#' @title Contact map compartments
#' @name getCompartments
#' @rdname getCompartments
#' @description
#' Computes eigen vectors for each chromosome using cis contacts and extract
#' chromosome compartments.
#' @param x A `HiCExperiment` object over a full genome
#' @param resolution Which resolution to use to compute eigen vectors
#' @param genome a BSgenome of DNAStringSet object associated with the Hi-C
#' contact matrix.
#' @param chromosomes character or integer vector indicating which
#' @param neigens Numver of eigen vectors to extract
#' @param sort_eigens Can be FALSE or one of c('Spearman', 'Pearson')
#' @param BPPARAM BiocParallel parallelization settings
#' @return A `HiCExperiment` object with additional `eigens` metadata containing the
#' normalized eigenvectors and a new "compartments" topologicalFeatures
#' storing A and B compartments as a GRanges object.
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(HiContacts)
#' full_contacts_yeast <- contacts_yeast(full = TRUE)
#' comps <- getCompartments(full_contacts_yeast)
#' metadata(comps)$eigens
getCompartments <- function(
resolution = NULL,
genome = NULL,
chromosomes = NULL,
neigens = 3,
sort_eigens = FALSE,
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::bpparam()
) {
message( "Going through preflight checklist..." )
# - Check resolutions and chromosome subset
if (is.null(resolution)) resolution <- resolution(x)
resolution <- as.integer(resolution)
chrs <- GenomicRanges::seqnames(GenomeInfoDb::seqinfo(x))
names(chrs) <- chrs
if (!is.null(chromosomes)) chrs <- chrs[chromosomes]
# - If HiCExperiment comes from HiC-Pro object, make sure that the
# imported matrix is genome-wide, and that `balanced` scores are available
if ('regions' %in% names(metadata(x))) {
if (!is.null(focus(x))) {
message('Re-importing genome-wide HiCExperiment from HiC-Pro data files.')
x <- HiCExperiment::HiCExperiment(
fileName(x), bed = metadata(x)$regions
if (!"balanced" %in% names(x)) {
message('Balancing genome-wide matrix.')
x <- normalize(x)
scores(x, 'balanced') <- scores(x, 'ICE')
## -- Parse contact matrix for each chromosome
message( "Parsing intra-chromosomal contacts for each chromosome..." )
if (interactive()) {
bpparam <- BiocParallel::SerialParam(progressbar = TRUE)
else {
bpparam <- BiocParallel::SerialParam(progressbar = FALSE)
l_subs <- BiocParallel::bplapply(
BPPARAM = bpparam,
function(chr) {
if ('regions' %in% names(metadata(x))) {
else {
fileName(x), resolution = resolution, focus = chr
names(l_subs) <- chrs
## -- Compute eigens on each chr. separately
message( "Computing eigenvectors for each chromosome..." )
compts <- BiocParallel::bplapply(
function(x_chr) {
if (length(HiCExperiment::regions(x_chr)) <= neigens) {
gr <- HiCExperiment::regions(x_chr)
if (length(gr)) {
for (k in seq_len(neigens)) {
GenomicRanges::mcols(gr)[[paste0('E', k)]] <- 0
gr$eigen <- 0
gr$GC <- 0
else {
for (k in seq_len(neigens)) {
GenomicRanges::mcols(gr)[[paste0('E', k)]] <- NULL
gr$eigen <- NULL
gr$GC <- NULL
} else {
sort_eigens = sort_eigens,
autocorrelation = FALSE,
clip_percentile = 0.999,
ignore_diags = 2
) |> GenomicRanges::GRangesList() |> unlist()
## -- Return initial HiCExperiment object with eigens in metadata
A <- GenomicRanges::reduce(compts[compts$eigen > 0])
A$compartment <- 'A'
B <- GenomicRanges::reduce(compts[compts$eigen < 0])
B$compartment <- 'B'
cpts <- sort(c(A, B))
HiCExperiment::topologicalFeatures(x, 'compartments') <- cpts
metadata(x)$eigens <- compts
#' @importFrom RSpectra eigs_sym
.eigChr <- function(
genome = NULL,
neigens = 3,
sort_eigens = FALSE,
autocorrelation = FALSE,
clip_percentile = 0.99,
ignore_diags = 2
) {
## -- Get dense detrended matrix (with non-log2-detrended scores)
if (!autocorrelation) { ## THIS IS THE DEFAULT (NO CORRELATION MATRIX)
dx <- detrend(x_chr)
gis <- InteractionSet::interactions(dx)
gis$score <- HiCExperiment::scores(dx, 'detrended')
gr <- HiCExperiment::regions(gis)
m <- HiCExperiment::cm2matrix(HiCExperiment::gi2cm(gis))
m <- 2^m ## Return to linear scale
m <- m - 1 ## -- Subtract 1
else {
dx <- autocorrelate(x_chr, ignore_ndiags = ignore_diags)
gis <- InteractionSet::interactions(dx)
gis$score <- HiCExperiment::scores(dx, 'autocorrelated')
gr <- HiCExperiment::regions(gis)
m <- HiCExperiment::cm2matrix(HiCExperiment::gi2cm(gis))
## -- Remove ignored diagonals and NAs
for (K in seq(-ignore_diags, ignore_diags, by = 1)) {
sdiag(m, K) <- 0
m[is.na(m)] <- 0
if (all(m == 0)) stop("Autocorrelation matrix is not complex enough. Try with a finer resolution.")
## -- Mask white lines from matrix
m <- as.matrix(m)
unmasked_bins <- rowSums(m) != 0
m_no0 <- m[unmasked_bins, unmasked_bins]
## -- Clamp values at extremes
m_no0 <- scales::oob_squish(
stats::quantile(m_no0, probs = c(
1-clip_percentile, clip_percentile
), na.rm = TRUE)
## -- Get eigen values and vectors
if (!requireNamespace("RSpectra", quietly = TRUE)) {
message("RSpectra package not found. Falling back to base eigenvectors computation.")
message("Install RSpectra package to perform faster eigenvectors computation on larger matrices.")
eigen <- base::eigen(m_no0, symmetric = TRUE)
else {
eigen <- RSpectra::eigs_sym(m_no0, k = neigens)
## -- Normalize eigenvector
eigs <- eigen$vectors
eigs <- eigs / apply(eigs, 2, function(x) as.numeric(sqrt(sum(x * x))))
eigs <- lapply(seq_along(eigen$values), function(K) {
eigs[, K] * as.numeric(sqrt(abs(eigen$values[K])))
names(eigs) <- paste0('E', seq_along(eigen$values))
eigs <- dplyr::bind_cols(eigs)
## -- Recover full length eigenvector
eigs_final <- as.data.frame(
matrix(nrow = nrow(m), ncol = neigens, data = 0)
for (k in seq_len(neigens)) {
eigs_final[unmasked_bins, k] <- eigs[, k]
GenomicRanges::mcols(gr)[, paste0('E', k)] <- eigs_final[, k]
if (!is.null(genome)) {
if (is(genome, "BSgenome") | is(genome, "DNAStringSet")) {
## -- Get GC content
gr$phasing <- as.numeric(Biostrings::letterFrequency(
Biostrings::getSeq(genome, gr), letters = 'GC') /
else if (is(genome, "TxDb")) {
## -- Get gene density
if (!requireNamespace("GenomicFeatures", quietly = TRUE)) {
message("Install GenomicFeatures package to phase eigenvector using a `TxDb` object.")
gr$phasing <- 1
else {
cov <- GenomicFeatures::genes(genome) |>
gr$phasing <- BiocGenerics::mean(cov[gr])
else if (is(genome, "RleList")) {
## -- Get average coverage per bin
gr$phasing <- BiocGenerics::mean(cov[gr])
else {
stop("`genome` argument not recognized.")
## -- Get matching eigenvector and phase it with GC
gr <- .eigGCPhasing(gr, neigens, unmasked_bins, sort_eigens)
else {
message("Caution! No genome is provided. The first eigenvector has ",
"been selected and no phasing has been performed.")
gr$eigen <- gr$E1
.eigGCPhasing <- function(gr, neigens, unmasked_bins, sort_eigens) {
if (isFALSE(sort_eigens)) {
method <- 'spearman'
else if (sort_eigens == 'Spearman') {
method <- 'spearman'
else if (sort_eigens == 'Pearson') {
method <- 'pearson'
else {
stop("`sort_eigens` can be FALSE or one of 'Spearman' or 'Pearson'")
cors <- lapply(seq_len(neigens), function(K) {
vec <- GenomicRanges::mcols(gr)[, paste0('E', K)]
method = method
}) |> unlist()
# -- Make all eigens positively correlate with phasing
for (i in seq_len(neigens)) {
if (cors[i] < 0) {
GenomicRanges::mcols(gr)[, paste0('E', i)] <- -GenomicRanges::mcols(gr)[, paste0('E', i)]
cors[i] <- -cors[i]
# -- Sort eigens by highest corr.
if (!isFALSE(sort_eigens)) {
gr0 <- gr
cors0 <- cors
o <- order(cors, decreasing = TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(neigens)) {
GenomicRanges::mcols(gr0)[, paste0('E', i)] <- GenomicRanges::mcols(gr)[, paste0('E', o[i])]
cors0[i] <- cors[o[i]]
gr <- gr0
cors <- cors0
gr$eigen <- gr$E1
else {
gr$eigen <- gr$E1
# -- Print correlations
fcors <- paste(round(cors, 2), collapse = ' / ')
"seqnames `",
GenomicRanges::seqnames(gr)[1], "` : ", fcors
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