# to evaluate whether we are moving cases to invalidate or sustain the inference
#' @importFrom stats qt
isinvalidate <- function(thr_t, ob_t) {
if ((0 < thr_t && thr_t < ob_t) || (ob_t < thr_t && thr_t < 0)) {
x <- TRUE
} else {
x <- FALSE
# to evaluate what kind of switches we need - increase or decrease the odds ratio
isdcroddsratio <- function(thr_t, ob_t) {
if (thr_t < ob_t) {
x <- TRUE
} else {
x <- FALSE
# get the a cell (control failure) for given odds_ratio, se and treatment cases - first solution
get_a1_kfnl <- function(odds_ratio, std_err, n_obs, n_trm) {
a1 <- -(1 / (2 * (1 + odds_ratio^2 + odds_ratio * (-2 + n_trm * std_err^2)))) *
(2 * n_trm * (-1 + odds_ratio) * odds_ratio + n_trm^2 * odds_ratio * std_err^2 -
n_obs * odds_ratio * (-2 + 2 * odds_ratio + n_trm * std_err^2) +
sqrt(n_trm * (-n_obs + n_trm) * odds_ratio * (4 + 4 * odds_ratio^2 +
odds_ratio * (-8 + 4 * n_obs * std_err^2 - n_obs * n_trm * std_err^4 + n_trm^2 * std_err^4))))
# get the c cell (treatment failure) for given odds_ratio, se and treatment cases - first solution
get_c1_kfnl <- function(odds_ratio, std_err, n_obs, n_trm) {
c1 <- -((-2 * n_trm + 2 * n_trm * odds_ratio - n_obs * n_trm * odds_ratio * std_err^2 +
n_trm^2 * odds_ratio * std_err^2 +
sqrt(n_trm * (-n_obs + n_trm) * odds_ratio * (4 + 4 * odds_ratio^2 +
odds_ratio * (-8 + 4 * n_obs * std_err^2 - n_obs * n_trm * std_err^4 + n_trm^2 * std_err^4)))) /
(2 * (1 + odds_ratio^2 + odds_ratio * (-2 + n_obs * std_err^2 - n_trm * std_err^2))))
# get the a cell (control failure) for given odds_ratio, se and treatment cases - second solution
get_a2_kfnl <- function(odds_ratio, std_err, n_obs, n_trm) {
a2 <- (1 / (2 * (1 + odds_ratio^2 + odds_ratio * (-2 + n_trm * std_err^2)))) *
(-2 * n_trm * (-1 + odds_ratio) * odds_ratio - n_trm^2 * odds_ratio * std_err^2 +
n_obs * odds_ratio * (-2 + 2 * odds_ratio + n_trm * std_err^2) +
sqrt(n_trm * (-n_obs + n_trm) * odds_ratio * (4 + 4 * odds_ratio^2 +
odds_ratio * (-8 + 4 * n_obs * std_err^2 - n_obs * n_trm * std_err^4 + n_trm^2 * std_err^4))))
# get the c cell (treatment failure) for given odds_ratio, se and treatment cases - second solution
get_c2_kfnl <- function(odds_ratio, std_err, n_obs, n_trm) {
c2 <- (2 * n_trm - 2 * n_trm * odds_ratio + n_obs * n_trm * odds_ratio * std_err^2 -
n_trm^2 * odds_ratio * std_err^2 +
sqrt(n_trm * (-n_obs + n_trm) * odds_ratio * (4 + 4 * odds_ratio^2 +
odds_ratio * (-8 + 4 * n_obs * std_err^2 - n_obs * n_trm * std_err^4 + n_trm^2 * std_err^4)))) /
(2 * (1 + odds_ratio^2 + odds_ratio * (-2 + n_obs * std_err^2 - n_trm * std_err^2)))
# taylor expansion to get the linear approximation around q
# move d to c
taylorexp <- function(a, b, c, d, q, thr) {
if (q > 0 && d - q < 0) {
q <- d - 1
if (q < 0 && c + q < 0) {
q <- 1 - c
Num1 <- 2 * b * (c + q) * (-a * (d - q) / (b * (c + q)^2) - a / (b * (c + q))) * log(a * (d - q) / (b * (c + q)))
Den1 <- a * (d - q) * (1 / a + 1 / b + 1 / (d - q) + 1 / (c + q))
Num2 <- (1 / (d - q)^2 - 1 / (c + q)^2) * (log(a * (d - q) / (b * (c + q))))^2
Den2 <- (1 / a + 1 / b + 1 / (d - q) + 1 / (c + q))^2
# d1square is the first derivative of the squared term
d1square <- Num1 / Den1 - Num2 / Den2
# d1unsquare is the first derivative of the unsquared term
d1unsquare <- d1square / (2 * log(a * (d - q) / (b * (c + q))) / sqrt(1 / a + 1 / b + 1 / (c + q) + 1 / (d - q)))
# x is the number of cases need to be replaced solved based on the taylor expansion
# this is the (linear approximation) of the original/unsquared term around the value of q
x <- (thr - log(a * (d - q) / (b * (c + q))) / sqrt((1 / a + 1 / b + 1 / (c + q) + 1 / (d - q)))) / d1unsquare + q
if (is.na(x)) {x <- 0}
# get t value for a contingency table
get_t_kfnl <- function(a, b, c, d) {
if (a == 0) {a <- a + 0.5}
if (b == 0) {b <- b + 0.5}
if (c == 0) {c <- c + 0.5}
if (d == 0) {d <- d + 0.5}
est <- log(a * d / b / c)
se <- sqrt(1 / a + 1 / b + 1 / c + 1 / d)
t <- est / se
# round a, b, c, d
get_abcd_kfnl <- function(a1, b1, c1, d1) {
x <- c(round(a1), round(b1), round(c1), round(d1))
# get the number of switches
getswitch <- function(table_bstart, thr_t, switch_trm, n_obs) {
### calculate the est and se after rounding (before any switches)
a <- table_bstart[1]
b <- table_bstart[2]
c <- table_bstart[3]
d <- table_bstart[4]
table_start <- matrix(c(a, b, c, d), byrow = TRUE, 2, 2)
est_eff_start <- log(a * d / b / c)
std_err_start <- sqrt(1 / a + 1 / b + 1 / c + 1 / d)
t_start <- get_t_kfnl(a, b, c, d)
invalidate_start <- isinvalidate(thr_t, t_start)
dcroddsratio_start <- isdcroddsratio(thr_t, t_start)
if (dcroddsratio_start) {
step <- 1 # transfer cases from D to C or A to B
} else {
step <- -1 # transfer cases from B to A or C to D
### check whether it is enough to transfer all cases in one row
if (t_start < thr_t) {
# transfer cases from B to A or C to D to increase odds ratio
c_tryall <- c - (c - 1) * as.numeric(switch_trm)
d_tryall <- d + (c - 1) * as.numeric(switch_trm)
a_tryall <- a + (b - 1) * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm))
b_tryall <- b - (b - 1) * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm))
tryall_t <- get_t_kfnl(a_tryall, b_tryall, c_tryall, d_tryall)
tryall_est <- log(a_tryall*d_tryall/c_tryall/b_tryall)
allnotenough <- isTRUE(thr_t - tryall_t > 0 &
tryall_est * est_eff_start >= 0)
if (t_start > thr_t) {
# transfer cases from A to B or D to C to decrease odds ratio
c_tryall <- c + (d - 1) * as.numeric(switch_trm)
d_tryall <- d - (d - 1) * as.numeric(switch_trm)
a_tryall <- a - (a - 1) * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm))
b_tryall <- b + (a - 1) * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm))
tryall_t <- get_t_kfnl(a_tryall, b_tryall, c_tryall, d_tryall)
tryall_est <- log(a_tryall*d_tryall/c_tryall/b_tryall)
allnotenough <- isTRUE(tryall_t - thr_t > 0 & tryall_est*est_eff_start >= 0)
### run following if transfering one row is enough
if (!allnotenough) {
### calculate percent of bias and predicted switches
if (invalidate_start) {
perc_bias <- 1 - thr_t / t_start
} else {
perc_bias <- abs(thr_t - t_start) / abs(t_start)
if (switch_trm && dcroddsratio_start) {
perc_bias_pred <- perc_bias * d * (a + c) / n_obs
if (switch_trm && !dcroddsratio_start) {
perc_bias_pred <- perc_bias * c * (b + d) / n_obs
if (!switch_trm && dcroddsratio_start) {
perc_bias_pred <- perc_bias * a * (b + d) / n_obs
if (!switch_trm && !dcroddsratio_start) {
perc_bias_pred <- perc_bias * b * (a + c) / n_obs
### calculate predicted switches based on Taylor expansion
if (switch_trm) {
taylor_pred <- abs(taylorexp(a, b, c, d, step * perc_bias_pred, thr_t))
a_taylor <- round(a)
b_taylor <- round(b)
c_taylor <- round(c + taylor_pred * step)
d_taylor <- round(d - taylor_pred * step)
} else {
taylor_pred <- abs(taylorexp(d, c, b, a, step * perc_bias_pred, thr_t))
a_taylor <- round(a - taylor_pred * step)
b_taylor <- round(b + taylor_pred * step)
c_taylor <- round(c)
d_taylor <- round(d)
### check whether taylor_pred move too many and causes non-positive odds ratio
if (a_taylor <= 0) {
b_taylor <- a_taylor + b_taylor - 1
a_taylor <- 1
if (b_taylor <= 0) {
a_taylor <- a_taylor + b_taylor - 1
b_taylor <- 1
if (c_taylor <= 0) {
d_taylor <- c_taylor + d_taylor - 1
c_taylor <- 1
if (d_taylor <= 0) {
c_taylor <- c_taylor + d_taylor - 1
d_taylor <- 1
### set brute force starting point from the taylor expansion result
t_taylor <- get_t_kfnl(a_taylor, b_taylor, c_taylor, d_taylor)
a_loop <- a_taylor
b_loop <- b_taylor
c_loop <- c_taylor
d_loop <- d_taylor
t_loop <- t_taylor
### when we need to transfer two rows the previously defined tryall are the starting point for brute force
if (allnotenough) {
### Later: set tryall as the starting point and call this getswitch function again
a_loop <- a_tryall
b_loop <- b_tryall
c_loop <- c_tryall
d_loop <- d_tryall
t_loop <- get_t_kfnl(a_loop, b_loop, c_loop, d_loop)
### start brute force
if (t_loop < thr_t) {
while (t_loop < thr_t) {
c_loop <- c_loop - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loop <- d_loop + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loop <- a_loop + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loop <- b_loop - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
t_loop <- get_t_kfnl(a_loop, b_loop, c_loop, d_loop)
### make a small adjustment to make it just below/above the thresold
if (t_start > thr_t) {
c_final <- c_loop + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_final <- d_loop - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_final <- a_loop - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_final <- b_loop + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
} else if (t_start < thr_t) {
c_final <- c_loop
d_final <- d_loop
a_final <- a_loop
b_final <- b_loop
if (t_loop > thr_t) {
while (t_loop > thr_t) {
c_loop <- c_loop + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loop <- d_loop - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loop <- a_loop - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loop <- b_loop + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
t_loop <- get_t_kfnl(a_loop, b_loop, c_loop, d_loop)
if (t_start < thr_t) {
c_final <- c_loop - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_final <- d_loop + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_final <- a_loop + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_final <- b_loop - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
} else if (t_start > thr_t) {
c_final <- c_loop
d_final <- d_loop
a_final <- a_loop
b_final <- b_loop
### so the final results (after switching) is as follows:
est_eff_final <- log(a_final * d_final / (b_final * c_final))
std_err_final <- sqrt(1 / a_final + 1 / b_final + 1 / c_final + 1 / d_final)
t_final <- est_eff_final / std_err_final
table_final <- matrix(c(a_final, b_final, c_final, d_final), byrow = TRUE, 2, 2)
### switch_trm allnotenough final(total_switch)
#*. 1. 1. abs(a - a_final) + abs(c - c_final)
#*. 1. 0. abs(c - c_final)
#*. 0. 1. abs(a - a_final) + abs(c - c_final)
#*. 0. 0. abs(a - a_final)
### final includes all switches for two rows
if (switch_trm == allnotenough) {
final <- abs(a - a_final) + as.numeric(allnotenough) * abs(c - c_final)
} else {
final <- abs(c - c_final) + as.numeric(allnotenough) * abs(a - a_final)
### final_extra is the extra switch
if (allnotenough) {
taylor_pred <- NA
perc_bias_pred <- NA
if (switch_trm) {
final_extra <- abs(a - a_final)
else {
final_extra <- abs(c - c_final)
} else {
final_extra <- 0
### add column and row names to contingency tables
rownames(table_start) <- rownames(table_final) <- c("Control", "Treatment")
colnames(table_start) <- colnames(table_final) <- c("Fail", "Success")
### return result
result <- list(
final_switch = final, table_start = table_start, table_final = table_final, est_eff_start = est_eff_start,
est_eff_final = est_eff_final, std_err_start = std_err_start, std_err_final = std_err_final,
t_start = t_start, t_final = t_final, taylor_pred = taylor_pred, perc_bias_pred = perc_bias_pred,
step = step, needtworows = allnotenough, final_extra = final_extra
# to calculate the new pi when there is imaginary numbers in the implied table
get_pi <- function(odds_ratio, std_err, n_obs, n_trm) {
a <- odds_ratio * n_obs^2 * std_err^4
b <- -a
c <- 4 + 4 * odds_ratio^2 + odds_ratio * (-8 + 4 * n_obs * std_err^2)
x1 <- (-b - sqrt(b^2 - 4 * a * c)) / (a * 2)
x2 <- (-b + sqrt(b^2 - 4 * a * c)) / (a * 2)
if (n_trm / n_obs <= 0.5) {
x <- x1
else {
x <- x2
#' Perform a Chi-Square Test
#' @description
#' `chisq_p` calculates the p-value for a chi-square test given a contingency table.
#' @param a Frequency count for row 1, column 1.
#' @param b Frequency count for row 1, column 2.
#' @param c Frequency count for row 2, column 1.
#' @param d Frequency count for row 2, column 2.
#' @return P-value from the chi-square test.
#' @importFrom stats chisq.test
chisq_p <- function(a, b, c, d){
table <- matrix(c(a,b,c,d), byrow = TRUE, 2, 2)
p <- suppressWarnings(chisq.test(table,correct = FALSE)$p.value)
#' @importFrom stats fisher.test
# get p value for exact fisher p test
fisher_p <- function(a, b, c, d){
table <- matrix(c(a,b,c,d), byrow = TRUE, 2, 2)
p <- suppressWarnings(fisher.test(table)$p.value)
# get chi-square value for chi-square test
chisq_value <- function(a, b, c, d){
table <- matrix(c(a,b,c,d), byrow = TRUE, 2, 2)
value <- suppressWarnings(chisq.test(table,correct = FALSE)$statistic)
# get odds ratio for exact fisher p test
fisher_oddsratio <- function(a, b, c, d){
table <- matrix(c(a,b,c,d), byrow = TRUE, 2, 2)
value <- suppressWarnings(fisher.test(table)$estimate)
getswitch_chisq <- function(a, b, c, d, odds_ratio, thr_p = 0.05, switch_trm = TRUE){
n_cnt <- a+b
n_trm <- c+d
n_obs <- n_cnt + n_trm
est <- log(odds_ratio)
# this is the 2 by 2 table we start with
table_ob <- matrix(c(a, b, c, d), byrow = TRUE, 2, 2)
p_ob <- chisq_p(a, b, c, d)
chisq_ob <- chisq_value(a, b, c, d)
# to evaluate whether we are moving cases to invalidate or sustain the inference
if (p_ob < thr_p){isinvalidate_ob <- TRUE}
if (p_ob > thr_p){isinvalidate_ob <- FALSE}
# to evaluate what kind of switches we need - increase or decrease the odds ratio
if (odds_ratio >= 1) {dcroddsratio_ob <- isinvalidate_ob}
if (odds_ratio < 1) {dcroddsratio_ob <- !isinvalidate_ob}
isinvalidate_start <- isinvalidate_ob
dcroddsratio_start <- dcroddsratio_ob
p_start <- p_ob
table_start <- table_ob
t_ob <- t_start <- get_t_kfnl(a, b, c, d)
if (est < 0){
thr_t <- stats::qt(1 - thr_p/2, n_obs - 1)*(-1)
} else {
thr_t <- stats::qt(1 - thr_p/2, n_obs - 1)
if (dcroddsratio_start) {
step <- 1 # transfer cases from D to C or A to B
} else {
step <- -1 # transfer cases from B to A or C to D
### check whether it is enough to transfer all cases in one row
if (!dcroddsratio_start) {
# transfer cases from B to A or C to D to increase odds ratio
c_tryall <- c - c * as.numeric(switch_trm)
d_tryall <- d + c * as.numeric(switch_trm)
a_tryall <- a + b * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm))
b_tryall <- b - b * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm))
tryall_p <- chisq_p(a_tryall, b_tryall, c_tryall, d_tryall)
tryall_est <- log(a_tryall*d_tryall/c_tryall/b_tryall)
allnotenough <- isTRUE((thr_p-tryall_p)*tryall_est< 0 & tryall_est*est >= 0)
if (dcroddsratio_start ) {
# transfer cases from A to B or D to C to decrease odds ratio
c_tryall <- c + d * as.numeric(switch_trm)
d_tryall <- d - d * as.numeric(switch_trm)
a_tryall <- a - a * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm))
b_tryall <- b + a * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm))
tryall_p <- chisq_p(a_tryall, b_tryall, c_tryall, d_tryall)
tryall_est <- log(a_tryall*d_tryall/c_tryall/b_tryall)
allnotenough <- isTRUE((thr_p-tryall_p)*tryall_est> 0 & tryall_est*est >= 0)
### run following if transfering one row is enough
if (!allnotenough) {
### calculate percent of bias and predicted switches
if (isinvalidate_start) {
perc_bias <- 1 - thr_t / t_start
} else {
perc_bias <- abs(thr_t - t_start) / abs(t_start)
if (switch_trm && dcroddsratio_start) {
perc_bias_pred <- perc_bias * d * (a + c) / n_obs
if (switch_trm && !dcroddsratio_start) {
perc_bias_pred <- perc_bias * c * (b + d) / n_obs
if (!switch_trm && dcroddsratio_start) {
perc_bias_pred <- perc_bias * a * (b + d) / n_obs
if (!switch_trm && !dcroddsratio_start) {
perc_bias_pred <- perc_bias * b * (a + c) / n_obs
### calculate predicted switches based on Taylor expansion
if (switch_trm) {
taylor_pred <- abs(taylorexp(a, b, c, d, step * perc_bias_pred, thr_t))
a_taylor <- round(a)
b_taylor <- round(b)
c_taylor <- round(c + taylor_pred * step)
d_taylor <- round(d - taylor_pred * step)
} else {
taylor_pred <- abs(taylorexp(d, c, b, a, step * perc_bias_pred, thr_t))
a_taylor <- round(a - taylor_pred * step)
b_taylor <- round(b + taylor_pred * step)
c_taylor <- round(c)
d_taylor <- round(d)
### check whether taylor_pred move too many and causes non-positive odds ratio
if (a_taylor <= 0) {
b_taylor <- a_taylor + b_taylor - 1
a_taylor <- 1
if (b_taylor <= 0) {
a_taylor <- a_taylor + b_taylor - 1
b_taylor <- 1
if (c_taylor <= 0) {
d_taylor <- c_taylor + d_taylor - 1
c_taylor <- 1
if (d_taylor <= 0) {
c_taylor <- c_taylor + d_taylor - 1
d_taylor <- 1
### set brute force starting point from the taylor expansion result
p_taylor <- chisq_p(a_taylor, b_taylor, c_taylor, d_taylor)
a_loop <- a_taylor
b_loop <- b_taylor
c_loop <- c_taylor
d_loop <- d_taylor
p_loop <- p_taylor
t_loop <- get_t_kfnl(a_loop, b_loop, c_loop, d_loop)
### when we need to transfer two rows the previously defined tryall are the starting point for brute force
if (allnotenough) {
### Later: set tryall as the starting point and call this getswitch function again
a_loop <- a_tryall
b_loop <- b_tryall
c_loop <- c_tryall
d_loop <- d_tryall
p_loop <- chisq_p(a_loop, b_loop, c_loop, d_loop)
t_loop <- get_t_kfnl(a_loop, b_loop, c_loop, d_loop)
### start brute force
if (t_loop < thr_t) {
while (t_loop < thr_t) {
c_loop <- c_loop - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loop <- d_loop + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loop <- a_loop + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loop <- b_loop - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
t_loop <- get_t_kfnl(a_loop, b_loop, c_loop, d_loop)
### make a small adjustment to make it just below/above the thresold
if (t_start > thr_t) {
c_loopsec <- c_loop + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loopsec <- d_loop - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loopsec <- a_loop - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loopsec <- b_loop + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
} else if (t_start < thr_t) {
c_loopsec <- c_loop
d_loopsec <- d_loop
a_loopsec <- a_loop
b_loopsec <- b_loop
if (t_loop > thr_t) {
while (t_loop > thr_t) {
c_loop <- c_loop + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loop <- d_loop - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loop <- a_loop - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loop <- b_loop + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
t_loop <- get_t_kfnl(a_loop, b_loop, c_loop, d_loop)
if (t_start < thr_t) {
c_loopsec <- c_loop - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loopsec <- d_loop + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loopsec <- a_loop + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loopsec <- b_loop - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
} else if (t_start > thr_t) {
c_loopsec <- c_loop
d_loopsec <- d_loop
a_loopsec <- a_loop
b_loopsec <- b_loop
p_loopsec <- chisq_p(a_loopsec, b_loopsec, c_loopsec, d_loopsec)
### start 2nd round brute force - use fisher test p value as evaluation criterion
#### scenario 1 need to reduce odds ratio to invalidate the inference-need to increase p
if (isinvalidate_start & dcroddsratio_start){
if (p_loopsec < thr_p) {
while (p_loopsec < thr_p) {
c_loopsec <- c_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loopsec <- d_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loopsec <- a_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loopsec <- b_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
p_loopsec <- chisq_p(a_loopsec, b_loopsec, c_loopsec, d_loopsec)
c_final <- c_loopsec
d_final <- d_loopsec
a_final <- a_loopsec
b_final <- b_loopsec
if (p_loopsec > thr_p){ #taylor too much, return some odds ratio
while (p_loopsec > thr_p) {
c_loopsec <- c_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loopsec <- d_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loopsec <- a_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loopsec <- b_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
p_loopsec <- chisq_p(a_loopsec, b_loopsec, c_loopsec, d_loopsec)
c_final <- c_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_final <- d_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_final <- a_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_final <- b_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
#### scenario 2 need to reduce odds ratio to sustain the inference-need to reduce p
if (!isinvalidate_start & dcroddsratio_start) {
if (p_loopsec < thr_p) { # taylor too much, return some odds ratio
while (p_loopsec < thr_p) {
c_loopsec <- c_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loopsec <- d_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loopsec <- a_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loopsec <- b_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
p_loopsec <- chisq_p(a_loopsec, b_loopsec, c_loopsec, d_loopsec)
c_final <- c_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_final <- d_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_final <- a_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_final <- b_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
if (p_loopsec > thr_p){ # taylor not enough, continue to reduce odds ratio
while (p_loopsec > thr_p) {
c_loopsec <- c_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loopsec <- d_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loopsec <- a_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loopsec <- b_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
p_loopsec <- chisq_p(a_loopsec, b_loopsec, c_loopsec, d_loopsec)
c_final <- c_loopsec
d_final <- d_loopsec
a_final <- a_loopsec
b_final <- b_loopsec
#### scenario 3 need to increase odds ratio to invalidate the inference-need to increase p
if (isinvalidate_start & !dcroddsratio_start){
if (p_loopsec < thr_p){ #taylor not enough, continue to increase odds ratio
while (p_loopsec < thr_p) {
c_loopsec <- c_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loopsec <- d_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loopsec <- a_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loopsec <- b_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
p_loopsec <- chisq_p(a_loopsec, b_loopsec, c_loopsec, d_loopsec)
c_final <- c_loopsec
d_final <- d_loopsec
a_final <- a_loopsec
b_final <- b_loopsec
if (p_loopsec > thr_p){#taylor too much, returns some odds ratio - decrease
while(p_loopsec > thr_p) {
c_loopsec <- c_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loopsec <- d_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loopsec <- a_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loopsec <- b_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
p_loopsec <- chisq_p(a_loopsec, b_loopsec, c_loopsec, d_loopsec)
c_final <- c_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_final <- d_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_final <- a_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_final <- b_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
#### scenario 4 need to increase odds ratio to sustain the inference-need to decrease p
if (!isinvalidate_start & !dcroddsratio_start){
if (p_loopsec > thr_p){#taylor not enough, continue to increase odds ratio
while (p_loopsec > thr_p){
c_loopsec <- c_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loopsec <- d_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loopsec <- a_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loopsec <- b_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
p_loopsec <- chisq_p(a_loopsec, b_loopsec, c_loopsec, d_loopsec)
c_final <- c_loopsec
d_final <- d_loopsec
a_final <- a_loopsec
b_final <- b_loopsec
if (p_loopsec < thr_p){#taylor too much, return some odds ratio - decrease
while (p_loopsec < thr_p){
c_loopsec <- c_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loopsec <- d_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loopsec <- a_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loopsec <- b_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
p_loopsec <- chisq_p(a_loopsec, b_loopsec, c_loopsec, d_loopsec)
c_final <- c_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_final <- d_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_final <- a_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_final <- b_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
### so the final results (after switching) is as follows:
table_final <- matrix(c(a_final, b_final, c_final, d_final), byrow = TRUE, 2, 2)
p_final <- chisq_p(a_final, b_final, c_final, d_final)
chisq_final <- chisq_value(a_final, b_final, c_final, d_final)
if (switch_trm == allnotenough) {
final <- abs(a - a_final) + as.numeric(allnotenough) * abs(c - c_final)
} else {
final <- abs(c - c_final) + as.numeric(allnotenough) * abs(a - a_final)
if (allnotenough) {
taylor_pred <- NA
perc_bias_pred <- NA
if (switch_trm) {
final_extra <- abs(a - a_final)
else {
final_extra <- abs(c - c_final)
} else {
final_extra <- 0
result <- list(final_switch = final, User_enter_value = table_start,
Transfer_Table = table_final,
p_final = p_final, chisq_final = chisq_final,
needtworows = allnotenough, taylor_pred = taylor_pred,
perc_bias_pred = perc_bias_pred, final_extra = final_extra,
dcroddsratio_ob = dcroddsratio_ob,
isinvalidate_ob = isinvalidate_ob)
getswitch_fisher <- function(a, b, c, d, odds_ratio, thr_p = 0.05, switch_trm = TRUE){
est <- log(odds_ratio)
n_cnt <- a+b
n_trm <- c+d
n_obs <- n_cnt + n_trm
# this is the 2 by 2 table we start with
table_ob <- matrix(c(a, b, c, d), byrow = TRUE, 2, 2)
p_ob <- fisher_p(a, b, c, d)
# to evaluate whther we are moving cases to invalidate or sustain the inference
if (p_ob < thr_p){isinvalidate_ob <- TRUE}
if (p_ob > thr_p){isinvalidate_ob <- FALSE}
# to evaluate what kind of switches we need - increase or decrease the odds ratio
if (odds_ratio >= 1) {dcroddsratio_ob <- isinvalidate_ob}
if (odds_ratio < 1) {dcroddsratio_ob <- !isinvalidate_ob}
isinvalidate_start <- isinvalidate_ob
dcroddsratio_start <- dcroddsratio_ob
p_start <- p_ob
table_start <- table_ob
t_ob <- t_start <- get_t_kfnl(a, b, c, d)
if (est < 0){
thr_t <- stats::qt(1 - thr_p/2, n_obs - 1)*(-1)
} else {
thr_t <- stats::qt(1 - thr_p/2, n_obs - 1)
if (dcroddsratio_start) {
step <- 1 # transfer cases from D to C or A to B
} else {
step <- -1 # transfer cases from B to A or C to D
### check whether it is enough to transfer all cases in one row
if (!dcroddsratio_start) {
# transfer cases from B to A or C to D to increase odds ratio
c_tryall <- c - c * as.numeric(switch_trm)
d_tryall <- d + c * as.numeric(switch_trm)
a_tryall <- a + b * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm))
b_tryall <- b - b * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm))
# if (a_tryall == 0) {a_tryall <- a_tryall + 0.5}
# if (b_tryall == 0) {b_tryall <- b_tryall + 0.5}
# if (c_tryall == 0) {c_tryall <- c_tryall + 0.5}
# if (d_tryall == 0) {d_tryall <- d_tryall + 0.5}
tryall_p <- fisher_p(a_tryall, b_tryall, c_tryall, d_tryall)
tryall_est <- log(a_tryall*d_tryall/c_tryall/b_tryall)
allnotenough <- isTRUE((thr_p-tryall_p)*tryall_est< 0 & tryall_est*est >= 0)
if (dcroddsratio_start) {
# transfer cases from A to B or D to C to decrease odds ratio
c_tryall <- c + d * as.numeric(switch_trm)
d_tryall <- d - d * as.numeric(switch_trm)
a_tryall <- a - a * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm))
b_tryall <- b + a * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm))
# if (a_tryall == 0) {a_tryall <- a_tryall + 0.5}
# if (b_tryall == 0) {b_tryall <- b_tryall + 0.5}
# if (c_tryall == 0) {c_tryall <- c_tryall + 0.5}
# if (d_tryall == 0) {d_tryall <- d_tryall + 0.5}
tryall_p <- fisher_p(a_tryall, b_tryall, c_tryall, d_tryall)
tryall_est <- log(a_tryall*d_tryall/c_tryall/b_tryall)
allnotenough <- isTRUE((thr_p-tryall_p)*tryall_est> 0 & tryall_est*est >= 0)
### run following if transfering one row is enough
if (!allnotenough) {
### calculate percent of bias and predicted switches
if (isinvalidate_start) {
perc_bias <- 1 - thr_t / t_start
} else {
perc_bias <- abs(thr_t - t_start) / abs(t_start)
if (switch_trm && dcroddsratio_start) {
perc_bias_pred <- perc_bias * d * (a + c) / n_obs
if (switch_trm && !dcroddsratio_start) {
perc_bias_pred <- perc_bias * c * (b + d) / n_obs
if (!switch_trm && dcroddsratio_start) {
perc_bias_pred <- perc_bias * a * (b + d) / n_obs
if (!switch_trm && !dcroddsratio_start) {
perc_bias_pred <- perc_bias * b * (a + c) / n_obs
### calculate predicted switches based on Taylor expansion
if (switch_trm) {
taylor_pred <- abs(taylorexp(a, b, c, d, step * perc_bias_pred, thr_t))
a_taylor <- round(a)
b_taylor <- round(b)
c_taylor <- round(c + taylor_pred * step)
d_taylor <- round(d - taylor_pred * step)
} else {
taylor_pred <- abs(taylorexp(d, c, b, a, step * perc_bias_pred, thr_t))
a_taylor <- round(a - taylor_pred * step)
b_taylor <- round(b + taylor_pred * step)
c_taylor <- round(c)
d_taylor <- round(d)
### check whether taylor_pred move too many and causes non-positive odds ratio
if (a_taylor < 0) {
b_taylor <- a_taylor + b_taylor
a_taylor <- 0
if (b_taylor < 0) {
a_taylor <- a_taylor + b_taylor
b_taylor <- 0
if (c_taylor < 0) {
d_taylor <- c_taylor + d_taylor
c_taylor <- 0
if (d_taylor < 0) {
c_taylor <- c_taylor + d_taylor
d_taylor <- 0
### set brute force starting point from the taylor expansion result
p_taylor <- fisher_p(a_taylor, b_taylor, c_taylor, d_taylor)
a_loop <- a_taylor
b_loop <- b_taylor
c_loop <- c_taylor
d_loop <- d_taylor
p_loop <- p_taylor
t_loop <- get_t_kfnl(a_loop, b_loop, c_loop, d_loop)
### when we need to transfer two rows the previously defined tryall are the starting point for brute force
if (allnotenough) {
### Later: set tryall as the starting point and call this getswitch function again
a_loop <- a_tryall
b_loop <- b_tryall
c_loop <- c_tryall
d_loop <- d_tryall
p_loop <- fisher_p(a_loop, b_loop, c_loop, d_loop)
t_loop <- get_t_kfnl(a_loop, b_loop, c_loop, d_loop)
### use t as evaluation criterion to start first round brute force
if (t_loop < thr_t) {
while (t_loop < thr_t &
a_loop + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)>0 &
b_loop - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)>0 &
c_loop - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))>0 &
d_loop + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))>0) {
c_loop <- c_loop - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loop <- d_loop + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loop <- a_loop + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loop <- b_loop - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
t_loop <- get_t_kfnl(a_loop, b_loop, c_loop, d_loop)
### make a small adjustment to make it just below/above the thresold
if (t_start > thr_t) {
c_loopsec <- c_loop + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loopsec <- d_loop - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loopsec <- a_loop - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loopsec <- b_loop + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
} else if (t_start < thr_t) {
c_loopsec <- c_loop
d_loopsec <- d_loop
a_loopsec <- a_loop
b_loopsec <- b_loop
if (t_loop > thr_t) {
while (t_loop > thr_t &
c_loop + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)) > 0 &
d_loop - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)) > 0 &
a_loop - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough) > 0 &
b_loop + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough) > 0) {
c_loop <- c_loop + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loop <- d_loop - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loop <- a_loop - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loop <- b_loop + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
t_loop <- get_t_kfnl(a_loop, b_loop, c_loop, d_loop)
if (t_start < thr_t) {
c_loopsec <- c_loop - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loopsec <- d_loop + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loopsec <- a_loop + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loopsec <- b_loop - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
} else if (t_start > thr_t) {
c_loopsec <- c_loop
d_loopsec <- d_loop
a_loopsec <- a_loop
b_loopsec <- b_loop
p_loopsec <- fisher_p(a_loopsec, b_loopsec, c_loopsec, d_loopsec)
### start 2nd round brute force - use fisher test p value as evaluation criterion
#### scenario 1 need to reduce odds ratio to invalidate the inference-need to increase p
if (isinvalidate_start & dcroddsratio_start){
if (p_loopsec < thr_p) {
while (p_loopsec < thr_p) {
c_loopsec <- c_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loopsec <- d_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loopsec <- a_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loopsec <- b_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
p_loopsec <- fisher_p(a_loopsec, b_loopsec, c_loopsec, d_loopsec)
c_final <- c_loopsec
d_final <- d_loopsec
a_final <- a_loopsec
b_final <- b_loopsec
if (p_loopsec > thr_p){ #taylor too much, return some odds ratio
while (p_loopsec > thr_p) {
c_loopsec <- c_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loopsec <- d_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loopsec <- a_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loopsec <- b_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
p_loopsec <- fisher_p(a_loopsec, b_loopsec, c_loopsec, d_loopsec)
c_final <- c_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_final <- d_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_final <- a_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_final <- b_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
#### scenario 2 need to reduce odds ratio to sustain the inference-need to reduce p
if (!isinvalidate_start & dcroddsratio_start) {
if (p_loopsec < thr_p) { # taylor too much, return some odds ratio
while (p_loopsec < thr_p) {
c_loopsec <- c_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loopsec <- d_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loopsec <- a_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loopsec <- b_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
p_loopsec <- fisher_p(a_loopsec, b_loopsec, c_loopsec, d_loopsec)
c_final <- c_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_final <- d_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_final <- a_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_final <- b_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
if (p_loopsec > thr_p){ # taylor not enough, continue to reduce odds ratio
while (p_loopsec > thr_p) {
c_loopsec <- c_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loopsec <- d_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loopsec <- a_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loopsec <- b_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
p_loopsec <- fisher_p(a_loopsec, b_loopsec, c_loopsec, d_loopsec)
c_final <- c_loopsec
d_final <- d_loopsec
a_final <- a_loopsec
b_final <- b_loopsec
#### scenario 3 need to increase odds ratio to invalidate the inference-need to increase p
if (isinvalidate_start & !dcroddsratio_start){
if (p_loopsec < thr_p){ #taylor not enough, continue to increase odds ratio
while (p_loopsec < thr_p) {
c_loopsec <- c_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loopsec <- d_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loopsec <- a_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loopsec <- b_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
p_loopsec <- fisher_p(a_loopsec, b_loopsec, c_loopsec, d_loopsec)
c_final <- c_loopsec
d_final <- d_loopsec
a_final <- a_loopsec
b_final <- b_loopsec
if (p_loopsec > thr_p){#taylor too much, returns some odds ratio - decrease
while(p_loopsec > thr_p) {
c_loopsec <- c_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loopsec <- d_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loopsec <- a_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loopsec <- b_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
p_loopsec <- fisher_p(a_loopsec, b_loopsec, c_loopsec, d_loopsec)
c_final <- c_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_final <- d_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_final <- a_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_final <- b_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
#### scenario 4 need to increase odds ratio to sustain the inference-need to decrease p
if (!isinvalidate_start & !dcroddsratio_start){
if (p_loopsec > thr_p){#taylor not enough, continue to increase odds ratio
while (p_loopsec > thr_p){
c_loopsec <- c_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loopsec <- d_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loopsec <- a_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loopsec <- b_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
p_loopsec <- fisher_p(a_loopsec, b_loopsec, c_loopsec, d_loopsec)
c_final <- c_loopsec
d_final <- d_loopsec
a_final <- a_loopsec
b_final <- b_loopsec
if (p_loopsec < thr_p){#taylor too much, return some odds ratio - decrease
while (p_loopsec < thr_p){
c_loopsec <- c_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_loopsec <- d_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_loopsec <- a_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_loopsec <- b_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
p_loopsec <- fisher_p(a_loopsec, b_loopsec, c_loopsec, d_loopsec)
c_final <- c_loopsec - 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
d_final <- d_loopsec + 1 * (1 - as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough))
a_final <- a_loopsec + 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
b_final <- b_loopsec - 1 * as.numeric(switch_trm == allnotenough)
### so the final results (after switching) is as follows:
table_final <- matrix(c(a_final, b_final, c_final, d_final), byrow = TRUE, 2, 2)
p_final <- fisher_p(a_final, b_final, c_final, d_final)
fisher_final <- fisher_oddsratio(a_final, b_final, c_final, d_final)
if (switch_trm == allnotenough) {
final <- abs(a - a_final) + as.numeric(allnotenough) * abs(c - c_final)
} else {
final <- abs(c - c_final) + as.numeric(allnotenough) * abs(a - a_final)
if (allnotenough) {
taylor_pred <- NA
perc_bias_pred <- NA
if (switch_trm) {
final_extra <- abs(a - a_final)
else {
final_extra <- abs(c - c_final)
} else {
final_extra <- 0
result <- list(final_switch = final, User_enter_value = table_start, Transfer_Table = table_final,
p_final = p_final, fisher_final = fisher_final,
needtworows = allnotenough, taylor_pred = taylor_pred,
perc_bias_pred = perc_bias_pred, final_extra = final_extra,
dcroddsratio_ob = dcroddsratio_ob, isinvalidate_ob = isinvalidate_ob)
# calculate min se possible
# updated approach to deal with imaginary
cal_minse <- function(n_obs, n_treat, odds_ratio) {
minse <- sqrt((4 * n_obs +
sqrt(16 * n_obs^2 + 4 * n_treat * (n_obs - n_treat) *
((4 + 4 * odds_ratio^2) / odds_ratio - 7.999999)))/
(2 * n_treat * (n_obs - n_treat)))
# calculate thr_t
cal_thr_t <- function(est_eff, alpha, tails, n_obs, n_covariates) {
if (est_eff < 0) {
thr_t <- stats::qt(1 - (alpha / tails), n_obs - n_covariates - 3) * -1
} else {
thr_t <- stats::qt(1 - (alpha / tails), n_obs - n_covariates - 3)
# check starting table
# see any cell with <5 cases or negative or nan cases
check_starting_table <- function(n_cnt, n_treat, a, b, c, d){
check <- TRUE
if (!(n_cnt >= a && a >= 5 &&
n_cnt >= b && b >= 5 &&
n_treat >= c && c >= 5 &&
n_treat >= d && d >= 5)
|| is.nan(a) || is.nan(b) || is.nan(c) || is.nan(d)) {
check <- FALSE
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