#' Perform Sensitivity Analysis on 2x2 Tables
#' This function performs a sensitivity analysis on a 2x2 contingency table.
#' It calculates the number of cases that need to be replaced to invalidate
#' or sustain the statistical inference. The function also allows switching
#' between treatment success and failure or control success and failure
#' based on the provided parameters.
#' @param a Number of unsuccessful cases in the control group.
#' @param b Number of successful cases in the control group.
#' @param c Number of unsuccessful cases in the treatment group.
#' @param d Number of successful cases in the treatment group.
#' @param alpha Significance level for the statistical test, default is 0.05.
#' @param switch_trm Boolean indicating whether to switch treatment row cells,
#' default is TRUE.
#' @param test Type of statistical test to use, either "fisher"
#' (default) or "chisq".
#' @param replace Indicates whether to use the entire sample or the control
#' group for base rate calculation, default is "control".
#' @param to_return Type of output to return, either "raw_output" or "print".
#' @importFrom crayon bold underline
#' @return Returns detailed information about the sensitivity analysis,
#' including the number of cases to be replaced (RIR), user-entered
#' table, transfer table, and conclusions.
#' @export
tkonfound <- function(a, b, c, d,
alpha = 0.05,
switch_trm = TRUE,
test = "fisher",
replace = "control",
to_return = to_return){
# stop message
if (a < 0 || b < 0 || c < 0 || d < 0) {
stop("Please enter non-negative integers for each cell.")
if (a != as.integer(a) || b != as.integer(b) || c != as.integer(c) || d != as.integer(d)) {
stop("Please enter non-negative integers for each cell.")
# use fisher if any of the cell is smaller than 5
expected_a <- (a + c) * (a + b) / (a + b + c + d)
expected_b <- (a + b) * (b + d) / (a + b + c + d)
expected_c <- (a + c) * (c + d) / (a + b + c + d)
expected_d <- (c + d) * (b + d) / (a + b + c + d)
if ((test != "fisher") & (expected_a < 5 || expected_b < 5 || expected_c < 5 || expected_d < 5)){
warning("Because the expected value in at least one cell is less than 5 consider rerunning using Fisher's exact p-value.\n")
## if any of a, b, c, d is exactly zero, then we add 0.5 to all of them
## note that this is only for computing odds ratio and log OR
if (a == 0 || b == 0 || c == 0 || d == 0) {
a_OR <- a + 0.5
b_OR <- b + 0.5
c_OR <- c + 0.5
d_OR <- d + 0.5
} else {
a_OR <- a
b_OR <- b
c_OR <- c
d_OR <- d
odds_ratio <- a_OR * d_OR / (b_OR * c_OR)
n_cnt <- a+b
n_trm <- c+d
n_obs <- n_cnt + n_trm
est <- log(odds_ratio)
# this is the 2 by 2 table we start with
table_ob <- matrix(c(a, b, c, d), byrow = TRUE, 2, 2)
if (test == "fisher") {
p_ob <- fisher_p(a, b, c, d)
fisher_ob <- fisher_oddsratio(a, b, c, d)
if (test == "chisq") {
p_ob <- chisq_p(a, b, c, d)
chisq_ob <- chisq_value(a, b, c, d)
# get solution
if (test == "chisq"){
solution <- getswitch_chisq(a, b, c, d, odds_ratio, alpha, switch_trm)
chisq_final <- solution$chisq_final
if (test == "fisher"){
solution <- getswitch_fisher(a, b, c, d, odds_ratio, alpha, switch_trm)
fisher_final <- solution$fisher_final
table_final <- solution$Transfer_Table
table_start <- table_ob
dcroddsratio_ob <- solution$dcroddsratio_ob
allnotenough <- solution$needtworows
final <- solution$final_switch
p_final <- solution$p_final
taylor_pred <- solution$taylor_pred
perc_bias_pred <- solution$perc_bias_pred
final_extra <- solution$final_extra
final_primary <- final - final_extra
# 'final' is rounded down if it is a non-integer like 3.5
if (final_primary %% 1 == 0.5) {
final_primary <- floor(final_primary) # Round down if final is x.5
### add column and row names to contingency tables
rownames(table_start) <- rownames(table_final) <- c("Control", "Treatment")
colnames(table_start) <- colnames(table_final) <- c("Fail", "Success")
a_start <- table_ob[1,1]
b_start <- table_ob[1,2]
c_start <- table_ob[2,1]
d_start <- table_ob[2,2]
success_rate_control_start <- b_start / (a_start + b_start) * 100
success_rate_treatment_start <- d_start / (c_start + d_start) * 100
total_fail_start <- a_start + c_start
total_success_start <- b_start + d_start
total_rate_start <- total_success_start / (total_fail_start + total_success_start) * 100
# Adjust table_start to a data.frame for revised 3x3 format
table_start_revised <- data.frame(
Fail = c(a_start, c_start, total_fail_start),
Success = c(b_start, d_start, total_success_start),
`Success_Rate` = c(sprintf("%.2f%%", success_rate_control_start),
sprintf("%.2f%%", success_rate_treatment_start),
sprintf("%.2f%%", total_rate_start))
rownames(table_start_revised) <- c("Control", "Treatment", "Total")
a_final <- solution$Transfer_Table[1,1]
b_final <- solution$Transfer_Table[1,2]
c_final <- solution$Transfer_Table[2,1]
d_final <- solution$Transfer_Table[2,2]
# Check if a_final, b_final, c_final, or d_final is exactly 0.5, and if so, set them to 0
if (a_final == 0.5) a_final <- 0
if (b_final == 0.5) b_final <- 0
if (c_final == 0.5) c_final <- 0
if (d_final == 0.5) d_final <- 0
success_rate_control_final <- b_final / (a_final + b_final) * 100
success_rate_treatment_final <- d_final / (c_final + d_final) * 100
total_fail_final <- a_final + c_final
total_success_final <- b_final + d_final
total_rate_final <- total_success_final / (total_fail_final + total_success_final) * 100
# Adjust table_final to a data.frame for revised 3x3 format
table_final_revised <- data.frame(
Fail = c(a_final, c_final, total_fail_final),
Success = c(b_final, d_final, total_success_final),
`Success_Rate` = c(sprintf("%.2f%%", success_rate_control_final),
sprintf("%.2f%%", success_rate_treatment_final),
sprintf("%.2f%%", total_rate_final))
rownames(table_final_revised) <- c("Control", "Treatment", "Total")
if (switch_trm && dcroddsratio_ob) {
transferway <- "treatment success to treatment failure"
transferway_start <- "treatment row"
if (replace == "entire") {
RIR <- ceiling(final_primary/((a+c)/n_obs))
} else {
RIR <- ceiling(final_primary/(a/(a+b)))
RIRway <- "treatment success"
RIRway_start <- "treatment row"
RIR_pi <- RIR / d * 100
p_destination_control <- a/(a+b)
p_destination <- round((a+c)/(a+b+c+d) * 100, 3) * (replace == "entire") +
round(a/(a+b) * 100, 3) * (1 - (replace == "entire"))
if (switch_trm && !dcroddsratio_ob) {
transferway <- "treatment failure to treatment success"
transferway_start <- "treatment row"
if (replace == "entire") {
RIR <- ceiling(final_primary/((b+d)/n_obs))
} else {
RIR <- ceiling(final_primary/(b/(a+b)))
RIRway <- "treatment failure"
RIRway_start <- "treatment row"
RIR_pi <- RIR / c * 100
p_destination_control <- b/(a+b)
p_destination <- round((b+d)/(a+b+c+d) * 100, 3) * (replace == "entire") +
round(b/(a+b) * 100, 3) * (1 - (replace == "entire"))
if (!switch_trm && dcroddsratio_ob) {
transferway <- "control failure to control success"
transferway_start <- "control row"
if (replace == "entire") {
RIR <- ceiling(final_primary/((b+d)/n_obs))
} else {
RIR <- ceiling(final_primary/(b/(a+b)))
RIRway <- "control failure"
RIRway_start <- "control row"
RIR_pi <- RIR / a * 100
p_destination_control <- b/(a+b)
p_destination <- round((b+d)/(a+b+c+d) * 100, 3) * (replace == "entire") +
round(b/(a+b) * 100, 3) * (1 - (replace == "entire"))
if (!switch_trm && !dcroddsratio_ob) {
transferway <- "control success to control failure"
transferway_start <- "control row"
if (replace == "entire") {
RIR <- ceiling(final_primary/((a+c)/n_obs))
} else {
RIR <- ceiling(final_primary/(a/(a+b)))
RIRway <- "control success"
RIRway_start <- "control row"
RIR_pi <- RIR / b * 100
p_destination_control <- a/(a+b)
p_destination <- round((a+c)/(a+b+c+d) * 100, 3) * (replace == "entire") +
round(a/(a+b) * 100, 3) * (1 - (replace == "entire"))
RIRway_split <- strsplit(RIRway, " ")[[1]][1]
RIR_extra <- NA
p_destination_control_extra <- NA
if (allnotenough) {
# if need two rows, then do not report RIR_pi
## because denominator is tricky
RIR_pi <- NA
# apply similar rounding down like `final` for `final_extra` if needed
if (final_extra %% 1 == 0.5) {
final_extra <- floor(final_extra)
if (switch_trm && dcroddsratio_ob) {
transferway_extra <- "control failure to control success"
transferway_extra_start <- "control row"
if (replace == "entire") {
RIR_extra <- ceiling(final_extra/((b+d)/n_obs))
} else {
RIR_extra <- ceiling(final_extra/(b/(b+a)))
RIRway_extra <- "control failure"
RIRway_extra_start <- "control row"
p_destination_control_extra <- b/(a+b)
p_destination_extra <- round((b+d)/(a+b+c+d) * 100, 3) * (replace == "entire") +
round(b/(a+b) * 100, 3) * (1 - (replace == "entire"))
if (switch_trm && !dcroddsratio_ob) {
transferway_extra <- "control success to control failure"
transferway_extra_start <- "control row"
if (replace == "entire") {
RIR_extra <- ceiling(final_extra/((a+c)/n_obs))
} else {
RIR_extra <- ceiling(final_extra/(a/(a+b)))
RIRway_extra <- "control success"
RIRway_extra_start <- "control row"
p_destination_control_extra <- a/(a+b)
p_destination_extra <- round((a+c)/(a+b+c+d) * 100, 3) * (replace == "entire") +
round(a/(a+b) * 100, 3) * (1 - (replace == "entire"))
if (!switch_trm && dcroddsratio_ob) {
transferway_extra <- "treatment success to treatment failure"
transferway_extra_start <- "treatment row"
if (replace == "entire") {
RIR_extra <- ceiling(final_extra/((a+c)/n_obs))
} else (
RIR_extra <- ceiling(final_extra/(a/(a+b)))
RIRway_extra <- "treatment success"
RIRway_extra_start <- "treatment row"
p_destination_control_extra <- a/(a+b)
p_destination_extra <- round((a+c)/(a+b+c+d) * 100, 3) * (replace == "entire") +
round(a/(a+b) * 100, 3) * (1 - (replace == "entire"))
if (!switch_trm && !dcroddsratio_ob) {
transferway_extra <- "treatment failure to treatment success"
transferway_extra_start <- "treatment row"
if (replace == "entire") {
RIR_extra <- ceiling(final_extra/((b+d)/n_obs))
} else {
RIR_extra <- ceiling(final_extra/(b/(b+a)))
RIRway_extra <- "treatment failure"
RIRway_extra_start <- "treatment row"
p_destination_control_extra <- b/(a+b)
p_destination_extra <- round((b+d)/(a+b+c+d) * 100, 3) * (replace == "entire") +
round(b/(a+b) * 100, 3) * (1 - (replace == "entire"))
### Output language objects
# Conditional Fragility calculation component
if (p_ob < 0.05) {
if (RIRway == "treatment success") {
prob_indicator = "failure"
} else if (RIRway == "treatment failure") {
prob_indicator = "success"
} else if (RIRway == "control success") {
prob_indicator = "failure"
} else if (RIRway == "control failure") {
prob_indicator = "success"
} else { # p_start > 0.05
if (RIRway == "treatment success") {
prob_indicator = "failure"
} else if (RIRway == "treatment failure") {
prob_indicator = "success"
} else if (RIRway == "control success") {
prob_indicator = "failure"
} else if (RIRway == "control failure") {
prob_indicator = "success"
if (allnotenough) {
# Conditional Fragility calculation component
if (p_ob < 0.05) {
if (RIRway_extra == "treatment success") {
prob_indicator_extra = "failure"
} else if (RIRway_extra == "treatment failure") {
prob_indicator_extra = "success"
} else if (RIRway_extra == "control success") {
prob_indicator_extra = "failure"
} else if (RIRway_extra == "control failure") {
prob_indicator_extra = "success"
} else { # p_start > 0.05
if (RIRway_extra == "treatment success") {
prob_indicator_extra = "failure"
} else if (RIRway_extra == "treatment failure") {
prob_indicator_extra = "success"
} else if (RIRway_extra == "control success") {
prob_indicator_extra = "failure"
} else if (RIRway_extra == "control failure") {
prob_indicator_extra = "success"
if (p_ob < alpha) {
change <- paste0("To invalidate the inference that the effect is different from 0 (alpha = ", alpha, "),\n")
} else {
change <- paste0("To sustain an inference that the effect is different from 0 (alpha = ", alpha, "),\n")
if (!allnotenough & final > 1) {
conclusion1 <- paste0(
sprintf("one would need to transfer %g data points from ", final), transferway, " as shown,\n",
"from the User-entered Table to the Transfer Table (Fragility = ", final, ").\n",
sprintf("This is equivalent to replacing %g (%.3f%%) ", RIR, RIR_pi), RIRway, " data points with data points")
if (replace == "control") {
conclusion1b <- paste0(
sprintf("for which the probability of %s in the control group (%g%%) applies (RIR = %g). ", prob_indicator, p_destination, RIR))
} else {
conclusion1b <- paste0(
sprintf("for which the probability of %s in the entire group (%g%%) applies (RIR = %g). ", prob_indicator, p_destination, RIR))
conclusion1c <- paste0(
"\nRIR = Fragility/P(destination)"
if (!allnotenough & final == 1) {
conclusion1 <- paste0(
sprintf("one would need to transfer %g data points from ", final), transferway, " as shown,\n",
"from the User-entered Table to the Transfer Table (Fragility = ", final, ").\n",
sprintf("This is equivalent to replacing %g (%.3f%%) ", RIR, RIR_pi), RIRway, " data points with data points")
if (replace == "control") {
conclusion1b <- paste0(
sprintf("for which the probability of %s in the control group (%g%%) applies (RIR = %g). ", prob_indicator, p_destination, RIR))
} else {
conclusion1b <- paste0(
sprintf("for which the probability of %s in the entire group (%g%%) applies (RIR = %g). ", prob_indicator, p_destination, RIR))
conclusion1c <- paste0(
"\nRIR = Fragility/P(destination)"
### Special case if RIR percentage > 100
if (!allnotenough && RIR_pi > 100) {
total_Fragility <- final_primary + final_extra
conclusion_large_rir <- paste0(
sprintf("\nNote the RIR exceeds 100%%. Generating the transfer of %d data points would", total_Fragility),
"\nrequire replacing more data points than are in the ", RIRway, " condition.")
} else {
conclusion_large_rir <- "" # Empty string if RIR_pi <= 100
if (allnotenough) {
change_t <- paste0(tolower(substr(change, 1, 1)), substr(change, 2, nchar(change)))
conclusion1 <- paste0(
"In terms of Fragility, ", change_t, "transferring ", final_primary, " data points from ",
transferway, " is not enough to change the\n",
"inference. One would also need to transfer ", final_extra, " data points from ", transferway_extra
conclusion1b <- paste0(
"as shown, from the User-entered Table to the Transfer Table.\n"
conclusion1c <- paste0(
"In terms of RIR, generating the ", final_primary, " switches from ", transferway, " is equivalent to\n",
"replacing ", RIR, " ", RIRway, " data points with data points for which the probability of ", prob_indicator, " in the\n",
replace, " sample (", p_destination, "%) applies.\n\n",
"In addition, generating the ", final_extra, " switches from ", transferway_extra, " is equivalent to\n",
"replacing ", RIR_extra, " ", RIRway_extra, " data points with data points for which the probability of ", prob_indicator_extra, "\n",
"in the ", replace, " sample (", p_destination_extra, "%) applies.\n"
conclusion1d <- paste0(
"Therefore, the total RIR is ", RIR + RIR_extra, ".\n\n",
"RIR = Fragility/P(destination)"
citation <- paste0(
"See Frank et al. (2021) for a description of the methods.\n\n",
"*Frank, K. A., *Lin, Q., *Maroulis, S., *Mueller, A. S., Xu, R., Rosenberg, J. M., ... & Zhang, L. (2021).\n",
"Hypothetical case replacement can be used to quantify the robustness of trial results. Journal of Clinical\n",
"Epidemiology, 134, 150-159.\n",
"*authors are listed alphabetically."
if (test == "chisq"){
conclusion2 <- sprintf(
"For the User-entered Table, the Pearson's chi square is %.3f, with p-value of %.3f:", chisq_ob, p_ob)
conclusion3 <- sprintf(
"For the Transfer Table, the Pearson's chi square is %.3f, with p-value of %.3f:", chisq_final, p_final)
if (test == "fisher"){
conclusion2 <- sprintf(
"For the User-entered Table, the estimated odds ratio is %.3f, with p-value of %.3f:", fisher_ob, p_ob)
conclusion3 <- sprintf(
"For the Transfer Table, the estimated odds ratio is %.3f, with p-value of %.3f:", fisher_final, p_final)
info1 <- "This function calculates the number of data points that would have to be replaced with"
info2 <- "zero effect data points (RIR) to invalidate the inference made about the association"
info3 <- "between the rows and columns in a 2x2 table."
info4 <- "One can also interpret this as switches (Fragility) from one cell to another, such as from the"
info5 <- "treatment success cell to the treatment failure cell."
if (to_return == "raw_output") {
return(output_list(obs_r = NA, act_r = NA,
critical_r = NA, r_final = NA,
rxcv = NA, rycv = NA,
rxcvGz = NA, rycvGz = NA,
itcvGz = NA, itcv = NA,
r2xz = NA, r2yz = NA,
delta_star = NA, delta_star_restricted = NA,
delta_exact = NA, delta_pctbias = NA,
cor_oster = NA, cor_exact = NA,
beta_threshold = NA,
beta_threshold_verify = NA,
perc_bias_to_change = NA,
RIR_primary = RIR,
RIR_supplemental = RIR_extra,
RIR_perc = RIR_pi,
fragility_primary = final_primary,
fragility_supplemental = final_extra,
starting_table = table_start_revised,
final_table = table_final_revised,
user_SE = NA,
analysis_SE = NA,
needtworows = allnotenough,
Fig_ITCV = NA,
Fig_RIR = NA))
result <- list(info1,
User_enter_value = table_start,
Transfer_Table = table_final,
} else if (to_return == "print") {
cat(crayon::bold("Robustness of Inference to Replacement (RIR):"))
cat("RIR =", RIR)
cat("Fragility =", final)
} else if (allnotenough){
# Total RIR = primary RIR + supplemental RIR
total_RIR <- RIR + RIR_extra
cat("RIR = ", RIR, " + ", RIR_extra, " = ", total_RIR, "\n", sep = "")
cat("Total RIR = Primary RIR in ", RIRway_start, " + Supplemental RIR in ", RIRway_extra_start, "\n\n", sep = "")
# Total Fragility = primary Fragility + supplemental Fragility
total_Fragility <- final_primary + final_extra
cat("Fragility = ", final_primary, " + ", final_extra, " = ", total_Fragility, "\n", sep = "")
cat("Total Fragility = Primary Fragility in ", transferway_start, " + Supplemental Fragility in ", transferway_extra_start, "\n", sep = "")
if (allnotenough){
if (p_destination_control == 0 |
(!is.na(p_destination_control_extra) & p_destination_control_extra == 0)) {
cat("The RIR is infinite because the probability used to represent the target cell is zero:")
cat("\nRIR=Fragility/p(replacement source). Consider rerunning specifying that replacements")
cat("\nshould be based on the probability of success/failure in the overall sample rather than")
cat("\na specific cell (replace = 'entire').\n")
cat(crayon::underline("User-entered Table:"))
cat(crayon::underline("Transfer Table:"))
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