
Defines functions sc_fetch_pileup make_cell_dt_from_list ssvFetchBam.scRNA

Documented in make_cell_dt_from_list ssvFetchBam.scRNA

#' Title
#' @param file_path character vector of file_path to load from. Alternatively,
#' file_path can be a data.frame or data.table whose first column is a
#' character vector of paths and additial columns will be used as metadata.
#' @param qgr Set of GRanges to query.  For valid results the width of each
#'   interval should be identical and evenly divisible by \code{win_size}.
#' @param cell_cluster_assignments either a list of character vectors containing cell ids or a data.table.  If data.table one column bust be 'id' and contain cell barcodes, the other must match cell_cluster_id_ and contain cluster names.
#' @param cell_cluster_id_ Attribute name of cell_cluster_assignments where cell barcodes are stored.
#' @param id_prefixes Character prefix to prepend to cell barcodes retrieved
#'   from bam files such that they match id items in cell_cluster_assignments.
#'   Either a single item to reuse or character vector of length equal to number
#'   of bam files.  Default of "" adds nothing.
#' @param unique_names not used.  see cell_cluster_assignments for analogous functionality.
#' @param win_size
#' @param win_method
#' @param summary_FUN
#' @param target_strand
#' @param flip_strand
#' @param anchor
#' @param names_variable
#' @param return_data.table
#' @param max_dupes
#' @param splice_strategy
#' @param n_cores
#' @param return_unprocessed
#' @param force_skip_centerFix
#' @param ...
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
ssvFetchBam.scRNA = function(file_path,
                             cell_cluster_id_ = "seurat_clusters",
                             id_prefixes = "",
                             unique_names = NULL,
                             win_size = 50,
                             win_method = c("sample", "summary")[1],
                             summary_FUN = stats::weighted.mean,
                             target_strand = c("*", "+", "-", "both")[1],
                             flip_strand = FALSE,
                             anchor = c("left", "left_unstranded", "center",
                             names_variable = "sample",
                             return_data.table = FALSE,
                             max_dupes = Inf,
                             splice_strategy = c("none", "ignore", "add",
                                                 "only", "splice_count")[2],
                             n_cores = getOption("mc.cores", 1),
                             return_unprocessed = FALSE,
                             force_skip_centerFix = FALSE,
                             force_barcodes = FALSE,
                             min_seq_qual = 0,
    if (is.data.frame(file_path) || is.data.table(file_path)) {
        if (ncol(file_path) == 1) {
            file_attribs = data.frame(matrix(
                0, nrow = nrow(file_path), ncol = 0
        } else{
            file_attribs = file_path[,-1, drop = FALSE]
        file_path = file_path[[1]]
    } else{
        #file_path is assumed to be a character vector
        file_attribs = data.frame(data.frame(matrix(
            0, nrow = length(file_path), ncol = 0
    if (is.list(file_path)) {
        file_path = unlist(file_path)
    if (is.factor(file_path))
        file_path = as.character(file_path)
    # if (!is.null(unique_names)) {
    #     warnings("unique_names is not used for ssvFetchBam.scRNA and should be NULL. See cell_cluster_assignments description for analogous functionality.")
    # }
        unique_names = basename(file_path)
    stopifnot(is(qgr, "GRanges"))
    #scRNA checks
        cell_cluster_assignments = copy(cell_cluster_assignments)
        x = cell_cluster_assignments
        cell_cluster_assignments = list()
        for(i in seq_along(file_path)){
            cell_cluster_assignments[[i]] = x
    cell_cluster_assignments = lapply(cell_cluster_assignments, function(x){
        if(!is.data.table(x)) x = as.data.table(x)
        x = copy(x)
        stopifnot("id" %in% colnames(x))
        setnames(x, cell_cluster_id_, "cell_cluster_id")
        stopifnot("cell_cluster_id" %in% colnames(x))
    bam_clust_gr_list = parallel::mclapply(seq_along(file_path), 
                                                               qgr = qgr, 
                                                               cell_cluster_dt = cell_cluster_assignments[[i]],  
                                                               id_prefix = id_prefixes[i],
                                                               splice_strategy = splice_strategy, 
                                                               force_barcodes = force_barcodes,
                                                               min_seq_qual = min_seq_qual)
    names(bam_clust_gr_list) = unique_names
    if(win_method == "sample"){
        dt = lapply(bam_clust_gr_list, function(score_gr_list){
            lapply(score_gr_list, function(score_gr){
                viewGRangesWinSample_dt(score_gr, qgr, window_size = win_size, anchor = anchor)
            }) %>% rbindlist(., idcol = "cell_cluster_id")    
        }) %>% rbindlist(., idcol = "sample") 
    }else if(win_method == "summary"){
        dt = lapply(bam_clust_gr_list, function(score_gr_list){
            lapply(score_gr_list, function(score_gr){
                viewGRangesWinSummary_dt(score_gr, qgr, n_tiles = win_size, anchor = anchor, summary_FUN = summary_FUN)
            }) %>% rbindlist(., idcol = "cell_cluster_id")    
        }) %>% rbindlist(., idcol = "sample") 
        stop("invalid win_method, must be one of 'sample' or 'summary'.")

#' Title
#' @param cell_assignment_list list of character vector cell ids
#' @param cell_cluster_id_ name to give cell cluster variable in data.table.  Default is "seurat_clusters".
#' @return data.table equivalent of input lists.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cells_list = list(clust1 = c("a", "b"), clust2 = c("c"))
#' cells_dt = make_cell_dt_from_list(cells_list)
#' cells_dt
make_cell_dt_from_list = function(cell_assignment_list, cell_cluster_id_ = "seurat_clusters"){
        names(cell_assignment_list) = paste0("cluster_", seq_along(cell_assignment_list))
    cell_assignment_list = rbindlist(lapply(cell_assignment_list, function(x){
        data.table(id = x)
    }), idcol = cell_cluster_id_)

sc_fetch_pileup = function(bam_file, qgr, 
                           id_prefix = NULL,
                           splice_strategy = c("none", "ignore", "add", "only", "splice_count")[2],
                           force_barcodes = FALSE,
                           min_seq_qual = 0){
    what = c("rname", "strand", "pos", "qwidth", "cigar", "CR")
    what = Rsamtools::scanBamWhat()
    sbParam = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(
        which = qgr,
        what = what, 
        tag = c("CR", "UB"))
    bam_raw = Rsamtools::scanBam(bam_file, param = sbParam)
    mean_phred = function(pq){
        sapply(as(pq, "IntegerList"), mean)
    bam_dt = lapply(bam_raw, function(x){
        data.table(seqnames = x$rname, strand = x$strand,
                   # start = x$pos, width = x$qwidth, cigar = x$cigar, id = x$tag$CR, umi = x$tag$UB, seq = as.character(x$seq))
                   start = x$pos, width = x$qwidth, cigar = x$cigar, id = x$tag$CR, umi = x$tag$UB, mean_seq_qual = mean_phred(x$qual))
    bam_dt = data.table::rbindlist(bam_dt,
                                   use.names = TRUE,
                                   idcol = "which_label")
    if(min_seq_qual > 0){
        bam_dt = bam_dt[mean_seq_qual >= min_seq_qual]
        if(!any(any(cell_cluster_dt$id %in% bam_dt$id))){
            if(nrow(bam_dt) > 0){
                message("none of the supplied cell barcodes match barcodes in retrieved reads:")
                message("supplied ids/barcodes in cell clusters:")
                message(paste(head(setdiff(cell_cluster_dt$id, bam_dt$id)), collapse = "\n"))
                message("ids/barcodes found in  reads:")
                message(paste(head(setdiff(bam_dt$id, cell_cluster_dt$id)), collapse = "\n"))
                stop("set force_barcodes = TRUE to skip this check.")    
    bam_dt = bam_dt[!is.na(width)]
    bam_dt = bam_dt[!is.na(umi)]
    toflip = sub(":-", "", as.character(subset(qgr, strand == "-")))
    target_strand = "+"
    if(target_strand %in% c("+", "-")){
        bam_dt = bam_dt[strand == target_strand & !(which_label %in% toflip) |
                            strand != target_strand & which_label %in% toflip]
        bam_dt$id = paste0(id_prefix, bam_dt$id)
    bam_dt[, end := start + width - 1L]
    bam_dt = unique(bam_dt)
    cig_dt = bam_dt[, .(which_label = paste(which_label, id, umi), cigar, seqnames, start, strand, width)]
    .expand_cigar_dt = seqsetvis:::.expand_cigar_dt
    .expand_cigar_dt_recursive = seqsetvis:::.expand_cigar_dt_recursive
    cig_dt = switch(
        none = {warning("splice strategy of \"none\" leads to counting at soft-clipped read positions but is faster."); cig_dt},
        ignore = {.expand_cigar_dt(cig_dt)},
        add = {.expand_cigar_dt(cig_dt,
                                op_2count = c("M", "D", "=", "X", "N"))},
        only = {.expand_cigar_dt(cig_dt, op_2count = c("N"))},
        splice_count = {.expand_cigar_dt(cig_dt, op_2count = c("N"))}
    cig_flat_cell = split(GRanges(cig_dt), paste(cig_dt$which_label)) %>% reduce %>% unlist
    # browser()
    cig_flat_cell_dt = as.data.table(cig_flat_cell)
    cig_flat_cell_dt$which_label = names(cig_flat_cell)
    if(nrow(cig_flat_cell_dt) > 0){
        cig_flat_cell_dt[, c('which_label', "id", "umi") := tstrsplit(which_label, " ")]    
        cig_flat_cell_dt$which_label  = character()
        cig_flat_cell_dt$id  = character()
        cig_flat_cell_dt$umi  = character()
    cig_flat_cell_dt = merge(cig_flat_cell_dt, cell_cluster_dt[, .(id, cell_cluster_id)], by = "id")
    cig_flat_cell_dt[, which_label := paste(which_label, cell_cluster_id)]
    #reduce umi to pile of 1
    mc_uniq = cig_flat_cell_dt$cell_cluster_id %>% unique
    ext_cov_list = lapply(mc_uniq, function(mc){
        coverage(split(GRanges(cig_flat_cell_dt[cell_cluster_id == mc]), cig_flat_cell_dt[cell_cluster_id == mc]$which_label))
    names(ext_cov_list) = mc_uniq
    ext_cov = coverage(split(GRanges(cig_flat_cell_dt), cig_flat_cell_dt$which_label))
    score_gr_list = lapply(ext_cov_list, function(ext_cov){
        score_gr = GRanges(ext_cov)
        score_gr = harmonize_seqlengths(score_gr, bam_file)
        if(length(score_gr) == 0){
            score_gr = sbgr
            mcols(score_gr) = NULL
            score_gr$score = 0
        if(target_strand == "+"){
            strand(score_gr) = "+"
        if(target_strand == "-"){
            strand(score_gr) = "-"

# qgr = sc_qgr[delta_assign_dt[cluster_id == 1]$id]
# subset(tx_gr, gene_name == "Psmb4")
# sc_score_gr_list_df_pile = sc_fetch_pileup(sc_bam_files[1], qgr = qgr, id_prefix = "df_", splice_strategy = "ignore")
# sc_score_gr_list_wt_pile = sc_fetch_pileup(sc_bam_files[2], qgr = qgr, id_prefix = "wt_", splice_strategy = "ignore")
# sc_score_gr_list_df = sc_fetch_pileup(sc_bam_files[1], qgr = qgr, id_prefix = "df_", splice_strategy = "add")
# sc_score_gr_list_df_spliced = sc_fetch_pileup(sc_bam_files[1], qgr = qgr, id_prefix = "df_", splice_strategy = "only")
# sc_score_gr_list_wt = sc_fetch_pileup(sc_bam_files[2], qgr = qgr, id_prefix = "wt_", splice_strategy = "add")
# sc_score_gr_list_wt_spliced = sc_fetch_pileup(sc_bam_files[2], qgr = qgr, id_prefix = "wt_", splice_strategy = "only")
# sc_view = function(score_gr_list, type = c("pileup", "splicing")[1], status = c("df", "wt")){
#     dt = lapply(score_gr_list, function(score_gr){
#         viewGRangesWinSample_dt(score_gr, qgr, window_size = 50)
#     }) %>% rbindlist(., idcol = "cell_cluster_id")
#     dt$type = type
#     dt$status = status
#     dt[]
# }
# sc_view_dt_pile = rbind(
#     sc_view(sc_score_gr_list_df_pile, "pileup", "df4"),
#     sc_view(sc_score_gr_list_wt_pile, "pileup", "wt")
# )
jrboyd/ssvRecipes documentation built on May 22, 2022, 7:07 a.m.