channel")
# Check if inconsistent
if (length(unique(channel_check$group_id)) > 1) {
# Get custom control of channel reference, re-mapping, and fuzzy-matching control from study info in DATA
study_info <- DATA[[study]]
max.distance <- study_info$max.distance
channel_ref <- study_info$channel_ref
map <- study_info$map
channel_match <- custom_match_cytoset(channel_check, max.distance, channel_ref, map)
# We need to handle possibility of extra channels in reference. By design, cytoqc will not automatically delete these
# but instead will just throw a warning. For our purposes, if there are extra channels in the reference (e.g. Time, extra scatter channels),
# we can explicitly delete them to ensure consistency for the resulting cytoset
missing_channels <- do.call(c, lapply(channel_match$match_result, function(group) {
missing_channels <- missing_channels[!missing_channels %in% map$alias]
if (length(missing_channels) > 0) {
# Drop those extra channels from the reference
channel_ref <- channel_match$ref[!channel_match$ref %in% missing_channels]
# And re-run the match (now the suggested fix will delete them)
channel_match <- custom_match_cytoset(channel_check, max.distance, channel_ref, map)
# cs with consistent channels
cs <- cytoset(cs)
# clean scatter channel names
colnames(cs) <- gsub("^(F|S)S\\d+-(A|W|H)$", "\\1SC-\\2", colnames(cs))
# clean marker names of non-fluorescence channels
channels <- c("T0", "T1", "INFO", "FSC-H", "FSC-A", "FSC-W", "SSC-H", "SSC-A", "SSC-W", "TIME")
to_change <- match(tolower(channels), tolower(colnames(cs)))
if (any(!is.na(to_change))) {
channels <- channels[!is.na(to_change)]
to_change <- to_change[!is.na(to_change)]
temp_channels <- paste0("TEMP-", channels)
colnames(cs)[to_change] <- temp_channels
markernames(cs)[temp_channels] <- NA
colnames(cs)[to_change] <- channels
save_debug(cs, "create_cs", debug_dir)
# A simple wrapper to handle the HIPCCyto matching logic of:
# 1) Specification of reference channels manually or automatically by most abundant group in check
# 2) Automatic match with optional fuzziness by max.distance
# 3) Manual updates to override automatic match using map
custom_match_cytoset <- function(check_result, max.distance, channel_ref, map) {
cs <- attr(check_result, "data")
# 1) If not specified, use the panel with the greatest consensus (most abundant group in check)
if (is.null(channel_ref)) {
channel_ref <- colnames(cs[[as.data.frame(check_result)[which.max(check_result$nObject), "object"]]])
# If not specified, no fuzzy match
if (is.null(max.distance)) {
max.distance <- 0.0
# 2) First try automatic match
channel_match <- cqc_match(check_result, ref = channel_ref, max.distance = max.distance)
# 3) Allow manual updating to override automatic match
if (!is.null(map)) {
# Remove any existing match
tryCatch(channel_match <- cqc_match_remove(channel_match, map$channels), error = function(e) {})
update_ref <- map$alias
names(update_ref) <- map$channels
channel_match <- cqc_match_update(channel_match, map = update_ref)
#' @importFrom flowWorkspace phenoData phenoData<- cf_keyword_insert
merge_metadata <- function(cs, files, study, debug_dir = NULL) {
catf("Merging metedata")
phenoData(cs)$study_accession <- files[phenoData(cs)$name, ]$studyAccession
phenoData(cs)$participant_id <- files[phenoData(cs)$name, ]$subjectAccession
phenoData(cs)$age_reported <- files[phenoData(cs)$name, ]$ageEvent
phenoData(cs)$gender <- files[phenoData(cs)$name, ]$gender
phenoData(cs)$race <- files[phenoData(cs)$name, ]$race
phenoData(cs)$study_time_collected <- files[phenoData(cs)$name, ]$studyTimeCollected
phenoData(cs)$study_time_collected_unit <- files[phenoData(cs)$name, ]$studyTimeCollectedUnit
phenoData(cs)$file_info_name <- files[phenoData(cs)$name, ]$fileName
phenoData(cs)$description <- files[phenoData(cs)$name, ]$fileDetail
phenoData(cs)$type <- files[phenoData(cs)$name, ]$biosampleType
phenoData(cs)$subtype <- files[phenoData(cs)$name, ]$biosampleSubtype
phenoData(cs)$cohort <- files[phenoData(cs)$name, ]$armName
ver <- get_version()
hash <- get_commit_hash()
dr <- get_dr()
for (i in seq_along(cs)) {
cf_keyword_insert(cs[[i, returnType = "cytoframe"]], "HIPCCyto_version", ver)
cf_keyword_insert(cs[[i, returnType = "cytoframe"]], "HIPCCyto_commit_hash", hash)
cf_keyword_insert(cs[[i, returnType = "cytoframe"]], "ImmPort_data_release", dr)
save_debug(cs, "merge_metadata", debug_dir)
#' @importFrom flowCore description
merge_batch <- function(cs, study, debug_dir = NULL) {
catf("Merging batch column")
keyword <- DATA[[study]]$batch
if (!is.null(keyword)) {
phenoData(cs)$batch <- unlist(
FUN = function(x) {
val <- description(x)[keyword][[1]]
if (is.null(val)) val <- NA
use.names = FALSE
save_debug(cs, "merge_batch", debug_dir)
#' @importFrom flowWorkspace GatingSet
create_gs <- function(cs, study, debug_dir = NULL) {
catf("Creating a gating set")
gs <- GatingSet(cs)
save_debug(gs, "create_gs", debug_dir)
#' @importFrom flowWorkspace markernames markernames<-
#' @importFrom methods is
standardize_markernames <- function(gs, study, debug_dir = NULL) {
catf("Standardizing marker names")
# get current marker names and name them with channel names
names_gs <- markernames(gs)
if (is(names_gs, "list")) {
names_gs <- names_gs[[1]]
names(names_gs) <- colnames2(gs)
# retrieve standard marker names from ImmPort
markers <- get_markers(study)
marker_exist <- names_gs %in% names(markers)
standards <- markers[names_gs[marker_exist]]
names_gs[marker_exist] <- standards
# assign the fixed marker names
standards <- standards[standards != names(standards)]
catf(paste(paste(names(standards), standards, sep = " -> "), collapse = "\n"))
markernames(gs) <- names_gs
save_debug(gs, "standardize_markernames", debug_dir)
#' @importFrom flowWorkspace gs_pop_get_data compensate lapply
#' @importFrom flowCore spillover
compensate_gs <- function(gs, study, debug_dir = NULL) {
catf("Applying compensation")
cs <- gs_pop_get_data(gs)
cols <- colnames(gs)
comp <- lapply(cs, function(x) {
spills <- spillover(x)
spill <- spills[!sapply(spills, is.null)][[1]] # pick the first non-empty matrix
keep <- colnames(spill) %in% cols
spill[keep, keep] # remove extra channels
gs <- compensate(gs, comp)
save_debug(gs, "compensate_gs", debug_dir)
# transform fluorescence channels using inverse hyperbolic sine transformation
# with cofactor = 150
# https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/cyto.a.23030
#' @importFrom flowWorkspace colnames transform transformerList
transform_gs <- function(gs, study, debug_dir = NULL) {
catf("Applying transformation (inverse hyperbolic sine with cofactor = 150)")
channels <- colnames2(gs)
if (length(channels) > 0) {
cofactor <- 150
trans_obj <- hipccyto_asinht_trans(cofactor)
trans_list <- transformerList(channels, trans_obj)
gs <- transform(gs, trans_list)
save_debug(gs, "transform_gs", debug_dir)
#' @importFrom openCyto gatingTemplate gt_gating gs_add_gating_method
gate_gs <- function(gs, study, debug_dir = NULL) {
filePath <- sprintf("extdata/gating_template/%s.csv", study)
file <- system.file(filePath, package = "HIPCCyto")
if (file != "") {
catf(sprintf("Applying gating template (%s)", file))
gt <- gatingTemplate(file)
gt_gating(gt, gs, mc.cores = detect_cores(), parallel_type = "multicore")
} else {
catf("Gating template does not exist for this study")
catf("Applying default gating methods")
apply_quadrant_gate(gs, study)
apply_singlet_gate(gs, "FSC")
apply_singlet_gate(gs, "SSC")
apply_live_gate(gs, study)
apply_nondebris_gate(gs, study)
apply_lymphocyte_gate(gs, study, debug_dir)
save_debug(gs, "gate_gs", debug_dir)
# helper functions -------------------------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom flowWorkspace cs_get_h5_file_path save_cytoset
#' @importFrom flowWorkspace save_gs
save_debug <- function(obj, func, debug_dir = NULL) {
if (!is.null(debug_dir)) {
path <- tempfile(paste0(func, "_"), debug_dir)
catf(sprintf("Storing intermediate file to %s for debugging", path))
if (is(obj, "cytoset")) {
save_cytoset(obj, path, backend_opt = "copy")
} else if (is(obj, "GatingSet")) {
save_gs(obj, path, backend_opt = "copy")
} else {
saveRDS(obj, path)
#' @importFrom methods new
arcsinh_transform <- function(cofactor, transformationId = "HIPCCytoArcsinh") {
t <- new("transform", .Data = function(x) asinh(x / cofactor))
t@transformationId <- transformationId
#' @importFrom methods new
sinh_transform <- function(cofactor, transformationId = "HIPCCytoSinh") {
t <- new("transform", .Data = function(x) sinh(x) * cofactor)
t@transformationId <- transformationId
#' @importFrom scales trans_new
hipccyto_asinht_trans <- function(cofactor) {
trans <- arcsinh_transform(cofactor)
inv <- sinh_transform(cofactor)
trans_new("hipccyto_asinht", transform = trans, inverse = inv)
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