data_source = setClass(Class = "data_source")
setGeneric("plot_from_data_source", def = function(object, gr, ...){stop("please use a class that contains data_source")})
###bigwig data and plot
data_source.bigwig =
setClass(Class = "data_source.bigwig", contains = "data_source",
slots = c("bigwig_path" = "character"))
setMethod("initialize", "data_source.bigwig", function(.Object, bigwig_path) {
.Object@bigwig_path = bigwig_path
signature = c("data_source.bigwig", "GenomicRanges"),
definition = function(object, gr,
n_bins = 200,
bin_method = c("mean", "max")[2],
bigwig_colors = NULL,
bigwig_title = "FE",
p = NULL,
fe_max = NULL,
fe_min = NULL,
alpha = NULL, ...){
add_bigwig_plot.tiles(bigwig_file = object@bigwig_path, chr = as.character(seqnames(gr)), start = start(gr), end = end(gr),
n_bins = n_bins,
bin_method = bin_method,
bigwig_title = bigwig_title,
bigwig_colors = bigwig_colors,
p = p,
fe_min = fe_min,
fe_max = fe_max,
alpha = alpha, ...)
###insulation data and plot
data_source.hic_insulation =
setClass(Class = "data_source.hic_insulation", contains = "data_source",
slots = c("hic_mat_wIns" = "HiC_matrix_wInsulation"))
setMethod("initialize", "data_source.hic_insulation", function(.Object, hic_mat_wIns) {
.Object@hic_mat_wIns = hic_mat_wIns
signature = c("data_source.hic_insulation", "GenomicRanges"),
definition = function(object, gr){
df = object@hic_mat_wIns@hic_1d[queryHits(findOverlaps(GRanges(object@hic_mat_wIns@hic_1d), gr, ignore.strand = TRUE))]
df$value[df$value == -10] = NA
df[, x := (start + end) / 2]
df[, y := value]
df[, minmax := 0]
df$fill = sapply(as.character(df$minmax), function(x)switch(x, "-1" = "min", "0" = "-", "1" = "max", "NA"))
# df[, fill := switch(as.character(minmax), "-1" = "min", "0" = "-", "1" = "max")]
p = ggplot() + geom_line(data = df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y)) + scale_y_continuous(breaks = hic_equal_breaks(bin_size = bin_size, max_dist = max_dist)) +
labs(x = paste(as.character(seqnames(gr)), "position"),
y = "log2(insulation / mean)", fill = "") +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(start(gr), end(gr))) +
scale_size_identity() +
scale_color_identity() +
if(nrow(df[fill != "-"])){
p = p + geom_point(data = df[fill != "-"],
mapping = aes(shape = 21, x = x, y = y, fill = fill, color = "black", size = 3, stroke = 1.5)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("min" = "orange", "max" = "green"),
guide = guide_legend(override.aes = list(shape = 21, size = 3, stroke = 1.5)))
###interaction arc plot
data_source.hic_arc =
setClass(Class = "data_source.hic_arc", contains = "data_source",
slots = c(hic_mat = "HiC_matrix"))
setMethod("initialize", "data_source.hic_arc", function(.Object, hic_mat) {
.Object@hic_mat = hic_mat
signature = c("data_source.hic_arc", "GenomicRanges"),
definition = function(object, gr){
add_arch_plot(hic_mat = object@hic_mat, qgr = gr)
###matrix data and plot
data_source.hic_matrix =
setClass(Class = "data_source.hic_matrix", contains = "data_source",
slots = c(hic_mat = "HiC_matrix"))
setMethod("initialize", "data_source.hic_matrix", function(.Object, hic_mat) {
.Object@hic_mat = hic_mat
signature = c("data_source.hic_matrix", "GenomicRanges"),
definition = function(object, gr,
tile_type = c("diamond", "hex")[1],
max_dist = 10*10^6,
point_size = 3,
text_size = 4,
max_fill = NULL,
hmap_colors = c("lightgray", "steelblue", 'darkblue', "red", "red"),
show_insulation_range = T,
show_min = T,
show_max = F){
add_matrix_plot(object@hic_mat, qgr = gr,
tile_type = tile_type,
max_dist = max_dist,
point_size = point_size,
text_size = text_size,
max_fill = max_fill,
hmap_colors = hmap_colors,
show_insulation_range = show_insulation_range,
show_min = show_min,
show_max = show_max)
# # print("plot from data_source.hic_matrix")
# hic_mat = object@hic_mat
# bin_size = hic_mat@parameters@bin_size
# # hicrng = get_chrRange_Matrix(hic_mat@hic_2d, hic_mat@hic_1d, chr, start, end)
# chr = as.character(seqnames(gr))
# start = start(gr)
# end = end(gr)
# hicrng = hic_mat[chr, c(start,end)]
# MIN_I = min(c(hicrng$i, hicrng$j))
# XMIN = subset(hic_mat@hic_1d, index == MIN_I)$start
# MAX_I = max(c(hicrng$i, hicrng$j))
# XMAX = subset(hic_mat@hic_1d, index == MAX_I)$end
# hicrng[, x := (i + j) /2 ]
# hicrng[, y := abs(i - j)]
# hicrng = hicrng[j > i] #limit to upper triangle
# hicrng = na.omit(hicrng) #leave out zero signal regions
# index2center = function(index){
# (index - MIN_I)/(MAX_I - MIN_I) * (XMAX - XMIN - bin_size) + XMIN + bin_size / 2
# }
# hicrng[, x_chr := index2center(x)]
# hicrng[, y_chr := bin_size * y]
# if(tile_type == "hex"){
# df = hex_coord_df(hicrng$x_chr, hicrng$y_chr, width = bin_size, height = bin_size, size = 1)
# df = cbind(df, fill=rep(hicrng$val, each=6))
# }else if(tile_type == "diamond"){
# df = diamond_coord_df(hicrng$x_chr, hicrng$y_chr, width = bin_size, height = bin_size, size = 1)
# df = cbind(df, fill=rep(hicrng$val, each=4))
# }else{
# stop("tile_type must match hex or diamond")
# }
# #pretty up break positions to be multiple of bin_size
# ylab = sort(unique(df$y))
# nlab = 6
# yfac = min(ceiling(max_dist / nlab / bin_size) * bin_size, #when max_dist is less than start to end
# ceiling(length(ylab) / nlab) * bin_size) #when start and end are less than max_dist
# breaks = 0:nlab * yfac
# fill_lab = "interaction"
# if(!is.null(max_fill)){
# df$fill[df$fill > max_fill] = max_fill
# fill_lab = paste(fill_lab, "\ncapped at", max_fill)
# }
# df = subset(df, y <= max_dist)
# mmdf = make_hic_minmax_df(object@hic_mat@hic_1d, gr)
# mmdf$minmax = sapply(as.character(mmdf$id), function(x)switch(x, "-1" = "min", "0" = "-", "1" = "max"))
# ann_df = subset(mmdf, id != 0)
# minmax2col = c("min" = "darkgreen", "max" = "orange")
# p = ggplot() + geom_polygon(data = df, aes(x=x, y=y, fill = fill, group = id)) +
# scale_fill_gradientn(colours = hmap_colors) +
# labs(x = "", y = "distance", fill = fill_lab) +
# scale_y_continuous(breaks = hic_equal_breaks(bin_size = bin_size, max_dist = max_dist)) +
# coord_cartesian(xlim = c(start, end))
# if(nrow(ann_df) > 0){
# if(show_max){
# max_df = subset(ann_df, minmax == "max")
# p = p + annotate("point",
# x = max_df$x,
# y = 0 - max(df$y)*.05,
# fill = minmax2col[max_df$minmax],
# color = "#00000000",
# size = point_size,
# stroke = 1.5,
# shape = 24)
# p = p + annotate("point",
# x = start + (end - start)*.9,
# y = max(df$y)*.88,
# fill = minmax2col["max"],
# color = "#00000000",
# size = point_size,
# stroke = 1.5,
# shape = 24)
# p = p + annotate("text",
# label = "maxima",
# x = start + (end - start)*.92,
# y = max(df$y)*.89,
# color = minmax2col["max"],
# size = text_size,
# hjust = 0,
# vjust = .5)
# }
# if(show_min){
# min_df = subset(ann_df, minmax == "min")
# p = p + annotate("point",
# x = min_df$x,
# y = 0 - max(df$y)*.03,
# fill = minmax2col[min_df$minmax],
# color = "#00000000",
# size = point_size,
# stroke = 1.5,
# shape = 25)
# p = p + annotate("point",
# x = start + (end - start)*.9,
# y = max(df$y)*.95,
# fill = minmax2col["min"],
# color = "#00000000",
# size = point_size,
# stroke = 1.5,
# shape = 25)
# p = p + annotate("text",
# label = "minima",
# x = start + (end - start)*.92,
# y = max(df$y)*.95,
# color = minmax2col["min"],
# size = text_size,
# hjust = 0,
# vjust = .5)
# }
# }
# if(show_insulation_range){
# p = p + annotate("line",
# x = c(start, end),
# y = hic_mat@parameters@n_insulation_bins * hic_mat@parameters@bin_size)
# p = p + annotate("text",
# label = "insulation\nbin range",
# x = c(end),
# y = hic_mat@parameters@n_insulation_bins * hic_mat@parameters@bin_size,
# size = text_size,
# hjust = 1,
# vjust = -.2)
# }
# return(p)
###annotation reference data and plot
data_source.ref =
setClass(Class = "data_source.ref", contains = "data_source",
slots = c("ref" = "GRanges"))
setMethod("initialize", "data_source.ref", function(.Object, ref_gr) {
.Object@ref = ref_gr
signature = c("data_source.ref", "GRanges"),
definition = function(object, gr, ...){
ggplot_ref(object@ref, gr, ...)
# #class to contain data for repeated plot generation
# #can be queried for genomic regions to generate an integrated_plot
# integrated_data_source = setClass(Class = "integrated_data_source",
# slots = c(
# grobs_list = "list",
# ref_dt = "data.table",
# parameters = "HiC_parameters",
# hic_2d = "data.table",
# hic_1d = "data.table"
# )
# # validity = function(object){
# # errors <- character()
# # mat_cnames = c("i", "j", "val")
# # if (length(intersect(colnames(object@hic_2d), mat_cnames)) != length(mat_cnames)){
# # msg <- "colnames of hic_2d must be c(i, j, val)"
# # errors <- c(errors, msg)
# # }
# # reg_cnames = c("seqnames", "start", "end", "index")
# # if (length(intersect(colnames(object@hic_1d), reg_cnames)) != length(reg_cnames)){
# # msg <- "colnames of hic_1d must be c(seqnames, start, end, index)"
# # errors <- c(errors, msg)
# # }
# # if (length(errors) == 0) TRUE else errors
# # }
# )
# integrated_plot = setClass(Class = "integrated_plot",
# slots = c(
# grobs_list = "list",
# ref_dt = "data.table",
# parameters = "HiC_parameters",
# hic_2d = "data.table",
# hic_1d = "data.table"
# )
# # validity = function(object){
# # errors <- character()
# # mat_cnames = c("i", "j", "val")
# # if (length(intersect(colnames(object@hic_2d), mat_cnames)) != length(mat_cnames)){
# # msg <- "colnames of hic_2d must be c(i, j, val)"
# # errors <- c(errors, msg)
# # }
# # reg_cnames = c("seqnames", "start", "end", "index")
# # if (length(intersect(colnames(object@hic_1d), reg_cnames)) != length(reg_cnames)){
# # msg <- "colnames of hic_1d must be c(seqnames, start, end, index)"
# # errors <- c(errors, msg)
# # }
# # if (length(errors) == 0) TRUE else errors
# # }
# )
# chr = "chr8"
# start = 25*10^6
# end = 27*10^6
# qgr = GRanges(chr, IRanges(start, end))
# txdb_gff = makeTxDbFromGFF("gencode.v24.exons.level1.11111.gtf")
# txdb_list = as.list(txdb_gff)
# txdb_list$genes$gene_id = gene_dt[txdb_list$genes$gene_id]$gene_name
# txdb_gn = makeTxDb(transcripts = txdb_list$transcripts, splicings = txdb_list$splicings, genes = txdb_list$genes, chrominfo = txdb_list$chrominfo)
# p.annot = ggplot(txdb_gn) +
# geom_alignment(which = qgr,
# group.selfish = T, range.geom = "arrowrect", names.expr = "gene_id") +
# coord_cartesian(xlim = c(start, end))
# hg38_ideogram = biovizBase::getIdeogram(genome = "hg38")
# p.ideo <- Ideogram(obj = hg38_ideogram, subchr = chr, zoom.region = c(start, end), color = "green", fill = "darkgreen")
# p.annot
# p.ideo
# plot_from_data_source(object, qgr, show_max = T)
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